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WWE Raw (8/4/08)

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Why is everyone complaining that JBL is getting a title shot? It's clearly so he can job to Punk, more than likely clean. I'm sure they can work a decent match, too.


And Jericho looked like a midget with the new tights.


Jericho is a midget. It makes him look bigger muscle wise, the long trunks made him look skinnier and hid the size of his legs. It was an unexpected change but I thought he looked fine, it didn't seem to affect his work, and it goes hand in hand with his storyline.


As it stands, Punk is rehashing a match he's already had and is clearly the #2 Raw main event choice; if anything, JBL's selection is a "Punk's not ready to main event a 'real' PPV" indicator


Um, Punk ISN'T ready to main event a SummerSlam, not the way they've treated him as champion thus far. He doesn't have a single clean win over a "main event" level challenger yet. Even his win against JBL was the result of chaos outside of the ring. This is a chance to give him a clean showcase win over a former world champion who just pinned John Cena at the last PPV. I'm really failing to see any better choices at this point.


Jericho? Involved in the feud of the year with Shawn Michaels and they're on the verge of building to the blowoff match. There's no reason for him to do a job to Punk right now and there's no reason to put the belt on him yet. So what would be the point of that match? They're going to use the Shawn Michaels announcement to build up to a match for the September PPV, and that's perfectly fine.


Cena? Why? Cena isn't doing a job for Punk, so unless you want him to get the title it would be another Punk match with a bullshit finish.


Kane? Kane fucking sucks. JBL > Kane in almost every way imaginable.

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Cena? Why? Cena isn't doing a job for Punk, so unless you want him to get the title it would be another Punk match with a bullshit finish.


Why? Because it would elevate a new star, and as stated before, Cena's the one guy on Raw (Batista is maybe another, but they just ran that program) who could put Punk over and not lose anything as a result. He is, IMO, the absolute best case scenario for Punk's opponent, not only due to Cena's status as the face of the company, but when you take into account the way the fans react to both guys--especially with the underdog/internet love that Punk gets--you'd probably get some insane crowd heat for the match as well. Would WWE go that route at this point in time? Probably not, but I think it'd be a win for everybody if they did.

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Kane? Kane fucking sucks. JBL > Kane in almost every way imaginable.


No. JBL is awful. Kane would have been a great choice for the SS challenger, as Kane is entertaining on TV now with his weird bag, is a better worker than JBL, and there is some history between Kane and Punk on ECW. Its not like WWE gives a shit about their world titles on this PPV, so why not have Kane for the title shot? He can lose the match, then take out whatever is in the bag, and go insane even more. JBL offers nothing, and never should have came out of retirement. They already proved Punk can beat him, so why do it at a PPV? And Punk would have just beat JBL anyway regardless of the ringside fight.

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QUOTE (Angle-plex @ Aug 5 2008, 12:39 PM)

Jericho looked gay with those tights and that haircut.


Real gay.



Oh please... Not this shit again.


Yeah, people complained about his tights last year when he returned. Imagine the looks on their faces last night! :lol:

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Jericho looked gay with those tights and that haircut.


Real gay.


Oh please... Not this shit again.


I didn't mean that as a bad thing.


I also want to see Adalme take Kane's sac with force next week.

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Kane? Kane fucking sucks. JBL > Kane in almost every way imaginable.


No. JBL is awful. Kane would have been a great choice for the SS challenger, as Kane is entertaining on TV now with his weird bag, is a better worker than JBL, and there is some history between Kane and Punk on ECW. Its not like WWE gives a shit about their world titles on this PPV, so why not have Kane for the title shot? He can lose the match, then take out whatever is in the bag, and go insane even more.


Kane is a better worker? Carrying around a burlap sack makes him entertaining? You can't be fucking serious.


Kane can pull the mask out of the bag whenever. But you think they should overshadow CM Punk's first successful PPV title defense with the angle. Yeah, that's a great idea.


And Punk would have just beat JBL anyway regardless of the ringside fight.


Hahahaha, you do know that wrestling is scripted right? I don't even know how to respond to that.


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So...did they drop the "Is He Alive?" storyline with Kane last night?


I guess........and we now pretty much know the answer to the question "Is he dead or alive?" ---- I think he's referring to his old persona, the evil, psychotic, sadistic, type of guy Kane was back when he wore the mask. I dont think it has anything to do with Vince or Paul Bearer at this point. It's all a swerve though, and I'm sure next week he'll snap (probably Adamle summons some particular worker to try to take the bag, etc) and I'm assuming they will show whats in the bag (mask) and Kane will go onto probably putting it back on in due time here.


I don't get the love for last night's show........granted, that 2 on 1 handicap match that was moreless a triple threat match was a solid 10 minute bout, but that finish was ridiculous. Did that really help ANYONE? I was actually hoping for a three way at the ppv instead of JBL/Punk, but whatever......it just opens up Punk/Jericho after SummerSlam more than likely. I just don't see what doing JBL/Punk again accomplishes when Punk beat him HIS FIRST NIGHT AS CHAMP. I would have found it much more interesting to have done Jericho/JBL/Punk, or even throw in a Regal and/or Kane into that match to really stack the odds against Punk (who would eventually overcome those odds, of course).


