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Well I guess this is one way to get out of your contract. If they don't fire him, he'll just keep popping off, of course he better realize that he's forever burning a bridge by going about it this way. And they'll probably only give him a limited release - meaning no TNA for two more years.


I've always thought Carlito was rather boring in the ring, and his character has long since grown stale. Maybe it's a case of him being unmotivated because of his push. But that goes both ways and maybe he isn't pushed because he doesn't give serious effort in the ring.


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Well I guess this is one way to get out of your contract. If they don't fire him, he'll just keep popping off, of course he better realize that he's forever burning a bridge by going about it this way. And they'll probably only give him a limited release - meaning no TNA for two more years.


I've always thought Carlito was rather boring in the ring, and his character has long since grown stale. Maybe it's a case of him being unmotivated because of his push. But that goes both ways and maybe he isn't pushed because he doesn't give serious effort in the ring.



No one burns a bridge in pro wrestling. See: Vince McMahon and Eric Bischoff.

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The only people that can get truly blacklisted I guess are guys that flat out have nothing to offer Vince at all.


Savage could sell a DVD and go in the Hall as the top draw if they wanted him too...so there's still some money on the table.


Warrior could be used as a top draw in the Hall...I would really think that he'll end up in the fold at least briefly at some point and it wouldn't shock me.


Douglas...has nothing to offer.

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WWE wanted permission from TNA to use Shane Douglas as well as Raven, Kid Kash (who quit TNA so he could attend the PPV), and Jerry Lynn for the original ECW One Night Stand in 2005.

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Don't forget Shane Douglas. I would say Warrior but Vince could get desperate very soon.

No no...Warrior is done.

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Wasn't Warrior just recently singing the praises of Vince and WWE, a total 180 from his previous stance?


Last I read he was saying that all the links of him going to TNA and WWE were false, and they would say his name to benefit themselves as The Warrior was still a valuable item within the wrestling world. Or something of that affect, the usual self hype screw WWE type of stuff.

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I always thought it was unfair to see HHH married Steph solely for political reasons. When you see footage of them together away (like on punked) they do seem very compatible. I doubt HHH is indifferent to the benefits that come from marrying Vince McMahon's daughter, but I don't think that's the main reason he's with her.

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Carlito has lasted a lot longer than he really should have to be honest. He's never had any real look or physique (outside of the hair) and if you have no look you better have serious skills, which he doesn't. And now Santino is better at being the comedic douchebag heel that never wins.


Just wondering but why on earth would they change Victoria Crawford's name to Alicia Fox? Victoria Crawford is such an awesome sounding name, like a model would have. As in her real name should be Alicia Fox and they would change it to Victoria Crawford, not vice versa.

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Carlito has lasted a lot longer than he really should have to be honest. He's never had any real look or physique (outside of the hair) and if you have no look you better have serious skills, which he doesn't. And now Santino is better at being the comedic douchebag heel that never wins.


Just wondering but why on earth would they change Victoria Crawford's name to Alicia Fox? Victoria Crawford is such an awesome sounding name, like a model would have. As in her real name should be Alicia Fox and they would change it to Victoria Crawford, not vice versa.


Maybe they don't want two Victoria's on the roster.

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Carlito has lasted a lot longer than he really should have to be honest. He's never had any real look or physique (outside of the hair) and if you have no look you better have serious skills, which he doesn't. And now Santino is better at being the comedic douchebag heel that never wins.


Just wondering but why on earth would they change Victoria Crawford's name to Alicia Fox? Victoria Crawford is such an awesome sounding name, like a model would have. As in her real name should be Alicia Fox and they would change it to Victoria Crawford, not vice versa.


Maybe they don't want two Victoria's on the roster.


Again, another WWE name change that doesn't make sense because they've had more than one Chris and two Matts on the roster at certain times. I'm starting to sound like a broken record on this issue.


We can thank JR and Tony Chimel for screwing up names I guess.

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Carlito has lasted a lot longer than he really should have to be honest. He's never had any real look or physique (outside of the hair) and if you have no look you better have serious skills, which he doesn't. And now Santino is better at being the comedic douchebag heel that never wins.


Just wondering but why on earth would they change Victoria Crawford's name to Alicia Fox? Victoria Crawford is such an awesome sounding name, like a model would have. As in her real name should be Alicia Fox and they would change it to Victoria Crawford, not vice versa.


