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Arguably Jake Robert's most well known promo at Wrestlemania VI AKA "Wallowing in the muck of avarice."


Gorilla Monsoon and Bobby Heenan's back and forth at Wrestlemania VIII over Indiana.

-Brain: I'm Indiana's favorite Bobby. I could get the high school basketball team to win a game.

Gorilla: You couldn't hold Bobby Knight's towel.

Brain: Who?


Austin's use of the Million Dollar Dream after four and a half year absence, and the Bret Hart callback via Rock's subsequent counter at Wrestlemania X-7.


John Cena's Pre-Show promo at WM XIX.


Paul Bearer's return at WM XX.


The "return" of the old Shawn Michaels in his match with Vince at WM XXII.


Booker, the egocentric heel, choosing to save Sharmell rather than grab the briefcase in MITB III at Wrestlemania 23. (Actually that whole match is full of great character moments with Matt egging on Jeff to destroy Edge, Finlay's reliance and subsequent concern over Hornswoggle).


Last year's Money in the Bank was highly entertaining. JBL's commentary when Booker saves Sharmell is priceless. Hornswoggle, who got a great pop from the crowd, taking Kennedy's move off the ladder was great as well.

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Guest Mr. Adam

Add my love to Rock talking to Austin on the mat at XIX.


Arn Anderson's Spinebuster at X-8.


Foley's out of NOWHERE elbow on Flair at XX.


Flair: "Not right now, motherfucker."


The mobile phone guy after HHH taps @ XXII. Amazing.


"Ladies and Gentlemen, Hall of Fame Inductee Bret Hitman Hart,

*crowd goes ape*

will not be appearing tonight. (paraphrased).


Front row fans shouting "Come on Owen, Yeah!" just before the match at X kicks off is my favourite childhood wrestling moment.

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Arn Anderson's Spinebuster at X-8.






- The "Hot Rod and the Hot Scot" at WrestleMania VI... yep, I mark out for it.


- Tito Santana greeting Reba McIntyre at WrestleMania VIII, with Heenan saying "It's his sister, it's Arrriba McIntyre!"


- The person in the crowd at WrestleMania 13 holding up a big sign that read: "ASS"


- Also at WM13, the sign shaped like a pair of scissors that read "SID/ARN"


- The Rock wearing Austin's vest at WMXIX


- The wide shot at WrestleMania XX of Shawn standing on the announcer's table with Hunter standing in the ring (or, do I have that backwards?) motioning for him to "bring it on"

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I've always got a kick out of WrestleMania squashes. The Hart Foundation squashing The Bolvsheiks at WrestleMania VI always gets a chuckle from me and as a young mark, I went apeshit when Earthquake beat Adam Bomb in 30 seconds at WrestleMania X. Though in retrospect, the latter was kind of stupid since Earthquake left a month later and Adam Bomb was supposes to be an up and coming heel. And of course a post about WrestleMania squashes needs to mention King Kong Bundy beating S.D. Jones in nine seconds. That's somewhat diminished by the fact that the match is actually like 30-40 seconds long and even as a mark, I knew that time wasn't right.

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-Even though it was the main event..


I feel that Lawrence Taylor/Bam Bam Bigelow is kind of a lost gem..


On the Celebrity match scale it's 6 star match..LT actually took some punishment and


slams cause he actually took the time between the Rumble and Mania to learn to bump a little...


-Ummm...Diesel bringing out Pam Anderson


-Austin/Rock pre-match Video set to "My Way" at X-7


-Chicago Street Fight at 13


-'Taker's Belt pose at 13/23

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I could list all the "little" moments individually, but I'm just going to say from the opening montage on WrestleMania 1 until Hogan's victory celebration at WrestleMania 7, those are my favorite WrestleMania moments. Nothing that's happened since really compares to those, but that's just how I feel.

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-Even though it was the main event..


I feel that Lawrence Taylor/Bam Bam Bigelow is kind of a lost gem..


On the Celebrity match scale it's 6 star match..LT actually took some punishment and


slams cause he actually took the time between the Rumble and Mania to learn to bump a little...


-Ummm...Diesel bringing out Pam Anderson


-Austin/Rock pre-match Video set to "My Way" at X-7


-Chicago Street Fight at 13


-'Taker's Belt pose at 13/23


Taker casually telling the referee to get Batista out of the ring after the WM23 match is priceless as well.

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-Austin/Rock pre-match Video set to "My Way" at X-7


I abhor Limp Bizkit, but I must admit that song is an important part of X-Seven. The Austin heel turn was brilliant. The pre-match zoom out of Austin's reflection in the mirror, Howard Finkel announcing that the main event was No Disqualification with Ross and Lawler like "WTF?!? When did that happen?" and Austin jumping the Rock before the bell rang... Austin was turning heel long before Vince showed up during the match, and nobody caught on until the end.

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-Austin/Rock pre-match Video set to "My Way" at X-7
Austin was turning heel long before Vince showed up during the match, and nobody caught on until the end.


"D.T.A" Austin has always been a heel in my book.

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Jesse Ventura's anti-Hogan rant at the end of WM5 was great.


The William Perry/Big John Studd confrontation at WM2 was a mark out moment when I was a little kid.


The visual of bloody Austin in the Sharpshooter at WM13 will stick forever.


Triple H's face as he gets a Last Ride while thinking he had the upperhand on UT at WM17. I love a goood "OH SHIT!" face.


Chris Jericho kicking Shawn Michaels in the balls at WM19.


The crowd shitting on Brock Lesnar and Goldberg at WM20.


Various pre-match staredowns amidst a RAGING crowd: Andre/Hogan, Warrior/Hogan, Rock/Hogan

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Jesse Ventura's anti-Hogan rant at the end of WM5 was great.


I also loved it when Jesse ranted that Savage, as the World Champion, came out first and that was wrong.

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Someone in the crowd holding up Hogan's half of the Ultimate Challenge sign at SkyDome for VI, then bringing it back for Hogan's match against The Rock at X-8, also at SkyDome. I loved that.



That's actually a very good friend of mine. He's such a Hogan mark. He still has it.



+1 for the Austin staring in the mirror before WrestleMania X-7. Great foreshadowing to the finish.

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- Bob Uecker, in any manner.

- Bobby Heenan at Wrestlemania VI "Ya listen to me, ya go straight to the top! Don't listen to me, you're never heard from again!"

- Funk and Foley winning the Tag Titles at XIV.

- Flair's elbow at XX.

- The chokeslam/RKO turnaround during Taker-Orton at XXI.


And nearly anything involving a Hart, especially Bret's win at X, Owen's surprise partner at XI, and the entire submission match at XIII.


Little is subjective, isn't it? Can Hart-Austin count as a moment? And Eddie-Chris at XX certainly should be on the list, at least as of 7 months ago.

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