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Paris Hilton going to jail (for 3 days)

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If someone has the stones to run against Baca next year this would make great ammo in the campaign. I'd volunteer for his opponent's campaign and I don't live in LA County.

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She may now be going back to jail.


LOS ANGELES - Paris Hilton's release from jail may be short lived. Hours after she was sent home under house arrest Thursday for an undisclosed medical condition, the judge who put her in jail for violating her reckless-driving probation ordered her into court to decide if she should go back behind bars.


Hilton must report to court at 9 a.m. Friday, Superior Court spokesman Allan Parachini told The Associated Press.


"My understanding is she will be brought in in a sheriff's vehicle from her home," Parachini said.


The celebrity inmate was sent home from the Los Angeles County jail's Lynwood lockup shortly after 2 a.m. in a stunning reduction to her original 45-day sentence. She had reported to jail Sunday night after attending the MTV Movie Awards in a strapless designer dress.


She was ordered to finish her sentence under house arrest, meaning she could not leave her four-bedroom, three-bath home in the Hollywood Hills until next month.


City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo complained that he learned of her release the same way as almost everyone else — through news reports.


Then, late Thursday, he filed a petition questioning whether Sheriff Lee Baca should be held in contempt of court for releasing Hilton — and demanding that she be held in custody. Superior Court Judge Michael T. Sauer's decision to haul Hilton back to the courtroom came shortly after.


"It is the city attorney's position that the decision on whether or not Ms. Hilton should be released early and placed on electronic monitoring should be made by Judge Sauer and not the Sheriff's Department," said Jeffrey Isaacs of the city attorney's office.


Sauer himself had expressed his unhappiness with Hilton's release before Delgadillo asked him to return her to court. When he sentenced Hilton to jail last month, he ruled specifically that she could not serve her sentence at home under electronic monitoring.


Delgadillo's office indicated that it would argue that the Sheriff's Department violated Sauer's May 4 sentencing order.


As word spread earlier Thursday that the 26-year-old poster child for bad celebrity behavior was back home, radio helicopter pilots who normally report on traffic conditions were dispatched to hover over her house and describe it to morning commuters. Paparazzi photographers on the ground quickly assembled outside its gates.


Hilton herself kept a low profile, although late in the morning a man arrived outside her house with a supply of cupcakes he said she had instructed him to distribute to the media horde.


Her parents also arrived and briefly entered, then left, the home.


Shortly before noon, Hilton issued a statement through her attorney.


"I want to thank the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and staff of the Century Regional Detention Center for treating me fairly and professionally," she said. "I am going to serve the remaining 40 days of my sentence. I have learned a great deal from this ordeal and hope that others have learned from my mistakes."


Attorneys differed on whether her treatment was unusual.


"She would have gotten out early if she was plain Jane," said Leonard Levine, who has handled numerous probation violation cases. He noted that overcrowding in the Los Angeles County jail system has led to thousands of nonviolent offenders serving only 10 percent of their sentences. "She did as much time as a normal person would have done."


Loyola University law professor Laurie Levenson said that she suspected the deal for Hilton's early release was in the works even before she entered the jail system — and that officials probably were anxious to get her out of their custody.


"The time and resources needed to take care of a Paris Hilton are huge," she said. "They have to make sure she is safe and her medical needs are attended to. Everything they did was going to be looked at under a microscope."


Levine said that with rewards being offered for pictures of Hilton in custody, jail officials would have had to monitor the cell phone cameras of every employee.


Rene Seidel of the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services said he had "never heard of" an inmate being released from jail for a medical condition.


Inmates with a cold are sent to a jail clinic, he said, and the seriously ill go to the jail ward of the Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center.


Hilton's path to jail began Sept. 7, when she failed a sobriety test after police saw her weaving down a Hollywood street in her Mercedes-Benz on what she said was a late-night run to a hamburger stand.


She pleaded no contest to reckless driving and was sentenced to 36 months' probation, alcohol education and $1,500 in fines.


In the months that followed she was stopped twice by officers who discovered her driving on a suspended license. The second stop landed her in Sauer's courtroom, where he sentenced her to jail.



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Did Paris Catch ANOTHER Break This Morning?

Posted Jun 8th 2007 10:34AM by TMZ Staff


A spokesman from the Los Angeles County Superior Court has announced that Paris Hilton might be allowed to appear by phone this morning, instead of having to face the judge in person.


Story developing...


CONFIRMED! Paris WILL Phone It In!

Posted Jun 8th 2007 10:47AM by TMZ Staff


TMZ has confirmed that Paris will appear at her hearing today via telephone.


