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Blasts from the Past

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Don't know how many of you are old enough to remember Force Five...


- yes, this is where my username comes from.





And last but certainly not least...


And since I've got a bunch of mecha-based stuff here,

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I loved Pro Stars, like the episode where a bad guy stole the Stanley Cup and Wayne had to teach Mike and Bo how to play hockey so that they could win it in a game.


here's the show's opening (WHICH I LOVED)


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youtube is great for watching old Disney cartoon themes in other languages (although a lot of them are great in plain ol English for nostalgia).


Japanese Gummi Bears is awesome.


Anyone remember the Medievil themed American Gladiators rip-off? It came on after Superstars here and I have the intro on tape SOMEWHERE, but I think it cuts off before they say the show name. I had this conversation with someone on IRC and he told me the show name, but I already forgot it. The important thing is I didn't imagine it.

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Amazing show. I still have tapes from when I was a kid.



I remember watching this show and wondering how they could get away with the amount of violence when I was little.



Greatest theme song to a cartoon ever.



A GREAT fucking cartoon that easily should have continued and been more popular than it was.


And finally, my favorite action cartoon ever, and one that still holds up today...


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I used to watch PBS a lot after school. I don't remember the exact order or even if they were on at the same time, but Ghostwriter, Carmen Sandiego, and Square 1 (Mathnet) were what I watched all the time.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered
I used to watch PBS a lot after school. I don't remember the exact order or even if they were on at the same time, but Ghostwriter, Carmen Sandiego, and Square 1 (Mathnet) were what I watched all the time.


Carmen Sandiego was good stuff. I also liked Wishbone.

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Captain N: The Gamemaster

(credit 411mania.com)

Captain N: The Game Master (1989-93) – This one is definitely the most unique of the bunch, as this was based on many different games for the NES, back when Nintendo and the NES pretty much ruled everything. Captain N would use the NES pad and Zapper for his abilities while teaming up with Simon Belmont of Castlevania, Mega Man, Kid Icarus, and a giant Game Boy. The main villians were Mother Brain of Metroid, King Hippo of Punch-Out, Dr.Wily, and Eggplant Wizard from Kid Icarus. While many of the characters personalities and looks were questionable (Belmont was made to look like a coward), it was still a pretty entertaining show (definitely one of my favorites), and after years of waiting, this show will FINALLY be coming out on DVD!




-The kid who could turn into a sweet car when he was hot, then back into human when he was cold.



Captain Planet

Still a cool intro.

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There is one I watched all the time and have all the toys in our attic but I cannot for the LIFE of me remember what it was called.


I remember the villians drove around in black vehicles with like green mossish slime on them. The leader villian had a huge buzzsaw on top and tank treads. The main hero leader had like a grabber on top that was gold colored and the vehicle was white.




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youtube is great for watching old Disney cartoon themes in other languages (although a lot of them are great in plain ol English for nostalgia).


Japanese Gummi Bears is awesome.


Anyone remember the Medievil themed American Gladiators rip-off? It came on after Superstars here and I have the intro on tape SOMEWHERE, but I think it cuts off before they say the show name. I had this conversation with someone on IRC and he told me the show name, but I already forgot it. The important thing is I didn't imagine it.

I do remember that, they would show that and gladiators back to back so you had 3 solid hours of tv to watch on sat.


as for other cartoon shows, Chip and Dale Rescue Rangers also ruled ( I just an old ep on diney toon channel as well as reruns of Tale Spin, another great cartoon)


and of course Tiny Toons (wheres the dvd?) and Animaniacs

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Silver Hawks bitches. Silver Hawks.


Close the fucking thread.


It ain't getting better than Silver Hawks.

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Wings of silver, nerves of steel

(gay screaming hawk sound)



Partly metal, partly real

(gay screaming hawk sound)



Soaring though the highways of the heavens in their flight

Silverhawks, a rainbow in the night!


(gay screaming hawk sound)


Wings of silver, nerves of steel

(gay screaming hawk sound)



Partly metal, partly real

(gay screaming hawk sound)








(gay screaming hawk sound)


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I used to watch PBS a lot after school. I don't remember the exact order or even if they were on at the same time, but Ghostwriter, Carmen Sandiego, and Square 1 (Mathnet) were what I watched all the time.


Carmen Sandiego was good stuff. I also liked Wishbone.

was great.


This, by the way, is the point where you realize that I'm old: Electric Company is 70's-tastic


On the subject of kids shows, we have to mention

And as a bonus. here's Slimecon's Project 131


but you know you loved it.


Back to animation, I also used to watch Doraemon (or Ding Dong as he was called in Cantonese). And yes, I watched it in Cantonese.

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I'll see Rippers Silverhawks and raise him a Denver The Last Dinosaur.


Den-ver, The Last Di-no-saur!


Rarely watched that one, but I still remember some of the theme song.


The kid-themed game shows were always fun. The ones Darthtiki mentioned along with GUTS, Legends of the Hidden Temple and Nick Arcade (featuring games from the cutting-edge Neo Geo system).

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