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The College Football Thread 10/2 - 10/7

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I can't believe my ignorant prediction of Ohio State going to the BCS Championship at the start of this season might actually come true.

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Okay in terms of the biggest humiliation it's still got to be USC last night. Yes, U of L losing to Syracuse was horrible but after the UK game it's obvious that they quit on the season. I'm just talking about one game here, not a whole season. For a whole season it's obviously U of L that is the biggest debacle.


How exactly would BC get into the title game over USF anyway? USF is already ranked higher and if they win out they'll at least have some decent wins on their resume (WVU, Auburn, Cincy, Rutgers). The ACC is the lamest major conference in the nation. That said, there's no way USF can run the table. They're more likely a 9-3 team than a 12-0 team.

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You have something against Hawaii, iggy?

I wouldn't have them ranked either. They're 6-0 but have two wins over I-AA teams and haven't beaten anyone good. I'll rank them if they go unbeaten, because then they'll have gone unbeaten and beaten both Boise and Washington, but I can't be impressed with a team that's essentially kicking babies as they crawl out of a burning orphanage.


Yeah, the schedule's definitely what I have against Hawaii. So far they've played:

N. Colorado 0-6 (FCS)

La. Tech 1-4 (1 pt. win in OT)

UNLV 2-4

Charleston Southern 3-3 (FCS)

Idaho 1-5

Utah State 0-6


Notre Dame would be undefeated with that schedule. I might have given them the benefit of the doubt based on preseason hype if they hadn't gone to OT with La. Tech, but it really looks like they're not very good. I'd expect them to start out 9-0, then lose to Nevada, Boise State, and Washington to finish the season 9-3.

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You have something against Hawaii, iggy?

I wouldn't have them ranked either. They're 6-0 but have two wins over I-AA teams and haven't beaten anyone good. I'll rank them if they go unbeaten, because then they'll have gone unbeaten and beaten both Boise and Washington, but I can't be impressed with a team that's essentially kicking babies as they crawl out of a burning orphanage.

Thumbs up


Good use of that English degree

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First off, let me say thank God LSU beat Florida as Stanford helping Cal get to #1 would be the equivalent of finding out you've been cured of cancer but then find out you now have AIDS.







Thankfully I was not near the board last night or I would have been completely insufferable and in a public place as well or, as Edwin MacPhisto noted, I would have likely been pants free after Mark Bradford's touchdown. Let us not forget this team lost to Arizona State 41-3 last week, which the 41 points was the fewest they've allowed in their three Pac-10 games. Also the next day their starting quarterback, T.C. Ostrander, had a seizure and had to start a guy who had thrown a total of four passes in his college career. I know King says he's not surprised but really now, this was pretty fucking shocking and until that final interception I still thought USC would pull it out.


Reading through the posts, it was eight years ago when Stanford went the Rose Bowl and they ended up there almost by default due to the Pac-10 being as strong as the Big East was in 2004. Hell they didn't even finished ranked in Top 25 after the bowls although that was kinda bullshit since they did give a Top 5 Wisconsin team a good game in the Rose Bowl. One other correction UC Davis was in I-AA, barely, when they beat Stanford and the crazy thing about that loss is if Stanford won they would have gone to a bowl game.

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Why isn't Cal favored to go to the title game against LSU?


Hey Teke, were you one of those who chanted "Fuck you Tebow"?

No, I didn't chant "Fuck you Tebow".


I did try to start the crowd singing "Ohhhhh.... I wish I were an Urban Meyer weiner..." though.

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I'd like to find out which two coaches voted Ohio State as #1.


If they're from outside Big Ten country, I'll be floored.




EDIT- Corrected the comments above... Fox Sports fucked up at first and listed the AP Poll as having Ohio State with 2 1st place votes instead of the Coaches Poll.

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ok here's the whole list (coaches Poll)


1. LSU (58)

2. California

3. Ohio State (2)

4. Boston College

5. (tie) Oklahoma

5. (tie) South Florida

7. Southern California

8. Oregon

9. West Virginia

10. Virginia Tech

11. Missouri

12. South Carolina

13. Arizona State

14. Florida

15. Wisconsin

16. Hawaii

17. Cincinnati

18. Kentucky

19. Illinois

20. Kansas

21. Florida State

22. Texas

23. Georgia

24. Purdue

25. Auburn


could someone care to explain how Wisconsin is still ranked higher then Illinois seein that Illinois beat them and how does Texas stay ranked

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Guest Gym Class Fallout
could someone care to explain how Wisconsin is still ranked higher then Illinois seein that Illinois beat them

People forgot to vote for Illinois because they went home to play video games.

