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Guest razazteca

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Im gonna take a risk and start Brian Griese over Tommy Maddox..


Oct 25 Dolphins quarterback Jay Fiedler, who sprained a ligament in his left knee during last Sunday’s game against the Patriots, sat out of practice again on Saturday and remains questionable. Head coach Dave Wannstedt said he's basically decided who his starter will be for Monday night's game at San Diego, although he won't announce it until Monday.

Views: Who does Wannstedt think he's fooling? Brian Griese took all the snaps with the first team offense in practice this week and if he doesn't start on Monday night, it would be ridiculous.


Its another short term fix..and he might not even start and screw me over royally..but I've got a sinking feeling that Maddox will put up negative points..

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Im gonna take a risk and start Brian Griese over Tommy Maddox..


Oct 25 Dolphins quarterback Jay Fiedler, who sprained a ligament in his left knee during last Sunday’s game against the Patriots, sat out of practice again on Saturday and remains questionable. Head coach Dave Wannstedt said he's basically decided who his starter will be for Monday night's game at San Diego, although he won't announce it until Monday.

Views: Who does Wannstedt think he's fooling? Brian Griese took all the snaps with the first team offense in practice this week and if he doesn't start on Monday night, it would be ridiculous.


Its another short term fix..and he might not even start and screw me over royally..but I've got a sinking feeling that Maddox will put up negative points..

Maddox will most likely now put up like 40 points just to piss you off.

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Come on bravesfan, give it a shot. I'm mean, fuck, look at ME! I'm the weakest fucking team there is (in terms of star power and point power) yet, I've gotten myself to a respectable 4-3.

Added Manumaleuna and Holcombe (sharing carries with Eddie George) to my team.


I'm going to make it as respectable as possible. Maybe even win.

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Actually, I found out something really funny.


You know, since I was 0-2. I trade Chad Johnson and I actually have gone 4-1. Weird, isn't it?


And good luck Bravesfan. I'll be rooting you on.

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baring some sort of miracle,


I suck.


72.5 - 19.5 Maui is winning.


And Maddox would have only given me 5.58 pts (more than Maui got with Carter..) but I'll hope that Griese starts and gets more than that...

Edited by MarvinisaLunatic

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Ok... Holcomb just sucked...


Thankfully Harris has three TDs and whatever else was needed to get me like UBER POINTS~!


WAH~!! Westbrook is hurt. Shit, I do NOT need another IR player. Dammit.


As long as Glenn and Bruce nail me some points, I think I could, possibly could have the win.

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Crimson Storm 72.02

Funjaculators 33.77


Hehehe... I FUCKING WON~!!!!




Bloody hades. Who would've guessed that my team goes 5-3 and goes 4-0 after a horrid start of 1-3. I've won 4 straight~!


HHH, Guerrero, Pogo (wait, ya did, I lost, but I don't GIVE A DAMN~!)... JUST BRING IT~!


...geezus... I mean, I've got no starting QB, I've got no dependability anywhere. Yet, I keep on winning. I thought this week for sure was my downfall. But it's not. WOOO~!!!


Ahem. Now onto the rest of the match ups.



Ultimo Guerreros 65.40

Seoul Emerald Tigers 70.76


~ With Ricky Williams still to play for the Guerreros on Monday Night Football, I wouldn't bet that Guerrero doesn't win this, but you never know. I also don't think the Tigers should be quite too happy that 1/3 of their points scored came for the defense. Sure, a great defense is a great thing to be had, but depending upon it like that is costly.



Team 2000 45.72

Bezerker Vikings 72.89


~ Althought Team 2000's QB, Culpepper, showed up for this week's match up... The rest of his team was silent against the Vikings. It was a pretty ugly sight this week, and a bitter loss for Team 2000 to swallow.



