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DrVenkman PhD

F4W/WON WWE Notes - September 9th - 15th

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F4W~! - September 9, 2008:


Chris A. Jericho - World Wrestling Champion: The idea for Jericho to leave Unforgiven with the title was cooking for at least a few weeks, but he was just one of many ideas being thrown about (including Punk retaining or Edge winning the title). It is expected once the Jericho/Punk mini-feud wraps up, Michaels will be in mix again (he is at home healing his tricep injury - yeah, it's not as bad as first thought, but it's still an injury).


Secret Origins: Back in 2006, Court Bauer, Alex Greenfield, and Dusty Rhodes presented the idea to Vince with the name "Six Man Scramble" (which, indeed, did originate from Court playing some Fire Pro) along with "Sudden Death Six-Way" or "Six Pack Challenge" [Note from Venkman: That seems quite dubious considering the Six Pack Challenge was introduced in 1999 at Unforgiven with sudden death rules]. It was expected to be promoted in conjunction with UPN becoming The CW. Somewhere in there Vince decided Crossdressing Vito was where the real money and ratings were at and decided to nix the Scramble and book Vito challenging King Booker for the world title (until he was convinced this was not a good idea). The Scramble concept debuted at Vengeance 2007 aka Night of Champions [or as Bryan insists on calling it, Night of THE Champions - also, this theory once again seems to disregard this match already existing 8 years prior in WWE] and was given all the zany rules this year by Pat Patterson.


Other pieces of business:


- Edge has "a screwed up knee" that is making his current time off necessary.


- The gap between MNTV and CW is closing and it's currently expected SmackDown's jump to MNTV could be HUGE for that network. CW killing huge.


- Even though last week's thread had a report about McMahon banning Foley from the Legends of WrestleMania game, the last word on their parting is that it was "amicable".


- Despite some Torch shenanigans last week, it is still largely expected that Gail Kim will sign with WWE and not TNA. Nash still wants in but it is not expected WWE will give him the money he wants to do so little. Bryan figures if WWE throws a good money offer at Christian, he'll sign.

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F4W~! - September 9, 2008:


Chris A. Jericho - World Wrestling Champion: The idea for Jericho to leave Unforgiven with the title was cooking for at least a few weeks, but he was just one of many ideas being thrown about (including Punk retaining or Edge winning the title). It is expected once the Jericho/Punk mini-feud wraps up, Michaels will be in mix again (he is at home healing his tricep injury - yeah, it's not as bad as first thought, but it's still an injury).


Secret Origins: Back in 2006, Court Bauer, Alex Greenfield, and Dusty Rhodes presented the idea to Vince with the name "Six Man Scramble" (which, indeed, did originate from Court playing some Fire Pro) along with "Sudden Death Six-Way" or "Six Pack Challenge" [Note from Venkman: That seems quite dubious considering the Six Pack Challenge was introduced in 1999 at Unforgiven with sudden death rules]. It was expected to be promoted in conjunction with UPN becoming The CW. Somewhere in there Vince decided Crossdressing Vito was where the real money and ratings were at and decided to nix the Scramble and book Vito challenging King Booker for the world title (until he was convinced this was not a good idea). The Scramble concept debuted at Vengeance 2007 aka Night of Champions [or as Bryan insists on calling it, Night of THE Champions - also, this theory once again seems to disregard this match already existing 8 years prior in WWE] and was given all the zany rules this year by Pat Patterson.


Other pieces of business:


- Edge has "a screwed up knee" that is making his current time off necessary.


- The gap between MNTV and CW is closing and it's currently expected SmackDown's jump to MNTV could be HUGE for that network. CW killing huge.


- Even though last week's thread had a report about McMahon banning Foley from the Legends of WrestleMania game, the last word on their parting is that it was "amicable".


- Despite some Torch shenanigans last week, it is still largely expected that Gail Kim will sign with WWE and not TNA. Nash still wants in but it is not expected WWE will give him the money he wants to do so little. Bryan figures if WWE throws a good money offer at Christian, he'll sign.


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F4W~! - September 9, 2008:


Chris A. Jericho - World Wrestling Champion: The idea for Jericho to leave Unforgiven with the title was cooking for at least a few weeks, but he was just one of many ideas being thrown about (including Punk retaining or Edge winning the title). It is expected once the Jericho/Punk mini-feud wraps up, Michaels will be in mix again (he is at home healing his tricep injury - yeah, it's not as bad as first thought, but it's still an injury).


So if they were considering Punk retaining as a possibility originally, does that mean they might put it back on him at the cage match next week?

