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You cant be serious? Real Talk about Wrestling and Life as well?

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The Thundercats...are coming back.   BUT not the way you think its coming back!   NOOOOO!   The Faggots at AOL Time Warner wants to do one...thing.   Restart the series.   YOU heard me.   RESTART THE SERIES   FUCK   THESE   MOTHERFUCKERS!   The same faggots, that love them hot and heavy transsexual action, who created great "classics" as the batman and the upcoming Loonatics!   Will give us some action in the form of what was the best there was, the best there is and the best that ever will be!   But this is not going to become the beautifly animated, multi-consptual, multi-fasisted, multi-leveled story arc series I wanted this show to be.   If this show airs, there will be such a falling out-   This is just on the level with the Loonitics issue.   Its going to lead into the greatest disaster the animation industry will ever see or face.   The animation industry I love and hold dear is about to face changes that will become totally unbearable.   And now I know- its going to be the end pretty damn soon of american domance over the animation industry.




We need to clear the air a bit...

There needs to be other topics done here as well. So its going to be after summerslam (and I believe it only going to be a month break) away from Wrestling week. But dont worry- Your Fire Pro news (it will be only two weeks away from the release of the game in Japan) will still continue. Besides, you have the new season of animation starting- PLUS the list of Best Females with little or no sluttyness- just beauty, brains, talent. And really, I need to add a video game review section.    





What...what...you mean that he has to give up Eddies son?...snore...   Here are the results:   MNMJ vs. Booker T & Chris Benoit w/Sharmell   The Match was better than it had to be: ***   Rey Mysterio vs. Christian   *** stars...again better than it had to be.   Its a tossup this week. It depends on who you think had the better 5 matches.   Some WWE news of note and nobody likes when movesets are downgraded.   from PWInsider       Some Indy News:     Ok, now to Puro:   And the first link is:   NSFW And NSF56K     Results for The First Part of the G1 Tourney:     Wrestle-1 Results:     Ok...so now to the Fire Pro News, and its very intresting.   First off, last week- we had a masked man talking about how the game is going. Well, his name is Mask De Spike. (actually, hes Dino from DDT-you know...the gay dude...) he metions there will be a new hard core match, along with the all of the wreslers avaiable. (by last count, it was 327- but it could be more than that) The new hardcore match is the mine field match, made famous by FMW. He also stated that there will be another version of Fire Pro in the future, and that will have accdental selling...   This weeks update has new pictures and new videos, plus more info from Masked De Spike. I will have more details and the week before the new game comes out, all the videos will the linked here for all to see (I know there are more moves...)   Thats all for this week...




Raw Results!

Guess Whos Back...Back again...Hardy's Back...   Chris Masters and Snitsky vs. Shelton Benjamin and Big Show   The...what...zor?   Val Venis vs. Rob Conway   The More Whatzor?   John Cena © vs. Carlito (WWE Title match, Chris Jericho special referee)   Hmm... Not bad but not good eather.   Three matches? Three Matches? What has been going on here!?   Lets get into some real news:     From Dave Prazak's Live Journal...     Wow...so know we know what that blog was all about from last week...         More news as it comes




You Censor Ladies Butt Cracks...

But Not A Ladies "What was that?"   WCW Smackdown is FULL Of Suprises...   Christian and Orlando Jordan vs. Booker T (w/Sharmell) and Chris Benoit   ** stars. Orlando should not have the title.   Animal and Heidenreich (Dumb GAB booking decision #2) vs. Chris Hammrick & Chuck Sealy   I rember Hammrick from XPW and CZW... But squash and dud.   Melina (w/Jillian) vs. Torrie Wilson (w/Candace Michelle)   **RANT**UPN are full of gay people. No, I agrreed with them about Arab issue with Hassan, but seriously, Viacom outside of Spike TV and Nick are GAY, GAY, GAY. Please come out of the closet Mr Moonves, the asian girl trick aint working. You mean to tell me you can censor stumak turing shit like that thing on the Transexual Jillans face, but here comes the Censors on Melina's CR..ACK-OH! (Big Joe refrence) but then have a ad promoting summerslam with the diva's SANS Melina. A-FUCKING MAZING. No person in there right minds would PUT Veronica Mars OVER on CBS, over Enterprise. But you know what, Viacom SUCKS- And Spike TV along with Nick has so far excaped there suckyness. So keep blurring out nice, femine asses for all us breeders, ok faggots? ***RANT OVER***   William Regal vs. Scotty 2 Hotty NO Match. Mexicools are too cool to have one (but they did pretty damn well against Mistero)   JBL (w/Orlando Jordan) vs. The Undertaker (#1 Contender’s match)     I have to give this a * star. I am sorry, here comes my second rant of the day   **RANT** you would THINK that a champion would have to PIN SOMEBODY! NOBODY has PINNED JBL outside of The Blue Meanie in the last year and a half. That is BULLSHIT on the highest order. You mean the Blue Meanie is better than Booker T, John Cena (he made him quit in the best match of there careers tho), Chris Benoit, Eddie Guerrero, Bastisa etc? At least a Heel Top Lion would PIN for a win without interferrance. He still is falling on the wedge of the arm for his Lariats, which with his hips damaged, makes it even MUCH more weaker than before. EVEN TORRIE WILSON can get the Lariat CORRECTLY! And that utter bullshit because she doesnt even have a great moveset. I dont understand why the WWE still puts over JBL as some Stan Hanson- where Stan was motherfucking powerhouse. When he fased off Misawa back in 1993, Stan could NOT take the Tiger Drivers, but Misawa knew he was SO DANGEROUS. Stan could KNOCK the EYE SOCKET of one of the TOUGHEST Compedters in the game Vader. JBL will NEVER be in the League of that type of warrior so stop booking him as such. **RANT OVER**   Well Raw won this week. It had better storylines. As soon as TNA gets on Spike TV, I will reviewing that as well... Smackdowns long time review Peter Koaska is leaving for RAW starting august.   Here is some Brand News...         Is it me? Or even tho the Brand is like shit, the website sings like a golden harp? Its amazing...and a bit troublesome...   The troublesome part is this:     UGH... can we put some of the internet guys on the writing team...please?   Indy News:     If you think The WWE Is Bad...New Japan is WORSE...     The next day:     Whoa...     Holy Cow. Its bad...Bad Bad Bad...   Here is some fire pro news: But its in Japanese...   http://www.spike.co.jp/fr/column_no1.html   I will see you next week...




Raw Report and Great American Bash Results

From the Observer     Oh...man...They just waiting for October to Roll around dont they...   GAT (Great American Trash 2 as one would call it)     No need to review this PPV. Nobody got over a one. A ONE folks. Even ECW ONS had two 2 star and three 3 star matches. This is inxcuseable...   And some other Indy and Puro news:       60 Min Draw? But get this... there was some stalling during the match, so I am not sure how the match went.   Maybe the Phillies need this.   You cant make this stuff up.         HOLY COW...What in the world is going on here?   More on Thursday's Report...




