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DrVenkman PhD

WWE General Discussion - October 2007

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it was re-created in WWE. It's not the same belt that was brought in during the invasion. Just the same name, thats all


Nope, just like the CW (and unlike the World Title) they fully recognize it as being a WCW title.


The United States Championship was deemed inactive after Edge unified the Intercontinental and U.S. Championships by defeating Test at Survivor Series on Nov. 18, 2001. In 2003, SmackDown! General Manager Stephanie McMahon decided to bring the U.S. Championship out of retirement in 2003, and set up a tournament to determine the new champion. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit were the final two Superstars in the tournament, and they met at Vengeance in the pay-per-view opener. These two great mat technicians put in a stellar effort, which always seems to be par for the course with Benoit and Guerrero. With the referee knocked out, though, Rhyno interfered and laid the Gore on Benoit, allowing Guerrero to hit the Frog Splash for the win and his second United States Championship, as he had held it previously in 1996 while in WCW.

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it was re-created in WWE. It's not the same belt that was brought in during the invasion. Just the same name, thats all


Nope, just like the CW (and unlike the World Title) they fully recognize it as being a WCW title.


The United States Championship was deemed inactive after Edge unified the Intercontinental and U.S. Championships by defeating Test at Survivor Series on Nov. 18, 2001. In 2003, SmackDown! General Manager Stephanie McMahon decided to bring the U.S. Championship out of retirement in 2003, and set up a tournament to determine the new champion. Eddie Guerrero and Chris Benoit were the final two Superstars in the tournament, and they met at Vengeance in the pay-per-view opener. These two great mat technicians put in a stellar effort, which always seems to be par for the course with Benoit and Guerrero. With the referee knocked out, though, Rhyno interfered and laid the Gore on Benoit, allowing Guerrero to hit the Frog Splash for the win and his second United States Championship, as he had held it previously in 1996 while in WCW.

Yeah, but you can't trust WWE.com (or hell, even WWE in general) for things like this.


They regularly confuse their own stories on whether the WHC is the same as the WCW title.


Usually it isn't, but for history's sake, they claim it is.


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ID imagine they have a plan for some sort of thing to go over the ring to keep the wrestlers dry.


If rain is expected, I can see them using a canopy to cover the ringside area. The rest of the crowd would be fucked.

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All I have to say is lol:


As Ryan Clark has posted here on WrestleZone.com, an altercation took place between CM Punk and Tony Atlas last week during OVW's post meeting. Ryan's sources claim Punk is a locker room leader and somewhat of a "hero" for standing up to Atlas. However, from what I'm gathering, that's rather far from the truth.


Although Atlas may have been out of line in some regard with what he indirectly said to Punk, a lot of the workers were glad it happened. They feel Atlas hit the nail on the head with his comments about Punk's sorry attitude.


"He's a real prick with a bad indy-worker attitude," claimed one of our sources. He won't shake the hands of a lot of non-contract guys when he's there and acts as if he's better than everyone else.


A quick correction on one of the earlier posts as well: CM Punk apparently asked Tony Atlas during the altercation whether or not he watched "my show" and not "the show", referring to Smackdown!. That's been a joke between the boys since the incident as they quote that line a lot in mockery of Punk.


Lastly, morale is not that low in OVW, according to my sources. "It's only miserable when you get big-dogged and superstarred by assholes like CM Punk," said another source after reading the second WZ article.


We'll keep you updated if any other reports come in regarding this situation.


Just thought I'd post it, as it seems humorously fake.

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by Mike Johnson


An incident between ECW champion CM Punk and WWE Hall of Famer Tony Atlas at last Wednesday's Ohio Valley Wrestling TV taping resulted in some heat being put on OVW management, according to several sources.


WWE had sent Atlas down to both OVW and Florida Championship Wrestling last week to mentor the developmental talents and give them advice on avoiding some of the pitfalls that hurt his own career. Atlas, according to several wrestlers I spoke to, instead spent most of his time telling performers what a huge star he should have been and correcting them on things they were doing wrong.


One of the things Atlas commented on was how CM Punk wore his wrist tape, teasing Punk that it "looking like he had broken arms" according to one witness. Punk, who sports a very dry, straight forward personality, listened to the comments and then went about his business. Punk was working the taping as WWE had television tapings in the area last week, so he stayed on to work a dark match for OVW.


During the traditional post-taping meeting, where Al Snow and other WWE veterans critique what the developmental talents do right and wrong during the show, Atlas began talking about the attitude of the OVW roster and whenever he would say something derogatory or negative, he made it a point to stare at Punk. I was told that at first Punk ignored it, but by the fourth or fifth occurrence, he finally asked Atlas why he kept looking at him.


Atlas then started to tear into Punk for having a "bad attitude. He told Punk that with his bad attitude, he would never make it to television. As you could guess, that remark plunged Atlas' credibility with the developmental crew into the toilet since it was the first time he was there and basically admitted (without realizing it) that he was giving advice while not even knowing anything about the current product. Punk responding by asking Atlas if he knew even Punk's name or had ever watched the ECW TV show and Atlas told him no. The argument went back and forth for close to 20 minutes before simmering down.


When word got back about the incident to WWE's John Laurinaitis, he was said to have been furious that not only the incident happened, but that OVW management stood by and allowed it to unfold before them, instead of defusing it. I was told that OVW owner Danny Davis wasn't even present as he was working on editing the OVW TV show that the company had just finished filming, but Al Snow and Robert Gibson were present for the entire situation. A few people wondered if Gibson may have somewhat incited Atlas as he was parroting things that Gibson had been saying to talent in recent weeks.


After the meeting, OVW star Atlas DaBone took it upon himself to go up to Atlas and apologize on behalf of Punk. While it's possible he was just trying to defuse the situation, the other developmental talents reacted negatively to that move, feeling that no one should have been speaking for Punk, particularly someone with less than a year in the business.


Among the wrestlers, Punk was seen as something of a hero because morale in OVW has been "terrible" (to quote one prominent OVW performer) in recent weeks. As I discussed last week on my Elite Audio Hotline, many of the OVW performers there have started to feel that the main goal of late isn't to help them improve but to mentally beat them down for everything they do "wrong", even when it's someone who's been in the business for some time prior to signing with WWE.

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If that report is true, then I gotta agree with the people that think Atlas should have known the product before suggesting certain wrestlers act or dress a certain way.

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When are they going to get rid of the spinner belt already?????


The funny thing is that it kind of is already gone. I think the logo in the middle doesnt spin whatsoever anymore and looks fused in the belt. Chances are that might be the only change that is made to the WWE title right now.

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maybe I'm being bias, but it does seem like Punk was in the right for defending himself with Atlas didn't even know that Punk was the ECW champion.

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