Marvins Madness 67.15

Maui Mercenaries 88.16


~ The 0-7 team's coach, bravesfan, publicly admitted to making sure this week's matchup was close and competive till the end of Monday Night Football. And he sure did that. His team currently has the lead over Marvins Madness by 11.01 points and all coach Marvinsalunatic's prayers lay solely on the shoulders of his QB for this week, Brian Griese. Will we see the Maui Mercenaries pull the upset? I'm thinking so.



HHH 80.76

Texas Wolverines 85.88


~ This will be a nail bitter for sure as the game squarely lies on how much damage Tim Dwight does. All he needs is 5.13 points for HHH to march onto victory. Or will the Wolverines manage to see Dwight just squander HHH's chance of winning?



Whalers On The Moon 114.62

Dothan Jaguars 49.62


~ The blow out of the week, as we see the Whalers practically triple in the points scored compared to Dothan Jaguars. With Carr (14.24), Davis (28.45), Lewis (22.00) and Faulk (15.30) laying the heavy duty damage in this epic slaughter house classic.



Pogo The Monkey 101.49

Laffayete Ephedras 63.64


~ Two of the three 6-1 teams contended one another and only one would be going 7-1, while the other would be stradded with its second loss. While many analysist sided with Ephedras because of their four game winning streak, but it appears that unless Tomlinson manages nearly 40 points, Pogo shall take this game. Definitely Pogo The Monkey is the team to beat in the Smartmarks NFL Fantasy League.



Boston Rattlesnakes 58.54

The A Team 84.55


~ The Boston Rattlesnakes seemed to have just disappeared this week. To where no one knows, but it was quite disappointing weekend for them, that's for sure. Add to the fact that coach HarleyQuinn started the weaker QB, and that probably just adds to the seething anger. Although, The A Team won't complain about getting the win with the amazing play of Kerry Kolins and Randy Moss; as both players combined for literially half of the teams 84.55 points.



Field of Honor 67.98

The Toilet Ducks 72.01


~ This one was a nailbitter for The Toilet Ducks, that's for sure. And that's only because Field of Honor's QB, Peyton Manning, nabbed an incredible 37.98 points. Sadly, it just wasn't enough as The Toilet Ducks managed to hold onto the win and pick themselves up out of their 4 game slump.



Cartmans Pats 65.72

The Wraiths 45.62


~ This was battle of two teams that didn't want to lose and become associated with the term "worst team in the league". However, one team certainly ended up losing and thusly is tied with Maui (results still pending) to become the worst team in the league. It suprised many analysists to see The Wraiths not put in Joey Harrington instead of Rich Gannon, because if The Wraiths had, this game would've been theres. A low scoring affair to be assured.



Looking onto next week (Still Pending Monday Night Football, so stuff CAN still change, just I'm making predictions cause I can. The stuff added is just a preview/predict):


Crimson Storm (5-3) vs. The Toilet Ducks (2-6)


~ While Crimson Storm is at an advantage now riding a 4 game winning streak, they are running into even MORE injury problems (can this team by a break?). Apparently, Brian Westbrook just had his ankle x-rayed on, and with no word back, it looks like trouble. Then again, Crimson Storm continually have no great QB in the lineup for the last four weeks and win, so take that for what it is worth... On the flip side though, The Toilet Ducks need a solid effort overall to contend with Crimson Storm next week, but even then, it might not be enough. They'll need everyone to show up and double up in order to halt the Bloody Chinook's momentum of winning four straight.


Winner = Crimson Storm



Ultimo Guerreros (4-4) vs. Pogo The Monkey (7-1)


~ While coach razazteca boasts about his offense scoring 100 points, it didn't do that this weekend past. In fact they got ousted by the Seoul Emerald Tigers and had to lay their (Ultimo Guerreros) hopes on Ricky Williams to bail them out. razazteca better hope his Guerreros that can score 100 points a week, show up for this game, or it's nighty-night for them. As Pogo The Monkey has the most powerful team in the league.