"Message from the Friends of JBL"

You cant Lariat for **** dawg!   AH YES! Two good matches is better than...yeah...diva search...   ON WCW Smackdown Last Night:   Rey Mysterio vs. Super Crazy (w/The Mexicools)   DQ. Roided Eddie interrfeared in the near *** 3/4 match. Super Crazy has not lost a step. Looks like the Crusers are the ones to watch in WCW Smackdown.   Animal and Heidenreich vs. Team Jobber:   DUD. Why is Heidenreich in this? Intresting Doomsday Device.   Eddie Guerrero vs. Chris Benoit:   3 and 3/4 stars. Wonderful, Wonderful match with great Germans, Brainbusters and the good stuff they are known for. Sadly, Eddie chickened out of the **** match.   Booker T (w/Sharmell) vs. Simon Dean   Please dont mention Salad Jokes anymore...   "Full Matchups for WCW Great American Bash 2005"   The bWo vs. The Mexicools Melina Vs Torrie (keep your kids eyes closed) bra and panties match Benoit Vs Jordan (US Title) Road Warrior Animal and Hidernrich Vs MNM Eddie Vs Ray Number One Contenders Match for World Title: Hassan Vs Undertaker World Title Match: JBL Vs Bastista   Smackdown wins this week!   Now to some news:       Then WWE Stated this on the website:     Then Metzer stated:     And all the while, TNA looked like stars:     Wow. Two Diffrent companies. Two diffrent idioglies...and one wins by staying true, the other loses by playing emotions.   In Indy News (small)     From Lance Storm's site:     This will make you go...holy ****.     Damn...thats...a damn big Japanese Soap Oprua right there...       This leads into fire pro news!   Pro-wrestler Kiku-taro (Mitsunobu Kikuzawa) is advertising the new "Fire Pro Returns" PS2 video game coming out in September (9/15) by Spike. It will sell for 7,140 yen ($70 USD).   Heres some new info: http://www.spike.co.jp/fr/subwin2_pub.html   327 Wrestlers (this does not count locked) 1,647 Moves 559 (Headsets)   Cost is 70 bucks US   They have no more updates listed. We will see whats up next week...   The Great American Bash is Sunday- reviews on that monday...read the match review for Kobashi vs Sasaki. I will see you soon      




Special Edition Match Review: 7/18/2005 NOAH

Kenta Kobashi Vs Kensuke Sasaki   Kenta Kobashi (Ranked By DVDR - 7) (2003) Kensuke Sasaki (Ranked By DVDR -126)   This match was long awaited. It didnt dissapoint. One thing that makes NOAH a great company now, consitanicy and idologley when it comes the wrestling style, at times, yes its over the top but it works and keeps things simple.   Sasaki is one of those men, that never gets any respect. Like Shina Hashimoto before him, he could have a great match with anybody (just ask Bob Sapp) and won the IWGP title.   Kobashi is a power house. Even though he loses more than he wins, when he wins he wins big. This guy is just as good as a big man as many WWE stars.   They both have very dangerous lariats (MUCH BETTER AND CLEANER than JBL's, which he falls down fully, making his larat much much weaker- and thats why he cheats to win, because hes clumsly-his legs give out too easy- watch his legs when he goes for a neckbreaker, he takes five steps when you only need three)   So the match starts (after good entrances and nice elivators)...Kobashi walks in and gets punished with a back drop. Now you notice he got stunned. That had to hurt youre pride. Croud is stunned. STUNNED. With all the problems New Japan is having, there thinking that New Japan has no good fighters. There best chance to get a better title was just STOPPED 15 min before! Kenta knows he is going for the long hawl.   Two Kicks to the head...   Then a toe kick, which lead into a chop (notice, no punches were thrown at ALL during the match) Then your NWA type chops, as Kenta returns the favor with a backdrop of his own. Now realise this, New Japan doesnt know where the hell its going. You know Sasaki is not going to take this liying down...as he uses the first Lariat of the night! They both leave the ring, and after some smack talking, they return back.   The test of strenth...lead into a grasped northern lights suplex, which is picture perfect. American Style Grapple, into a knee by Kobashi, that lead into a chop, then the irish whip, another knee, then as Kobashi holds him, he chops his neck and then as he is on the ground chops his neck again...then goes to the ropes and does a high chop to the neck. First Pin...NO. 2 count only.   First Summission Hold of the match, a back headlock. Kobashi uses this as a set up for high chop at the edge of the ring. A second high chop, then he gets Sasaki out of the ring for a DDT. Kobashi does not stay long as he jumps out of the ring and crashes into Sasaki. Brings him back into the ring, then gets him in a head lock. However, this gives Sasaki the upperhand as he pushes him back, and gives Kobashi a chop and a small lariat three times each...at the turnbuckle, which leads into a top rope frankinstiner. Then Sasaki goes to the top rope and goes for a lariat from there... Second Pin...NO.   Sasaki takes Kobashi out of the ring-Sasaki goes up top from the black side of the turn buckle, has some trouble getting there but-does so and gets the top rope take down outside the ring. Sasaki gets back in the ring along with Kobashi for the Third Pin of the Match...no dice.   Sasaki asks Kobashi to get up...then does chop, irish whip to the turnbuckle and then bulldogs Kobashi, does the Fourth Pin but is only a one count...Sasaki does a toe kick, but Kobashi has the NO sell POWAH! The second toe kick...then CHOP FEST 2005 BEGINS!   Kobashi chops twice, but Sasaki no sells. Then he does the spitshine chop and Sasaki stands. Then it goes back and forward for about two minites with both men standing. I seen a lot of WWE matches, BUT i never seen chops that can split water particles. By the time they reach one of the turnbuckles-Kobashi goes for his 5 time chop! But Sasaki reverses it! He returns the favor with chops of his own! But, it was not over; Kobashi reverses, does a much longer version of the 5 time chop...but Sasaki counters. They back away from the turnbucles and chop again in the middle of the ring...Sasaki tried to lariat, but Kobashi stops him with a chop...the chop battle continues, short face off, and the chops go flying again! Kobashi tries the spit shine, but its not enough! Two more chops are extanged, but Kobashi wins it out with a reverse arm Lariat.   (Total Time of Chop Fest 2005? 4 Min 18 Seconds)   Both men are now down at the middle of the ring. Croud is now up in there feet. Kobashi runs, but falls victim to a PowerSlam. Sasaki is going up top, but Kobashi counters for a second rope brainbuster. Sasaki missed the Lariat, as Kobashi goes for the HELL (Half) NELSON SUPLEX... Picks him up, and does it again! Now you know that New Japan is buckling in its knees. Sasaki is there only hope now and he is near losing...   It seems hope is lost for Sasaki, as at the ropes, Kobashi goes for a brain buster, but Sasaki blocks it...Sasaki is blocked by Kobashi, then Kobashi goes for the 5 time chop, its hits and Sasaki goes down...Kobashi chops him twice, but Sasaki grabs him an does a high angle powerslam on to the floor...the Noah Fans are stunned.     New Japan still might not yet get embarrised...Sasaki's wife looks on with very stoic eyes. But it almost became a count out match, as Kobashi (legit) could not get back in the ring, until the 19 second mark...Croud sighs a bit of relief. Sasaki grabs him for the underhook suplex...and gets it with the Fifth Pin...forget it, Kobashi suffered worse- thats not going to do it...then as Kobashi gets up, Sasaki pulls out the LARIAT! The Sixth PIN...NO FUCKING WAY PEOPLE!   Sasaki is in utter disbelifve...but he tries for the finsher, but some how...Kobashi seemed to use his calf as a wedge, pushes down on Sasaki's arm, and then does a semi air rana... but as he gets up, Kobashi does a LARIAT! (Upper Fore Arm and then falls down JBL, not the wedge) Sasaki gets up and does a upper knee, into a unrange. Then he does a submission hold to Kobashi's arm...but Kobashi gets to the Ropes. Head strike by Sasaki...goes for his Lariat, but Kobashi, blocks, counters with the rolling chops...then Sasaki tries to finish him, but Kobashi does a brainbuster, but because of his size, Sasaki does not take the brunt of the brainbuster, then because of Kobashi's waight, he does not take much of the brunt of Sasaki's brainbuster, and then double collsion Lariat! Both men pass out...   Sasaki guts up, and runs for a Lariat to the back of the head...Then goes for the Lariat...BUT Kobashi Blocks it, then goes for the SLEEPERHOLD SUPLEX! (picture perfect too) I dont think Sasaki cant take any more of this. Kobashi sets up for the Standing Lariat (a move that Brock Lesnar took and somewhat made it into a STO because he moves his leg in front and does the standing closeline downward.) Seventh PIN and NOTHING! 2.99999999999999999! Body Slam by Kobashi! He finally goes up top and does a VERY well done (for his age) moonsault from the top rope! PIN... YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME! Sasaki is running on fumes. And not from the Kyoto Treaty. Sasaki goes for a short Lariat but NOTHING doing as Kobashi pulls out five reverse chops, runs to the ropes and then pulls out the final lariat, which wins the MATCH!   Kenta Kobashi beat Kensuke Sasaki (23:38) with a lariat.   Woah. I give this 4 stars. I love this match. This is Puroresu at is most fun. The latter match, which if I get a chance to see it, was better than this- but this was great for what it was. 1 and 2 in the big event at Tokyo Dome. Shinya would be proud.     I implore all ROH fans, GET YOUR Manhattan event tickets NOW! Kenta Kobashi is NO joke. You saw Liger and loved him, now get to see the man who could have Match of the Year!   Smackdown Review On Thursday Night and, Fire Pro news as well.   Until Then...





