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Guest tank_abbott

The Old School questions thread

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Guest jm29195
What was the original booking of Regal/X-Pac from SurSer 1998? Seemed really odd. It goes to a DCO when Slaughter has the match restarted. Then, X-Pac hobbles away clutching his neck while Regal eventually chases after him. Seemed really bizarre. Did X-Pac tweak his neck or did the match go as planned?



It was a Russo shootish angle designed to further piss off Mcmahon, who wanted a 2nd round opponent for the Rock (or did he?)- ended up being Rock Bossman in that 2 second wonder....

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So here's a question.


On the Greatest Wrestling Stars of the 80s DVD, they mention Slaughter winning the AWA World Title, and even show a clip of him celebrating with the title while Lee Marshall gushes over the title change. The problem is Slaughter was never an official AWA champion. How did that match end to justify the Dusty finish?

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Guest JesusJuiced

I'm watching Survivor Series 90 and they allude to Tugboat being the motivational reason behind Hulk Hogan returning. I just googled their names and found those two tagged together in a SNME main event too.


Why were those two paired together? What was the angle?

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I'm watching Survivor Series 90 and they allude to Tugboat being the motivational reason behind Hulk Hogan returning. I just googled their names and found those two tagged together in a SNME main event too.


Why were those two paired together? What was the angle?




Hogan had got the beatdown from Bossman on the Brother Love Show. Tugboat prior to that had been introduced (ala Hillybilly Jim) as this big guy who Hogan approved of and was going to try and give thr ub to. So after the beatdown Tugboat was played as trying to inspire a down in the dumps Hogan to return by handing out "friendship" bracelets to the fans. They would shoot the crowd wearing them and Hogan was supposedly going to see the support and make his return reinvigorated.


Fasinating eh?

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I'm watching Survivor Series 90 and they allude to Tugboat being the motivational reason behind Hulk Hogan returning. I just googled their names and found those two tagged together in a SNME main event too.


Why were those two paired together? What was the angle?




Hogan had got the beatdown from Bossman on the Brother Love Show. Tugboat prior to that had been introduced (ala Hillybilly Jim) as this big guy who Hogan approved of and was going to try and give thr ub to. So after the beatdown Tugboat was played as trying to inspire a down in the dumps Hogan to return by handing out "friendship" bracelets to the fans. They would shoot the crowd wearing them and Hogan was supposedly going to see the support and make his return reinvigorated.


Fasinating eh?

Actually you mean Earthquake did the beat down(he gave the BUTT splash of doom to injure hogan, actually to give him time off to do surburban commando), Tugboat was supposed to be in Hogans corner at summerslam vs quake, but quake injured tugboat and Bossman wound up in Hogans corner.


BAsically the WWF wanted to push Tugboat so they paired him with Hogan to give him the rub. Of course the fans crapped on him, which is why he wound up turning heel and renaming himself Typhoon and Tagging with quake.

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With the mention of Iron Sheik earlier in the thread, what was he up to from 87-91?  He had heat on him for getting caught with pot and (more importantly) breaking kayfabe with Hacksaw Duggan in 87, but was he actually fired for it?  If so, where did he go before returning as Col Mustafa in 91?  I'm thinking the AWA, but I could be wrong..

I'm assuming he was fired alongside Duggan. The only reason Duggan was brought back was because of his performance against Ted Dibiase at the Paul Boesch retirement show in August of 87. I believe the Iron Sheik came back for about 2 weeks in mid 1988.


As far as the Flying Nuns, I think they only had one match - that being their debut against the Godwinns on the 1st episode of Shotgun.

Here's a little something if someone thought offices not knowing what they're doing is a new thing. Iron Sheik went to work for Crockett's NWA in 1989. Of course he was pretty useless by then and he wasn't used much. Anyway. NWA had a clause in his contract that stated that either party had to terminate the contract before if expired otherwise it would get renewed automatically.


And of course, they forgot to fire him much to the amusement of anyone who was reading the Observer back then. :D


Hmmm. Looks like I forgot to mention that he was on a guarenteed contract. Doh! Don't you just hate to make mistakes while pointing out that someone screwed up :ph34r:



If memory serves...I think Iron Sheik challenged Sting for the TV title at Wrestlewar 89...and Sting defeated him.

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1.)  How was the Hogan / Savage feud blown off?


2.)  Any idea how Team Justice Vs. Team Roberts would have been booked had Sid not been injured and Jake not removed for the TiT match?


4.)  Was Bret supposed to go over Yokozuna at WM 9 or the other way had Hogan not interfered?


5.)  Did Mr. Perfect and Rick Rude ever have any tag matches together?


1) Their match from The Main Event was basically the blow off.


2) My guess ... it still would have been LOD as the survivors. Maybe Roberts and Sid going to a double DQ or count-out to be eliminated.


4) No clue as to when Hogan was finalized to be at WrestleMania. If that came before the Rumble, then it's a safe bet Yoko was always booked to win and then lose the belt.


5) They had many during the summer of 1990 against Warrior and the debuting Kerry Von Erich.

