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Guest razazteca

Fantasy Football

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

omg 2nd vs. 1st!!!1


my prediction: Bulger scores 30 points. LT scores 30 points. The rest of my team scores 12 points. I lose big time.

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Got the win and went to 6th place..I'm starting Delhomme this week so watch him do awful heh, although he is playing the Saints D so I have a little hope. I got Horn, Schroeder, Harrison and Thompson starting at WR so I'm expecting huge games from Schroeder(Playing Chicago) and Harrison(Playing Houston). I also got Emmitt playing 49ers D so bleh, Onterrio's up against the Giants D but he should do somewhat decent.

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Week 12 I will put you in your place with a squash, by then Eric Moulds will be healthy so fear the 200 point game.

Um... No. I won't fear anyone at all.


I'm fucking 4-3 with a team that has the 3rd lowest points totals in the ENTIRE FUCKING LEAGUE~!


Who the hell do you think I fear? NO ONE~! THAT'S WHO~!

I'm gonna smack you around in the same manner that Brock Lesnar did Zach Gowan..........you will indeed have a Crimsom mask of blood.

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Week 12 I will put you in your place with a squash, by then Eric Moulds will be healthy so fear the 200 point game.

Um... No. I won't fear anyone at all.


I'm fucking 4-3 with a team that has the 3rd lowest points totals in the ENTIRE FUCKING LEAGUE~!


Who the hell do you think I fear? NO ONE~! THAT'S WHO~!

I'm gonna smack you around in the same manner that Brock Lesnar did Zach Gowan..........you will indeed have a Crimsom mask of blood.

Bring it... I'll be waiting till week 12 with my 7-4 (I'll get another loss, I know that much) team. Ready to make it 8-4.

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Just the kinda news I wanna hear:


"Oct 22 With both Marshall Faulk and Lamar Gordon nursing injuries, Harris will get the starting nod against the Pittsburgh Steelers on Sunday. The Rams' rookie running back replaced the injured Gordon in last week's win over the Packers and had 85 yards and a touchdown on 18 carries."


You better pray to God Harris does nothing for damage.


*grins evilly* Cause Hell's coming to town. And he's paying Funjaculators a visit.

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I saw that on the sportsticker thing on tv, and I laughed my ass off. Silly, silly Rob Johnson. Although some team hurting at QB might still pick him up. If Denver does though, I will consider them cursed.

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If you can score more than 100 you will win but if its in the 70s then start to worry.

My team is good for probably 60 pts. I know I won't get 100 pts, and 70 is stretching out my luck. I'd need big game out of Maddox who will probably go negative pts again..

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If you can score more than 100 you will win but if its in the 70s then start to worry.

My team is good for 35-55 pts. I know I won't get 100 pts, and 70 is stretching out my luck. I'd need big game out of Maddox who will probably go negative pts again..

I know the feeling. I had it with Doug Johnson. Worse, I feel even badder cause Vick is probably done this season, KITNA is fucking starting and oh yes, Holcomb's got a tear somewhere in his leg on top of his broken fibula (injury actually occurred at the same time), so most likely, I've got no great QB now...


We are so fucked in the QB department.

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If you can score more than 100 you will win but if its in the 70s then start to worry.

My team is good for 35-55 pts. I know I won't get 100 pts, and 70 is stretching out my luck. I'd need big game out of Maddox who will probably go negative pts again..

I know the feeling. I had it with Doug Johnson. Worse, I feel even badder cause Vick is probably done this season, KITNA is fucking starting and oh yes, Holcomb's got a tear somewhere in his leg on top of his broken fibula (injury actually occurred at the same time), so most likely, I've got no great QB now...


We are so fucked in the QB department.

I've also got Plummer, but hes out at least 2 more weeks. As bad as Maddox had been playing, Charlie Batch isn't very far from Starting for the Steelers..and given that there are no starting QBs on the waiver, if Maddox goes out and I can't get Batch or some other QB doesn't get hurt...


