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Boy Meets World

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Man I fuckin loved this show. I'm 22 years old and I still watch it, thanks to DVR. Plus there were somehot broads in the show as well. Enjoy.






That Rachel chick looks totally different she was the red head that was roomates with Eric & Jack



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Is that Topenga now? In the last few seasons of the show, she was getting a bit chubby.


Best part about the show, Vader being Ethan Suplee's father.

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I saw Topenga on one of those weight loss commercials recently and she's looking damn good. Her voice is still annoying, though.

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I hate it when women's breasts shrink while they are on the popular diet of the month plan...........









































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I hate it when women's breasts shrink while they are on the popular diet of the month plan...........






1) damn right, and 2) I would have tagged Topanga at any age legal stage in the series.


That show was great untill it became a drama

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At times I ponder who the writers were was it done by people of that age range or was it done by some 40-50 something women who are basically creating another fantasy life via the tv sitcom. At times Cory looked like an elderly stereotypical jew and Topanga was the typical nagging wife....hm college kids are not like that.

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I thought every season except the last was at least ok. But I really didn't like it as much when they shifted to the college years.

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I caught a couple of re-runs the other day. One was after Shawn and Angela broke up and tried dating other people (when Cory and Topanga do karoake to "WAR!" and hilarity ensues), and the other was when Chet (Shawn's father) came back while they were in college and had a heart attack. For some reason anything that's about the relationship between a father and son gets to me, which is odd because I actually have a decent relationship with my dad now (I used to not have too good of one).

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Eh, I dunno. He had Angela. I usually don't like black chicks, but Angela was smokin'. Always preferred the one-off date Cory had in high school with TS (or TC, I forget which, but she was Harley's little sister), though. Much cuter, and less of a hippie-turned-yuppie bitch than Topanga.


The best side-characters were definitely Frankie and Joey, though. Morgan's first appearance after disappearing for a few seasons was hilarious, too. "Yeah, I was in my room for a LONG time. I'll never say [beep that lasts a few seconds] again." Then they send her back to her room. And Minkis' return for the high school graduation was great. "I've been down that hall," and Cory and Shawn just look on in fear and go "we don't go down THAT hall."

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^ TK was Harley's sister. Yeah, I liked Harley too. The one that was in most of the episodes, cause there was another Harley for a little bit. I also liked Griff and Mr. Turner. It did get a little too dramatic in the college years, but Eric and Jack were cool

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Minkis came back? I dont remember that. Anyhow yea always a fan since it started and watched it all for its original run (TGIF was THE night of shows for the week as a kid) also loved Vaders appearnces. remember Mankind also made an appearance towards the end of the show. a few seasons are on dvd but theyre not exactly churning them out. good thing disney and fox family still air reruns of this. The only bad part was that Feeny kept follwing the kids around to high school and then college.


Eric Matthews is still the best goofy brother character ever I say. I like the episode in which his parents get tired of him loafing around the house with no job. he says he has an idea for a new tv show he can star in "Eirc Mathhews-Good Looking Detective

" and a theme song "When a crime breaks out and all the cute girls shout, hes a....good-looking guy, when there's a crime out there hes gonna....comb his hair cuz hes a good looking guy!"


and the show where he goes out with the innocent folk-singer girl at work and then dumps her cuz shes so annoying, then she gets all dark and gets a hit grunge-punkish record. then Morgan came out singing along to her tape of her song about Eric "Loser-Freak" ("and he doesnt like girls, I think he likes boys if you know what Im sayin)





and dont big bro Freds appearance as a collge professor who hits on topanga and Cory punches him in the face.


and the show where Cory thinks Topanga cheated on him with Shawn cuz of them two sleeping on a couch together in their "undapants" (I love that line for some reason)


and one show where Cory thinks he is bland and lame, and they show on his room wall a picture of celery (yes a poster of a piece of celery with the word "celery" printed on it




as you can tell Im a huge mark for this show



you can all make fun of me now

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I saw season 3 sitting on the shelves while at work yesterday. I guess they have lagged in dvd proudction as it first came out on dvd like 3 or 4 years ago.

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Minkis came back? I dont remember that. Anyhow yea always a fan since it started and watched it all for its original run (TGIF was THE night of shows for the week as a kid) also loved Vaders appearnces. remember Mankind also made an appearance towards the end of the show. a few seasons are on dvd but theyre not exactly churning them out. good thing disney and fox family still air reruns of this. The only bad part was that Feeny kept follwing the kids around to high school and then college.


I was going to say that exact thing. I can understand they the writers wanted the character to be on the show, but the fact that he just happened to get a job at the same exact school that they went to, no matter what grade seemed kind of creepy. Not only does the guy live next door to Corey, but he follows him from school to school?! I would have gotten an order of protection and check the internet to see if Feeney's name came up on some sort of child molester list.


I stopped watching after they got to college. It went downhill from there.

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