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I would, he was getting splattered on the feet and would have not gotten the takedown had knees and stomps on the ground been allowed. He would not have survived that long. Also, about .03 seconds after getting the takedown, he got subbed, thus rendering it meaningless. What are you LOTC, a UFC judge?

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I would, he was getting splattered on the feet and would have not gotten the takedown had knees and stomps on the ground been allowed. He would not have survived that long. Also, about .03 seconds after getting the takedown, he got subbed, thus rendering it meaningless. What are you LOTC, a UFC judge?


Absolutely. I, in fact, was the judge in question that scored Griffin/Ortiz a 30-27 for Tito. I've still got my job, Dana.

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As nasty as Mirko's kicks are, Fedor still made him his personal bitch.


Somthing tells me you didn't watch that fight.


Yeah I did. Everything that Mirko tried, Fedor had an answer for. It got to the point that it looked to me like Mirko was second guessing himself and Fedor won the match handily.


While I agree Fedor was clearly the winner of the fight, to say Cro Cop is Fedor's personal bitch is kinda arrogant. Fedor did not dominate Cro Cop.


Here are examples of making someone their personal bitch: GSP/Hughes 2, Silva/Franklin, Silva/Leben, Fedor/Coleman 2, Liddell/Babalu 2, and thats only over the last few months.


You don't have to beat the living hell out of someone in a short length of time in order to make someone your bitch. The way I see it, you take everything that your opponent throws at you and you still are beating him. When you do that, you break his spirit, you can do anything you want to him and he if does't somehow have an answer, the fight is yours. Fedor did that in spades.


And it has nothing to do with arrogance to say that. You can disagree with my statement, but there's no need to go into that realm. The way I saw that fight, Fedor had an answer for everything Cro Cop tried and everything he tried was pretty much working. Towards the end of that fight, Mirko looked broken.


Tito Vs. Rampage will likely never go down... They are close friends and training partners.


For Rampage's 1st UFC fight, it should be his original fight for the WFA card, Marvin Eastman since it was Eastman who handed Rampage his 1st lost, and as a Rampage fan I would like to see him avenge it. But for the love of god don't make it a main event unless it's on free tv.


Friendships mean little when a big payoff and a chance to become champion are up for grabs. Friendships are fine, but competition is competition especially when there is a chance to be champion and a big payoff at stake.

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You don't have to beat the living hell out of someone in a short length of time in order to make someone your bitch. The way I see it, you take everything that your opponent throws at you and you still are beating him. When you do that, you break his spirit, you can do anything you want to him and he if does't somehow have an answer, the fight is yours. Fedor did that in spades.


And it has nothing to do with arrogance to say that. You can disagree with my statement, but there's no need to go into that realm. The way I saw that fight, Fedor had an answer for everything Cro Cop tried and everything he tried was pretty much working. Towards the end of that fight, Mirko looked broken.


I think Mirko Cro Cop has a great chance at beating Fedor in a rematch. And considering Fedor even admited after their fight that Cro Cop was the toughest fighter he has EVER faced, I can't see how he can be labeled as Fedor's personal bitch. Someone who is someone personal bitch is someone who is ABSOLUTELY dominated in a fight atleast in my opinion, that is not the case of Fedor/Cro Cop. And I'm sure there will be others who agreed.


Friendships mean little when a big payoff and a chance to become champion are up for grabs. Friendships are fine, but competition is competition especially when there is a chance to be champion and a big payoff at stake.


Tell that to Tito who took so long to accept Chuck's challenge, who he considered to be a friend. I can't see Rampage/Tito fighting each other. It's easier say then done. There's alot of emotions flowing when you fight someone who you have an close relationship with.


If what are you saying is the case, then why haven't we seen a Shogun/Silva fight yet? That would be a HUGE payday.

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I think Mirko Cro Cop has a great chance at beating Fedor in a rematch. And considering Fedor even admited after their fight that Cro Cop was the toughest fighter he has EVER faced, I can't see how he can be labeled as Fedor's personal bitch. Someone who is someone personal bitch is someone who is ABSOLUTELY dominated in a fight atleast in my opinion, that is not the case of Fedor/Cro Cop. And I'm sure there will be others who agreed.


And thats what it comes down to. Opinion. I see it one way, you see it another. I will agree that Mirko has a better chance than most at beating Fedor, however. And you're the only one here trying to prove a point. No one else has even ventured a reply to what I said.


Friendships mean little when a big payoff and a chance to become champion are up for grabs. Friendships are fine, but competition is competition especially when there is a chance to be champion and a big payoff at stake.


Tell that to Tito who took so long to accept Chuck's challenge, who he considered to be a friend. I can't see Rampage/Tito fighting each other. It's easier say then done. There's alot of emotions flowing when you fight someone who you have an close relationship with.


