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Comic creators you hate

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So which guys in comics do you really have a strong disliking for?


Judd Winnick is up there for me. I don't necessarily mind his social commentary, but it just comes across as really forced, kind of like its his crutch when he doesn't know where he wants to go with a story. He doesn't do a good job maintaining continuity. At times he also doesn't seem to know how to write characters; just look at Green Arrow, Black Canary, Nightwing, et al.


It seems that he would be more suited to creator owned characters on his own.

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Judd Winnick definitely sits on the negative side, even though he can occasionally pull some decent stuff out (For example, I actually liked a lot of the concepts and the ending of Trials of Shazam).


Jeph Loeb, despite some good ones, is currently one of the worst writers out there. God help me, but he's completely ruined Ultimates for everyone.

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Judd Winnick definitely sits on the negative side, even though he can occasionally pull some decent stuff out (For example, I actually liked a lot of the concepts and the ending of Trials of Shazam).


Jeph Loeb, despite some good ones, is currently one of the worst writers out there. God help me, but he's completely ruined Ultimates for everyone.


I think Trials of Shazam would have been better received if it wasn't coming out at the same time as Jeff Smith's awesome Shazam miniseries.


The current Ultimates is a complete trainwreck.

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Perhaps. I think the worse part was the irritating delays. I mean, I personally liked the whole of the series, especially with the Gods taking mortal forms and such. It didn't get much exposure as well; it seems like niche Marvel series that are really good get a helluva lot better coverage than DC ones, and I put the blame on DC more than anything. Series like the Blue Beetle and Shadowpact deserve some better promotion.

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His art is just lifeless. It looks like someone posed some statues and he drew them. It's like the complete opposite of Gary Frank (Who has a wonderful sense of motion and life).

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His art is just lifeless. It looks like someone posed some statues and he drew them. It's like the complete opposite of Gary Frank (Who has a wonderful sense of motion and life).



Frank's work on Supreme Power was superb.


I didn't mind Joe Mad on X-Men back in the nineties too much.

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The current Ultimates is a complete trainwreck.


I'll second this.


It takes a lot of talent to fuck it up that badly. Ultimates 1 & 2 were great. 3 ..not so much.

Yeah, and considering the first two were by Mark Millar, this one is a real POS.


The other thing with U3 is that Madureira's art seems to be lacking. I don't like the direct from pencils coloring they've been doing.

His apparent fetish for the color brown is discouraging too.

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The current Ultimates is a complete trainwreck.


I'll second this.


It takes a lot of talent to fuck it up that badly. Ultimates 1 & 2 were great. 3 ..not so much.


Can I just say this? The Quicksilver / Scarlet Witch "relationship" was a lot more humerous when it was understated. It didn't need Jeph Loeb hammering people over the head with a sledgehammer. Yeah, we got it, Loeb, they like each other, they REALLY do.


I can't stand the man. Terrible, terrible writer, one of the absolute worst "big names" out there.


Winnick is tolerable to me, but here's a pet peeve of mine with him: ENOUGH with the gay characters until you can find a way to do them without it seeming cliche at this point. Because it sure feels that way - hack and cliche, since he's done it so goddamn much. I know, you're paying tribute to Pedro, but please, just stop, because at this point, you're not even making the gay characters natural anymore, now it just feels forced.


Oh, and I absolutely LOATHE Mark Millar.

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Jeph Loeb, despite some good ones, is currently one of the worst writers out there. God help me, but he's completely ruined Ultimates for everyone.

Personally, Ultimates was ruined for me by it's near-Liefeldian publishing schedule. Haven't returned to the Ultimate Universe since.


If the majority of characters on that Skrull ship turns out to be the real deal, I will hate Bendis forever and a day.


Bob Harras and his crew (Kavanaugh, Mackie) are high on my list of hated writers.


Grant Morrison, I hate because he can be inconsistent. And he seems to keep Frank Quitely employed.

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See, I'm the opposite. I'm a big fan of Millar and I'll purchase pretty much anything with his name on it.


More proof that in America, the consumer has a serious appetite for shit.

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I think I'll be fought on this one, but I can't stand Alex Ross, I understand that hes a great painter and that I could never even dream of being as good but his art style doesn't appeal to me at all. When I read comics I don't want to see realistic looking characters it just throws things off for me. I also remember when I found out that he does all of his work after taking pictures of models and it turned me away from him even more, to me the best artists are the ones who can draw anyone in any position without any visual aid but there own mind. The third strike for Ross was finding out that the guy is an opinionated asshole. I have nothing against someone being opinionated but you don't have to climb the tallest mountain in the world and shout it out for all to hear all the time, just because you think something should be one way doesn't mean everyone else has to as well, thats what great about opinions they belong to you, just like I'm sure alot of people will disagree with my opinion on Ross, but I don't care if you do or not, it seems to me like he takes offense to it if you don't agree with something he says. The fact that the guy is an asshole means I can't enjoy anything he does its the same reason why I can't watch a Russel Crowe movie.

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Byrne is still good when he wants to be.


He phones it in alot of the time, then expects everybody to think it's as good as the stuff he was doing in the 70s and 80s.


He has a messageboard, and he's a dick there unless you suck his ass constantly. Dude starts shit with other creators because he's old, jaded and bitter.



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I've really soured on Loeb over the past few years as well.


And "Greg Land, honestly give me a light box and a pack of pens and I could reproduce any of his work" made me laugh quite a bit. Too true.

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Fucking disraceful is what it is. Being influenced by a dude's style is one thing, completely apeing somebody's art is fucked.



"They bite, they never write, that's not polite..."

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