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Smackdown Vs Raw 08

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Extreme Rules


THQ's Creative Manager Bryan Williams and Senior Creative Manager Cory Ledesma recently gave an interview update on Smackdown vs Raw 2008.




"This year it's all about playing like your favorite superstar. Fighting styles and character-specific moves are what we really want to stress and that's a big deal for us. We have new strategies that haven't been in the game before and cool match-specific advantages based on style."


- Bryan Williams


"We wanted first-time players to be able to do what they want without having to learn a number of complicated maneuvers. In the past, we had something like three different buttons you had to push to dive out of the ring on top of somebody; that's hard for beginners. Now, if you want to jump onto your opponent just hit 'Square'' (or X on 360) and you can."


- Cory Ledesma


Extreme Rules


Apparently, wrestlers are on a more even playing field. Hardcore wrestlers like Sandman will have a bigger advantage against other wrestlers in hardcore matches because of his ability to use weapons. However, Sandman would probably be dominated in a submission match because his character lacks technical skills.


Prior to an Extreme Rules match, players get to select which weapons they want to utilize in the match. During the match, you can select the exact weapon that you want to use instead of being handed a random weapon. Barbed-wired boards and guitars are among the new weapons available.


Audience Participation


Also new in this year's Smackdown vs Raw 2008 is more interactivity with the audience. Last year, you could only grab signs from the audience. This year, though, you can even get some help from the audience by having them hold on to your opponents while you take in a few cheap shots.


One Button Configuration


Other changes to the game are with the button configuration. Running to the ropes and leaving the ring can now be accomplished with the push of a single button.


New Submission System


The creators also talked about the new submission system. Now, you have complete control over how much pressure to apply with your submission moves using the analog stick. At the same time, you can fight against a submission move using the analog stick as well.


New Finishers


New finishers have been added to the game aside from the usual finishing moves that the WWE superstars use. If your wrestler is a brawler type, then you can utilize new punching combinations as your finisher instead of the usual finisher.


Stealing Taunts


Some wrestlers in the game are classified as "showmen". These are guys who gain momentum by working a crowd. We're assuming guys like Ken Kennedy and Carlito are in this class.


Well, one of the unique features of the showmen is that they can build up momentum by stealing their opponent's taunt. Showmen are also the only class that can perform turnbuckle taunts in the game.




If you're wrestler is a technical wrestler, then he can counter out of an opponent's grapple a little bit easier. Of course, as your wrestler suffers more damage to the body, then reversing moves becomes a bit more difficult.


The creators also mentioned that they added the option of punching your opponent while they have you in a grapple.


Quick Play


Smackdown vs Raw 2008 takes a bit from sports games this year by adding the "Quick Play" feature. The system will basically select random opponents in a random match for you to play.




Last year, whenever your wrestler has a manager, the manager will usually walk behind the wrestler and then walk around the ringside area while your wrestler is in the ring doing taunts. This year, things have changed a bit. The managers will now accompany you down the aisle. They become a bigger part of your entrance.


New Entrances


A lot of our readers have been wondering if the Sandman's entrance will be included in the game. Well, we have good news for you. Sandman will enter through the crowd and bash beer on his head before starting the match.


Several of the returning wrestlers have new entrances as well. For instance, John Cena now salutes the crowd during his entrance.


Reanimated Moves


Another request that has been fulfilled is the reanimation of moves. Undertaker's Tombstone Piledriver has been changed. Another move that was changed was Randy Orton's RKO. We still haven't received word yet on whether or not they included the "stalker motion" that he does prior to hitting the move.




The game continues to generate more and more hype whenever every bit of news comes out about it. It's a long time until the game releases in November, but we'll be here to keep you up to date on details about the game.

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Guest Smues

While I'll probably get it and enjoy it, I'll be sad because I'm 99% sure Dude Love won't be in it like he was in 07. Now if they kept Dude Love, added sweet shin music, and made him playable in career mode, I'd buy 5 copies and tell all my friends to buy 5 copies.

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I've seen a video of some Wii mechanics for this game.. where you get the opponent in the corner for a 10-punch and you have to do the motion with the remote. I love my Wii, but I'm not too sure how well it's controller gimmick will transfer to a wrestling game. Should be interesting, to say the least.

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I'll get it if they promise the MitB mechanics have been rehashed. Bet Benoit has been pulled from the game too, wonder if the Crossface will remain?


Benoit might be replaced with someone like...the Canadian Dream, Craig Renoit!!

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I'll get it if they promise the MitB mechanics have been rehashed. Bet Benoit has been pulled from the game too, wonder if the Crossface will remain?


Benoit might be replaced with someone like...the Canadian Dream, Craig Renoit!!

*bad dub* Ca-naaaaaaaa-di-uuuuuuuuuhn *end dub* dre-e-e-aaaaaaam. *Cowbell*

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Having a fan grab your opponent? I don't like the sounds of that.


