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Hunter's Torn Quad

WWE General Discussion for July 2007

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He never jobbed once to Hogan. The only clean loss I remember is to Bret, but I know there were a couple of others over the years.


I'm shocked. This means Vince really valued Piper.



Piper was basically the Shawn Michaels of the 80s. He just flat out refused to job to anybody, no matter the circumstance. In the end, it probably did him more harm than good because after the initial Hogan feud he never got another chance at the top. Had he been more willing to give something back to the business, he might have gotten a token title run or another chance to work with Hogan.

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Why don't they give Hardy the US title. Or at least have him feud with MVP.


Actually, I see it happening soon with Hardy jobbing. Unless they need MVP to get rid of the US title to go higher in the hierarchy.

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Isn't there a rumor now that Matt Hardy is being prepped for a WWE Title program with Edge? It would explain the winning streak lately.

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He never jobbed once to Hogan. The only clean loss I remember is to Bret, but I know there were a couple of others over the years.


I'm shocked. This means Vince really valued Piper.



Piper was basically the Shawn Michaels of the 80s. He just flat out refused to job to anybody, no matter the circumstance. In the end, it probably did him more harm than good because after the initial Hogan feud he never got another chance at the top. Had he been more willing to give something back to the business, he might have gotten a token title run or another chance to work with Hogan.


Piper and Hogan ripped off Turner and the fans with their God awful feud in WCW.


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Isn't there a rumor now that Matt Hardy is being prepped for a WWE Title program with Edge? It would explain the winning streak lately.


If by rumour you mean "what people have been talking about like it's a fact because that's what they want to see and it could make sense off of previous history", then yes, there was that rumour.


If by rumour you mean something actually reported by a credible source, then not that I am aware of.

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The HHH/Orton match at Summerslam might not be happening at all. HHH is of the opinion that Orton is the strongest heel on Raw right now, and if he (HHH) comes back and pins him then it's not the right thing for business. HHH is pushing for Orton to take the title from Cena, believing Cena doesn't the need the belt and also thinking that Cena would be more over without it because he wouldn't get the backlash from being champion. HHH also thinks there is more money with Cena chasing Orton rather than defending against Orton. The feeling now is that HHH/Orton will take place at Survivor Series or Mania.



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The HHH/Orton match at Summerslam might not be happening at all. HHH is of the opinion that Orton is the strongest heel on Raw right now, and if he (HHH) comes back and pins him then it's not the right thing for business. HHH is pushing for Orton to take the title from Cena, believing Cena doesn't the need the belt and also thinking that Cena would be more over without it because he wouldn't get the backlash from being champion. HHH also thinks there is more money with Cena chasing Orton rather than defending against Orton. The feeling now is that HHH/Orton will take place at Survivor Series or Mania.




They could always have Orton beat HHH...

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-She sounds annoying as hell

-Probably knows nothing about wrestling

-Will offer nothing to the product




-Unlikely to murder her family

And to WWE, everyone of those are Pros.

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The feeling now is that HHH/Orton will take place at Survivor Series or Mania.

This sounds more like HHH getting himself into a title program (possibly winning the nelt at Mania) than anything benefitting the business (although he is right about Cena needing to drop the belt, the fact the money is in him chasing Orton would mean that he would need to feud with him for a while, winning the belt back after several months, which wouldn't allow a HHH/Orton match at SS).

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I've heard plenty of references to the "Smackdown Six", which I believe was Edge, Angle, Benoit, Mysterio, Chavo and Eddie. I was a very casual viewer around that time, so were these 6 called that because they were a core group of high-level wrestlers have big matches with each other on SD? Anything more anyone can tell me?


Building on from that, can 2007 be the start the the "ECW Four" of Burke, Cor Von, Punk and Nitro?

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Those four couldn't come close to duplicating the quality of the Smackdown Six. Chavo was the weakest of the group and he was really working well in that time period. It wasn't just they always worked each other but the quality just kept going and going with all sorts of different matches.


It's hard to have a classic series of matches with 4 people. Those six people could all work tremendously together and face/heel status almost didn't really exist. In that presented case, you got 3 heels and a face who works better as a heel.


Raw had a brief version of their own in the spring of 2004 with Benoit, Christian, Jericho, HHH and Evolution, Foley and Benjamin.

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I laughed when I heard that Orton/HHH rumor, since it's so blatant that HHH is priming Orton for another title run so he can squash him and regain the title. I'd have an easier time accepting Orton in such a position had he not been totally jobbed out.


Is it against the laws of man to put someone newer in the Raw title scene? Lashley, Kennedy, anyone. It's not that these guys are serious main eventers at the moment, but I'd rather see that than combos of HHH/Cena/Orton on top.


If HHH doesn't face Orton at SummerSlam there's really only one other heel for him to bury in his return match, and that is Kennedy.

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I've heard plenty of references to the "Smackdown Six", which I believe was Edge, Angle, Benoit, Mysterio, Chavo and Eddie. I was a very casual viewer around that time, so were these 6 called that because they were a core group of high-level wrestlers have big matches with each other on SD? Anything more anyone can tell me?