Maybe they don't want two Victoria's on the roster.


Again, another WWE name change that doesn't make sense because they've had more than one Chris and two Matts on the roster at certain times. I'm starting to sound like a broken record on this issue.


We can thank JR and Tony Chimel for screwing up names I guess.


Well there's Vickie Guerrero and Victoria, and most Divas are only really called by their first names. So it kinda makes sense in WWE land.

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I think it's because WWE pre-screened the winners before Raw and told them to be near the phone.


Which is a shame since if Vince got someone's voice mail, he could leave a taunting message saying they would have won $200,000 but too bad. Then WWE would probably find out that the contestant was in the middle of a heart attack and being rushed to a hospital at the same time the message was being left.

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Carlito has lasted a lot longer than he really should have to be honest. He's never had any real look or physique (outside of the hair) and if you have no look you better have serious skills, which he doesn't. And now Santino is better at being the comedic douchebag heel that never wins.


Just wondering but why on earth would they change Victoria Crawford's name to Alicia Fox? Victoria Crawford is such an awesome sounding name, like a model would have. As in her real name should be Alicia Fox and they would change it to Victoria Crawford, not vice versa.


I honestly don't see him as that valuable either. I've never been that impressed with his ring work..He always seems to just go through the motions and I don't know...he just doesn't have "it". If he leaves, people wouldn't even notice probably.

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Carlito has lasted a lot longer than he really should have to be honest. He's never had any real look or physique (outside of the hair) and if you have no look you better have serious skills, which he doesn't. And now Santino is better at being the comedic douchebag heel that never wins.


Just wondering but why on earth would they change Victoria Crawford's name to Alicia Fox? Victoria Crawford is such an awesome sounding name, like a model would have. As in her real name should be Alicia Fox and they would change it to Victoria Crawford, not vice versa.


Maybe they don't want two Victoria's on the roster.


Again, another WWE name change that doesn't make sense because they've had more than one Chris and two Matts on the roster at certain times. I'm starting to sound like a broken record on this issue.


We can thank JR and Tony Chimel for screwing up names I guess.


Yeah, but the wrestlers usually have a distinct personality so you know Chris Jericho from Chris Masters. Some of the divas on the other hand are interchangeable.

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Carlito showed signs of being decent in 2006 for a while. I recall the first match of his that impressed me at all was his WM tourney match with RVD, which was pretty good stuff. He also had some matches with Johnny Nitro and Shelton Benjamin that was solid during that time. But after that? Not much.

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Jericho and Benoit are/were more often than not refered to by their last names.


Alicia Fox sounds like a stripper name though, and it seems they took a book out of TNA's naming of wrestling women. Velvet Sky, Angelina Love, Roxxi Leveaux, Peyton Banks etc.


However there was nothing wrong with Nattie/Natalie, Natalia is ridiculous and really doesn't fit Nattie, it's obvious they were trying to sex up her ring name.


Regarding burning bridges - Carlito's not burning it with Vince, but rather Stephanie and Hunter. I have a feeling they will hold grudges.

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I've kinda wondered this since it's getting closer to one year since, but with that said.


How good or how much would the Benoit vs. Punk feud/matches carry ECW?

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Benoit would've killed him.




Seriously though...


Benoit would have won the ECW title and then we'd probably have ended up with Punk as champ sometime after (kinda like it happened anyway) and we'd pretty much be in the same place I think.


The matches...I'd like to say they'd have been great...but we'd probably have gotten overloaded with them like we have every other ECW title match that they repeat 60 times.

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Just something I was thinking about today. I know quite a few wrestlers refer to each other by their character name (ie Foley being called Cactus), but does this follow into their family lives? Like does Undertakers brothers (I don't know if he actually has siblings) call him Taker? Just a random thought I had.

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Don't think it's been posted, but the latest Observer says Orton's injury is worse than first thought and he isn't due back until October.


Damn. Is it just me, or have the past two and a half years or so been the absolute woorrrrrrst for this company from a health standpoint? Why, since the wellness policy was first instituted, have muscle tears and other injuries been so much more abundant? It makes no sense to me.

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2 funny old school notes I saw recently : WCW in 1994 had Mean Gene on PPV promote calling the 1-900 hotline to hear alternative commentary for the PPV


I watched a Sam Houston match in 87 and the camera picked up a heckler yelling "Hey Houston Where's Baby Doll?!" Pretty smart for a 87 crowd

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