Winner = Pogo The Monkey



Team 2000 (5-3) vs. Seoul Emerald Tigers (6-2)


~ After the bitter loss Team 2000 suffered this past week, this should be gritty, dirty, and down right foul of a game. Of course, that makes it the game of the week. While Team 2000 didn't show up last week at all, they should be totally zoned in for this coming week's game and that should help them get close to a victory. On the flip side, The Tigers are looking to probably do better than this past weekend's efford, as the team depended for a fair chunk of it's points from it's defense. Look for a rebound of sorts.


Winner = Team 2000



Marvins Madness (2-6) vs. Bezerking Vikings (5-3)


~ A close contest that will probably be a definite chance for an upset as coach Marvinsalunatic seems to have found something great called Domanick Davis. With that offensive threat, points will come tumbling in. On the flip side, the ZerkKings getting some more help from their defense as it makes its return from the bye week it had. With the defense making its return and Davis taking flight, it could make for an interesting encounter.


Winner = Bezerking Vikings



HHH (5-3) vs. Maui Mercaneries (1-7)


~ After the last two weeks, team HHH probably is just absolutely furious with the way they have been playing. Suffering a loss two weeks back and praying that Dwight made the steal of a victory. This week, team HHH will be back and more fightful than ever, trying to redeem its pride. On the flip side, Maui Mercaneries must be celebrating its very first win in glorified fashion and well deserved as well. Coach bravesfan seems to be implementing new bold plans to make this team rebound from its awful start and this past week saw that work. This coming week will be a different story as Maui will be taking on a team that probably embaressed with its play and most likely on a war path. Making them nice targets for another upset.


Winner = Maui Mercaneries



Whalers On The Moon (7-1) vs. Texas Wolverines (4-4)


~ After blowing out the Dothan Jaguars, the Whalers are riding high a top of the league. However, they should take the Wolverines lightly as they have potentially a team that can not only steal this, but if the Whalers come up short, it could get embaressing. Still, Whalers are riding a 5 game winning streak, so the ball is in their possession. Along with this game.


Winner = Whalers On The Moon



Boston Rattlesnakes (5-3) vs. Laffayete Ephedras (6-2)


~ Both teams are coming off of losses that sting. Both teams are going to be pushing hard for the win here, however, this will most likely be whether Laffayete shows that this past week was just another bad week or not. As Boston will most likely bring out all of it's aces once again this coming week. Should be a nice tilt.


Winner = Boston Rattlesnakes



Field of Honor (3-5) vs. The A Team (3-5)


~ After last week's proformance by both team's, we should get a lot better game here. The A Team depended on Kary Colins and Randy Moss for their victory and a lot of their points, while Field of Honor only got Peyton Manning to put up the numbers. More than likely, more than 3 people will show up for this game. Yet, if it ends up with just those three people showing up, two against one almost always has two over one.


Winner = The A Team



Cartmans Pats (2-6) vs. Funjaculators (5-3)


~ Cartmans Pats while getting a win last week couldn't must up a whole bunch of points to make it look convincing. The flip side? Funjaculators just played HORRID against what is probably the most overachieving team in the league. Look for the rebound to happen here against the Pats.


Winner = Funjaculators



The Wraiths (1-7) vs. Dothan Jaguars (2-6)


~ The Wraiths made some strange decisions last week that ultimately led to many headaches for them. Enter the Dothan Jaguars who were simply just thrashed last week and of course, this should make for a highly unentertaining contest that will probably be ugly, nasty and just low scoring suckfest.


Winner = Dothan Jaguars.

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. I also don't think the Tigers should be quite too happy that 1/3 of their points scored came for the defense. Sure, a great defense is a great thing to be had, but depending upon it like that is costly.