They were a group of six guys that were booked against each other ad nauseum for about a six month period during the time Heyman headed Smackdown's writing team. The matches themselves were consistently good, but it did little to elevate the wrestlers in the long-term relative to the rest of the brand.


For many observers, it was a great time to be a fan because of the high level of workrate being exhibited. For others, myself included, it was an egregious case of lazy booking because of the lack of forethought being put into the matches themselves.

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"Orton is the strongest heel on Raw right now"


Well there's only two main event heels. And one just got back from long-term injury...


Re: "ECW Four"


Chavo was the weakest of the S-6, but even today he's a better worker than any of the "ECW Four". So no.

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I laughed when I heard that Orton/HHH rumor, since it's so blatant that HHH is priming Orton for another title run so he can squash him and regain the title. I'd have an easier time accepting Orton in such a position had he not been totally jobbed out.


Is it against the laws of man to put someone newer in the Raw title scene? Lashley, Kennedy, anyone. It's not that these guys are serious main eventers at the moment, but I'd rather see that than combos of HHH/Cena/Orton on top.


If HHH doesn't face Orton at SummerSlam there's really only one other heel for him to bury in his return match, and that is Kennedy.


You forgot Booker. Booker doing a job to HHH wouldn't hurt him all that much. Kennedy-HHH is something that can be saved. The idea is for HHH to just come back and look strong and Booker is a obvious choice with a short angle heading into 'Slam upon Hunter's return.

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I laughed when I heard that Orton/HHH rumor, since it's so blatant that HHH is priming Orton for another title run so he can squash him and regain the title. I'd have an easier time accepting Orton in such a position had he not been totally jobbed out.


Is it against the laws of man to put someone newer in the Raw title scene? Lashley, Kennedy, anyone. It's not that these guys are serious main eventers at the moment, but I'd rather see that than combos of HHH/Cena/Orton on top.


If HHH doesn't face Orton at SummerSlam there's really only one other heel for him to bury in his return match, and that is Kennedy.


I've been wondering if its against the law for anyone but cena to have the damn title.


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Not to be an ass, but anything Benoit related should go in the Chris Benoit thread.


No, that's cool. I wasn't sure where it should go. The pic was of Benoit and the story came about because of him, but the article was moreso about deaths in wrestling, so I thought it may be better suited in this thread. My mistake.

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-She sounds annoying as hell

-Probably knows nothing about wrestling

-Will offer nothing to the product



-Unlikely to murder her family

And to WWE, everyone of those are Pros.

Yep, sounds like every other non-Mickie girl that they've hired in the past several years.


They could always have Orton beat HHH...

Ha, you're funny. (Although it is the obvious answer, I find it amusing that it apparently NEVER occured to HHH to do the job himself.)

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Guest Diablo_Dor
I've heard plenty of references to the "Smackdown Six", which I believe was Edge, Angle, Benoit, Mysterio, Chavo and Eddie. I was a very casual viewer around that time, so were these 6 called that because they were a core group of high-level wrestlers have big matches with each other on SD? Anything more anyone can tell me?


They were a group of six guys that were booked against each other ad nauseum for about a six month period during the time Heyman headed Smackdown's writing team. The matches themselves were consistently good, but it did little to elevate the wrestlers in the long-term relative to the rest of the brand.


For many observers, it was a great time to be a fan because of the high level of workrate being exhibited. For others, myself included, it was an egregious case of lazy booking because of the lack of forethought being put into the matches themselves.


See the "Smackdown Six" era was basically that you had Brock slowly learning how to be champion at the top of the card, Against NOT FEELING IT TAKER and the recently beaten by Jeff Hardy, but somehow being booked right Big Show, whilst these 6 guys were anchoring each show, hell we were given an amazing introduction into the Smackdown Tag team title with the matches they were ALLOWED to have with one another.


But when you look back now, the time was just Paul Heyman sying "Strawberry hit a homer" in his best Monty Burns style, there was absolutely no character development, Remember EDGE was just a cookie cutter babyface can you imagine if he'd been allowed to develop that persona along with having two out of three fall tag matches lasting 45 minutes??


Even when they tried to add someone to the mix, Matt Hardy injuring Rey, someone higher up decided a hoss would be better placed to take the heat A-Train!! And of course they were proved right.


It's hard to believe half the Smackdown Six will no longer be a part of the WWE and that one of the number is now a shell of his former self.

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That was a fun period of Smackdown, though. Yes, the character development was slow, but it was there.


I really miss Brock Lesnar in WWE a lot. I could watch that guy's matches forever, seriously. His heel persona was so enjoyable, too.


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-She sounds annoying as hell

-Probably knows nothing about wrestling

-Will offer nothing to the product, but willing to offer herself to the boys




-Unlikely to murder her family


Edited for clarification. That'll get her a push.

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WWE.com has a poll on a favourite GAB match since the show was revived in 2004. Despite never happening (and what did happen was called "The most burtal match of 2006, for all the wrong reasons" by WWE's own magazine) Khali vs Undertaker is leading.

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How come the Edge/Mysterio match at GAB is not going to take place, I could get into a Edge/Mysterio Feud for the World Title is this feud on the backbunner?

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