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Guest y2jailbait

The One and Only Underappreciated Posters Thread

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::Canada airport. A car pulls up. Anglesault and Canadian Chick climb out, both with a cross look on their faces::


CC: God, you are easily the most irritating man I have ever met.


AS: Hey, it's not my fault you don't appreciate high culture.


CC: For the last time. AEROSMITH. IS NOT. HIGH. CULTURE!!!


AS: Ah, you're just jealous.


CC: Of what?


AS: Oh, you know.


CC: No.


AS: Yeah you do.


CC: What the hell are you talking about?


AS: Shhh.


CC: Oh, fuck this. Look there's private jet DG26Y. That's our baby!


AS: Cool, lets go.


::Anglesault and Canadian Chick walk up to the plane. A set of stairs leading to the plane's door is set up with a note at the bottom. Anglesault picks it up and reads it for narrative purposes::


AS: "Welcome, Anglesault and Canadian Chick. Please enter the plane. Your destination will be revealed once the flight has started. Food and drink has been provided along with a television, a video player and a compilation tape of "The best moments of Angle and Edge". Lots of love. Mysterious stranger." So what do you reckon?


CC: Sounds suspicious. Maybe we shouldn't go.


AS: But if we do that, you'll never find out what happened to Kotz and Zack, and I'll never find out if they've got any frozen peas.


CC: Okay. Lets do it.


::The intrepid duo enter the plane. Once inside they are amazed by the extravagant splendour of the interior, with velvet curtains draped across the walls, a nice red carpet and 2 reclinable chairs::


AS: Cool! Reclinable chairs!


::They both sit down as the plane takes off. After a few hours of Edge and Angle matches they (understandably) fall asleep. When Canadian Chick awakes she is confronted by a masked figure::


CC: Ah! Hey, who are you? Where did you come from?


Masked Stranger: Heh. So many questions for one so young. Relax my dear. Do you wish to wake your companion?


CC: Yeah, why not. He's beginning to drool.


::Canadian Chick slaps Anglesault hard on the forehead::


AS: What? The? Fuck?


::Anglesault opens his eyes to see the masked stranger::


AS: Wow, Canadian Chick. You look like shit without your face on.


CC: I'm over here dumbass.


AS: Oh. Then who's this dumbass?


CC: ?


Masked Stranger: Relax. All will be revealed shortly. Here, I took the liberty of preparing you both a drink.


::The masked stranger reaches down by his chair and picks up three flutes of champagne. He gives one to Canadian Chick, one to Anglesault and keeps the last for himself. Canadian Chick leans over to whisper in the masked strangers ear::


CC: Um, hey. Mr Stranger? I'm not sure you should be giving AS champagne. He's out of touch with reality as it is.


Masked Stranger: Relax, my dear. It's only apple juice. He'll never realise the difference


::Anglesault sips some of his drink::


AS: Ah, an alcohol. I drink it all the time. Delicious!


CC: I see your point.


Masked Stranger: You will have to drink it quickly my friends. We have almost arrived at our destination.


AS: Oh, what exotic climes has this mysterious stranger escorted us to? The Mediterrainian? The Bahamas? Goa?


Masked Stranger: That would be telling Anglesault.


CC: Well, that sign out there says "Welcome to sunny Houston".


Masked Stranger: Yeah. Well, the rents cheap. Let us go.


::The trio step out of the plan and straight into a waiting stretch limo with tinted windows::


Masked Stranger: So, you wish to know why I brought you here? I was contacted by Choken to bring Canadian Chick and Zack, whatever the cost. Even if it meant the deaths of Kotz and Anglesault.


AS: But wait. I'm alive and Zacks dead. Now I don't take any pleasure in pointing out glaring plot holes but: WTF?


Masked Stranger: Ah, yes. That was my mistake. I thought Zack was you when I, ahem, disposed of him.


CC: That's all well and good. But who exactly are you.


Masked Stranger: Elementary my dear. I. Am. BANKY!


AS: Oh. Well, that makes sense, I guess. But why did Choken contact you?


Banky: Simple. To end the reign of Dames.


