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Smackdown Spoilers for 7/25

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Did Vickie turn face though? The first spoilers I read - not very detailed at all, admittedly - implied Vickie forgave Edge but while she was still mad already signed the Taker deal. It didn't read like "haha fake apology, Undertaker is going to kick your ass now" but we'll see.


I got a bad feeling that the WWE will keep trying to turn one of them face every week, but it won't get over. So then the fans are stuck with a heel vs. heel feud, and they both fall out of the spotlight, since the feud didn't get over with the fans at all.

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I don't buy the lack of top level heels on SD stuff. Here's an idea: elevate someone. You know, kinda like how Raw has done in the past month. But going back to Khali is a horrible move for a title match on a Big 4 PPV. Or if they are dead set on something like this, go with Big Show as the #1 contender. He could at least be a passable feud for HHH.


This Khali thing is so utterly out of nowhere that they almost have to be giving him a transition title run here. As in UT wins the HIAC vs. Edge, Khali screws HHH out of the belt, then UT can get the belt back by destroying Khali.

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sounds like a pretty solid show...I'll have to tune in for this. It would be really nice to see Smackdown take care of guys like Shannon Moore, Brian Kendrick, Jeff Hardy and Kennedy. I think Shannon Moore is really underrated....his 3 count gimmick with WCW was one of the best things that they had in a horrible promotion near the end.

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Guest Smues

King Mabel vs. Diesel at Summerslam 95 had more appeal to me than Khali vs. HHH.

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I think R-Truth is garbage. I'd actually prefer K-Kwik over it and that name was shit. Ron "The Truth" Killings was pretty bad ass.


Is Ron Killings even allowed to use "The Truth" name? I thought maybe TNA copyrighted it. Still though, instead of calling him R-Truth, why not just have him be Ron Killings? I mean, thats a very cool sounding name.

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Ron Killings wouldn't be used because Vince can't trademark that. Second Generation wrestlers luck out in this sense.


R-Truth seems to be his name, I don't know if it's supposed to be Our Truth, but if they were trying to go for womething like that why not D-Truth, to sound like The Truth...

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Dammit how fucking long does it take for Maria to get to SD. I loved her stuff on Raw because she's hot and now they take what? 4-5 weeks just before she appears on SD.


There's probably a few reasons. 1. Didn't have a program to have her in. 2. The Writers probably didn't want any focus taken off the diva championship that they have been building up for a little while now by having Maria show up.



Jeff Hardy vs MVP for Summerslam book it. Dunno what stip if any.


The only stip would probably be a #1 contender for the U.S. Title or the WWE title, but the match doesn't need to have those stips added to it. Plus it'd probably just end up being a Smackdown match.



I don't liek how they're pushing Kendrick though, I mean who the fuck is Ezekiel.


Ezekiel is the bodyguard Kendrick hired.


it's amazing that both him and London were Tag Champs 2 years ago and now London wears jobber sneakers. Ironically, his outfit is identical to what he wore during the Londrick era. It has PL in big letters on it.


I agree that Paul London needs new gear....PL = Paul London by the way. So that's why PL is on his gear.


I know PL=Paul London but they only had that because BK was on Kendrick's gear which was otherwise identical. Ezekiel is fat. Londrick had great hope until London couldn't control himself last year before the limo exploded. They wanted to get rid of London but probably didn't want Kendrick to go down as well, so they split them. Kendrick's new finisher is The Kendrick apparently as he calls himself THE Brian Kendrick. I reckon the MVP/Jeff could be a feud that goes on for a while before Jeff buries MVP, setting up Jeff to take on Trips for the WWE title and finally win it. I would like to see Maria get the Divas title jsut so she could say oh wow I like the pretty butterfly and act all goofy.

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Dammit how fucking long does it take for Maria to get to SD. I loved her stuff on Raw because she's hot and now they take what? 4-5 weeks just before she appears on SD.

The problem is she keeps showing up to the arena on Friday wondering where everybody is at.

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