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F4W~! - September 9, 2008:


Chris A. Jericho - World Wrestling Champion: The idea for Jericho to leave Unforgiven with the title was cooking for at least a few weeks, but he was just one of many ideas being thrown about (including Punk retaining or Edge winning the title). It is expected once the Jericho/Punk mini-feud wraps up, Michaels will be in mix again (he is at home healing his tricep injury - yeah, it's not as bad as first thought, but it's still an injury).


So if they were considering Punk retaining as a possibility originally, does that mean they might put it back on him at the cage match next week?


I wouldn't mind a run-in from Shawn Michaels, just as Jericho is about to win, to put the belt back on Punk. As long as Jericho and HBK continue to put on their usual good matches, they can keep feuding for all I care. I can see WWE making Punk a transitional champion for Orton in the long run though.

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A lot of guys didn't want it off Punk in the first place.

That being said, I totally don't mind Jericho being the person who has it if Punk doesn't.


All I hope for is that Punk doesn't slide meaninglessly into the midcard.

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I don't have issue with Punk losking it, but the way he lost it. I'd rather have had him in the match and Orton interfered to take him out. And with Cena removed, they would have used an "Adamle Surprise", though if the surprise was hyped and turned out to be Jericho, fans might have been pissed after bigger names were "rumored".


I don't know why Jericho/HBK needs the title, other than it's the best feud in wrestling right now and Punk was overshadowed by it. I like the idea of a Orton/Punk feud, as well as Punk vs Dibiase, Punk vs Rhodes (not so much punk vs Manu), and the non-Orton aspects of the feud couldn't have happened with Punk as World Champion because the kids are still too far down the card and the feud/matches are not world title "money" matches.


Punk will probably gain from chasing the title now, he was rather a lame duck with it because fans never really accepted him with it and he was booked to look weak. He's been minted as an upper carder with a title run, now he needs to hang there for awhile.


Christian jumping back would be great. I think it's a toss-up right now what he does though. I think he could figure to want one last run with the WWE, though don't know if the WWE could match the TNA offer assuming they are offering Sting money along with the better schedule. Of course Christian left money on the table when he left the WWE, maybe he'll do it again to go back. He's really got nothing left in TNA feudwise, though I wonder if WWE would want him or just wants him away from TNA. I mean would he be a top tier ME type talent in WWE or always seen as Marty Janetty to Edge's HBK?

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Well... Jericho is one of the hottest heels in years. To take the belt off him next week would essentially kill him dead. Might as well release him after that. People bitch about bad booking at Unforgiven, then offer this shit on a plate?

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Damn, I was hoping for the MEMBERS ONLY reviews of The Wrestler that was on the page yesterday. Anybody have those?


I'm not sure about that review, but I will say that the film won top prize at the Venice Film Festival just a few days ago, and it's receiving quite a bit of buzz within the industry.

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Damn, I was hoping for the MEMBERS ONLY reviews of The Wrestler that was on the page yesterday. Anybody have those?


I'm not sure about that review, but I will say that the film won top prize at the Venice Film Festival just a few days ago, and it's receiving quite a bit of buzz within the industry.


Yea I've seen all very good reviews from critics. Critics and I dont mesh well. I was hoping to see some wrestling fans point of view on the movie.

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Damn, I was hoping for the MEMBERS ONLY reviews of The Wrestler that was on the page yesterday. Anybody have those?


I'm not sure about that review, but I will say that the film won top prize at the Venice Film Festival just a few days ago, and it's receiving quite a bit of buzz within the industry.


Yea I've seen all very good reviews from critics. Critics and I dont mesh well. I was hoping to see some wrestling fans point of view on the movie.


By that do you mean you like steaming piles of shit for movies?

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Damn, I was hoping for the MEMBERS ONLY reviews of The Wrestler that was on the page yesterday. Anybody have those?


I'm not sure about that review, but I will say that the film won top prize at the Venice Film Festival just a few days ago, and it's receiving quite a bit of buzz within the industry.


Yea I've seen all very good reviews from critics. Critics and I dont mesh well. I was hoping to see some wrestling fans point of view on the movie.


By that do you mean you like steaming piles of shit for movies?


If by that ya mean most movies critics love are steaming piles of shit...then yes.

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Damn, I was hoping for the MEMBERS ONLY reviews of The Wrestler that was on the page yesterday. Anybody have those?


I'm not sure about that review, but I will say that the film won top prize at the Venice Film Festival just a few days ago, and it's receiving quite a bit of buzz within the industry.


Yea I've seen all very good reviews from critics. Critics and I dont mesh well. I was hoping to see some wrestling fans point of view on the movie.


By that do you mean you like steaming piles of shit for movies?