Cena takes down seven guys...Kobashi and Sakuke a classic?   Here is the RAW Recap (Phil Schneider-DVDR)     Intresting.   Now for The NOAH Results (A Bit Late, I know)     Intresting, however the last match may have been a little better then the second to last match. Misawa needs to lose some pounds however, because according to reports Kawada ran away with this match and was much skinner too. Hey, now if you dont get ass in Husle (you will see what I mean in a moment) you will not get to kick ass against your greatest rival.   All in all, Noah did a wonderfull show, however, they braged that Misawa, Kobashi, and Rikio did 66,000 seats (where the real number is 45,000 to 50,000) No need to brag, NOAH is where its at today. I do expect a Big All Japan show soon, with the NOAH stars...   (Credit To Puroesu Power for the Results)   More coming this week:   But this could be a bit offenive (not as offencive as what the WWE did but...)   http://www.sponichi.co.jp/battle/news/2005...050716051_l.jpg   They dont call him Dangeous K for nothing.   See you guys soon...oh and for the quote last week, credit goes to KingPK




“We’re tongue-in-cheek you ninnies..."

"Leave us alone but pleasepleaseplease give us publicity anyway.”   Here are some of the matches from WCW Smackdown:   The Mexicools vs. Paul London, Funaki and Scotty 2 Hotty   Could have been better: 2 stars   Eddie Guerrero vs. Hardcore Holly   I love the Texas Cloverhold. Why dont more people use it? 2 and one half stars...   Booker T vs. Christian   Semi Squash here. 1 star   Batista vs. Orlando Jordan (w/JBL)   2 stars.   Raw won this week easly. Is WCW Smackdown chuggling along to its end on UPN? Stay Tuned.   But the best match was not on Raw or WCW Smackdown- it was on WCW Smackdown sisters show, Velocity:     Nice. Hope to see it on Smackdown soon as the main event...   Lets get into some Puro news-   A new Japanese blog has been started for the new Sendai Girls' Pro-Wrestling promotion. It appears to be unofficial, but a very good resource. http://plaza.rakuten.co.jp/sendaigirls     Ring of Honor announced this evening that Pro Wrestling NOAH star Kenta Kobashi will appear for the promotion on Saturday 10/1 at the New Yorker Hotel in New York City in his first domestic wrestling appearance that I can ever recall. The appearance was confirmed about two hours ago by ROH officials.   Tickets for the 10/1 event are scheduled to go on sale tomorrow at ROH's return to Manhattan at the same venue.     Some Indy news:       Lets head to the other side of the pond...     You know what time it is!?   FIRE PRO RETURNS TIME!   Aint that right...   Updates- They finally got the Gallery up. We know the date of the relace of the game... Sept 15. More Video Updates. The game gets a CEBO 12 (equlivent to the US E/10-Teen rating) Also, DDT stars (from Pro Wrestle DDT) are playing the game already and will have there remarks over at a magazine Called Pure Sport. We will give you details on how they liked it on the next update (come on, its not that hard to get a Japanese Magazine now?)   But finally and sadly... some news about the burial of Shin'ya Hashmoto:     Links to the Vigil (Video): Windows Media 9/10 56K Media Player 300K and Higher Real Player 56KReal Player 300K and Over   Main Funeral (Video) 56K Windows MediaWindows Media 300K and Over Real Player 56K Real Player 300K and Over   What I am worried about this, and nobody really wants to say it, is that Hashimoto may have been the best pro star of his era period. He knew how to make everybody better around him. He had in his life more charator than most would like to admit.   He was truly Japanese, and not because it was his gimmick. He wasnt...westerised in a sense. Not that it is a bad thing, but I see a dilution in things. Certian things cannot be touched. He was a man of No Gimmicks, a truly beautful, learned and understandbly romatic person. And he stuck to his ways. He respected everybody in the businsess like a brother. Ever notice that most of male childerns charaters from Pikachu and so on, all are based on the model of this man?   And yet, people forgot him as time passed. The hardcore went to more talented men like Misawa and Nagata...as the Japanese causals went to MMA because they wanted a stable force. But the Very Little I saw of Hashimoto, i knew this guy loved this business. And its kills me, that the lack of hope in Puroesu, epecualiy New Japan, could have changed in a instant if he was still alive.   In the United States, most wonder what is Strong Style. Strong Style is not a NOAH based head drop game. Never was. Strong Style was never was Lucharesu. I see strong style, not as Ground and Pound- but a great style, that can produce wonderful match types. The Brand, has used parts and pieses of New Japan Strong Style back in 2002/2004 at Smackdown. You never would have believed me if I said that could have been the time The Brand could have moved away from the showman style. But it might be a bit late for that.   But why did I go to a tangant about that? Its because that Hashimoto lived by Strong Style and became famous and greater that many of his counter parts. You cant say that in the WWE Today with the halfway things Vince has done. Hashimoto if given a chance, would have taken over both Japan and The US because his style would have won over crouds, and his charisma would have won there hearts. Even fans of Austin and Rock have to agree, Hashimoto had IT. He had Champion written in the stars. He had the fighting spirit and strong style was his calling card.   He didnt die because of that style. He died because the buisness backstabbed him, and died of a broken heart. Stress over a tough relationship with his wife, the pressures of headlineing eight 50,000 seat venues, the Zero One project, and his money problems. It can do a lot to a man. Look at the American side of the industry, its much worse.   What else can I say. This man will be deeply missed. Rest in Peace.   (10 Bell Saulte)   See you all Monday.




