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post your best and worst drug experience, and/or your paraphernalia.




weapon of choice - cheeba.

i was with my friend collin. he got really really high and eventually just ended up sobbing. it was hi-larious.



weapon of choice - morning glory seeds.

through these seeds, you can get LSA, an LSD-like substance, but naturally occurring and way more safe etc. The hard part is getting it down. I grinded up like 300 seeds and put them in various drinks. It's like trying to drink piss mixed with dirt. I ended up vomiting like crazy in some park at 4 oclock.



second worst:

weapons of choice: jazz and 14 shots of rum

easily one of the worst experiences of my life. its like they took the energy right out of my body. i couldn't walk into another room without having to take a 5 minute nap, which exacerbated the room spinning action. I didn't throw up, which was nice. led me right away from drinking, as it was my first time getting drunk. i did play ping pong on the way up though, which was actually really fun.

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Watching James and the Giant Peach and hallucinating that I was living it. [mushrooms and a shit load of dxm]



Fucking a 13 year old girls and cumming in her unprotected, then holding scissors to her throat and threatening to butcher her if I ever heard from her again. [meth and speed]



4th plateau


best I never talked about here before-

Sticking a bunch of safety pins through my arm and literally making a girl faint. [meth]


worst I never talked about here before-

Waking up with my face cut to shit and my cd player and all my cds (all of them) locked in the bathroom. [i don't remember]

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Guest Vitamin X


sex. sex on drugs really makes sober sex seem lacking in comparison. (everything I've done)



This one time, when I had to hunt down my car which got stolen on new year's. I had just got back from a hotel party I should not have been, and it was gone. It took an incredible reconnaissance team and a lot of connections, but it was found and I damn near killed the guy. (of course, what else but meth- and the hotel party on new year's I was intoxicated with alcohol, marijuana, shrooms, and acid, so that just made the realization my car was gone even worse. Word is I searched for my car in a nearby park in the playground, digging furiously for quite some time as well.)


best & worst-

The 13-day meth odyssey to Las Vegas I've referenced a few times here. Met up with a girl we knew in Vegas, a group of 4 of us or so. We would basically control our highs using an enormous amount of meth and weed we obtained in both cities (I won't disclose exactly what I did for legal reasons, but I'll just say I had ways of getting it in different areas other people didn't for a while due to my having a car). Go up, come down, smoke out, meth up, come down, smoke out. Rival tweeker gang in Vegas attempted to carjack us. Somehow I outran them in my tracker. We swore we saw UFO's. By the end of the first week, we were all batshit insane and couldn't get anywhere on the strip without being looked at strangely, and/or we were all extremely paranoid. On the 13th day we sat there and then I just stood up and said "FUCK IT. I'M GOING HOME." and we all reluctantly left. We were at one of my friends' cousins' apartment near the Stardust on the strip. Good spot. Terrible spot. And on the 14th day we rested. (crystal meth + marijuana).

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speaking of cars, there are plenty of nice smoke spots in a certain wealthy neighborhood. I parked there with my friend, turned on the radio and lit up. Of course, the battery ran out and it went from happytime fun sesh to defcon 5 crisis. Luckily, the neighbor had some jump cables and we got the car up and running.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

My best was probably my vision quest.


Worst is a tough call. Locking myself out of the house on DXM, the first time I tried it, in the middle of winter. I felt like Dante at Cocytus.

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Word is I searched for my car in a nearby park in the playground, digging furiously for quite some time as well



That is the funniest shit ever.


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Word is I searched for my car in a nearby park in the playground, digging furiously for quite some time as well



That is the funniest shit ever.


Indeed. I picture him hitting something metal and screaming, "I FOUND IT!" at some point.

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Best: Prolly the first time I did E, actually, which is weird because I'm not a fan of the stuff.


Basically, some buddies of mine took me to this after-hours "water bar", I did some E, and I proceeded to dance to house music for about 5 hours. Considering that, prior to this point, I hated both house music and dancing, it was a remarkable feat. (For the record, I still don't like dancing, but I've gained something of an appreciation for House).


I was told afterwards that I was dancing with the hottest girl in the whole bar. I was unaware of such a fact at the time. All I knew was WHOMPWHOMPWHOMPWHOMP. Just insane. I can remember alomost losing it everytime a new song got mixed in, because the beat would slowly start to fade, and just before you have enough time to think "What the fuck is the DJ doing?", BOOM.


I also remember that at one point, I realized that I had been dancing for about 4 hours. Though I didn't feel tired, I knew I probably was, because it was about 6 AM, and, like I said, dancing for 4 hours. So I went and sat down, and stayed sitting down for about 45 seconds, and I couldn't take it anymore. I had to dance. Insane stuff.


Worst: Does booze count in terms of this? Cuz I've never really had a bad trip on anything illicit, but holy shit alcohol ruins me. The worst was probably the time I totally blacked out in the bar and (I'm told) went to some chick to ask her to dance. So we're dancing until her boyfriend comes back.


