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Lt. Al Giardello

If you were a cop, would you be corrupt?

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If I was a cop I'd probably shoot myself in order to escape the boredom of having a job that consists of 95% paperwork.

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I've met a few asian cops here that are assholes... But we have alot of asian folks here in Calgary, so you're bound to run into a couple of asshole chinese cops.

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Truthfully, most of the cops around here are total dickweeds. It's a small college town, so there isn't a ton of crime other than some white trash disturbance of the peace and handing out tickets for everything.


The one time I was the driver that got pulled over it was when I was leaving a friends dorm headed home around 1 am and the second I pulled out of the driveway the lights went up. I guess my taillight had burned out, but I had all my stuff ready, and my window down by the time the cop walked up to my car and you could see the disappointment in his eyes when he couldn't smell alcohol on my breath (I don't drink at all). He took my info, did the ID search or whatever, and told me to get my tail light fixed.


My buddy got some bullshit "exhibition of speed" ticket for going around a corner too fast his WRX at 2 am with nobody around. The cop didn't clock him, but said since his headlights wobbled he was obviously going to fast. Eventhough my friend fought the ticket and went to the corner and showed that there was a flaw in the road that made a sideways dip. The cop said, I've been a cop for X years, I can tell with the naked eye when someone is speeding, and the judge went with him.


That's more the problem round here, the cops, and lawyers and judges are all old school townies so their families have been friends for generations or the cop grew up with the judge's kid or whatever. So alot of bullshit can go down legally.

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Which cops aren't corrupt?




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Which cops aren't corrupt?




Nah man, he invented a fake serial killer and sent a innocent man to prison.





She's the only cop on the show who wasn't corrupt.


Well outside of that whole Bird situation, that is.

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If I was a cop in the States, I'd imagine myself to be like Slater and Michaels in Superbad.

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If i happened to stumble upon one of those big 100 million dollar drug bust where there is cash all over the place you might notice it being a 98 million dollar drug bust on the news.


You know...that scene in Lethel Weapon 2 where all that money is there and Roger says "Nah...its drug money". FUCK that, son.

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As I've always said, I'd be massively corrupt. Raping teen runaways, smoking crack on the job, killing homeless people... that's the life. Bad Lieutenant, son.

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Which cops aren't corrupt?




Nah man, he invented a fake serial killer and sent a innocent man to prison.


He never sent an innocent man to prison, the man who went to prison was guilty of killing the other homeless man after he stopped the fake serial killer shit.


And the fake serial killer shit wasn't corrupt, it was the right thing to do.


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My buddy got a ticket last night for throwing a cigarette BUTT out his window. Seriously, the cop had nothing better to do.


There are laws against that. It's been that way for a long time now. Not sure if it's a national law or just state law.

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You know what? I decided I'd become a super awesome cop, and kick in doors to see if people were having sex in any other position but missionary, since that's a felony in Utah.


Sexy Gestapo Man, that's what they'd call me, yeah.

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There's laws against a lot of things people aren't usually cited for.


Indeed, but it seems like the local cops in MoVal/Riverside often do cite people for that. I quit a year ago, but I know of 6 people, including my mom, who were ticketed for cigarette BUTT tossing. Of course, other areas' law enforcement might not be so strict about enforcing those types of laws.

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I never understood why people just throw their cigarette butts on the ground. It's not socially acceptable to throw your wrappers on the ground when you are finished eating.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Believe it or not when I was a heavy smoker I kept a ziploc bag that I'd put my butts in. I've always been really anti litter.

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I never understood why people just throw their cigarette butts on the ground. It's not socially acceptable to throw your wrappers on the ground when you are finished eating.


The fucked up thing is that most cities have those receptacles filled with sand, either the open face kind or the enclosed ones (or both) to dispose of your cigarette butts in, yet I usually see more on the ground in the general area of those things than actually in it. I'm all for people's right to smoke, as a former smoker myself, but come on. You needn't go to the extreme that CWM did, but don't just toss them on the ground.

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A lot of people won't throw their cigarettes on the ground. I mean, when there's no ashtrays provided, it's understandable... but I think the people doing it are the same people who just throw trash on the ground, ie black people.

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Speaking of black people- I've probably mentioned this here before, but every time a black person would ask me for a cigarette and I would pull out my Newports, they'd react like they had just won the lottery or something. Of course, Newports are the best cigarette, but that didn't make things any less comical.

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