More On Hasimoto's Passing

Inside Pulse:     Only one match is avalible on this section but there will be two after saturday night. To see more before then go to: http://www.insidepulse.com/articles/39361   Also From Inside Pulse:     Another from InsidePulse     From Samoa Joe:     Steve Corino:     A bit from Puroesu Power:     Puroesu Power taped a special tribute show in memory of Shin'ya Hashimoto and were able to bring on some special guests including wrestling photographer Jimmy Suzuki. You can go to the website at PuroesuPower.com to hear that near-perfect tribute.   Small News From New Japan:     From Strong Style Sprit     http://www.puroresufan.com/index.php?subac...rt_from=&ucat=&   http://board.deathvalleydriver.com/index.php?showtopic=39711   http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?showtopic=71751     The final word about Hashimoto coming Saturday Night.




Has Pokemon Jumped the Shark? Truly?

A post from a member of GameFaqs's anime boards (Endagme/emgadnE) thinks so...     Note- Grovle won the match. The Mods deleted the post that stated this... Until somebody out there gets that deleted post...this is the best I can do...   Hes is the next great anime reviewer, trust me on this.




Matt Hardy Returns! FOR REAL!

And Outshines Cena, HBK and Hogan on RAW   WHOA.   I never believed it.   I never would have believed it.   Here is the RAW Recap via The Observer:     Intresting. Very Intresting.   Hardy goes to ROH, where Danials is trying to defend ROH after the total coniption withe the ROH title with CM Punk still in not willing to defend. There is still a chance Hardy goes to TNA with there PPV, and then we have a situation where Danials will have to calm Hardy down and show him his true nemsis... Then we have Tito Oritz would love nothing better than to kill Edge (i.e. Edge's Wife is Ortiz's sister) after this indsent.   So you have ROH, TNA, UFC all having a intrest in this storyline- making sure Edge gets whats coming to him. And WWE has to defend (i.e. No sell) this? WOW. Heyman knows how to stir up a hornets nest. Period.   But this was one hell of a work. And made RAW better than it was...   Saturday at 8, we will have the results of Smackdown. But friday I will have more news dealing with the ROH situation with the Title, One week away from the Big AJPW/NOAH match between Misawa and Kawada.   But I have some major sad news to report. REALLY Sad news.     Thats...messed up...utterly messed up.




Dude...(Part Three)

Can we have some sanity in the house?   Last part of this (should have been slow) Wrestling Week.   Utterly Amazing. This is the week Jerry Jarrett could not have planned. He did nothing, and had TNA look like prestine compared to Vince's bubble boy syndrome issues.   The WWE.com site has become more of the Smark Based InsiderSite not unlike Dave Meltzers or 1Bob.   The Issue with Hassan is this- The PTC, will not say anything. Not a thing. You watch. If they made nearly 99 percent of the complaints towards Viacom and all it ilk...this time, when they are mostly consertive and supporting The War Against Terror...they will let this go.   Some Indy Results first:       Now some intresting Puro News:   One the greatest wreslers of all time, Momoe Nakanishi married UWF International Booker Makoto Oe- it was a emotional ceremony. Kazushi Sakuraba, Yuji Nagata, Yoshihiro Takayama, Yumiko Hotta, and Nanae Takahashi were the special guests. Nakanishi is pregnant and will have her bundle of joy in Jan 2006. CONGRATS!   Hustle- the promotion so silly it makes sense... gets even more crazy:   The promotion ran an angle with Erica (Aja Kong) (I am sure its based on a Aaliah song, "Erica Jane" announcing a new tag team partner acquisition. Aja says that she "intercepted" Yinling the Erotic Terrorist's newest recruit. The girl in question is a San Diego woman (175 cm tall) who is being named Margaret.   In a separate angle, Tadao Yasuda talked about his upcoming match with Naoya Ogawa on 7/13 at Fukuoka International Center in the $1 million dollar main event match. Yasuda said that he would plan a business takeover for Antonio Inoki's "fighting spirit (toukon) battery development business." This is the business project that ex-NJ President Masakazu Kusama recently talked about Inoki losing a lot of money in. Essentially, the development of a battery that never needs to be recharged. Yasuda, the "Borrowing Money King," said that he looked at his match against "Tax Paying King" Ogawa as an easy way to make "fast money." Yasuda said that after he wins his match against Ogawa, he dreams of buying a horse and that he will use "money violence" to obtain his goals.   It gets much worse...or better if you still think the WWE cant do anymore wrong as they did Yesterday   The promotion is introducing a new character called Razor Ramon HG. The HG stands for "Hard Gay" and he does the "Hard Gay Hustle Pose." Kantaku Nakamura (it's really Nakamura the ZERO-ONE boss) said that the Hustle army lacked hardness. Even more pictures here. The poor man in the "taking-it-up-the-ass" position is Taichi Ishikari.   See Pictures... (Note, not as offencive as the Hassan incident, but still viewer discression is advised): http://www.sponichi.co.jp/battle/news/2005...050708054_l.jpg   http://www.sherdog.net/forums/showthread.php?p=6523369   In other more important Puro news (wow...) :   Last month, the promotion (Jinsei Shinzaki & The Great Sasuke) announced that they would be creating a new women's wrestling promotion in 2006. a press conference was held with Jinsei Shinzaki & Meiko Satomura announcing the creationg of "SENDAI GIRLS' PRO-WRESTLING" (they used English in capital letters, not me). The claim so far is that at least 10 people have been contacted to work with the new project with Satomura as the promotion's ace & booker.   Intriguingly, this news story was not covered by most of the traditional pro-wrestling media in Japan but rather was covered on the mainstream news wires by Kyodo.   Not reported on the news wires is that the promotion is aiming to recruit female High School students/athletes for try-outs with a dead-line of August 20th. The try-outs would then take place in September. Rika Kayama, a famous Japanese psychiatrist, will act as a company advisor. The Japanese office number is 022-785-7755.   For those interested (women's wrestlers already trained) in sending a profile package (DVD, resume, etc.) to the new promotion, here's the address to send it to:     Michinoku Entertainment Atagobashi Mansion Pharoah E-8 236 Tsuchitoi, Wakabayashi-ku Sendai-shi, Miyagi-ken Japan   7/26 Tokyo, Yoyogi National Stadium Gym II line-up for All Japan:   RO&D vs. Voodoo Murderers: Masa Chono, TAKA Michinoku, Taiyo Kea, & Jamal vs. TARU, Giant Bernard, Chuck Palumbo, & Johnny Stamboli Kensuke Sasaki & Katsuhiko Nakajima vs. All-Asian Tag Champions "brother" YASSHI & Shuji Kondo Toshiaki Kawada vs. Kazushi Miyamoto Kaz Hayashi vs. Taichi Ishikari Triple Crown Championship: Satoshi Kojima vs. Keiji Mutoh   Takeshi Rikio has been pulled off of NOAH shows until the 7/18 Tokyo Dome due to a pharynx (larynx) injury/condition.   Lineups of Hustle Matches:   7/13 Fukuoka International Center (6 PM)   - Hustle Kamen Red, Blue, & Yellow vs. Min Tai Soo, The Neo Devil Pierroth #1 & #2 - Wataru Sakata vs. Mr. X - Erica (Aja Kong), Margaret, and Leonardo Spanky vs. Arisin Z (Ayako Hamada), Blanca X, & Monster J - HHH Hardcore Royal Rumble: Tetsuhiro Kuroda, Ryoji Sai, Katsuhisa Fujii, Jinro (Wolf), Demon Spider, Monster C, Kwik Cook Lee (a rib/knock-off of Akira Maeda's old WWF ring name) - Shinjiro Ohtani vs. Yuji Shimada - "Hustle K" Toshiaki Kawada, "Hustle I" Taichi Ishikari, & Masato Tanaka vs. Bruno Hercules, King Giraffe, & "300% Machine" An Jo - $1 million dollar match: "Reckless King" Naoya Ogawa vs. "Borrowing Money King" Hollywood Tadao Yasuda   7/15 Osaka Prefectural Gym (6:30 PM) - Hustle Kamen Red, Blue, & Yellow vs. KIDATA Low, Dark Von Maestro #1 & #2 - Wataru Sakata vs. Mr. X - Erica (Aja Kong), Margaret, & X vs. Arisin Z, Blanca X, & X - Captain's Fall Match: Taichi Ishikari, Tetsuhiro Kuroda, Leonardo Spanky, & Katsuhisa Fujii vs. Giant Silva, Kwik Cook Lee, The Piranhian Monster gamma, & Monster J - "Captain Hustle" Naoya Ogawa & X vs. Bruno Hercules & King Giraffe - HHH Title Match: Masato Tanaka vs. 7/13 Fukuoka battle royal winner - "Hustle K" Toshiaki Kawada vs. Yinling the Erotic Terrorist   With two weeks to go until the 7/18 Tokyo Dome show, there are still tickets remaining for a good amount of the bleacher seats. The advance is good, but not spectacular given the amount of build-up for the show so far. If there are seats available by next week, then some minor worrying.   There was a "special fan event" at Tower Records (Shinjuku) with John Cena promoting his "You can't see me" CD. Around 400 fans attended and Cena got a huge reception. One woman marked out so much for touching Cena that she started crying. The event with Cena took place on Saturday at Noon.   Meanwhile, there was a PPFM x WWE corporate event with Rey Misterio Jr. and Torrie Wilson that drew around 200 fans. The fans were mostly preoccupied with Torrie. PPFM is a fashion/merchandising company. Kane & Christy Hemme had a separate fan club event meet & greet session as well.   President Simon Inoki announced (according to a Yomiuri Sports report) that a "steel curtain" would be established on all employees of the company in terms of leaking information. This applies to both wrestlers and management. The issue of "leaking" was a big deal for Antonio Inoki, who hated ex-President Masakazu Kusama's "open style" with the press. Simon stated that information such as fight cards were being leaked and that a "special project room" would be created to establish more internal control. Simon further stated that fans got bored with the lack of freshness in the company because the surprises in matchmaking were lost. The new "steel curtain" will be implemented by September.   (Most news coming from PuroresuPower...make sure you hear there show as well...)   No Fire Pro news until next week...but there is some VG News...   http://ps2.ign.com/articles/631/631085p1.html   To long to post here but a lot of intresting things...   More Next Week...