::The limo pulls up outside an apartment building::


Banky: Come with me. There's someone I think you'd like to meet.


::They enter a non-descript condominium, which houses one of those cool swivel chairs that Bond films have. The chair turns round to reveal a figure smoking a Cuban Cigar and holding a chapagne glass::


Choken: It's good to see you all again. I believe there is some business you can all help me with.






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Guest Boo_Bradley

You'll have a chance to underappreciate me, as I'm leaving for a week... (I didn't start my own thread!)

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Guest Choken One

You just want to Fuck some mo' dontcha CC.?


You're Such A Slut... Bang

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

Hey, can I be in this? Like make a cameo or randomly get shot or something?

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Maybe this will give you some motivation...


This shit killed my inspiration for my next part.


Now if that is a good thing or not, it remains to be seen.

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Guest Choken One
Hey, can I be in this? Like make a cameo or randomly get shot or something?

Look on Page...19...



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You guys mind if I write in part of the SAGA again? It's just hard to keep it flowing when 3 different people are writing it, never know how it's going to end...

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Guest Choken One

sure...Write the b team shit...


You are still looking for me...


make sure you just stay the fuck away from Houston...

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Wont touch Houston...still looking for you eh? Here come the plot twists! Nobody else touch the B-Team for awhile...except Chave, lets share and work together.

Today's post was brought to you by the letter C and the number 1.

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:::Ripper dives into a ditch on the side of the road as Marney, Shooter Jay(wearing a bright red shirt), and BPP duck behind the expensive car for cover:::


Marney: Um...Shooter Jay...where the hell did you come from? And whats with the shirt?


Shooter Jay: Oh...I was just kinda around and thought I could help you guys out.


BPP: But dude, you weren't here like one second ago and you just appeared. Were you here when I was talking about when I saved the board. Cause if you missed it I could go over it aga...




BPP: 'kay...but its a great story if you want to hear it. See, Dames needed....




Marney: We were sent by the Dames. He doesn't need you screwing up his master plan.




Marney: Lazy writer I guess.


Ripper: ...SO!!...


Shooter Jay: Why are you shouting. You're like 2 feet away.




Marney: Enough of this shit. Jay you take the right side, BPP, you take the left and I am diving directly over the car all John Woo-ish.


Shooter Jay: Why do I have to go right...BPP, don't you wanna go right.. I got this feeling.


Marney: Just stick to the plan.


Shooter Jay: But I am wearing the red shirt of disposible ship mate like on star trek. I REALLY think I should just stay here.


Marney: Fine stay here. I'm still going Woo-ish and BPP YOU go right.


BPP: Fine, I'm not a bitch like SOME people. Hell, I saved the board, I can go right.


Marney: Alright Ready...GO!!!


::: On cue, Marney goes all John Woo-ey over the car firing her big ass gun as BPP comes around the right firing Shooter Jay is not only not shooting he doesn't even look like a Jay, therefore not living up to his name at all. Instead he is cowering behind the car. Ripper lunges back getting off a shot that hits the car in the gas tank killing Shooter Jay in the explosion:::


Marney: [still flying in air] I told him to go right.


:::the Blast makes Ripper drop his gun, leaving him open to the menacing Marney and BPP, as they have approached the unarmed man...SEXY ass man...that lay unarmed...well I said that already, but the main thing to get is that A: He is damn sexy and B: He is unarmed...just drawing you a picture here. Look, I could've just been vauge about it all but here I am putting a picture in your minds eye and you're bitching about it. Why don't you just skip this part and go back to the dialouge since you don't appreciate it...




BPP: Well, well, well. Look who is unarmed and defenseless. Yet still strangely sexy.


Marney: Eh, not my type. To rugged and manly.


:::Marney and BPP raise their guns:::


BPP: Well, just like the non board saving glory hound Dames always says...


Marney: We are the unfuckwitable...don't...well...fuck with us.


:::Both pop da colla as they begain firing:::










All these and other questions will be answered in the next installment of the SAGA!!



:::Coming soon:::








:::Marney and BPP continue firing until no more shots remain.:::


Ripper: [eyes closed and slowly start to open] Is...is this hell??