War in Court Over Paris

Posted Jun 8th 2007 10:55AM by TMZ Staff


Now, TMZ is learning that there is a battle raging inside the courtroom between Paris' lawyer, the City Attorney and the Sheriff's Dept. -- over the decision to allow Paris Hilton to appear by phone this morning.


Why is the judge and city officials putting up with this crap? Who the Hell is in charge?

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It's been decided that she has to actually show up now.


Hmmm, I love the quote from Hilton's friends. I don't have the exact quote in front of me, but it was them talking about why Hilton left prison. They said that it was cruel in there, she wasn't allowed to wax, to use moisturizer, and her skin is so dry right now. She just wanted to leave and be with her friends so she could have fun.


This entire thing is such bullshit in so many different ways.

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They might want to check the judge for a gun. After dealing with her and her bullshit excuses for two months, he might see it as the only way she'll be brought to justice.

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She's just been ordered back to jail!


Taken from the court, in shackles, SCREAMING.


She's got to serve the ENTIRE 45 days now. When they told her that, she screamed "THAT'S NOT RIGHT!!! MOM!!!"


:lol: :lol: :lol:

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Man, that judge must be really pissed off. I'm shocked he didn't tell her she has to spend it in general population. But you do know this will all become mute when the sheriff's department releases her again.

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May this be a lesson to all of the stupid spoiled whores of the world.


FoxNews is saying that they were planning a HUGE party at the Hiltion mansion as well. That's obvious, but still.

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Fuck her.


She got a sweetheart deal getting her 45 cut in half, then she pulled a bitch move getting out early, AND THEN thinks she can skip her court hearing. If I was the judge I'd have a hard time to keep from punching her.


Think she'll serve 45 or get out earlier?

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With any luck, the time in jail will break Paris, and she'll come out a broken shell of a human being.


Wouldn't she have to be a human being to come out the broken shell of one?

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With any luck, the time in jail will break Paris, and she'll come out a broken shell of a human being.


Wouldn't she have to be a human being to come out the broken shell of one?



I wouldn't be surprised if she has a major breakdown while locked up. She'll probably be zonked out on pills by the middle of next week.

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I'm guessing 45 days will still be cut in half for good behavior. She'll be out in a little over two weeks.

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Good lord, its ONE FUCKING MONTH, possibly less, not to mention that she's a celebrity and press is everywhere so there will for sure be nothing bad (getting raped,etc etc) happening to her.


She's acting like she just got sent for life. What a spoiled CUNT.

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I just read on TMZ Paris is going to appeal her sentence and the papers should be filed today or Monday. If she loses, doesn't she have to serve the full sentence?

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I can't believe this..........



I can. For whatever reason the courts baby celebs. I don't think the country would go to shambles if someone with some fame actually served the same time that anyone else would have gotten



I just thought she'd serve more than 3 days. But, she is due back in court, so I dunno.

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Paris Will Spend Weekend in Med Jail

Posted Jun 8th 2007 4:25PM by TMZ Staff


Paris Hilton will probably spend the weekend in a medical ward at the jail facility where she surrendered Sunday night, referred to as Twin Towers.


We're told the plans will firm up within an hour. Hilton will stay there over the weekend, when her lawyer will file an appeal, called a writ of habeas corpus, which means, essentially, the body is being held illegally.


I bet I was right about her being sick from detoxing. Her lawyers are probably being told not to expose that and just go with the "medical condition."

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Guest Vitamin X
Good lord, its ONE FUCKING MONTH, possibly less, not to mention that she's a celebrity and press is everywhere so there will for sure be nothing bad (getting raped,etc etc) happening to her.


She's acting like she just got sent for life. What a spoiled CUNT.


Stole the words right out of my mouth. It's women's prison too, which is nothing.


In all truthfulness, anyone who is watching these whole legal issues has to be pulling celebrity endorsements and everything just from the way she's acting. It's one thing to try to appeal and get shut down, but to pull all this kind of shit over 45 FREAKING DAYS is nothing, she should've learned to obey the fucking law which already was being VERY lenient on her and deal with it.


Money- the cause of, and solution to all the world's problems.


EDIT: HAHA, she's staying at Twin Towers? Oh man, I knew so many people who were there (and maybe some that still are). Tweekers and lowlifes.

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45 days over the course of a life isn't that bad, and she did the crime, so fuck her. I just don't want to put up with that whole "hehe, I'm making fun of myself over this" when she's out. Celebs get too much credit for that kind of stuff. I can't explain it like I'm thinking it, but I know what I mean...so, yeah

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45 days over the course of a life isn't that bad, and she did the crime, so fuck her. I just don't want to put up with that whole "hehe, I'm making fun of myself over this" when she's out. Celebs get too much credit for that kind of stuff. I can't explain it like I'm thinking it, but I know what I mean...so, yeah



Like an SNL skit or something where she makes a cameo.

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