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The End - Part Deux

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It appears that as of this morning, a peaceful transition took place between Mike and Leena. The Danny Maff administration (I guess we could call it that) wasn't informed of this occurring in the slightest. We've all seen Leena's threads and posts in the past few weeks claiming that she was going to be taking over the board but we- and, at the time rightfully so- believed that it was all just posturing and bullshit. The reason why we were led to believe that is because when we questioned Mike the admin (or as many of you know him, adminbot) he told us that the board was absolutely not for sale, and that no transition would be occurring. We've seen him active on the boards, talked to him recently on IM, and as of right now, we still have no explanation for what just occurred or why. The payment for the board was due just a few days ago, yet the way that we were all going to chip in- the paypal address or snail mail for paranoid people like CWM who don't like sending money online- wasn't given to us, nor were we asked about it in anyway. Getting information about it seemed impossible, but we were assured that everything was okay and that nothing was going wrong, just that we were upgrading to the latest version of invision boards and that (which was his explanation for why the ability to edit member profiles was messed up for a while for us- not that the two are necessarily related, but they could be).


About a month or so ago, we'll admit that we pranked the board creating a fake Leelee account and then changing our statuses to look as if we all got banned. Laughs were had, especially by guys like Kamala sucking up to the new administration and then when we "took it back", him sheepishly apologizing. It appears that the sucking up was not in vain, dear Kamala! This isn't a joke, as you can tell by the current status of the moderating team- and it happened entirely peacefully. Mike was the only guy with the ability to appoint people as moderators and to de-mod people, as far as I'm aware (maybe things were different for tealies than blues). Giving Leena the moderator status and, more specifically, de-modding us came entirely from him. That this sort of backdoor deal was made with someone who we all knew to be a detriment to the board is, well, extremely disappointing as far as understatements go.


Even then though, recently when Leena revealed herself to be Peter whatever, Czech noted that it felt like the series finale of a television show and that the board was going to slowly die as we splintered off into smaller boards or whatever. Maybe he was foreseeing something, albeit completely unintentionally. I know that several of the people on here are not going to be fond of the new administration, but are going to see how everything goes before making any sort of decision to leave the board. A lot of us will jump ship to (shudder) the Pit. A new board will likely be in the works by the recently departed administration very, very soon. Either way, a lot of the old guard has already splintered off or left.. seems like TSM: Generation 09 is composed of us misfits and hacks who didn't feel like moving on to greener pastures, comfortable in the way the old community was and how we were. But we've lost a lot of guys recently.. Marvin, who went crazy in the last couple years and turned into one of the worst posters instantly, Slayer who just didn't feel like posting here anymore (you could say he lost his smile, even), Hoff who's after being "semi"-retired (lol he's fat) has pretty much been fully retired for a while now, Ripper who lost his job, possibly his house and mother- hopefully the guy's doing okay- and so many other people I can't think of off the top of my head.


I guess what this means is that the redbaron51's and cabbageboys of the world will be here, but the guys who made the discussions here go, who made TSM what it is.. probably won't stick around. So, when I'm saying it's all over, take it as you will- you can be talking as simply and practically as me saying the Danny Maff reign is over, or as much that the board as we really know it, is done for sure. Whether that's a good thing or not is entirely subjective, but for me, I just don't see how this is going to make anything better. It's been a great run of a few, several years on here since we've had someone as wholly unlikeable as an administrator on the board- Scott Keith, meet Leena Peters- but I don't see this board staying up for much longer. Mike made a sore mistake in probably losing the majority of the guys on here, and he'll lose money in traffic as a result as well. The wrestling tards will stick around, I'm sure, but the community will move on, in some ways, in different ways. And that'll be how it's all over.

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what happened to the first one? I was just catching up on the hilarity and all the sudden it disappeared into the ether...

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I missed the original post before it was edited out, and only made it through 4/6 pages of the thread before that one was deleted. I'm certainly surprised, but I don't really care either way. I'm just going to keep going about business as usual.

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the hilarity of deleting a thread in the flaming forum is pretty epic.


everyone needs to get ahold of themselves. this is a message board. just because some 6 who likes to post pictures of herself to get attention on a wrestling forum decides the best way to spend her money is to buy a messageboard so her name is in red doesn't mean everyone should flip out and run their honda civics off the interstate.

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quick, someone list ten things more worth your $750


I wonder if KOAB will list the porn star he paid to fuck. Flower Tucci, I think. How do I remember that name?


2 hours with her or TSM?


It would be a tough choice

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not at my apartment complex. i'd rather own tsm.


I should have said, Two months Rent.

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not at my apartment complex. i'd rather own tsm.


How the fuck do you not pay over 750 a month in Nova? I pay 875 for a goddamned efficiency.

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The Pit must have overloaded its servers with reaction to these events. Board's not loading for me.

I vivited it last night about 2am (my time) worked just fine.

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I swear everytime I leave this place for a couple of days and all hell breaks loose and things fall apart.


Can someone give me the abridged version of what happened in the previous thread?

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So, some people have left, some have been banned and now "Leena" is now in charge?


Leena is still a man right?

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what happened to the first one? I was just catching up on the hilarity and all the sudden it disappeared into the ether...


she's certainly getting her money's worth with this expensive new toy she bought. i expect at least 3 more arbitrary decisions that can be explained only by who the new owner is in the next 3 days.

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No, Peter was someone else. This was all explained... somewhere.


I wish that thread was still around because it had a message of peace and understanding for moving forward on TSM. That said, I feel incredibly out of place right now.


Im sure thats a normal feeling for you.



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what happened to the first one? I was just catching up on the hilarity and all the sudden it disappeared into the ether...


she's certainly getting her money's worth with this expensive new toy she bought. i expect at least 3 more arbitrary decisions that can be explained only by who the new owner is in the next 3 days.


Pretty sure you're really undershooting the over/under.

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