Dude...(Part 2)

WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SMOKING?   Welcome Part 2 of a 3 part Wresling Week Wrap Up.   More on the near shocking but not suprising segment on WCW Smackdown Thunder.   But first, a Special Edition of the Raw Match Review! (By Phil Schneider over At DVDVR)     Here is the WCW Smackdown Results:   Chris Benoit vs. Booker T (3 Stars point blank- good start and intresting finish. However it could have been a longer match.   JBL vs. The Blue Meanie (w/the bWo) (No-DQ) (JBL cuts the best promo of his career, only to get a taste of his own medicene.)   MNM (w/Melina) © vs. Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio (The storyline gets intresting here with Eddy, Ray)   Matt Morgan vs. William Regal (No Match, Mexicools Take care of Matt Morgan- this has to be the last time before they start having matches.)   Christian vs. Batista (non-title) (2* Match between these two)   I would have given the win for the Third Week in the row to Smackdown.   However, it was this segement that was uncalled for...   Daivari vs. The Undertaker   Man...I am one of these dudes that lisen to the savage nation, and all the rest. And even I was dumbfounded. But this is not suprising in the WWE. They are one of the last non PC show on the planet. They pretty much want to push Hassan to the moon- but the way they did it- damn. (but then again, Savage would love Vince as President of the US because even he thinks Bush isnt strong enough on the war on terror)   And I keep harping on why there needs to be a strong womens division... If this is the best the men can do get over with, then the industry is in huge trouble. Heyman played the game, but back then- he wasnt being stupid with it. Today, Vince is using the same 90's trick and hope magic strikes twice. Its ugly. Really Ugly.   Here are some more cuts the WWE Has made:   David "Gangrel" Heath, Billy Kidman, Kenzo Suzuki, Matt Morgan, Jackie Gayda, Charlie Haas, Joy Giovanni, Dawn Marie, Marty Jannetty, Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley...   But guess what?   Big Vito Returns....as well as:     What in the world has happend this week?   Well, if we want some sane news- you going have to wait a few hours...   Sane as sane can be these days...   Be back in a few  





You Got CUT!   Here is who is out of the WWE:   -- Marc Loyd -- Mark Jindrak -- Maven -- Shannon Moore -- Akio -- Gangrel -- Billy Kidman -- Spike Dudley -- Mordecai   Maven? Maven? The guy who took more bumps than HHH in the last 3 years?   SPIKE? NOT SPIKE...   This is intresting Billy Kidman is gone...   And Mark Jindrak is done too.   Mordecai would not have done much and was a bit too small.   Akio is great and would be a great find for ROH.   Since one is a draft pick, what will RAW get from Smackdown? We will find that out next week...   More Cuts are on the way...




HBK Turns Heel...

...On a Substandard Raw   Ok, short notes...   CHAVO is WHITE? NOOOOOOOO!   Diva Search should be called Joshi Whores. UGH, Shame on ya...   Good Promo by Cena and Jericho...   Hogan Goes Over again...   Substanard Raw...   (And just a quick shout out to the admin here at smarkmarks for posting on last weeks Post, how nice of him )   here is some results from July 2 at Japan:       1. Akebono & The Big Show defeated Carlito Caribbean Cool & Matt Morgan in 8 minutes, 40 seconds when Akebono used the Banzai Drop on Morgan for the win.   2. WWE Cruiserweight Title Match (3-Way Dance): Paul London defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr. & Funaki. Funaki over Chavo in 7'18 with a Shining Enzui and London over Funaki in 11'16 with the Oklahoma Roll.   3. Chris Benoit defeated Shelton Benjamin in 12 minutes, 38 seconds with the Crippler Cross Face hold.   4. TAJIRI defeated Muhammad Hassan (w/ Daivari) in 4 minutes, 46 seconds with an inside cradle.   Torrie Hunter, Stacy Keibler, and Christy Hemme came out to shoot t-shirts to the crowd with the air gun.   5. Rey Misterio Jr., The Undertaker, & Kane defeated Eddy Guerrero, Kurt Angle, & Edge (w/ Lita) in 23 minutes, 34 seconds with a triple pinfall (Undertaker over Angle with the Tombstone, Kane over Edge with the Tombstone, Rey over Eddy with the West Coast Pop).   6. WWE Heavyweight Title Match: John Cena defeated JBL & Orlando Jordan in 13 minutes, 26 seconds when Cena hit the FU on JBL for the quick win. The finish saw a referee bump and JBL cover Cena for Jordan to do a 3-count. JBL wanted Steamboat to ring the bell to give him the win. JBL and Jordan went to attack Cena together but Jordan accidentally laid out JBL with a case in a "friendly fire" mishap. Ricky Steamboat acted as timekeeper for the match and JBL sneered at him for not ringing the bell for his near falls that would have given him the win. They had a post-match confrontation. Cena, meanwhile, got on the microphone and said "Please congratulate me" in Japanese and pulled out some coffee milk, which prompted a "coffee milk" call from the fans. Cena drank some and the fans marked out.   7. Shawn Michaels defeated Chris Jericho in 33 minutes, 30 seconds with the superkick (Sweet Chin Music). Both men shook hands and hugged after the match.   8. World Title Match: Batista defeated Triple H (w/ Ric Flair) in 17 minutes, 31 seconds with the spinebuster.     Lots of intresting news coming on Friday!




