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All-Time Wrestling Roster Draft

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On behalf of KingKamalaClassic:



My next pick is one of wrestling's great badasses. It really comes to no surprise that he's currently working as a prison guard at the infamous Louisiana State Penitentary. Before being cartoonized in the WWF, he was one of the meanest looking men in wrestling. He'll make a great fit for my monster heel slot.


He's a former UWF World Heavyweight Champion and a WCW U.S. Champion.


With my 15th pick in the All Time Wrestling Roster Draft, I'm proud to select...


07.jpg One Man Gang


Another great pick, but luckily... not one I was looking at currently.

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On behalf of Cranda:


The 254th selection...


The former WWF Tag Team Champions,


Grandmaster Sexay and Scotty 2 Hotty...


Too Cool



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I believe I found a good team to face America's Most Wanted, although I might be picking them too soon, and I'm sure to draw the ire of most with one of the members.


Unfortunately I cannot find a good picture of them as a team.


But they're Paul Roma and Hercules, POWER AND GLORY.

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With the next selection in the draft, I'm going to go against convention and draft another big man to work with Andre since some bastard already took Ernie Ladd. ;) I was originally going to work Jesse against Andre, but I've found a new plan for Ventura.


Anyways, this man was a very well known big man in his day, and he had quite a unique pinning gimmick that has never been copied, but it could easily be. He wasn't the most attractive of wrestlers, but his look added to his gimmick. He main evented a Wrestlemania, and his last name is also what inspired the last name of one of America's most beloved television families.


Ladies and Gentlemen...


The master of the 5 Count...






Again, he can also work against a number of other people on my roster if so desired.


Just for clarification - I'm taking the Georgia/World Class version of Bundy. I like the younger Bundy a bit better than the one that main evented Wrestlemania II.

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I don't believe this team has been picked, so i'll grab them strictly for their in-ring ability. A match with the Bulldogs would be great. My 3rd tag team is....




The Orient Express!

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I don't believe this team has been picked, so i'll grab them strictly for their in-ring ability. A match with the Bulldogs would be great. My 3rd tag team is....




The Orient Express!


I like them a lot better than Power and Glory... they could work a hell of a match, and their work with the Rockers at Royal Rumble 1991 is still a favorite match of mine.

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I got Aja in the last round now for someone for her to beat up.



Might be considered a reach by some since she'd likely drop back to me in a couple of rounds, but screw it.






Megumi Kudo


She's pretty, taught Kindergarten, invented the Kudo Driver (aka Vertibreaker) and her retirement match in 97 was a no-ropes Electric Barbedwire rigged with c4 on two Sides, Barbed wire with more c4 planks on the two open sides where she got cut open with a scythe and took most of the big spots.


She can fly, bleed, and take everything to Aja and then some.

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For my next selection, I need a great technical wrestler who can shine in both the Junior and Heavyweight divisions.


As an added bonus, this guy is very skilled in the world of shootfighting, and can bring a sense of legitimacy with him.


Ladies and gentlemen, the former IWGP Heavyweight and Junior Heavyweight Champion...


Nobuhiko Takada




I am going for UWFi era Takada, and I could not, for the life of me, find a good picture of him from that era.

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Aw... New Japans Worked Shooto Era. I had my eye on another guy from that time. You'd better not steal him. :( :D

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Aw... New Japans Worked Shooto Era. I had my eye on another guy from that time. You'd better not steal him. :( :D


And it's probably the guy that I am intending on programming with Takada.

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So, my next pick is a guy I've always been a fan of. Someone that can be a contender for a mid-card title or two as well as put a scare into any of the top level talent.


With my next pick, I take:


Scott Norton

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I wasn't told that I was up next. I decided to pick up my 4th tag team here and although they weren't ever insanely over, I think they're a solid babyface pair which I definitely need considering my tag team tastes tend to lean towards heels. Having said all of that, I'm taking Danny Doring & Roadkill.




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On the behalf of The Franchise


With the next selection of this draft, he has chosen one of the most entertaining and skilled performers in the business today





"Classic" Colt Cabana!

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