If by that ya mean most movies critics love are steaming piles of shit...then yes.


And for the record, most critics heap praise upon movies that seem to be artsy films meant for film school students who give a shit about how beautiful a shot is. Me myself? I dont give a shit about that.


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Punk will probably gain from chasing the title now, he was rather a lame duck with it because fans never really accepted him with it and he was booked to look weak. He's been minted as an upper carder with a title run, now he needs to hang there for awhile.


You're right that another title chase will help him, but I disagree with the part of the fans never accepting him with it. He was pretty well accepted near the end of his run. I cite the chants he was getting during that handicap match vs. JBL and Jericho.


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Punk has done pretty well for himself, he's been on WWE tv now for what 2 years? He has already held two of their heavyweight titles(I don't know if they are considering the ECW title a world title or not anymore). Punk will probably be a force in the uppercard-main event for quite some time.

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I'm baffled as to why anyone would think Punk would regain the title next week. I don't really know what Jericho will do long term with the belt, but they'll probably inevitably put him vs. Batista on PPV. I'd hold off another HBK match for a bigger PPV.

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Punk has done pretty well for himself, he's been on WWE tv now for what 2 years? He has already held two of their heavyweight titles(I don't know if they are considering the ECW title a world title or not anymore). Punk will probably be a force in the uppercard-main event for quite some time.


WWE.com calls it a world title.

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I've said this before...but I'll say it again. There are podunk little backyard feds that call their title a world title too. Hell...the NWA still thinks they have a world title. I can make a papermache title and call it a world title. WWE calls the ECW title a world title. All of those are equal in there world title stature.


I've gone over the literally dozens of reasons why it's ridiculous to think of the ECW title as higher than the US or IC titles in previous threads. Lets just stop giving it any credence shall we?

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I've said this before...but I'll say it again. There are podunk little backyard feds that call their title a world title too. Hell...the NWA still thinks they have a world title. I can make a papermache title and call it a world title. WWE calls the ECW title a world title. All of those are equal in there world title stature.


I've gone over the literally dozens of reasons why it's ridiculous to think of the ECW title as higher than the US or IC titles in previous threads. Lets just stop giving it any credence shall we?

No, because WWE, who owns the actual title, can call it whatever they want and they happen to call it a world title. Weather what anyone else thinks of the title basically doesn't matter, If WWE wants to call it a major title, then guess what? It's a major title.


Though I agree with Franchise, the ECW champion being in the Royal Rumble did make the ECW title look bad, but still the ECW Title is considered a world title by WWE standards, so get the fuck over it and let's move on.

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Then, using your standards, every title that a company decides is a world title...should be recognized as such.


There are now one thousand world titles.


Besides...didn't they pull the "world" off of the new ECW title belt? The title history page on the site doesn't use the word "world" either.

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Edge is made of glass it seems like. Poor guy.

When you spend a bunch of years taking a bunch of steroids and falling off a bunch of ladders, that's what happens.

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Then, using your standards, every title that a company decides is a world title...should be recognized as such.


There are now one thousand world titles.


Besides...didn't they pull the "world" off of the new ECW title belt? The title history page on the site doesn't use the word "world" either.

Yeah, why not? I honestly don't see why it's that big of a deal to you. People consider it to be a world title, is that really so bad?


You have your own view on it and that's fine. You, the ghost of bps21, does not view the ECW title as a world title, that's fine. That's your opinion and your entitled to it.


However, other people do consider the ECW title a world title and that's their opinion as well, just because you have a list of reasons why you, ghost of bps21, does not consider the ECW title a world title doesn't mean that their opinion is wrong either.

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Then, using your standards, every title that a company decides is a world title...should be recognized as such.


There are now one thousand world titles.


Besides...didn't they pull the "world" off of the new ECW title belt? The title history page on the site doesn't use the word "world" either.

By that logic only the Raw title can be considered a World Title in WWE despite the SmackDown belt having the longest lineage.

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Then, using your standards, every title that a company decides is a world title...should be recognized as such.


There are now one thousand world titles.


Besides...didn't they pull the "world" off of the new ECW title belt? The title history page on the site doesn't use the word "world" either.

Yes, every fed, even those podunk little backyard feds, can have a "World Title" by name, which is effectively a major championship in that organization. Which is pretty much what the whole argument is about.


Granted it was 2 years ago now, but when The Undertaker had his choice to face a World Champion at Wrestlemania, Cena and Batista weren't the only two standing in the ring when he made is choice. Lashley was as well. The ECW World Heavyweight Champion. As was said, you may not see it as much, but if WWE, the top federation in the world says it's a world title, it's a world title.

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