Should We be conserned about Africa? Or US?

I am in a bit of a quandary. Live 8, Bob Geldorf's lofty dream and wish to end poverty in Africa, was one of the biggest and maybe most eventful concert in mankind’s short civilized life. Kanye West proved he, along with Outcast, is worthy of the Hip Hop Crown. Pink Floyd proved why it will take so long and so far for Rock to reach the high’s it had once.   But what was the point? I know about Bob Geldorf’s sexual proclivities- and all that bullshit. However, helping the country where my father was born, is going to take much more than just singers, dancers, and actors that cant even get a buyrate in the movie theaters anymore.   America, Europe, Russia, and Japan- need to save themselves first. I do not want problems that these countries have to be transplanted into a continent, that has leaders that don’t know there left from there right, who Robert Mugabe continues to destroy the lives white farmers in Zimbabwe.   Japan cannot admit about its dark history to China, its problems with childbirth.   Russia with the Cronyism and the lost identity crisis they are having.   Europe, with sexual pervasion to its highest levels (in England)- and its lost Christian Ideals, morals, and responsibility   In addition, America- with its boarders not protected, Same Sex Marriage- Property Rights, War in Iraq, War on Terror, Cultural Wars, Internet Rights, Real ID, Lost Jobs and lots more.   So, why are the stars not looking at the real problem? Themselves? No, too busy- we got have to save Africa again!   Yes, we have a country that has the greatest freedoms. However, we have some of the largest problems. Its time we save OUR Country first, before Africa. Solve most of OUR problems first, and the rest will take care of itself.   Its something Bob Geldorf missed when he planned this.   Save Our Nation before all else.   Ronixis