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A few questions:


1) Was there a planned Undertaker vs Berzerker PPV match in 1992? I remember seeing the Bezerker trying to I guess 'kill' the Undertaker with his sword, with the Taker just escaping and the sword being driven into the canvas. Surely there must have been a pay-off for this?


2) This has probably been covered but what were the circumstances regarding the Paul Roma vs Alex Wright match in 1996 that allegedly led to Roma being 'blackballed' from the industry. I seem to remember being told it was either because Roma shot on/no sold Wright, but this has happened with numerous other guys so why just ostrasize Roma?


3) I remember watching a Flair vs Regal series in 93/94 for I think it was the 'Calcutta Cup' (?). What was the buildup surrounding this series, and how come Flair was put over as the babyface winner only to morph into a heel shortly afterwards for his feud with Hulk Hogan?


4) I remember a 1993 match between Mr Perfect and Rick Martel ending during the commercial. Did this happen commonly years ago, presumably before the more tightly run TV shows?


5) Was Yokozuna ever close to signing for WCW as was rumoured in the mid 90s for a feud with champion Hulk Hogan? If so, what stopped him?


6) What led to the Genius parting ways with Mr Perfect and eventually joining the Beverly Brothers. Similarly, why/how did the original Coach character take over from Bobby Heenan in managing Hennig?



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1) I think youre right...but I dont know the specifics. Paging Dr. Cawthon...


2) Yeah, it was because Roma was shooting/no selling on Wright. It was more meaningful because it happened at SuperBrawl ppv that year, 95 I think.


3) I dont recall the specifics of that series but Flair was a face from the time he returned to WCW around April 1993 until Hogan came in. Flair was face in his feud with Vader that stretched from Starrcade 93 to SuperBrawl 94 and his series with Steamboat (WCW Sat Night, Spring Stampede) was basically face vs face. He hotshotted to heel for his Clash unification match with Sting then the feud with Hogan.


4) I dont think that happened too often, but Im not sure

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Before the advent of 12 PPVs, where something could be built on TV and then paid off in a match on PPV, Undertaker just seemed to run angles with people that never blew off on TV. This also happened with Ultimate Warrior, Nailz, Berzerker, and Mr. Hughes just to name a few. I could be wrong but I believe there were a few reasons for this:


1. In the case of Mr. Hughes, it was an angle basically killing time between WrestleMania IX and SUmmerSlam 93 for the Giant Gonzalez feud to end.


2. House shows were the business at this time. You do an angle for Warrior/Taker on TV, you tour them around North America in bodybag matches for a year. The Berzerker thing, I assume, also led to a series of house show matches.

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Guest drdrainoscott

Yoko was so huge by the time WWF released him there was no way WCW could hire him. I think he was legit over 600 pounds by the time of his death and I don't think he would have been able to work at that weight. Besides, by the time WWF released him, the NWO storyline was in full effect and I don't think Yoko could have fit in there in any way.


I don't remember the storyline as to why Genius left Hennig, but I know that Curt didn't like being paired with him as he thought it took him down a notch rather than elevate him. Hennan introduced Hennig to the Coach when he retired to become a full-time broadcaster due to his neck problems. The Coach/Perfect relationship only lasted a couple months as he was forgotten after Summerslam 91. I think he just showed up with the Beverlys during their debut, but I could be wrong about that.

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Guest drdrainoscott
Before the advent of 12 PPVs, where something could be built on TV and then paid off in a match on PPV, Undertaker just seemed to run angles with people that never blew off on TV. This also happened with Ultimate Warrior, Nailz, Berzerker, and Mr. Hughes just to name a few. I could be wrong but I believe there were a few reasons for this:



Actually, I was just reading some old observer's the other day and Warrior/Taker was supposed to be the big program in the fall of 91 (along with Hogan/Flair and Savage/Jake). While they had a major house show run pretty much all year, it sounded as though they were going to have a blowoff on either PPV or SNME. When Warrior left after SS91, Sid was put in his place.


As for Nailz, he was fired right in the middle of the fued so that is why there was no blowoff

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I intended (but forgot) to indicate that it was very likely for the feuds to end in big matches at the conclusion of the house show tour but with Warrior and Nailz it was not possible. Guess I'm just one of those dumbass idiots who shouldn't be posting because I don't know 100% what I'm talking about.

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1) Was there a planned Undertaker vs Berzerker PPV match in 1992? I remember seeing the Bezerker trying to I guess 'kill' the Undertaker with his sword, with the Taker just escaping and the sword being driven into the canvas. Surely there must have been a pay-off for this?


As previously mentioned, this was to build their house show program, and not for PPV.


2) This has probably been covered but what were the circumstances regarding the Paul Roma vs Alex Wright match in 1996 that allegedly led to Roma being 'blackballed' from the industry. I seem to remember being told it was either because Roma shot on/no sold Wright, but this has happened with numerous other guys so why just ostrasize Roma?


As the heel, Roma was calling the match, and he gave Wright virtually zero offence. With Wright being the one they were pushing, WCW was unhappy with this, and stopped what little push Roma was getting. I don't think he was blackballed, as much as nobody thought very much of him. He did try getting back into WCW during the Nitro heyday, pitching he and someone else as doing an Italian brothers gimmick, but that got turned down.