If what are you saying is the case, then why haven't we seen a Shogun/Silva fight yet? That would be a HUGE payday.


You have a point but the way I see it, friends are friends but you can be rest assured that if I am put in a match with a friend of mine, I am going to do everything in my power to beat the shit out of him to win the match. Win or lose, unless he does something I consider to be bullshit (repeated low blows or something along that line), he will be my friend once the adrenaline dies down and one of us gets over the loss. Competition does not mean the friendship is over by any means. In such a sport, its not good for your career to say "I won't fight that guy despite the fact that I have a chance at being a champion, which means that I would be one of the very best in the world at what I do, and I would be able to better provide for my family, because he's my friend and I don't fight my friends." That's a good way to be put off to the side and be passed over for opportunities.

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And thats what it comes down to. Opinion. I see it one way, you see it another. I will agree that Mirko has a better chance than most at beating Fedor, however. And you're the only one here trying to prove a point. No one else has even ventured a reply to what I said.


Am I suppose to care what everyone else thinks? No, I'm sure there are people who agree with me that labeling Mirko, Fedor's personal bitch is pathetic. If anything he is Nogueria's personal bitch, not Fedor's. By your logic, Mirko is Mark Hunt's personal bitch because of their MMA fight(excluding the K-1 fight).


You have a point but the way I see it, friends are friends but you can be rest assured that if I am put in a match with a friend of mine, I am going to do everything in my power to beat the shit out of him to win the match. Win or lose, unless he does something I consider to be bullshit (repeated low blows or something along that line), he will be my friend once the adrenaline dies down and one of us gets over the loss. Competition does not mean the friendship is over by any means. In such a sport, its not good for your career to say "I won't fight that guy despite the fact that I have a chance at being a champion, which means that I would be one of the very best in the world at what I do, and I would be able to better provide for my family, because he's my friend and I don't fight my friends." That's a good way to be put off to the side and be passed over for opportunities.


Easier said then done.

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So what does Diego Sanchez have to do to get a title shot? Does he have to squash every single opponent that Matt Hughes beat and every Canadian in the company or what? Bring on Frank Trig, Jermany Horn, Matt Lindland and the whole cast of TUF!

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Karo Paraisian vs Drew Fickett was a good mix of blood & violence also Josh Koscheck and Jeff Joslin both deserve the big PPV paycheck after this fight. The combination of Koscheck eating jabs to setup the takedown and Joslin using the butterfly guard made for an entertaining match.

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I'd just like to give a big "way to go" to Jeff Joslin. His gym is about five minutes away from my house, and it's great to see a local guy making an impact on the international stage.

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Me and Rudo went to Joslin's submission grappling tourney at some high school in Hamilton and saw him selling merch. He had a good showing tonight, catching Koscheck quite a few times standing and neutralizing him for the most part on the ground.


Goddamn Diego is a beast. Karo looked good too. I can actually see either of them taking on the aforementioned Josh soon enough.

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Curry, what match is that powerbomb from?? I haven;t seen anything that sick since Vader's heyday.


And the followup kick to the face, ouch.

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Wes Sims killing some 40 year-old dude. Don't know the promotion and the hilarity is that Sims was actually DQ'd for the illegal soccer kick after the powerbomb which definitely would've sufficed as a finish.

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Between schlubs like Davis, Torres & Grove all becoming perfectly passable fighters, I'm starting to wonder if the TUF casting agents have a better eye for talent then I give them credit for.


Also, I'm actually suprised that Koscheck was able to do as much damage to Joslin as he did considering Jeff's guard. A good showing from both guys, IMO.

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Come on, he did land some decent shots the few chances he got. I don't see how the fight was frustrating outside of a local guy losing, as both guys put forth good performances with styles that simply stifled each other.

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What was Brandon Vera doing at the EXC press conference?


Last night's UFN got a 1.3, which is good considering. I enjoyed UFN for the most part, and I loved the main event. The only fight I didn't really like was the Koscheck fight. Can't wait for someone to KO him into oblivion.

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I don't think it's that great considering that Diego has been involved in two of the best fights in the companies history, both on free tv. UFC had to have been hoping for better then a 1.3 given who was involved in the main event.

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How long has Inside the UFC been on Spike? It's mostly just fluff but I find it highly entertaining. I had no idea it existed until Thursday.

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Why do people like Tim Sylvia? He fights way too cautiously these days which makes for boring fights, talks through his ass most of the time (Monson is the best BJJ guy in the HW division?), and he is not really all that skilled. How much do you think Dana White hates the fact that his HW Champ, the guy that normally is the marquee guy in the company, is this gangly motherfucker? I really hope Cro Cop has signed with the UFC so he can carve up his tubby midsection with body shots.

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