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could someone care to explain how Wisconsin is still ranked higher then Illinois seein that Illinois beat them

People forgot to vote for Illinois because they went home to play video games.


Same thing happened when South Carolina beat Georgia. Georgia was still higher ranked.

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How the fuck does Hawaii rank ahead of Cincinnati?


But it wouldn't be fair to drop them after a win!


Who cares at this point. Just be happy that they're not moving Hawai'i up.


edit: And I'm sorry, Cincy just moved up seven spots. This isn't a battle that's worth fighting.

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Wow a Big 12 North team (Missouri) is ranked higher than Texas. I'm sure that'll come back to haunt me now with OU hosting Missouri this Saturday.


By the way; what if Missouri was actually able to run the table? Would they get a shot at the NC? Not that I think they'll run the table as they started off like this last year and then just collapsed.

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I would hope so. Barring a three-team scenario like with USC/OU/Auburn in 2004, an undefeated team from any BCS conference should have a place in the title game.

True to a point.



Depending on what the computers and polls say, a highly-regarded one-loss team like an LSU or Cal could jump Mizzou for the title-game berth if it's believed that Mizzou's schedule is too soft.


(It's looking better than expected, though, because Kansas, K-State, Illinois, etc. are all looking good.)




Normally, I'd lump USC in with LSU and Cal, but losing to Stanford puts them at the back of the line for one-loss teams.


It's one thing to lose to Cal like Oregon did. Losing to Stanford is inexcusable for an "elite" team.

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Putting aside an obvious anti-USC bias, you have to remember the BCS was all but ready to hand them a title game spot last season after losing to Oregon State earlier in the season. You can't say for sure what will happen. That said, I don't expect USC to run the remainder of the table, so it's a moot point anyways.

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Yeah, but at that point of the season, Oregon State was a decent 8-4 team. This seemed more like an aberration for Stanford than a season-tipping event. If Stanford ends up going on a tear to win 7-8 games, it's a different kind of loss.


Of course, the polls still have USC retardedly high despite the loss, so who knows.

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Yeah, but at that point of the season, Oregon State was a decent 8-4 team. This seemed more like an aberration for Stanford than a season-tipping event.


Of course, the polls still have USC retardedly high despite the loss, so who knows.

The polls may have USC high, but the computers have them very low right now.



They're #25 in the Colley Matrix.


They're #26 in the current ELO-Chess in the Sagarin rankings. (This would probably be dropped as their low ranking.)


They're #8 in the Billingsley rankings. (This would probably be dropped as their high ranking.)


They're #24 in the Massey rankings.




If these trends hold true in the remaining two rankings (Wolfe and Anderson & Hester), then they'd get damn near nothing for the 33% of the BCS.


(The way the computer rankings work, the middle 4 rankings are kept and the ranking is worth between 25 points for a 1st place and 1 point for a 25th place. 4 rankings of 25th place or worse means a 4/100 in the computer subsection, which is crippling for them.)


A team could be back by a decent amount in both polls yet make up a TON of room in the computer rankings as a result.

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Schedule. Should USC go undefeated the rest of the way (highly unlikely), they'll have to beat what could be two top 10 teams, and another good team (Arizona State), along the way. The only other school that could make such a claim is Oklahoma. South Carolina could do the same, but they'll run into LSU in the SEC Title Game and get stomped. Or lose before then, like I feel. The road is too tough for them, and they lack at QB. Dare I say Booty is better than what they've got. It's either going to be LSU vs. Oklahoma, or the one loss team that gets out of the Pac 10. If both Cal and Oregon finish with one loss, Cal's got the inside track. I can't possibly see anyone but LSU going undefeated. It won't be a jumble at the end this time, everything will even itself out. Schedules look to be much tougher this season.


There's no way USC's going to get pushed to the back, because of the schedule. Anyone that gets through the games they have to play without losing again deserves to go to the title game. Nobody has that tough a road. I don't believe USC will win the rest of their games anyway, making the argument moot.


IF SC beats those teams they have to play, their computer ranking will soar.

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Schedule. Should USC go undefeated the rest of the way (highly unlikely), they'll have to beat what could be two top 10 teams, and another good team (Arizona State), along the way. The only other school that could make such a claim is Oklahoma. South Carolina could do the same, but they'll run into LSU in the SEC Title Game and get stomped. Or lose before then, like I feel. The road is too tough for them, and they lack at QB. Dare I say Booty is better than what they've got. It's either going to be LSU vs. Oklahoma, or the one loss team that gets out of the Pac 10. If both Cal and Oregon finish with one loss, Cal's got the inside track. I can't possibly see anyone but LSU going undefeated. It won't be a jumble at the end this time, everything will even itself out. Schedules look to be much tougher this season.