I'd be fine with it if they show the security guys beat the shit out of the fan for touching the wrestler and hauling his ass out.


Or a close up zoom on their face as they wink at the wrestler. Either way works.

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sorta annoyed that the Wii version is supposed to be 'arcade-y' compared to the more sim-like versions everyone else is getting. I mean I get it, make it easier and/or funner to play, but why not include the sim version with the game as well?

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Guest Smues
I'll get it if they promise the MitB mechanics have been rehashed. Bet Benoit has been pulled from the game too, wonder if the Crossface will remain?


Benoit might be replaced with someone like...the Canadian Dream, Craig Renoit!!

*bad dub* Ca-naaaaaaaa-di-uuuuuuuuuhn *end dub* dre-e-e-aaaaaaam. *Cowbell*


I'd buy the game just to hear that. Would he still just be a common man?


It might be a bad idea to keep the part about working hard with his hands too...

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sorta annoyed that the Wii version is supposed to be 'arcade-y' compared to the more sim-like versions everyone else is getting. I mean I get it, make it easier and/or funner to play, but why not include the sim version with the game as well?


I'm hoping there's an option to turn off and on the gimmicky controls. Though since it'll be graphically similar, I might just opt for the PS2 version (pending 480p/widescreen support of course). Either way the Sandman entrance - hell even his inclusion in the game - has me as a guaranteed buyer already.

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The Wii is supposed to be a more 'arcadey' sort of console though. Marketing wise, it's obviously targetting people who aren't neecessarily diehard gamers, so I doubt Nintendo would feel a true® to life wrestling sim would be what most people who own a Wii want.

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Barbed-wired boards and guitars are among the new weapons available


Finally! We can now create an exact replica of Jeff Jarrett!

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Hopefully the CAW isn't neutered like '07. I mean...creating a 225-pounder who can't do a fucking 'rana? Too slow to keep up with the cruisers, and too weak to fight with the heavyweights...that was fucking lame. And getting rid of the moveset options (I counted at least 18 moves less than '06) was a bad idea.

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Would it be too far to say that SvR07 is the weakest in the franchise in terms of developement, ideas and execution?


SD! vs. RAW (From '04) was pretty bad, but I find '07 damn near unplayable.

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i like CAW dont get me wrong, but i think if they could take that out of the game completely that could free up some space to squeeze in more wrestlers, since you can normally make up to 10 CAWs for the game, just my 2 cents

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And the CAW mode has experienced increasing levels of suck since HCTP.


Getting rid of voiceovers would be a godsend, since they PREVENTED you from using certain guys in Season. Maybe I'm nuts, but I'd like to use guys like Tajiri and Finlay in Season mode, thanks.

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Yea, the voiceover options have been crap. I don't really know why they were added in the first place other than to please young fans who are like "this video game system is so revolutionary! I can hear John Cena talk to me!"


I already know that everyone on this board hates the inclusion of divas into the game. Trish was fine but when they take up 6-7 slots and other wrestlers get left out that is such crap. I didn't buy '07 but it really pissed me off in '06 when they had the divas in there for that "Pillow fight" mode or whatever in the hell it was.


I agree that the CAW mode hasn't been good since HCTP. I missed having good generic themes that were in that game because I remember they had one for my Rick Martel CAW which was pretty cool.

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I haven't used a CAW regularly in a WWE game since the days of N64. I find the latest generation of CAW to be way too involved and rarely, if ever, create more than 2 or 3 wrestlers. So, I could definitely do without it in the next iteration of SDvsRaw.


Now, Firepro.. I use that Edit mode all the time.

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Would it be too far to say that SvR07 is the weakest in the franchise in terms of developement, ideas and execution?


No, that would be Just Bring It, with it's what..6 match career mode?


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'07 I think I spent like 5 hours tops playing. Just didn't care. Especially with getting Guitar Hero 2 at the same time, spent all my free time playing that instead.


All the previous editions I'd spent hours and hours on, but each version progressively less. The new one had better be something a bit special to warrent purchase. It'll probably only get a rental.

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I usually skip a year, so I bypassed 2007 and will be getting a copy this time. Burke, Sandman, Punk, Thorn, Cor Von, are all gonna be fun.


I've never known somebody who actually uses divas in matches. I wish they were kept to something like Revenge where they come out with your wrestler as a non-playable character. Indeed voice overs are worthless and do nothing but consume space especially when three-fourths of everyone contributing obviously don't care.


My biggest CAW peeves are on the appearance side. Suitable pre-made patterns for tights, etc., are nil, although this wouldn't be an issue if they got rid of the retarded crotch/ass blur and introduced a more freeform design system.

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They need to fix the weight system this year. Understandably, cruisers like Gregory Helms shouldn't be able to do much damage to heavyweights like Khali or Viscera with their kicks and running moves, but when Helms can't inflict any damage to a "heavyweight" like Matt Hardy or Ken Kennedy with kicks... then there's something wrong.

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