I did like the Michaels promo though, smart way to do that storyline, and I guess Jericho will be on the ppv also, just in a non-wrestling capacity. The idea of Santino and Phoenix as IC and Women's champions (and not necessarily in that order) just doesn't do much for me, James and Kofi are just doing fine as is, but are in dire need of strong opponents.......and Phoenix and Santino are not those.


The main event really annoyed me, I dont want to see this similar storyline that was done just a little over a year ago with Michaels and Cena. I understand they hotshotted this Batista/Cena match at SS, but can't they at least not repeat the storyline from Mania 24? Lame. Even if one turns on another next week in a rematch and they lose the tag belts, really, what was the point? Couldn't they have just done that THIS week?

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So...did they drop the "Is He Alive?" storyline with Kane last night?

I don't get the love for last night's show........granted, that 2 on 1 handicap match that was moreless a triple threat match was a solid 10 minute bout, but that finish was ridiculous. Did that really help ANYONE? I was actually hoping for a three way at the ppv instead of JBL/Punk, but whatever......it just opens up Punk/Jericho after SummerSlam more than likely. I just don't see what doing JBL/Punk again accomplishes when Punk beat him HIS FIRST NIGHT AS CHAMP. I would have found it much more interesting to have done Jericho/JBL/Punk, or even throw in a Regal and/or Kane into that match to really stack the odds against Punk (who would eventually overcome those odds, of course).


1) Not every match needs to help someone. This needed to set up a pay-per-view bout without hurting any of the participants, which it did.


2) A Punk/JBL rematch feels worthwhile because even though Punk beat him once already, it was fluke-ish and not a clean finish. Since then JBL has been calling Punk a "paper champion." Punk has the challenge of proving JBL wrong, which he hopefully will at Summerslam.




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JBL's the only guy Punk's actually pinned with the title on the line. Why should he get another shot in front of "Kane keeps interfering" Batista, or even "Champion's rematch clause" Edge?


I realize it's supposed to be ironic that JBL keeps calling him a paper champion when in actuality he's as much a paper #1 contender (if not more), but it's just getting stupid now. Nobody's earning #1 contendership, it's just random good luck and convenient timing.

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Kane is a better worker? Carrying around a burlap sack makes him entertaining? You can't be fucking serious.


Yes, Kane is a better worker than JBL, that isn't hard to figure out. You find JBL entertaining? I find him entertaining on the mic, or in a hardcore brawl match, but in a regular match he's terrible.


And Punk would have just beat JBL anyway regardless of the ringside fight.



Hahahaha, you do know that wrestling is scripted right? I don't even know how to respond to that.


You actually seriously think they were going to have JBL ever win a world title again? If there was no fight outside the ring, the match would have maybe went on another 5 or 10 minutes, and Punk would have just won clean. Thats what they're going to prove at SS.

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I'm sorry but I can't believe people are still bitching about JBL getting a title shot when since Punk won the belt its been building to this. Go back and re watch the story line JBL challenges on the first night after calling out the new champ loses due to a distraction and a roll up, he then goes on to beat Cena at the PPV and win at Saturday Night's Main Event in the 8 man tag, then to cap it off he "wins" on Raw. The fact that JBL is calling Punk a paper champ and he himself lucked his way into the rematch is good writing because and newsflash here JBL is the heel, a good upper card heel at that, your suppose to want to see Punk kick his ass for all the trash talk especially when he's being hypocritical. The story is new champion Punk proving himself over loud mouth challenger JBL. It is his first challenge and it will build from there why would he go over Cena right after winning to establish him? The story is that no one believes Punk is worthy and he is going to prove them wrong, having him go over the biggest star right off the bat kills that story in one ppv and after that what? do you guys really think one win over Cena will make Punk a mega draw? cuz i don't as a new star he should b built up isn't being a world beater what made u guys hate Cena, Lashely, ect.?

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Yes I know JBL/Punk in storyline makes a lot of sense, but people just have apathy towards JBL in title matches, as he is a guy no one wants to see. WWE is counting on hell in a cell to do the buyrate, so they thought of the worst title matches possible for SS. It just seems like they don't care about their world titles that much. And yes, Cena beating everyone is what has made people hate him. I don't hate him, but I just think he needs to be depushed. Thats one thing about Punk as champion that I like, they've booked him as being human and not just beating everyone he's faced.

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So...did they drop the "Is He Alive?" storyline with Kane last night?


The idea of Santino and Phoenix as IC and Women's champions (and not necessarily in that order) just doesn't do much for me, James and Kofi are just doing fine as is, but are in dire need of strong opponents.......and Phoenix and Santino are not those.



BETH PHOENIX isn't a strong opponent for Mickie? Wtf?

