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Wrestlers You Like as Wrestlers But Dislike as People?

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OK, "dislike" might be too strong a word, so if you like, subsitute "wrestlers you dislike" with "wrestlers who rub you the wrong way or who are off putting."


You-know-who need not be mentioned, aside from this mentioning. Um, yeah.


And yes, this can be based simply on interviews or internet reports. Sometimes that's all we have to go on.


Kurt Angle just rubs me the wrong way. I met him when his book came out, and he was fine then, but my friends who've met him mutliple times in recent years, say he's just creepy. I don't know what it is about him that gets to me, but just the way he's conducted himself in interviews seems disingenuous for some reason.

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i'd have to say Kurt Angle as well, he just comes off like hes a God to wrestling and thinks he knows whats best, or now he thinks hes some sort of savior of MMA

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Hulk Hogan and HHH for their politics.


Shawn Michaels, one of the biggest assholes I've ever met.


Rey Mysterio, for going through with the avenging Eddie's death angle.


Ric Flair, his book made me lose a lot of respect for him plus he's the king of ass kissing in the WWE!

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Love Steve Austin's work, but not as a human being.


On the other side of the fence, I'm not a big Mark Henry fan, but reading his interview following the Benoit fiasco made me respect him a lot as a person.

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While I don't like Shawn Michaels in the ring or out, I have tremendous respect for his ability.


I got kind of a bad vibe reading Ric Flair's book, but still mark out when 2001 hits.

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I met Randy Orton and Batista when Evolution had first started. Batista was pretty cool and conversed with us for a bit...obviously he wasn't really anyone special at that point so that may explain why he was so humble. Randy Orton was a cockmunch. Every bit the "bro" he seems to be on TV. I met them at a strip club, Orton was acting like a dumb fuck, as you would expect.

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I love Randy. How can one man be such an arrogant fuck yet still get all the chances in the world?

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I love Randy. How can one man be such an arrogant fuck yet still get all the chances in the world?

Look at his roots. His dad was Bob Orton, whose running buddy was Rowdy Roddy Piper. Can you imagine having them as role models when you're 7 years old?

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Hogan = Politicking, EGO (Wouldnt let his son pin him) . Then again.. I never liked hogn

HHH - Politicking, and Booker not winning at XIX and Orton losing at Unforgiven 2004

HBK - For losing his Smile, but he's on my good side now.

Austin - Arrive Get Paycheck Leave... ( I can stomach so much of Austin)

Mick Foley - Ego Problem with his books

Randy - HIs Immaturity and Antics backstage (Glad he is back to normal)

Batista - That fight with Booker and the fact he thinks he is bigshit because HHH and Flair dress him up everynight before Smackdown

Chris Benoit - (Do I Really Have to Say?)

Brock Lesnar - Walked Away from a Dream Job

Goldberg - Sellout and A really piece of crap wrestler

Edge - Stealing Matt Hardys Girlfriend

Matt - For coming to WWE to promote that storyline

Kurt Angle - TNA Politicking

Rey - Going through with Eddie Storyline

Bret Hart - Get Over It Buddy Boy, its been 10 years... Also WM 22 Absence PISSED ME OFF!!!

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Hogan = Politicking, EGO (Wouldnt let his son pin him) . Then again.. I never liked hogn

HHH - Politicking, and Booker not winning at XIX and Orton losing at Unforgiven 2004

HBK - For losing his Smile, but he's on my good side now.

Austin - Arrive Get Paycheck Leave... ( I can stomach so much of Austin)

Mick Foley - Ego Problem with his books

Randy - HIs Immaturity and Antics backstage (Glad he is back to normal)

Batista - That fight with Booker and the fact he thinks he is bigshit because HHH and Flair dress him up everynight before Smackdown

Chris Benoit - (Do I Really Have to Say?)

Brock Lesnar - Walked Away from a Dream Job

Goldberg - Sellout and A really piece of crap wrestler

Edge - Stealing Matt Hardys Girlfriend

Matt - For coming to WWE to promote that storyline

Kurt Angle - TNA Politicking

Rey - Going through with Eddie Storyline


You like Hogan, Batista, and Goldberg as wrestlers?

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Hogan = Politicking, EGO (Wouldnt let his son pin him) . Then again.. I never liked hogn

HHH - Politicking, and Booker not winning at XIX and Orton losing at Unforgiven 2004

HBK - For losing his Smile, but he's on my good side now.

Austin - Arrive Get Paycheck Leave... ( I can stomach so much of Austin)

Mick Foley - Ego Problem with his books

Randy - HIs Immaturity and Antics backstage (Glad he is back to normal)

Batista - That fight with Booker and the fact he thinks he is bigshit because HHH and Flair dress him up everynight before Smackdown

Chris Benoit - (Do I Really Have to Say?)

Brock Lesnar - Walked Away from a Dream Job

Goldberg - Sellout and A really piece of crap wrestler

Edge - Stealing Matt Hardys Girlfriend

Matt - For coming to WWE to promote that storyline

Kurt Angle - TNA Politicking

Rey - Going through with Eddie Storyline


You like Hogan, Batista, and Goldberg as wrestlers?


Oh Crap! I got ahead of myself..... My bad I just read "dislike as people' But I will admit... Im a mark fo Batistas....PYRO!!!!!!


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On a different not, guys who seem like good people despite their reputations:




Brock Lesnar



And even though they appear to be dicks, I think I'd like to hang out with them:


Randy Orton


Kevin Nash


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On a different not, guys who seem like good people despite their reputations:




Brock Lesnar



And even though they appear to be dicks, I think I'd like to hang out with them:


Randy Orton


Kevin Nash


In that case



Brock Lesnar



To name a few...


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I hate to sound lame but just because it's your dream job doesn't mean it's Brock Lesnar's dream job!


I think Lesnar, Warrior and Goldberg are all guys who went in the goal with coming in, making a shit ton of money and got out before their body fell apart. They succeeded to the ire of some of the IWC.



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Yeah, I've only seen his Bulldogs WWF work but yeah what a prick. Regardless of the fact, he seems to be kind of a chair, it still sucks that he's in such a diminished state. Apparently he's in one of the U.S. tabloids talking about Chris Benoit and how he tried to "save his life" by telling him not to take steroids like he did.



Marty Jannetty seems to be one of those guys who tells a lot of funny, sleazy stories on his shoots but after a while, the jokes become less funny and he just seems really seedy.

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I've got two words for you: Shawn Freakin' Michaels. One of my all-time favorites in the ring, maybe even #1 now that Eddie and Benoit are dead and Angle is a crazy crip. But jesus what a sack of shit he is in real life.

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Weird, I hear so many bad things about Randy Orton, but I've met him twice and he was a cool guy both times.


Added to my list:


Stone Cold - being a wife beater


Brock Lesnar - never met him, but I've always heard that the guy is a jerk to wrestling fans even when he was a face!


Shelton Benjamin - he's a racist

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