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Hawk 34

Raw 1.7.08

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Nope. Just the Whisper from the top. Though part of me was wishing he'd jump off the top with a crossbody to Orton on the outside.

I was thinking the same as well. Although it would have been a weird angle to fall, it looks like.


But still, a nice finish.


edit- And wow, I totally didn't realize that was the end of the show.

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This was a pretty fun show tonight, but I'm always amused by the Spin the Wheel, Make the Deal gimmick. At least this stuff seemed to be actually booked and if it was in fact a goofy match Vince simply made it into something else.


I have to wonder now what they do with the Jeff/Orton match and also Jericho/JBL. Hardy isn't going to win the title, but do they just job him after the excellent build he's had? A DQ makes the most sense but Orton has retained that way against everyone it seems. Also with Jericho/JBL that will be Jericho's 2nd PPV match back and JBL's first....who do you job?

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Where was Ric Flair? He was all over the preview and then no mention of him at all on the show.

Well his next match is against MVP. So I guess they just decided not to put him on RAW at all.

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Loved the cage match, but really- can we retire the spot where the babyface gets the cage door slammed into his head already? It's really tired and predictable.

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JBL needs to do some bench presses and push ups...stat

He looks & wrestles like a lazy Stan Hansen, he stole his gimmick from Ted DiBiase and he has done nothing but sully both men's reputations by returning to the ring. Related note, enjoy that raise, whoever convinced Jericho to come back, for your lies have worked to perfection as Y2J goes from title picture to putting over the in-ring return of the least over champion since Diesel.

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Nice to see Ashley (looking hotter than ever) and her awesome entrance music.


Hmmm HHH gets the bottom of the first hour. Yeah, we'll be seeing him in the ring again tonight.


I actually figured, when McMahon made the match, that Hornswoggle would choose HHH as his partner.


It's a damn shame that someone like Mickie james gets put on the back burner for someone like that useless woman. She is a stick figure for god's sake and easily the least attractive of them all. Nevermind the fact a broom can wrestler BETTER than she can. It's even more dumb having her around when you consider how many good looking and talented women are on the independent scene who could blow someone like her away on all levels. Just absolutely awful.

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I wish they would get rid of the pinfalls and submissions in the steel cage match. It should be brought back strictly to escaping.


I hate escapes in cage matches. Especially if it's used in a feud. "I hate you so much I'm gonna run from you!"


That's not what bothers me about the escape rule, what bothers me is the fact it's just stupid..at least walking out the door part. Countless times during matches a person could simply walk out the door and win. When titles are on the line and so forth, and even when you have your typical cowardly heel, they still make no effort to walk/run out the door when they down their opponent. It's just stupid and the least favorite match I have in the wwe. If they would at least make it where you have to climb out to win, that would be so much better. But having someone being able to win by simply walking out of the door yet they never really try when given the chance makes the wrestlers look completely retarded.

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The cage isn't really meant to keep people in, which is why it doesn't have a top. It's meant to keep other people out.

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man, I was ALL kinds of offended by what JBL did to Jericho. Funny how it's always things JBL (as a wrestler) that are so.. offensive. ugh. Someone send Jericho and Jeff Hardy to SD so I can never watch Raw again.

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So far we have Hornswoggle, Mick Foley, Hardcore Holly, The Miz, John Morrison, Snitsky and Umaga in the Rumble, and I thought I read Yang and Moore too..are we going to go from the most star studded Rumble ever to the least? Hell I'm rooting for Morrison so far.

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The cage isn't really meant to keep people in, which is why it doesn't have a top. It's meant to keep other people out.

But in reverse, how can it keep people out when it can't keep its contents in? Cage matches suck in a kayfabe perspective.

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Watch a Bruno Sammartino/Bob Backlund cage match and the concept makes sense. One wrestler doesn't leave the cage until the other is incapacitated. The problem is that the booking became too cute over the years.

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I think Howard Finkel described the Cage match the best. He basically said the cage match is a end all feuds match. Which I agree with him. The cage match back in the days used to be a feud killer.


Remember when two guys were feuding and whoever the head guy in charge was, was so fed up with the two wrestlers fighting or the heel always has someone run in or some kind of outside help to defeat the babyface? What was his answer for the two wrestlers to finally end their fighting and move on? A cage match.


See the cage match, in my view, was always the match that the babyface wrestler would love to be in but the heel wrestler always hated to be in because finally the babyface will be able to get the heel without having to worry about outsider interferance but the heel wanted to get the hell out of the cage because he didn't want to get destoryed by the babyface and the cage. And back then it worked.


The babyface would get a good amount of offensive in on the heel and really wouldn't try to leave the cage because he just wanted to beat the living hell out of the heel. Then the heel would turn the tide and try to escape at every chance he got or when he felt the babyface was done for and the heel would try to make his escape before the babyface would come to...of course the babyface would get up and cut the heel off, thus popping the crowd. But the babyface does eventually have to win the match, so he has to leave the cage in-order to win the match.


It's simple psyscology when you really look at it, but now cage matches are really to common and other things have helped make cage matches look less meaningful. To be honest, I never got the reason why pinfall and submission was added to the cage match. I guess it helps make the match more dramatic because a third party is sitting at ringside and CAN'T get into the cage and has to watch their "friend" get submitted or whatever but I always liked the "the only way you can win is by escape." rule.


