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All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

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I don't think the roster size is too much since I really like what I have as a whole and think it could be very entertaining, but the concept of the super show was added mid-flow and I like everyone else is trying to get everyone on the big show which just doesn't happen in reality.



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Plain and simple, the supercard at a busy time in my life and by the time I've got a lot of time free to put the final touches together, I doubt many will care.



I think a smaller draft and starting it earlier in the year so it could end during the summer would be nice.

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I still want to do this, and I'm pretty busy now, but what's really holding me up is what I'm going to build up to. I like my wrestlers too much not to do this. Eventually though, even if you guys don't care, I'll post a card up. And I'm not using everyone on the roster.

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Yeah, I don't think there is a time limit any more.. I wish I hadn't rushed mine when I did now. Everyone should just do them when they fancy it, i'm sure nobody would mind.


And I reckon this thread, as good as it is, is Classics Bound. Nearly 100 pages no less!

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It's a shame that this never really had a satisfactory conclusion after all the time it took. I think it would be good to just forget the super card idea and still do some sort of vote on who ended up with the best roster.

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I will accept full-blame on this one. If I could have done it differently I would have:


1) Allowed only one selection at a time. No more tag team disputes. If you really want the British Bulldogs, then you can test your fate and hope that Davey Boy makes it back to you. Zoo got that one right when he hosted the rapper draft.


2) Managers, announcers, etc. would have been available from the start. This would have ended the "drafted Heenan as a wrestler but really for use as a manager" type controversy (don't remember if Heenan was specifically drafted for that purpose, but there were some managers who were taken under questionable circumstances).


3) Only one arena/city per person. I should have put my foot down. The initial idea called for separate home bases for everybody. I was so proud that I got my hands on the Rosemont Horizon, but it lost its shine when others had access to the United Center. Chicagoland was supposed to be mine!


4) Only one supercard. I also should have put my foot down on that one. Though some actually had it together enough to write a few weeks of TV leading up to their card, and they did it well, so it's not a heavy complaint, but with this exception comes the number of required venues.




Also, Drury had the best roster.

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I liked the tag teams as a unit rule though. 30 was just about right for a full fledged roster though, at least the way I was building it with a solid womens division and a Cruiserweight one.


Drury's roster was something else.

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Hawk 34 & I were discussing a second draft. I don't really care who runs it, Mellow did a tremendous job with the first one, but if he didn't fancy doing it again, i'd be more than happy to run this draft, whenever we decide to start again.



The only thing i'd suggest would be deleting this thread as I wouldn't like to think of people just selecting the best names off a list on page one.

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I doubt I'd be able to help run it until the summer but count me in for a second draft.


Oh another problem for me was that the booking of the supercard happened to coincide with the beginning of school and me having a lot less time to putz around on the internet. I thought if we started the draft in the spring and ended it sometime in the summer, it might work out better. Again that may just be me.

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I'm in for a second draft.


I prefer the single selections because it avoids picks like Austin and Pillman and stuff like that. It's not like someone will pick Rick Steiner to be an ass after another guy picks Scott Steiner.

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Does anybody want to throw their hat in to run it? Like I said, very happy to run it if nobody else wants to.


Edit: The safe bet is the above comment about single wrestlers, much better idea.


I would like to avoid the uproar of last time when I tried to draft the Outsiders!



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See I personally liked the tag team rule but there are obviously some that should be off limits (Hollywood Blondes is a good example). I don't know, we should probably put it to a vote once we've got all of the drafters.


Oh and if anybody cares, I have the barebone results to my supershow hanging around somewhere. I'd be glad to post 'em.

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Yeah, considering the last draft filled up inside one day, consider this my formal entry into TSM Wrestler Draft 2.


What he said...I want in!


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I'm up for overseeing a second draft under the terms I've laid out. We've got to have another angle, though. I say pick a locale up front and build from there.

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