There's no way USC's going to get pushed to the back, because of the schedule. Anyone that gets through the games they have to play without losing again deserves to go to the title game. Nobody has that tough a road. I don't believe USC will win the rest of their games anyway, making the argument moot.


IF SC beats those teams they have to play, their computer ranking will soar.

It depends on the ranking system in question...


At least one, if not more, of the rankings heavily weigh wins over top teams (Top 10, Top 30) and heavily penalize teams who lose to poor teams.

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As teke mentioned, USC's computer rankings took a big hit. Here's the current Top 14 per collegebcs.com based on the two human polls and the four computer rankings. Usually we'd have five by now but it doesn't really matter as the official ones come out after this week.


1. LSU

2. Ohio State

3. California

4. Boston College

5. South Florida

6. South Carolina

7. Missouri

8. West Virginia

9. Virginia Tech

10. Arizona State

11. Oklahoma

12. Oregon

13. USC

14. Florida

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Even still, the wins USC has left to grab and make their's are far better than anyone else's. Nobody else gets a shot at #2, #9 and #14. I don't think this will happen anyway, so I'd much rather not argue it. Cal's going to be in the best position of all one loss teams, should they lose to anyone but USC. Just look at the rest of the one loss teams left.


Ohio State. Their schedule is weak, so they need to run the table. I could see that happening, but I'm talking about what happens if teams lose a game. They aren't going to New Orleans if they lose.


Nobody's putting West Virginia in the title game. They're gone.


Should USC beat Cal, Cal has to deal with that. If SC runs the table, Cal's out.


BC won't get an invite to NO if they lose.


Same for South Florida.


Oklahoma could, but their schedule is much worse than any of the Pac 10 teams. And they lost to a shitty team, so we'll see where that takes them.


South Carolina. They've got a case, but that's also assuming they beat LSU with their second chance. Not happening.


Oregon, they have to contend with Cal being a one loss team. They need Cal to lose twice, with Cal beating USC. I don't think so.


Missouri. They have to run the table. I doubt it.


Virginia Tech. ACC. No.


Arizona State. They'll need a miracle to beat Cal. If they do, they could run the table, but they're far too inconsistent to do so. I'll say, maybe.


Cincinatti. They have to run the table, they can't lose. If they run the table, there's no argument. They belong in the title game if there aren't two undefeated teams.


See what I'm saying. None of the one loss teams have anything in favor of them, because they play light schedules. There are a few that could do it, like Arizona State and South Carolina, but they'd need much help. USC got lucky that they didn't lose to a higher ranked team. If they had their first loss to Cal, I think that would be it for them. As it is now, they can put themselves right back into position by beating two recognized top 10 teams. There are still quite a few undefeated teams, so the computer ranking isn't in favor of USC. That would change if USC beat teams ranked ahead of them in the computer polls.


We already know LSU would be the highest ranked one loss team, if they were to lose.


We also know that IF USC were to run the table, they'd get in provided there is only one undefeated team. That is a safe assumption.

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And by looking at that list, the following can be assumed-





LSU doesn't play a team in the BCS Top 14 again until the SEC CG.


Florida and South Carolina still have to play. Florida losing eliminates their slim title hopes.



Big Ten and Big East-


Ohio State and South Florida play no one else currently in the Top 14.





Boston College and V-Tech meet late this year, then possibly again in the ACC CG. They could knock each other out.





With the exception of Oregon vs. Cal, the Pac 10 teams on the list haven't played each other yet. (There's a chance all four teams knock each other out.)



Big 12-


Oklahoma and Missouri play this week. They could also play again in the Big 12 CG.



Non-BCS Conferences-


No non-BCS team is currently in position to get an automatic bid, though Hawaii will surely be there later this year if they win out.

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Ohio State and South Florida play no one else currently in the Top 14.

Yeah, those two benefit the most from the past weekend's events. Their schedules are SOFT.

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one team alot of people are forgetting is Illinois, and they still play Ohio State and if Illinois beats them that could put Illinois in the BCS picture, the whole scene is screwed up, even with USC losing they always sneak into a BCS game somehow

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Illinois is being ignored for the moment because they're not in the Top 14 of the BCS.



The danger to Ohio State is that Illinois is in the "trap game" position, the week before their big showdown with Michigan.


Even if they beat Illinois, they may not be at their best the next week against Michigan... who is capable of playing if you don't run a spread offense.

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