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Guest tank_abbott

The Old School questions thread

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A few questions if you will -


*Bob Orton - How and when did Bob Orton break his arm and for how long did he wear the cast.


*Crush - Was in Demolition - then disappeared to reserface in 92 as Crush (Hawain) Where was he during this time - Training??

Then he went heel Crush and painted his face and had Mr Fuji as his manager (I was a huge mark for him at this stage of his carrear). Then he disapeared - to reappear again about 96 as prisoner Crush. Where was he during his breaks. Is it true that the WWF was very high on him and even wanted to go as far as putting the WWF title on him?




1) WWF @ New York City, NY - Madison Square Garden - February 18, 1985 (26,092 including several thousand at Felt Forum)

Prime Time Wrestling - 3/19/85: Jimmy Snuka pinned Bob Orton Jr. at 9:59 with a sunset flip into the ring after punching Orton’s injured left arm; moments prior to the finish, Orton seriously injured the arm after a missed charge resulted in Orton hitting the steel ring post (The Greatest Wrestling Stars of the 80s DVD)


2) Crush worked Oregon after leaving the WWF in 1991. He disappeared between the USA "Sunday Night Slam" Summer Slam 94 TV special and Rumble 95. Shortly after Rumble 95 he was busted and thrown in jail. Then he returned in the summer of 96.

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What was the reason for Mr. Fuji costing Demolition the SSeries 88 match and what were the kayfabe reason for the feuds (if there were any) please:


Santana / Michaels at WM 8


Bigelow / Boss Man at RR 93


Ramon / Backlund at WM 9

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There weren't really any fueds or issues going into those matches. Just make the guy going over look strong.


At Survivor Series '88, they just wanted to turn Demolition face so they did the double turn.

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In a lot of matches, there's the sequence where one wrestler (usually the heel) hits a big move, makes the cover, but only gets two. Immediately after, he covers again, this time either putting on more pressure or hooking a leg. Has anyone ever won a match this way?

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Something else I was thinking about today:


What was the reasoning behind Randy Savage becoming "the Macho King" in '89 or so? I realize he won the crown from Jim Duggan, but then he went with the "Macho King" nickname for quite a while, but never really defended the crown or anything. Was this supposed to be a consolation for the fact that Savage wasn't going to get to be WWF Champion for a while, or what?

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Something else I was thinking about today:


What was the reasoning behind Randy Savage becoming "the Macho King" in '89 or so? I realize he won the crown from Jim Duggan, but then he went with the "Macho King" nickname for quite a while, but never really defended the crown or anything. Was this supposed to be a consolation for the fact that Savage wasn't going to get to be WWF Champion for a while, or what?


I don't know but I have to say something. Savage became my favorite wrestler in 1985 when I first saw him and remained in that spot until I drifted away from wrestling in the 90's. And that Macho King era was the worst time period for the Macho Man!

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I realize he won the crown from Jim Duggan, but then he went with the "Macho King" nickname for quite a while, but never really defended the crown or anything.


He defended the crown against Duggan up until the Jan 90 Saturday Night's Main Event.

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Who played Triple H's 'My Time' theme? Or was it WWE made?

Rage Against The Machine.

No. It's the same band that did the DX theme, which people wrongly attribute to Rage as well, though.

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I realize he won the crown from Jim Duggan, but then he went with the "Macho King" nickname for quite a while, but never really defended the crown or anything.


He defended the crown against Duggan up until the Jan 90 Saturday Night's Main Event.

I remember some of Savage's house show matches with Dusty Rhodes being advertised as for the crown as well. I think they all ended in DQs. And thank God, because Queen Sapphire would have made me puke.

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Who played Triple H's 'My Time' theme? Or was it WWE made?

Rage Against The Machine.

No. It's the same band that did the DX theme, which people wrongly attribute to Rage as well, though.

Chris Warren (and the DX Band) as they were introduced at Wrestlemania 14.


Yet, somehow, I'm single. (Edit: Whoops. Forget to sign out of RedBaron's...This is CanadianGuitarist)

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Yeah, Chris Warren. I kept wanting to say Chris Martin, but you know, I knew that was way off. Anyways, I think the evolution of H's themes go



-Ode to Joy


-No Chance in Hell

-One-shot Rock Instrumental

-My Time Instrumental

-My Time


-The Game-Motorhead


-King of Kings


*It's blurry right here. He may have had an instrumental version of The Game for a week, but I don't remember.