Well, to be fair, this was a down week for my team, as I had 5 players on bye weeks. Unfortunately for me, those 5 players were my starting QB, my best WR, my kicker, my other starting running back, and another WR who is usually good for a TD(unlike Plaxico who was good for one catch and 5 yards this week.) Plus, I had like three fumbles which was -6 right there. The mere fact that I am winning at this point shocks the hell out of me.


Next week should be fun as my defense will be on a bye week. Of course, I am hoping the rest of my team will step up, I also have to choose between Chad Pennington and Patrick Ramsey as my starting QB. That should not be fun at all.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

I like how both my recievers decide to suck on the same day. Bastards.


Pogo's team kicks ass though, probably best in the league.

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Ultimo Guerreros (4-4) vs. Pogo The Monkey (7-1)


~ While coach razazteca boasts about his offense scoring 100 points, it didn't do that this weekend past. In fact they got ousted by the Seoul Emerald Tigers and had to lay their (Ultimo Guerreros) hopes on Ricky Williams to bail them out. razazteca better hope his Guerreros that can score 100 points a week, show up for this game, or it's nighty-night for them. As Pogo The Monkey has the most powerful team in the league.


Winner = Pogo The Monkey

I played the rookie QB, next week it will be Brooks who is on fire. Steve Smith has become the #1 offensive threat at WR for the Panthers and is the fav of the QB. I scored 100 points without Eric Moulds.............just wait until he is healthy.


As for Pogo team next week, half of his team is P so they might not show up for the game. I have nothing to fear.

Edited by razazteca

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Damn, that was a good recap/preview Flik.



Marvins Madness 67.15

Maui Mercenaries 88.16


~ The 0-7 team's coach, bravesfan, publicly admitted to making sure this week's matchup was close and competive till the end of Monday Night Football. And he sure did that. His team currently has the lead over Marvins Madness by 11.01 points and all coach Marvinsalunatic's prayers lay solely on the shoulders of his QB for this week, Brian Griese. Will we see the Maui Mercenaries pull the upset? I'm thinking so.


Well, it's actually 21. Meanwhile, I have David Boston going tonight to pad any lead that I may have left.


EDIT: Fuck, he has Mare. Hopefully, the Chargers line collapses and lets Ricky RUN into the endzone.

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Marvins Madness 67.15

Maui Mercenaries 88.16


~ The 0-7 team's coach, bravesfan, publicly admitted to making sure this week's matchup was close and competive till the end of Monday Night Football. And he sure did that. His team currently has the lead over Marvins Madness by 11.01 points and all coach Marvinsalunatic's prayers lay solely on the shoulders of his QB for this week, Brian Griese. Will we see the Maui Mercenaries pull the upset? I'm thinking so.


Well, it doesn't look good if Griese doesn't start, of course. Maui has David Boston, but I don't think he'll put up much vs the Dolphins. If Griese plays, I think I have a good shot to win. If Griese doesn't, I don't think Maddox's pts (5.58) would have helped me out that much, as Id still be down over 15 pts.


Marvins Madness (2-6) vs. Bezerking Vikings (5-3)


~ A close contest that will probably be a definite chance for an upset as coach Marvinsalunatic seems to have found something great called Domanick Davis. With that offensive threat, points will come tumbling in. On the flip side, the ZerkKings getting some more help from their defense as it makes its return from the bye week it had. With the defense making its return and Davis taking flight, it could make for an interesting encounter.


Winner = Bezerking Vikings


The Vikings are without Steve McNair next week, relying on Backup QB Jeff Blake. That at least gives me a brief sigh of relief. Im gonna be short a TE and I am going with the the QB Waiver Carousel again as I start Marques Tuiasosopo against the pathetic Lions defense.

