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The Dames

Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Season 7

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You know, they are realasing season 1-4 for like 110.00 next month in a 21 disk set.


*adds up how much he spent on the 4 seasons*




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While certainly not having the build up that Spike's had (no way they could have whatever the case), I still really liked Doyle's. The music, Cordy showing a good deal of emotion for once (up to that point in time), and then the final part with them watching the tape was just awesome in my book.

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What are you talking about?


Doyles death was build-up from the beginning. Spike established his self-sacrifice in Season 5 when he got tortured by Glory and didn't reveal who was the key (which, btw, was better than his death as well). So it didn't come as that much of a surprise when he did it in Season 7. Doyle's cowardliness and "self preservation" along with his affection for Cordy and admiration for Angel's "heroic properties" was well established during the season esp. in the eps. where he died. That same eps. also showed his regret in not helping his kind before and the shame that has given him. Cordy's feelings were shown when she asked him out to dinner and returned the kiss - which was a helluva lot more satisfying than Buffys pointless "I love you". They killed off a major character in the first season, that's more unexpected than killing off a major character in the very last eps. The end with the video was fucking heartbreaking; the way he was looking off camera and stumbling over words and the such, fuck, that shit was awesome in its imperfection.

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The end with the video was fucking heartbreaking; the way he was looking off camera and stumbling over words and the such, fuck, that shit was awesome in its imperfection.

Damn right. I also rate Doyle's self-sacrifice over Spike's Season Seven self-sacrifice. The build-up was there, ESPECIALLY in the episode where he died.

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I still say that KNOWING that Marsters would be back on Angel the next year took the edge off of the SPike Sacrifice.


Doyles was touching, and the video was what made it REALLY something, but Spikes entire existance just took one whole new meanings with his sacrafice at the end.

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But he already sacrificed himself in Season 5. THAT was much better than his death in Season 7 as it was the introduction to his selflessness. At that time we thought that his attraction to buffy was merely physical, but it went beyond that. A beaten up Spike telling "buffy bot" to never tell Glory who the key is, buffys reaction, was much more significant.

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You know, they are realasing season 1-4 for like 110.00 next month in a 21 disk set

Where did you hear this?


I can't really comment on the Spike thing, I haven't seen the episode in which Glory tries to get the information out Spike about the key.

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Guest Goodear

Man they jam Spike onto everything including a Disk in Season 3 I think when he was in all of ONE episode. It's the SPIKE show, starring SPIKE, with songs by SPIKE!

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I take that back, I can comment about Spike and Doyle's sacrifice.


Doyle's death happened in episode 7, I believe, and that isn't very far into the season. The whole time he was on the show, he was looked at as a coward, but had a place because of his visions. The whole time he had these feelings for Cordy, but didn't want her to know that he was a demon. But Cordy didn't really care about that, as we find out.


However when he sacrificed himself, he basically did it because he wanted to prove he wasn't a coward. He would do the right thing, and to get Cordy's love.


Spike on the other hand, it was a lot grander than that. Forget the fact that we knew he would be on Angel.


Ever since season 5, when we find out he was in love with Buffy, he always did stuff for her. In "Family" he could of watched Buffy get killed, but he decided to help her instead. In "The Gift" he was on her side when trying to stop Glory, and also before that.


In season 6 he fought on her side for most of the season, and found out that she would never love him because he doesn't have a soul. So he went through tons of punishment just to get his soul, so she would love him.


In season 7 he once again fought on Buffy's side, and even though it looked like he was a threat, Buffy stuck by his side. She knew he was a champion, their best warrior and they needed him. When she gave him the amulent(sp) he was chosen to save the world, if it wasn't for Spike then Buffy would have lost.


Basically Spike saved the world for the women he loved, and to prove that he is a worthy man, a champion.


Spike's sacrifce was better than Doyle's, IMHO.

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But, reading through that, the only difference between them is that Spike's had a longer build-up and saved the world as opposed to just a ship full of demons and Angel.


I second the actually caring about Doyle dying. Maybe if I didn't know Spike would be coming back I'd have felt the same way about Spike's sacrifice, but who knows?

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It depends, there are a LOT of buffy/angel as a couple fans out there, as one, i didnt like the idea of someone else having Buffy, so Spike dying. not that big.

Well she never really ended up loving anyone else.


Spike's death, and his relationship with Buffy was about his undying love for her...a love that was very clearly displayed as unreturned in the finale.


Something...we learn, Spike already knew...but was willing to die for her nonetheless.

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finally back...not much to say though. Angel starts on TNT Monday at 5pm

I was wondering where you have been. This topic hasn't been the same without you.


There is a Angel thread now too, it is off the first page though.

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my only complaint is one annoying kid on the cover




Director: David Solomon (II), Michael Gershman


Encoding: Region 1 (U.S. and Canada only. This DVD will probably NOT be viewable in other countries. Read more about DVD formats.)

Format: Box set


Rated: Unrated

Studio: Twentieth Century Fox Home Video


DVD Release Date: December 9, 2003

DVD Features:

Commentary by writer David Fury and director David Grossman on 'Real Me'


Commentary by writer Doug Petrie on 'Fool for Love'


Commentary by writer Jane Espenson on 'I Was Made to Love You'


Commentary by writer/director Joss Whedon on 'The Body'


Scripts for 'The Replacement,' 'Fool for Love,' 'Into the Woods,' and 'Checkpoint'


"Buffy Abroad" featurette


"Demonology: A Slayer's Guide" featurette


"Casting Buffy" featurette


"Action Heroes! The Stunts of Buffy" featurette


Series outtakes


"The Story of Season 5" featurette


"Natural Causes" featurette


"Spotlight on Dawn" featurette


Still gallery


Interactive video game trailer


DVD-ROM: Buffy Demon Guide


Full-screen format


Number of discs: 6

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Ya know, 'round here FX is showing Season 5 at the moment, and it got me thinking. Does it seem like Buffy often did "trial runs" for new concepts before they did a major storyline out of it?


For example, the whole Dawn thing. Okay, through magical means, everyone's memories were altered and this new person was created. Does it seem very similar to that episode where Jonathon used some spell to make himself into the coolest guy in the world? Same setup, same "what the fuck?" from viewers when Jonathon is suddenly in the opening credits montage, same basic thing they did with Dawn, just with a completely different resolution.


Same thing with the Spike/Buffy relationship. Yeah, they knocked a whole lot of boots later on. But remember back in season 4, when they first really started hammering the "Willow's magickal powers are incredibly inconsistent" storyline, and she accidentally cast a spell that made Spike and Buffy fall in love with each other for about thirty minutes? That was the first time we saw them sweet on each other & making out. And it was kinda cute, even back then.


There are various other examples, but those are the two main ones I can think of. Anyone else here think that Whedon & co. do one-off tests for their future big story arcs?

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