Welcome to WCW Smackdown Thunder

YOU Can't Be Serious! WCW IS BACK...   Let me get to the Raw and Smackdown Matches First- then we will tell you HOW Intresting This Week Was, plus from REALLY FUNNY ****!   Raw Matches   Edge and Snitsky (w/Lita) vs. Kane and ?   Raw Commissioner Bishoff then changes the match to a 1 on 1 match   Snitsky vs. The Big Show   DUD...   RVD is the next Draft Pick? NOOO! (But this leads into the what happend in Smackdown and it sort of makes sense...)   Ric Flair vs. Kurt Angle   3 and 3/4 stars. The old man still got it. Once his Grandson finsh college and desides to come to the WWE, WATCH OUT. Hes gonna be Fire and Money in the Bank accout to Vince. But the Old man can still do it. Its remarkable! Hey, if you have 55 year old men still doing German Supexles (In Japan) well- that says alot...   John Cena, Shawn Michaels and Hulk Hogan vs. Christian, Y2J and Tyson Tomko   2 stars tops. They have fun in this tag match.   But the Diva Search HURTS the show badly...   WCW Smackdown Thunder Matches   Paul London© vs. Chavito Guerrero   (Mexicools Interfere again...)   Can we have a match...please?   (Typical Fanservice Anime Look at That ASS segment, before Melina gets pissed off...)   Melina vs. Michelle McCool   Tell you what, I will give this 3/4 stars, call it an ok WCW Smackdown Thundergirls Match, They already say McCool has a nice looking dererre... At least Melina has some moves...unlike...CARLTO!   ...eh...is it me... or... yeah...Maury Povich on the next WCW Smackdown...   Here is the Main Event:   Six Man Elimination Match for the new SmackDown Championship: JBL vs. Muhammad Hassan vs. Booker T vs. Chris Benoit vs. Christian vs. The Undertaker   Undertaker gets DQ with a Chair Shot to Hassan at 13:27 Hassan is also DQ seconds later.   JBL Cheats a DDT to pin over Benoit at 24:37   Christan (the new Draftpick from Raw) Pins Booker T at 43:08...   ...but that leads into a Cheating Lariat By JBL to win at 43:49.   Hold ON, Teddy Long says, NO need for Smackdown Champ! We got ourselfs a champ! Ladies and Gentlefolks! Batista!   JBL GETS OWNED! HAHAHAH! Cheaters Never Win...much.   So this sets the WCW Smackdown "Great American Bash" Title Event on July 26. 3 and 3/4 stars for the near 45 min match.   WCW Smackdown WINS again this week.   Anyway- It makes sense to have Smackdown to be called WCW Smackdown... (World Title, US Title, Smackdown Tag Team Titles- Unified Cruser Title...) Many of the stars where at one time in WCW... I expect a change in the seats for the annouers too.   Lets get to some REALLY Intresting news!   11 People have been traded, they are:   RAW brand gets:   * Mark Jindrak: Former WCW Tag Team Champion * Rene Dupree: Former WWE Tag Team Champion; former World Tag Team Champion * Danny Basham: Two-time former WWE Tag Team Champion * Kenzo Suzuki (with Hiroko): Former WWE Tag Team Champion * Chavo Guerrero: Five-time former Cruiserweight Champion; two-time former WWE Tag Team Champion   WCW Smackdown Gets:   * William Regal: Four-time former WCW Television Champion; three-time former Hardcore Champion; four-time former European Champion; former Intercontinental Champion; four-time former World Tag Team Champion * Candice: 2004 RAW Diva Search contestant * Sylvain Grenier: Four-time former World Tag Team Champion * Simon Dean: Former RAW sponsor * Steven Richards: Former two-time ECW Tag Team Champion; former 21-time Hardcore Champion     OH WHOA...WHAT THE! Where the fuck is Tajiri! There is Super Crazy and NO Tajiri! NOOOOOOO! and they traded Chavo? NOOOOOO as well.   Draft was better but worse in someways. But now its over (somewhat) We will see how it goes...   Wow... anyway- to other Intresting News...     Wow. Cena a star? Thats...intresting that he might lead Raw...As a actor? Who knows?   Man. I feel sorry for that Investor...they should have some of the cash...not all but some.   Here are some of the Major Investors: (You know these guys)   Kevin Dunn has 35,148 shares ($401,390) John Laurinaitis has 4,098 shares ($46,799) Shane McMahon has 27,922 shares ($318,869) Jim Ross has 20,027 shares ($228,708)   Lots of cash to spend.   Lets go to Puro News:   NOAH officially announced their 7/18 Tokyo Dome card line-up:   1. Takashi Sugiura, SUWA, & Masaji Aoyagi vs. Tsuyoshi Kikuchi, Mitsuo Momota, & Katsuhiko Nakajima 2. Mohammed Yone & Takeshi Morishima vs. Tamon Honda & Go Shiozaki 3. AKira Taue, Naoki Sano, Jun Izumida, & Haruka Eigen vs. Akitoshi Saito, Shiro Koshinaka, Masao Inoue, & Kishin Kawabata 4. Mushiking Terry vs. Black Mask 5. GHC Jr. Title Match: Yoshinobu Kanemaru vs. KENTA 6. GHC Tag Titles Match: Minoru Suzuki & Naomichi Marufuji vs. Jun Akiyama & Makoto Hashi 7. GHC Heavyweight Title Match: Takeshi Rikio vs. Hiroshi Tanahashi 8. Yoshinari Ogawa vs. Gen'ichiro Tenryu 9. Kenta Kobashi vs. Kensuke Sasaki 10. Mitsuharu Misawa vs. Toshiaki Kawada   The Great Sasuke was a great Super Junior... as a Politican however...     (From PuroresuPower Via Black Eye)   Oh This would get Over in Japan...   http://www.nydailynews.com/news/local/stor...3p-277190c.html   Hahah!   Chris Jericho in a meet and greet in japan stated: "This is my 36th visit to Japan. The Japanese fans understand wrestling and the fans of Japan are ichiban (number one, the best)."   Stacy Keiber (acting like the Anime Gajin Doe Face) states she would marry a Japanese guy (Hello Miss Kenta Kobashi, if you dont go to DVDR you wont get the Joke...) Jericho stated he would have to be rich... (Hey Kenta is Rich...)   As for Chono, he is planning with CMLL and possibly TNA for a would wide G-1 Tourny.   Aja Kong has a Blog (even though the WWE Dissed her YEARS Back she still loves them?) http://blog.livedoor.jp/aja_kong (I dont get the love for the Brewers anyway...If it was the Red Soks or the Yankees or the Mets or the Mariners I would understand... but the BREWERS? (No sense I tell you... NO Sense...)   And Kaz Hayashi has one as well: http://blog.livedoor.jp/imhere_kazhayashi   In Indy News:   What has happend to ROH's Title?       In other news:   More Results:     Here's some words for you to chew on before we get to the Fire Pro News of the Week...   Why is it that we have mostly females who lead wresling companies (Linda McMahan, Maokto Baba, and Dixie Carter)...YET...there is NO STABLE WOMENS DIVISION on any of their promotions/offshoots? The major Womans title (the IWA Mid South) is owned by a dude... Zenjo (All Japan Joshi) before it disbanded) was owned by a Guy (and he lead it to the ground) Taka Michinoku is planning a Michoinoku Joshi Division in 2006... YET you would think that Linda, Dixie and Maokto (granted, the latter promotion does not have the strenth it once had but still) would have a whole damn division, trainers, story boarders and story lines for the Womans Titles. Hell, it was Fabulous Mooluah and her onterage that went to Japan and changed the seedy game in the late 50s into a NEAR savior of the whole Puroesu landscape back in the 80's (Crush Girls Story Line) EVEN VKM Sr had a good Womans Promotion Rivialing AJW and LLPW (which is connected in some ways to New Japan and its owned by a dude) back in the 80's And Jumping Bomb Angels where the best damn tag team next to the Road Warriors! (IMO) (and The Road Warriors were the best in there class, only the Stiners could hold there own against them- and they were the best as well...) After the Match between Trish and Lita, I was hoping the WWE would at least TRY to do something with this...   But no...more diva searches. UGH. Sometimes, the men cant do it all. Your already seeing that.   Now to the Fire Pro NEWS!     Looks like Misawa gets a newer Emerial Fluision... (Brainbuster Set Up, or in WWE lingo, Suplex Set Up)   Newer Mega Burning Hammer! Kobashi will rip heads to shreds.   And there is a FIRE PRO For Your 1 Inch Cell Fone!   Update:   Results from the "SUPERSHOW" at Saitama Super Arena on July 1st:   Tony Chimel and Christy Hemme appeared. Stacy Keibler and Torrie Wilson appeared later in the show to shoot t-shirts out of an air-gun.   1. Edge (w/ Lita) defeated Kane in 8 minutes, 13 seconds after Lita distracted Kane and Edge used the briefcase to whack Kane for the win.   2. WWE Cruiserweight Title Match: Paul London defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr. in 11 minutes, 55 seconds. They did a deal with Funaki running in and London getting attacked after the match.   3. Chris Jericho defeated Shelton Benjamin in 16 minutes with the Walls of Jericho (modified Boston Crab). Finish was Jericho catching Benjamin with a super kick and then using his finisher for the win. Both guys shook hands and hugged after the match.   4. The Big Show (w/ Akebono) defeated Carlito Caribbean Cool in 7 minutes, 3 seconds with a chokeslam.   5. Shawn Michaels & Chris Benoit defeated Muhammad Hassan & (Shawn) Daivari in 14 minutes, 11 seconds when used the Crippler Cross Face hold on Daivari for the submission win.   6. TAJIRI defeated Orlando Jordan in 8 minutes, 29 seconds.   7. Rey Misterio Jr. defeated Eddy Guerrero in 27 minutes, 15 seconds with the 619/Springboard Leg Drop finishing sequence for the win. After the match, Eddy tried to provoke Ricky Steamboat.   8. The Undertaker defeated Kurt Angle in 24 minutes, 11 seconds with a Tombstone Pile Driver.   9. Batista & John Cena defeated JBL & Triple H in 19 minutes, 49 seconds when Cena used the FU on JBL for the win.   More on Next weeks Wresling Week....   Few More things before we go...   Let Not your Hearts Be Troubled! ECW ONS Did 500,000 buys... tops. 300,000 is ok---more detales soon...   Anyway, thats all for this week...




Meltser "I Still Believe in Vince!"

Hogan Does Leg Drop, Flair Gives 3* Performance on RAW   Color Me ... Shocked, Blinded, and Kentucky Frieded...   Flair gives a 3 star match at age 60? Some say better than the Vengence Match between Angle/Michels.   A Jim Cornette like aspect for Bastisa as they go Old school (somewhat), as he and HHH cant compete this week. (DUH- but this is The Brand!)   The six man was fun. Hogan, HBK, and Cena (strange...) vs Jericho, Christan- and Tomko... Cena was all smiles. (why wouldnt he be, Its Hogan my god)   But... the Diva Search hurt this show badly. UGH. But not as much...   Then RVD gets drafted to RAW? Whats going on here...   This week and the next couple of weeks, The WWE is testing out the "Supershow" Format. There is a Smackdown after Raw- so yes, there will be major spoliers on all of the major boards, but no results until Friday for Raw, Smackdown and The PPV.    




The Court Jesters

As many not know (or do know) I have account over at the gamefaqs boards. I post most of my politcal issues- on a anime and manga social board (since there is NO cartoon and animation social board otherwise, it would not be warrented to even go to the other one) And when I kept telling telling them in the Terri Schivo matter- the court is out of control.   Since the last two decisions on the court, I havent heard a THING about the decisions on the court...yet   Its sad aint it. Its gone down to if Disega is going to have an animated series (which there is another board for it) to this that and very illegal things.   And these people have a fit- over One Pieces editing.   We live in ugly times. Very Ugly Times. Drudge (who I met some years back) is a huge downloading freak. Now they could sue him because someone shared music to him.   If somebody wants to own a house, a good looking house, and then all of a sudden, the city wants to put office buildings on the grounds, they can do it (unless they vote it out, which might be the only way to keep the 5th amendment intact)   And no ten commandments in the courthouse, which makes no sense. The Ten Commandments in the basic sence are ten rules of life! They are the basis of ALL Judeo-Christian Civliasation-esce laws. Of course, the Ten Commandments are allowed at other places- but the courthouse...no. Thats wrong.   I will update this if somebody over at that gfaqs board says anything...