I think to many people interfere when there's a cage match going on. The cage match was designed to keep outside interferance out, but now when there's a cage match, either someone is climbing the top of it and jumping off the top of the cage and into the ring or their right next to the door making sure a wrestler won't or can't come out or they'll just slam the door on the wrestlers head. I'll use tonight as an example. The cage is suppose to keep all outside objects out of cage but yet, we see Orton just throw two chairs over the top the of cage and right in the middle of the ring, then later we see Orton slam the cage into Jeff's head as he's trying to escape? I mean what's the point of having a cage match when a third party can still interfere?


Speaking of other weapons being used in a cage. What happen to "the cage is the most dangerous weapon you can use in a cage match."? People throw weapons over the top or will fit a weapon though the fence or smuggle a weapon in a cage all the time now. Remember when cage matches were simple and two wrestlers just used the fencing to destory the other guy?


Another thing I think that really hurt the cage match was Hell in the cell and WWE's verison of thunderdome (I forgot the actual name of it.). Whenever these two matches come around, these two matches are pushed like their the most dangerous matches EVER!!!! When their both just evolution from the cage match, but since Hell in the cell and WWE's Thunderdome (again, sorry forgot what it's called.), only happen every so often, the normal cage match is used more often to help hype up a cell or Thunderdome match.


If the cage match was pretty much left alone and not used so commonly I don't think fans would see the cage match as it's portrayed now a days, but just because it is used so much now, I think it just kills off the whole mystique that is a cage match.

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JBL needs to do some bench presses and push ups...stat

He looks & wrestles like a lazy Stan Hansen, he stole his gimmick from Ted DiBiase and he has done nothing but sully both men's reputations by returning to the ring. Related note, enjoy that raise, whoever convinced Jericho to come back, for your lies have worked to perfection as Y2J goes from title picture to putting over the in-ring return of the least over champion since Diesel.


Wow, I disagree with you 100% on all of that, at least in regards to JBL. Yes, there are elements of other gimmicks in JBL, but name one current WWE star you couldn't say the same thing about?


That segment last night was a great one, in building up the JBL/Jericho feud. It was an old school type of heel beat down. Maybe you are deaf, but JBL was getting huge heat. And don't try to pull the "It's X-Pac heat" schtick, because it clearly wasn't.


As far as anyone who got offended...you need to get a life. The thought of Chris Benoit didn't even cross my mind during that segment. To suggest someone can never get choked out on TV again because of that is being pretty near sighted and silly. I'm sure 99.9% of the audience watching didn't even make that connection. If you are offended by something like that, watching wrestling, you should have quit watching years ago, because there have been plenty of bigger things to get truly offended about. Wrestling isn't supposed to be PC, though.

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The main event was cool. It had an awesome atmosphere. Jeff hit the WITW pretty square on Umaga. It's usually sloppy, but this week he pulled it off, from the top of a cage no less!


It was good to hear Regal get some decent heat during First Blood.


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Yeah...in the chat last night, we were talking about how much heat Regal was getting, and how it would be nice if he would get one serious semi-main event level run before he retires. I don't think it's in the cards for him, though.

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That was the first RAW that I have watched in over a year and I must say....that show sucked donkey balls. The good main event doesn't save a shitty show. The "dress as the guy your wrestling" match was dumb as fuck. The women's match was garbage. God forbid the women look good AND wrestle a real match, nope can't have that. It was just to get a returning Ashley over, and she looked like shit. Gail Kim vs. Awesome Kong kicked that match's ass. The HHH/Regal match was bearable at best. JBL vs Jericho was shit and didn't do much to get me to care about their RR match. People shit on TNA for stupid shit but WWE gets away with some of the shit they did last night? If it's shit, it's shit and last night was shit!

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The main event was really good. You can almost always count on Jeff Hardy and Umaga to bring a good match.


HHH vs Regal was a good brawl.


WWE should really get JBL a shirt or something before he wrestles another match. At least get him in the gym working on his pecs. There was more titties in he and Snitsky's match against Jericho, than in the Diva match.


With Ashley back on RAW, the face-women's scene is going to be crowded once Candice Michelle returns.

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I don't know who I hate worse in their cameo appearances Austin or Foley. They're both sad caractures of their heyday and it's a crying shame they both don't realize it and have the guts to stay away. Foley coming out was cue for me to turn off the tv and go to bed. It soulds like I missed a kickass main event because of him.


The pillowfight match was dumb as hell. Since it wasn't a team match, why did Mickie and Maria stand around and let Ashley get the pin and the win? Because it was a throwaway gimmick match and she was making her bg return?


I was hoping that Regal would have cheated to win the first blood match. I'm surprised HHH wouldn't try and put his old buddy over more. I mean has anybody ever tried to use a blood packet during a FB match - Breaking it open on their opponent of course. It would have set up another match for RR where HHH could have went over. (maybe I just don't what HHH in the RR)


Holly vs Carly was dumb. OMG Holly in a big fro is hilarous HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. No not really.


Haas' gimmick soulded so much better on paper. The kid just can't pull it off, having the charisma of a lamp post.





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