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How did Dino Bravo switch from Frenchy Martin to Jimmy Hart?


Wrestlemania questions:


1.) What is the Instant Replay Debate from WM 7?


2.) Somebody told me on the live version of WM 11, Pat Patterson did the introductions for the Million Dollar Team and LT's team, is this true or was it always Vince doing it?

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Anyone know where I can find a logo of the 97 Hart Foundation? I'd love the Hart logo as a tattoo, but I recall the same logo with a maple leaf backdrop, which would be even better.


I'm not imaginging this, am I?


You're definitely not imagining it. When I envision the logo, I see it with the maple leaf, but for some reason I can't find a picture of it. If you have any WWF Magazines from 1997, I'm pretty sure there was a shirt sold with the maple leaf background. That's the only place I can think of seeing it. Or maybe look for pictures of Pillman, Neidhart, Owen or Bret from that era, as I'm sure one of them would have been wearing the logo on a shirt or jacket.

yea it was on their shirt, I have some old wwf mags from back then (actually I have mags dating back to early 95) so I can prob scan that for you, PM me if you are interested.



I may have sent you a PM, but I also drink to excess a lot. Can we get this posted before I go for my tat Sunday?

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

1.) What is the Instant Replay Debate from WM 7?


Geogre Steinbrenner and Paul McGuire debate instant replay in wrestling based on Warrior getting screwed out of the title a few months before.


It breaks down into a series of insults and the Bushwackers are called in to review the tape of the insult but end up wrapped in film and screaming as the sports guys bicker and Vince sends it back to the arena.

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How did Dino Bravo switch from Frenchy Martin to Jimmy Hart?


Wrestlemania questions:


1.) What is the Instant Replay Debate from WM 7?


2.) Somebody told me on the live version of WM 11, Pat Patterson did the introductions for the Million Dollar Team and LT's team, is this true or was it always Vince doing it?


I think Frenchy Martin dissapeared after Ron Garvin gave him the stomp a WM 5. After WM, Bravo just started showing up with Jimmy Hart. There may have been an explanation by the announcers, but there wasn't a big angle or anything.


I believe Vince introduced the Million Dollar Team and LT's All Pro's at WM11. Pat Patterson was the ref for the match (he was LT's trainer for his wrestling crash course and they wanted him in the ring in case LT got lost during the match.)

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Who played Triple H's 'My Time' theme? Or was it WWE made?

Rage Against The Machine.

No. It's the same band that did the DX theme, which people wrongly attribute to Rage as well, though.

Chris Warren (and the DX Band) as they were introduced at Wrestlemania 14.

The band is called Connecticut Yankee.

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Where did the phrase "House Show" originate from?


Maybe from the "house lights", which were far less bright than the typical TV lighting.

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Did Ric Flair still have the WCW title when he won the WWF title at the RR or did he give it back by then?


How did Hogan and Beefcake become friends on TV?

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Flair gave back the WCW title before Survivor Series 91. He had an old tag belt at the PPV when it was "viewer distorted".


Hogan/Beefcake started right after WrestleMania 5 when Savage and Beefcake started their own little feud.


WWF Superstars:

4/22/89 - included Brutus Beefcake as a guest of the Brother Love Show which was interrupted by Randy Savage & Sensational Sherri; moments later, Sherri slapped Beefcake after he continuously referred to her as "Scary Sherri"; Savage then jumped Beefcake from behind and held him down so that Sherri could cut some of his hair with his own pair of scissors:

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Weren't Hogan and Beefacake already kind of friends on TV before that? I seem to remember Beefcake coming to Hogan's aid on the Megapowers explode episdoe of SNME. Maybe I'm wrong, though.

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Since I didn't see a "comments that dont warrant..."


I know have a Bret Hart skull tattooed on my left arm. Upon seeing this at the WWF Niagara Falls store Sunday night, a 10 year old asked me, a bearded 21 year old if I planned on being a wrestler when I grew up.


That is all.


EDIT: No, that's not all. Was the Honky Tonk Man really singing his entrance theme? It sounds like him but watching a few clips of him frwom WM 13 and RR2001, he sounded very nervous and not himself.

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