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Royal Rumble 2009

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They keep running promos for his return to SmackDown (and if he's cleared to go, the Rumble seems as good a place as any to have him come back and toss some people) but nothing has been announced officially.

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I expect the unannounced 9 to consist of the following:


1. Fake Kane

2. The Rock

3. Steve Austin

4. Hulk Hogan

5. Todd Bridges

6. Danny Bonaduce

7. Dustin Diamond

8. Shane McMahon

9. Macho Man Randy Savage


You forgot BROCK LESNAR!


No, it's going to be Bret Hart, leading 8 other guys in THE INVASION~!

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After what happen on Monady, once Randy Orton enters the Rumble match I fully expect everyone to jump him and toss him out of the ring.

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Others might disagree, but I think there's definitely a lot of unpredictability as to who's winning the Rumble match. HHH is always a favorite when he's entered, but seriously, how many times does the #1 entrant have to win? It's a fun story to do once and a while, but we're at the point where it can wait several more years before being done again, hopefully.


I've been picking Orton as the winner, but the McMahon story seems like it wouldn't need the Rumble win to go with it, so I'm a little unsure. But then again, who's to say that this is even leading to an Orton/McMahon match?


I'm disappointed that I won't be able to order this since I'm away at school (the first Rumble I won't be ordering since 1997). I'll just hope for a good stream.

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After what happen on Monady, once Randy Orton enters the Rumble match I fully expect everyone to jump him and toss him out of the ring.

Vince was heeling up on Randy before Randy snapped - I mean fans were chanting for a RKO. Vince has been a heel for most of his on-screen career so the faces shouldn't have any avenging to do, and since Orton is a heel now, other heels won't give a damn either. I don't think many fans could accept McMahon as a face in any feud really.


I think Orton HAS to win the Rumble, as it would be a storyline reason why Vince/Stephanie couldn't fire him. Otherwise why was he going to be fired before, but after the kick Vince decides to keep him around?


If Orton doesn't win, then the only other Raw competitor I could see winning would be HBK. JBL would then try and buy the title shot from him, essentially giving Michaels financial security for life, but the plucky underdog will not sell it.

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After what happen on Monady, once Randy Orton enters the Rumble match I fully expect everyone to jump him and toss him out of the ring.

If Orton doesn't win, then the only other Raw competitor I could see winning would be HBK. JBL would then try and buy the title shot from him, essentially giving Michaels financial security for life, but the plucky underdog will not sell it.


Unless JBL manages to take the title from Cena setting up JBL/Michaels. It would be a fitting payoff to the angle with JBL ordering Michaels to lay down once more, but could Mr. WrestleMania lay down at WrestleMania?


Certainly adds some much needed doubt to the Cena/JBL match.

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JR said on Smackdown last night that Khali hopes to win the Rumble..but he's not listed on the page yet.

He also said during the Khali/Chavo match that Chavo was in the Rumble match.

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I really hope that the only people in the match so far are those that are listed on wwe.com. I'd hate to see the remaining 9 spots filled up with the likes of Primo, Chavo, Snuka, Manu and Khali while Dreamer, MVP, Regal and the losers of the title matches don't get in. My final 9 would be:


Matt Hardy





Evan Bourne (if he's ready)

Kennedy (if he's ready)

the loser of Jeff/Edge, presumably Jeff



and possibly HBK in one of those spots (probably Regal's) depending on how the WHT match goes.

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I swear the SmackDown spoilers said HHH was #1 by virtue of losing to Show/Vlad, but I didn't hear that mentioned on the actual broadcast. Kind of like how previous spoilers said HHH completely lost his spot by losing to Big Show in the Triple H Triple Showcase or whatever it was called.


Edit - From F4W's Saturday update:


-- If you noticed on Smackdown, the storyline about how Hunter was going to have to enter the Rumble at number one was completely dropped. They've completely re-booked the Rumble. At this point his role and storyline in the match has changed and he is not scheduled to be number one unless things change again.


-- I don't know if this means he'll be involved in a storyline or not, but Bob Orton Jr. was on the plane to Detroit this morning.


Hmm... you know, I did have a strange feeling that some of those unannounced spots might go to Dusty and Bob Orton for some sort of Legacy confrontation.

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Well, good thing the unpredictability of #1 and #2 are back again.


Also, Venkman, I'm not sure about that idea of Dusty and Bob Orton being in the Rumble.


...then again, Snuka and Piper were in last year, so who knows.


Though personally, for comedy in the Rumble, I'd still like to see Boogeyman in it.

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They're going to start the HHH is married to Stephanie behind the curtain reveal in the RR. Orton will already be involved in the match and HHH will make his entrance and go right after Orton, and the announcers will be at a loss of an explanation why.


Cowboy Bob Orton will probably be involved in a backstage segment or two with Randy, as they're going to try and sell the boot as a huge deal and big mistake by Orton.

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I just hope the dropping of HHH having to be #1 doesn't mean it's that the rebooking is to watch him win the Rumble match. I know he's going to end up in a title match for the millionth Mania in a row...but that would be a really lame Rumble.

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Well, in 2006 and 2008, HHH was one of the top odds to win (until Eddie-mania took over and the E exploiting it for a Rey win became a bit more likely) and he lost those, so now that people are expecting Orton to win, look for HHH to pull off the victory.

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I just hope the dropping of HHH having to be #1 doesn't mean it's that the rebooking is to watch him win the Rumble match. I know he's going to end up in a title match for the millionth Mania in a row...but that would be a really lame Rumble.


In his defense HHH hasn't won the title at the event in a few years.

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I just hope the dropping of HHH having to be #1 doesn't mean it's that the rebooking is to watch him win the Rumble match. I know he's going to end up in a title match for the millionth Mania in a row...but that would be a really lame Rumble.


In his defense HHH hasn't won the title at the event in a few years.


He hasn't won the title at Mania since X-8. He retained it at 19 but hasn't left Mania with the belt since.

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HHH's constant jobbing at WMs is one reason I think people are tired of him main eventing the show. It's like he keeps hogging that top spot, only to lose all the time.


As far as the show tomorrow, if HBK ends up in the Rumble I'll take him to win it. If not, I'm not exactly sure. Either Orton or HHH.

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The observer said that every year (including this one) the plan is for HHH to win the title at Mania and then when the day comes they realize that everyone knows that and change the plan.


This year will be of particular annoyance since he just had a lengthy reign that absolutely BLEW...and they've done nothing to freshen up his character. HHH winning the title back would feel like a giant step backwards. ...but they've already been leaning that way since they don't even let Hardy defend the stupid thing.

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I think Jericho will shock the world and win the Rumble so he can move to SmackDown. Or not.

It'd be a decent storyline move, at least.

"You fired the Wrestler of the Year, you humiliated him, only to give him his job back, give him his Rumble spot back...and watch him win the Royal Rumble, making you look like an even bigger idiot for firing him in the first place, and now, I'm going to walk, scot-free, to give the Wrestlemania 25 main event to the other brand, to Smackdown, where they appreciate talent. Bravo, Steph!"


Seriously, though, Orton has to win. He was one word away from being fired before he punted the boss in the head; he needs a reason to not be outright fired and I don't think they'd rehash "Vince wants revenge so instead of firing him he's going to make his life a living hell" from the late 90s.

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Hopefully some Mania seeds are planted based on who eliminates who (ex. Ted eliminates Taker in a shocker - thought I think that match was rumoured for Mania 26, not 25).


I wonder if R-Truth will do his crowd entrance? Sandman did in 2007.


I'm up at 6am, hyped like crazy about going to this thing but with a fear I'm going to be late due to tunnel bus traffic.

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