Edited by MarvinisaLunatic

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Damn this week...*tosses an exploding Jester head into the Harlequins lockerroom and locks the door as loud coughing can be heard*


Bill Schroeder was absolute shit for me this week as was Delhomme(Yet his stats weren't as bad as Bledsoe...Bledsoe had 3 INT's and 1 lost fumble but gets like 7 points just cause of completions..WTF!). Didn't help that Emmitt was out and the guy I picked up to replace him had a bye week nor the fact that I CLEARLY put Kleinsasser in place of the questionable Desmond Clark but I guess it didn't count until next week's matchup...blargh. Damn David Givens for doing squat after last week's hot game too...fucker! My only shining star was 'Shoeless' Joe Horn at almost 20 points and Pats D at 13 points. Bet your ass, next week I'm pulling out every single big gun I got and I'm going for the most points possible.


Bledsoe = 153 yards, 23 completions, 3 INT's, 1 Fumble Lost(7.26 points)

Delhomme = 148 yards, 6 yards rushing but only 12 completions(0.86 points)...That's just fucked up man


Blah...Bledsoe got 12 points on completions to incompletions compared to Delhomme's -3 points on completions to incompletions...*sigh*

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Marvins Madness 67.15

Maui Mercenaries 88.16


~ The 0-7 team's coach, bravesfan, publicly admitted to making sure this week's matchup was close and competive till the end of Monday Night Football. And he sure did that. His team currently has the lead over Marvins Madness by 11.01 points and all coach Marvinsalunatic's prayers lay solely on the shoulders of his QB for this week, Brian Griese. Will we see the Maui Mercenaries pull the upset? I'm thinking so.


Well, it doesn't look good if Griese doesn't start, of course. Maui has David Boston, but I don't think he'll put up much vs the Dolphins. If Griese plays, I think I have a good shot to win. If Griese doesn't, I don't think Maddox's pts (5.58) would have helped me out that much, as Id still be down over 15 pts.


Marvins Madness (2-6) vs. Bezerking Vikings (5-3)


~ A close contest that will probably be a definite chance for an upset as coach Marvinsalunatic seems to have found something great called Domanick Davis. With that offensive threat, points will come tumbling in. On the flip side, the ZerkKings getting some more help from their defense as it makes its return from the bye week it had. With the defense making its return and Davis taking flight, it could make for an interesting encounter.


Winner = Bezerking Vikings


The Vikings are without Steve McNair next week, relying on Backup QB Jeff Blake. That at least gives me a brief sigh of relief. Im gonna be short a TE and I am going with the the QB Waiver Carousel again as I start Marques Tuiasosopo against the pathetic Lions defense.

I had stated that all prediction/previews where still dependant of Monday Night Football, so will change accordingly.


Next week, I'll have my preview up on Tuesday.


I'd also like to say that Crimson Storm vs. The Toilet Ducks isn't certain that Crimson Storm will win, it's just in last 6 since the reshuffle of the whole team, the team has gone 5-1 and the loss went to MNF to be determined. Luck is definitely on Crimson Storm's side.


Again, I apologize for doing this early Monday morning when it would've made more sense to wait till tomorrow when everything can be assessed.


I played the rookie QB, next week it will be Brooks who is on fire.  Steve Smith has become the #1 offensive threat at WR for the Panthers and is the fav of the QB.  I scored 100 points without Eric Moulds.............just wait until he is healthy.


As for Pogo team next week, half of his team is P so they might not show up for the game.  I have nothing to fear.

When I checked last night, there wasn't any Ps (well, just Manning). I probably should've done this about now and I would've seen that. Knowing this, I actually switch the prediction to you. I would've had you as the winner had I seen those.


Again, preview for the following week will be done up on the Tuesday. Also expect a full out preview (yes, I'm actually going to do that) will be done up on Friday/Saturday (it might be up Friday, but more likely Saturday). Position for position and that. Hopefully, I do some good.

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Yay...Griese's officially starting.

Lucky bastard. :P :D


Anywoo, good luck to you. Hopefully Griese will manage to pull up all those points needed to win.

Im reminded of 2 weeks ago when I had the lead going into MNF and Wilkins beat me.


Hopefully it will work in reverse for me this week.

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