My only hope now is to finish 7-7 and have a minor shot at the last playoff spot. Between picking up Domanick Davis and that trade I just made, things look a bit better but I don't know if things are better enough to go 5-2 here on out after starting 2-5.

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I've also got Plummer, but hes out at least 2 more weeks. As bad as Maddox had been playing, Charlie Batch isn't very far from Starting for the Steelers..and given that there are no starting QBs on the waiver, if Maddox goes out and I can't get Batch or some other QB doesn't get hurt...


My only hope now is to finish 7-7 and have a minor shot at the last playoff spot. Between picking up Domanick Davis and that trade I just made, things look a bit better but I don't know if things are better enough to go 5-2 here on out after starting 2-5.

Somehow, I've gotten lucky and managed to get to 4-3. Despite being the weakest team (seriously check mine to everyone else's). So I'm having fun with that.


IF and IF Holcomb is once again the starter for the Browns and healthy, I'm willing to trade you Kitna (or Johnson, whoever is starting for the Falcons) for just a minor player.

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I thank the fantasy football gods for the big games that my return specialist bring.

Hehe.... Specialist are the only way I had points for like 5 weeks.


THEN the main players started kicking in.

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Didn't realize he had a bye week did ya?


Sadly not. Luckily I signed Tim Duncan(No, not THAT Tim Duncan) instead. Of course, with Duncan as my kicker and Penningto as my QB, I am screwed this week.

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I just realized that Im playing Maui this week. I had better not lose to Maui..

Considering that I don't check my team at all anymore, I hope not. :P

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I just realized that Im playing Maui this week.  I had better not lose to Maui..

Considering that I don't check my team at all anymore, I hope not. :P

A few minor changes could make the match up competitive.

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I just realized that Im playing Maui this week.  I had better not lose to Maui..

Considering that I don't check my team at all anymore, I hope not. :P

A few minor changes could make the match up competitive.

Come on bravesfan, give it a shot. I'm mean, fuck, look at ME! I'm the weakest fucking team there is (in terms of star power and point power) yet, I've gotten myself to a respectable 4-3.

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I just realized that Im playing Maui this week.  I had better not lose to Maui..

Considering that I don't check my team at all anymore, I hope not. :P

A few minor changes could make the match up competitive.

I hope Im not the one that has to make any changes.. :(

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Holcomb or Kitna?


Holcomb currently has tears of ligiments around his ankle and may not start. However, you won't know till game time. However, he's a better than the guy who might also start, Timmy Couch. And the bastard coach wouldn't tell us who's starting the game till THE GAME~! Means if I go with Holcomb and he isn't starting, I'm screwed out of fantasy points.


Kitna is right now the starting QB of Atlanta. But the Falcons play like shit right now, so Kitna will probably go negative on me.


So do I take a chance with Holcomb or go with Kitna? My gut is saying to stick with Holcomb as I'm at least assured points or no points. Whereas Kitna can go into the negative or get some few points...

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I am assuming that Kitna = Kittner? In that case I go with Holcomb, I just don't see Kittner doing anything to warrant a start. Hell, if he does bad they might just bring Johnson back in.


If Kitna=Kitna, then start Kitna easily.

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I am assuming that Kitna = Kittner?  In that case I go with Holcomb, I just don't see Kittner doing anything to warrant a start.  Hell, if he does bad they might just bring Johnson back in.


If Kitna=Kitna, then start Kitna easily.

Whoever the fuck is starting as 3rd string QB for Atlanta. I'm at the point of not caring whoever the fuck starts for Atlanta as they either a) suck, or b) just suck badly.


Edit: Kittner. Sorry. My bad. Got the name wrong.

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Go with Holcomb

Thought as much.


I'm thinking the Browns ARE starting Holcomb and that's why they are being so freaking secretive about who's starting.


Hopefully, he'll put up numbers.

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