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So...did they drop the "Is He Alive?" storyline with Kane last night?


The idea of Santino and Phoenix as IC and Women's champions (and not necessarily in that order) just doesn't do much for me, James and Kofi are just doing fine as is, but are in dire need of strong opponents.......and Phoenix and Santino are not those.



BETH PHOENIX isn't a strong opponent for Mickie? Wtf?


That feud has been played out ad nauseum, it's time to move on, is what I mean. And giving Beth the belt back is just counterproductive, sans giving Santino the freakin women's belt as well.

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I don't think Santino can win the women's belt, that one would go to Beth and he would get the IC. At least I would think so.


Let's face it, Punk vs. either JBL or Kane in a standard match won't be all that good. It just won't. Punk right now isn't good enough to carry either without a stipulation involved. Kane at least is a potentially amusing choice to put vs. Punk in a storyline sense. Let Kane reveal his mask in the sack, go on a crazed psycho roll of destroying people left and right.


Maybe they will still do that for Unforgiven? As for SS, nothing any of us can do about JBL/Punk so let's just hope Punk goes over clean and they'll move on to something else.

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JBL used to be good-to-great, depending on the opponent and the stipulations, but he hasn't all that hot since his back injury. It's been painfully obvious, literally at times, that JBL isn't where he used to be.

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JBL used to be good-to-great, depending on the opponent and the stipulations, but he hasn't all that hot since his back injury. It's been painfully obvious, literally at times, that JBL isn't where he used to be.


When was JBL great? He had one fun brawl with Cena and that's it. I know anklelock will take back what he said about me in another thread, but JBL is someone whose ring work has always bored me

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JBL used to be good-to-great, depending on the opponent and the stipulations, but he hasn't all that hot since his back injury. It's been painfully obvious, literally at times, that JBL isn't where he used to be.


When was JBL great? He had one fun brawl with Cena and that's it. I know anklelock will take back what he said about me in another thread, but JBL is someone whose ring work has always bored me

The one match with Cena. Other than that, you're right; I don't think JBL has ever been great. I was trying not to be so down on the guy.

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You don't have to baby me. I'm not Noah Fentz. I can take differing opinions, but you really think his series with Eddie, the Benoit cage match, the Rey Mysterio J-Day match, Cena J-Day 05, Cena J-Day 08(which I adored), the fatal fourway Armageddon '04, etc weren't real good? thats a hell of a lot more than Kane has done the last few years.


Eh, I've always been a mark for the guy, even when he was Bradshaw.

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I don't know if Kane is better than him, since Kane has not done much. Ever.


I like the series with Eddy, though I think the Judgment Day match is overrated. The Benoit cage match is good, don't remember the Rey match that much.


I loved the Cena match, found the JD 08 match to be slow, and I don't remember the Armageddon 4-way.

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Regardless of how good a worker JBL may or may not be, I personally find him painfully boring in the ring and much prefer him as an announcer. However, I think he is a good choice for Punk at Summerslam, even though we did unfortunately see basically the same match the night Punk won the belt. The reason why I think that he is a good choice is because while he can't give Punk credibility (he's basically a jobber.. sure he beat Cena at the last ppv, but that doesn't change the fact that he has lost against every single serious contender for the title in god knows how many matches before that ppv), he can help get Punk closer to the point where he does have credibility as a champion. I don't think that jobbing Cena or Batista out to Punk right now would work because at this point in time it is simply unbelievable. Before he can beat those guys, he'll need to beat a few other people to build himself up and JBL is an excellent stepping stone in that he is high profile enough to help improve punk's credibility as well as being a competitor that Punk can realistically beat.

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The Armageddon 04 match was good?! I've never seen it, or any of JBL's awful title run that year, but from what I heard about that match, it was the height of JBL tanking as champion, as he had 3 other men in the match, and it still sucked. Poor Eddie.

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I'll always remember the JBL/Taker match where some drunken fan hops on the gimmicked limo and security nearly shits themselves on how to get him off without fucking up the finish.


It's a match that perfectly sums up the JBL Smackdown Era, and I actually enjoyed that time.

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I don't know how anyone could enjoy that JBL main eventing Smackdown era. Hell, the very thought of Bradshaw main eventing offended me so bad at the time (and still does) that I quit watching Smackdown the rest of the year and didn't start watching again until after WM 21. I quit watching Raw too around that same time due to the Diva Search garbage, and that terrible Orton/HHH feud. I didn't start watching Raw again until after WM 21 as well. Basically, that was just an awful time period for the WWE, and was the worst they've had in the past decade.

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This match needs a Three Minute Warning run in.


That's it, Kofi's new role!


"Jamie Noble, you come out here and you talk yourself up every week. It makes the women crazy, makes the fans crazy. Jamie, you're even Jamaican me crazy..... wait a minute... Did I just say... JAMAICAN ME CRAZY!"


*Kofi runs in from the crowd and lays Noble out with a sloppy spin kick*

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