"What're you doing dancing with my girlfriend?" says the guy who's about twice my size.

"If she's YOUR girlfriend, what's she doing dancing with me?" says the stupid drunk idiot. My friends got me outta there before I had my head smashed in. Oddly, though I have no recollection of those events, I can quite clearly remember walking outside the bar, asking why we left in such a hurry.


Or maybe the time that I woke up in a bathtub, on my back, with puke on my sweater. That was the day I realized booze was not for me.


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Another interesting time for me was the day that I got the Wizard's Staff, my bong. It was pretty much made by merlin and has transcended like 5 names: the meteor hammer, mace windtube, jungle-jalula, child abuse, and now the wizard's staff. It was on 4/20, which was the day that my dad decided to have his birthday party. I locked myself in my room and proceeded to get utterly wasted (wasted as in not able to walk) while I heard people come in and out of the house. My parents yelled at me for what seemed like hours to come out of my room and meet the guests, which I reluctantly did. I also had to sing happy birthday to my dad which just turned into incoherent mumbling noises, and I got sweaty doing it. It was pretty unreal. After that I told everyone I was feeling sick, and then went back into my room and stared at the iTunes visualizer for 3 hours.

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The best would probably be the first time I did shrooms. I honestly thought that I was Indiana Jones for some reason, and I was looking at ancient civilizations that I could see in the details on the concrete outside. When I went inside, I found clues all over the walls, which led me into each of the different bedrooms in the apartment. I opened the door to my friend's room (he always kept it messy), and thought I was in a jungle. I had a stick that I thought was a machete, and I was tossing things all around his room, thinking I was making progress towards treasure. Afterwards, we went for a walk around the apartment complex, where my ex and I almost got hit by a car, freaked out some people playing poker on their deck, and decided we were never finding our way home.


The worst would probably be the time that I snorted morphine. That was interesting.

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My first acid trip would be the best. I was watching Ali and smokin Joe go at it for a fourth time on my tv. But the reality was that there was nothing on my tv. I got pissed off when I went to change the channel, and thought I lost the greatest fight known to man.


Worst would have to be when my friends just bought me a big bag of weed. Could have been a third of sandwich bag at the most. I smoked a little of it Christmas Eve, which was pretty nice. But I thought the greatest thing would be to eat the rest of it... plain. Yup, I felt like shit for 3 weeks.


I think the first with weed would be Best/Worst. Just because it was 2 weeks before Christmas, I smoked it with some friends in my backyard. My dad came home about 2 hour early from work, pissed that his job has become shitty and he only gets to work 5 hours at the most now. Well, he sees me in my current state, and decides the best way to humor himself would be to take me Christmas shopping with him. For 2 and a half hours. According to him, I was mesmerized by this viking shirt at a little outlet store. I stared at it for about twenty minutes... staring right into the soul of that viking.

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Guest SLT
I enjoy my durgz with a nice set of tirts


do the DXM with DMX and then ripping the flesh off tit

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What the hell are "durgz"?



Not familiar with sarcasm?


It's okay, hopefully you pick it up as you continue to browse TSM.


VX, go in depth, fuck "legal reasons". If Milky can post about the time he stuck a pair of scissors to a 13 year old girl's throat whilst fucking her I'm sure what you have can't be that bad. Btw Milky, how old were you at the time?


Best - Spending about thirty minutes trying to decide what to order at a Burger King in the middle of the night, while at the intercom. After finally deciding on the Kong Burger (this was during the time the movie came out), I asked "Wait, is this place even open?" Needless to say, we ended up going to a all day breakfast place instead and had the greatest meal ever. While it is not the most "action-packed" drug experience I've had, it's certainly the funniest and most memorable.


Worst - Anytime I've been high/drunk and have gotten really bad news. Not that often, but when it happens it sucks.


KOAB, surprised your dad wasn't pissed.

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Old enough to know better.


However, I will also point out that this was in Kentucky, where 20 year old guys could openly date 12 year old girls, and if they had a fight, the girl's grandmother (who was like 35) would encourage her to give him another chance. That's a true story.

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pbone is the best new poster we've had in a while.

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KOAB, surprised your dad wasn't pissed.


Nah, he's one of those dads that doesn't really say much against drug use. "I did it back in my day, nothing bad happened to me. Just keep things in perspective and don't overdo it." That's about as much as I've gotten when talking about drugs to him.

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pbone is the best new poster we've had in a while.


I've said that in like 3 other threads.


I'm too tired to post any specific experiences (but I have posted during experiences, lol) but since pbone osted his bong, I will post a pic I have of my bowl from my Photobucket. I could not bring my paraphernalia on the plane when I moved back to California, so when I bought my first sack out here, I picked up this little ditty for $10. It works great, and looks beautiful when resinated, although it is not in the pic.



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