Need Animation Rechargement?

Cartoon Brew and Cartoon Retro are your answers. Forget Toonzone or Animation Insider... These two sites will make you love animation more that even my site can... I love these two sites. Retro takes you back to the early days of animation and design. Brew takes a look at todays animation stars.   Cartoon Brew Cartoon Retro





YEAH...RIGHT...   Ok, what happend on smackdown?   Simple... they didnt keep up with the perfectly Acceptable Wrestling (well they did, but the booking brought out the SAT (aka, the Mexicools) to the cruizer stage-which, mark my words if nothing changes after the ECW PPV or Vengence PPV-the former good, the other bad news, the cruser division will be something to watch for. Of course, is the longest running title on The Brand.)   And guess who came?   Hassan. (Oh great)   He begins his streak on smackdown...over the Big Show. And he is apart of the new six man tornado match, for the world title. A NEW world title. The Smackdown world title.   Ok, is it me, or I am sensing a Unified Title over at Raw? That would end the true brand split- and Smackdown will have to start (not like Raw did, because in the kafabe world- the Raw World Title is the WCW title) from scratch.   But what scared me most of about tonight? The Main Event Match between Eddie and Rey. This match should have been a LOT better. Eddy looked SLOW in certain parts. Rey (I never believed it if I could) carried the match. Even though Rey has a bad wheel. What's with Eddie? Even on his bad days, he was never slow.   So... Smackdown was better this week...but not by much...   Raw Matches Shelton Benjamin © vs. Carlito (Bullcrap win) Viscera vs. Simon Dean (Squash) John Cena © vs. Mohammed Hassan (Didnt even give him time! BIG DUD) Kurt Angle vs. Batista which lead to: HHH and Kurt Angle (w/Ric WHOO Flair) vs. Shawn Michaels and Batista OH HELL NO...Very Badly Booked.   Smackdown Matches   Joey Mercury (w/Nitro and Melina) vs. Heidenreich (Not bad from Heidenreich, which if you think about it-is shocking, but no more than *) (Addendum- Melina came in to OVW as to train, but she became a very comptent manager, this deals with the match next week with Michelle McCool-where as Both Nitro and Mercury dont believe she can throw down...)   One fall for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship of the World: Chavito Guerrero vs. Paul London (No Winners, as the Mexicools arrive, The Juice (Juventud Guerrera)- Super Crazy, and Psicosis interfere)   One issue about the draft that J-Hawk stated on his review:   How can Daivari and Hassan both come over at the same time? Cole and Tazz briefly speculated that they must be a package deal, but after making a big deal that Sharmell of all people could be drafted solo and that tag teams could be broken up, how can you justify anybody being a package deal? If Daivari was just a manager, I might be able to buy it, but since he wrestles part-time, I don't know how you can justify it.   Unless Smackdown has already used the final weeks draft pick setup- I dont see how it would work. If they did, then this week's draft pick setup will be picked next week.   Muhammad Hassan (w/Daivari) vs. The Big Show UGH... UGLY MATCH.   Eddy Guerrero vs. Rey Misterio Jr.   This match could have been a LOT better. 3 and 3/4 stars. There is a problem with the WWE style...and it is speed. If it was just a bit faster, maybe it could go up there. There a reason why Benoit Vs Lesnar was the best match in nearly several months before that even better Triple Threat Match at WM20- It was fast, clean and Vince's style worked when speed is used. When hardly any speed is used, your going to have to use ground based take downs...If this was no DQ, it might have been better because of the slower pace. Now dont get me wrong, a slower pace match I like more than a faster match where no idea of telling the story. And it doesnt help if Eddy looks out of it.   Here is some other items of note...Rhyno is going to Zero-One Max... he might be facing Tanaka if that takes place... The Voodoo Murderers Storyline continues over at AJPW- Taka has asked Chono for help to take care of them... Kojima vs. Mutoh (Triple Crown) and Kawada vs. Miyamoto is a match set for July 26 as well... There is plans for a new Joshi league- Michinoku Joshi starting in 2006...will Ofune be there? TNA is heading to Spike TV in October, so by that time, we will know who is carring the torch of the ECW Leagacy by then, this is parly the help of the UFC (because BOTH Ken Shamrock and Tito Ortiz has had better relationships with TNA and pretty much, both promotions can feed off of each other to the Top IMO)     ROH Death Before Dishonor 3 Results:   ROH Title Match Jimmy Jacobs and BJ Whitmer over Embassy   Lacey over Cindy Rogers   Carnage Crew over Ring Crew Express with Splash Mountain Neckbreaker off top rope though tables.   ROH Pure Title Samoa Joe over Cabana with armbar   AJ Styles over Petey Williams, Rave Clash on AJ and Destroyer on Styles.   Generation Next over Lacey's Angels...Evans hits a SPRINGBOARD 630 to the outside.   Nigel McGuiness wins 4CS over Azrieal, Gibson and Homicide   Low Ki Vs Jay Lethal-No Contest   ROH TITLE MATCH CM PUNK DEFEATS AUSTIN ARIES TO BECOME NEW ROH WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!     Are they trying to do a ROH angle on WWE? Is CM Heading to Smackdown? WTF is going on here? And how in the world are they going to get it back!?   The Chicara/CZW/IMS divisions have plans for future double headers and such...   and dont forget Fire Pro...New sections are up and a new relese date (which has never happend before) http://www.spike.co.jp/fr/index.html   Thats all for this week...




Can I have what Vince is Smoking?

RAW...Has Gone MAD   Eh... Can somebody get me the lisence plate of the show that just hit us?   You mean to tell me, that CARLITO- the weaker of the two Colon Brothers (why didnt they get his older brother? Tell me why? He would have worked a match and might have been better suited for this role?) WINS TWO MAIN EVENT TITLES IN LESS THAN A YEAR? WITH THREE MOVES? That does not happen... That means most Garbage Brawers have a shot... (just putting it out there) at those two titles.   How can The Brand, PISS off one of the most consistant title reigns in IC history. Benjamin is one of the best WWE based Wrestlers in a LONG Time. He is as good as Booker T was in his prime. I hope Shelten gets a shot at the the title (The Unified Title Series 2- yes...in 22 days, we will know if ECW returns) and SOON. One thing John Cena did, was to wipe the title clean of JBL's misfortions (he is no Stan Hanson, too weak with his power bombs, and his closeline from hell loses a lot of power when he falls, so what does he do? Cheats, wins by DQ... UGH.)- nice looking title if you forget the spinner.   Is it me, or does it seem HHH realises he needed more lessons from Killer Kolwizky(sp) We seen better days from the so called "King of Kings" Cornettes boys (Cena, Orton, Batista) are getting better- but still rough around the edges. HHH needs to take a Big bump from the Cell, or the PPV is in trouble. The tag match last night was NUTS, booked very badly, but nice AJPW style.   The wedding was a tease from the ECW PPV- sadly Gerwitz needs to go and start looking for a new job in some days...   Maybe Smackdown will do better this week, everything worked well last week...   Until Then...



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