3) I remember watching a Flair vs Regal series in 93/94 for I think it was the 'Calcutta Cup' (?). What was the buildup surrounding this series, and how come Flair was put over as the babyface winner only to morph into a heel shortly afterwards for his feud with Hulk Hogan?


That was the Marquis of Queensbury cup. It was a series of ten-minute time limit matches with three judges at ringside to render a decision in the event of a draw. I don't know what the point of it was, because it didn't really lead to anything. Flair was put over as the face because he was face at the time, but when the Hogan deal was put together, Flair turned himself heel for that program.


4) I remember a 1993 match between Mr Perfect and Rick Martel ending during the commercial. Did this happen commonly years ago, presumably before the more tightly run TV shows?


It didn't usually happen, no.


5) Was Yokozuna ever close to signing for WCW as was rumoured in the mid 90s for a feud with champion Hulk Hogan? If so, what stopped him?


He was never close, because he would never drop the weight he had put on. He was actually barred from wrestling in New York the New York State Athletic Commission because he was so obese. It wasn't a nationwide ban, but the various athletic commissions typically follow the NYSAC lead, so he wasn't going to be able to wrestle anywhere. Obviously, whatever state was the home of that horrific Heroes Of Wrestling PPV was held had no worries about not following the NYSAC ruling . As for why Hogan would want Yokozuna in, the answer to that one should be obvious.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool
So here's a question.


On the Greatest Wrestling Stars of the 80s DVD, they mention Slaughter winning the AWA World Title, and even show a clip of him celebrating with the title while Lee Marshall gushes over the title change.  The problem is Slaughter was never an official AWA champion.  How did that match end to justify the Dusty finish?


I haven't seen this since it aired when I was 8ish but IIRC, Sarge went to the top to give the flying clothesline (Slaughter's Cannon) he nailed the ref and Larry Z. The ref is out, Sarge gets the Cobra Clutch on and the 2nd ref makes him the winner, only to be overturned when the ref woke up.

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So here's a question.


On the Greatest Wrestling Stars of the 80s DVD, they mention Slaughter winning the AWA World Title, and even show a clip of him celebrating with the title while Lee Marshall gushes over the title change.  The problem is Slaughter was never an official AWA champion.  How did that match end to justify the Dusty finish?


I haven't seen this since it aired when I was 8ish but IIRC, Sarge went to the top to give the flying clothesline (Slaughter's Cannon) he nailed the ref and Larry Z. The ref is out, Sarge gets the Cobra Clutch on and the 2nd ref makes him the winner, only to be overturned when the ref woke up.


Slaughter was supposed to win it there but the WWF lured him away, forcing Gagne to have it reversed, much like the Benoit / Sid scenario.

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Did Savage ever have any legit heat with Luger over his relationship with Elizabeth? And have they ever been in proximity since her death?


Luger said that they didn't have any heat because of the relationship in a shoot interview (Highspots?).


Wrestlers tend to lie sometimes so how the hell would we ever know for sure though!

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How did Joel Gertner go from being just some ring announcer to the Quintessential Studmuffin?

sometime in mid 96 I believe, as I remember hey started to have him in promos, being egotistical and such . He really hit the peak of his character when he became allied with the dudleys in early 97 IIRC (when Buh Buh turned heel and dropped the stupid stutterrer gimmick to team with dvon as the new heel dudley boys team)

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Does anyone know who the person that Phineas Godwinn has tattooed on his left upper arm? It's bothered me for years, and watched the Godwinns/LOD match last night and it re-triggered the who-the-fuck-is-that?!? in me.

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Does anyone know who the person that Phineas Godwinn has tattooed on his left upper arm?  It's bothered me for years, and watched the Godwinns/LOD match last night and it re-triggered the who-the-fuck-is-that?!? in me.

It some kind of famous cowboy I believe, I want to say Wyatt Earp but am not sure.

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- How did the Road Warriors turn heel in 1988?



They were 6 man tag partners with Dusty Rhodes, who was booker at the time. Dusty needed some heat because he was getting stale, so he had the Roadies turn on him by driving one of the spikes off their ring gear through his eye (actually his forehead, but close to his eye) Don't remember the exact justification for the Roadies turning on Dusty except they just started not liking the guy anymore. Then they had a match at Starcade where Sting was Dusty's partner against the Road Warriors. Match was not good because Sting couldn't work for 4 and the Road Warriors are terrible heels.

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

Didn't the Xpress turn face due to fueding with Tully/Arn?

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The MX were officially turned by two things: the booking of their title loss to the Road Warriors, and the angle where Paul E Dangerously and the Original Midnight Express came in and destroyed the MX and Jim Cornette. Before then, they were still heels, even though they were getting cheered anyway because they were so good.

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Didn't the Xpress turn face due to fueding with Tully/Arn?


I'm sure that played a part, depending on the city.


I just recently saw a fancam of their title win in Philadelphia and that crowd popped huge for the finish.

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