Marney/BPP: OMG!! WTF!!!


:::Both look at their smoking barrells to see that the guns indeed fired. Yet Ripper remains perfectly unharmed:::


Ripper: What just happened.


Marney: I...i don't know. These are the guns that Dames gave us.


BPP: Yeah. It says right here on the side "For the Board Savior".


Marney: You wrote that in crayon on the way here.


BPP: Yeah..well...SHADDUP!! I saved the board...


Ripper: Blanks...They were blanks. Well, it looks like Mr. Colla Popa sent you two on a suicide mission. Hmm. Why would he do that.


:::Ripper inspects the gun that he took from the dead and stinky body of Dr. Tom...it too was filled with blanks:::


Ripper: Oh My GOD!! The gun that I took from the dead and stinkly body of Dr. Tom is also filled with blanks.


:::I just said that:::


Ripper: Well, I felt that Marney and BPP should know too. Stop being so argumentative.


:::Sorry, I'm still just feeling a little underapprecitated, that's all:::


Ripper: Yeah..ANYWAY. Dames has been setting you all up for me to kill you. Well, I don't like being used as a pawn in his plan. And I don't kill for free. Now its time me and DAMEs had a talk!!


Marney: Wasn't what you were here for in the first place.


BPP: Yeah. I mean, you can talk to the board saver over here if you want.


Ripper: Okay, he tried to have you two killed. Don't you want to give him a talk too.


Marney: Yeah...YEAH I DO!!!


BPP:Yeah...but how can we get from out here. The car done blowed up. We need someone to save us.


:::Marney and Ripper look at each other and then back at BPP:::


BPP: Its almost like we are the board. What we need is a me to come along and save us.


Ripper: How will we get to New York.




Ripper: How incredibly fortunate!! Lets go!!


Marney, BPP, and Ripper get onto the bus off to New York to face...THE DAMES!!!




To be continued:

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::The B-Team arrives at the Cincinnati, to no fan-fare or gun fights what so ever...they just show up. The group walks through the airport terminal and to baggage claim. Caboose is chugging down a bottle of water as he plods through the airport.::


Caboose: Sooo...AM, how was first class you bastard?


AM: Oh it was great, the food sucked, back in my day we had first class meals on our first class flights. I mean, everyone under me pouted about my choice to sit in first class anyways, but come on...we all know they couldn't cut it.


Chave: Would you shut the fuck up already?!


Caboose: Hey Chave..shh, The Kid is telling us a road story.


Chave: Fuck you!


AM: Ahh, forget it, you guys can read it in my upcoming biography; "Behind the Screen Name".


::They approach baggage claim and pick up their various bags.::


Caboose: AM, why did you need to bring golf clubs with you? We're hunting for Dames, not playing golf.


AM: No it'll work out...


::Caboose and Chave look absolutly puzzled and just stare at AM.::


AM: Fiiiine, we won't have time, I know, I know...


Chave: Damn straight!


::The walk out of the airport and go to a waiting limo where the driver is holding a huge sign; "The B-Team". Their bags get placed in the back and they hop into the sleek limo...but someone is already waiting inside for them...::



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::All three B-Teamers stare in unison at the man sitting across from them in the limo with a power bar in one hand and a glass of champage in the other. Caboose, AM and Chave all go to give the man a handshake but he high-fives them instead. Caboose takes in a lung-full of air and is the first to speak.::


Caboose: My gosh...El Cubano, haven't seen you in ages around these parts.


El Cubano: Well ya know, I've been busy with chicks and the beach. Writing for popular websites, I know I'm a God to you TSM posters now aren't I?


AM: Ehh...not really, I mean you're cool and all and we like the drop-in appearances and stuff...


Chave: Let's be honest, your fan fare has come down alot in the years.


El Cubano: Whatever, you fools...


::Cubano lights a cigar, filling the car up with smoke.::


El Cubano: You fellas want one?


::AM reaches his hand out to grab one but it is slapped away by Chave.::


Chave: Look Cubano, just tell us what we're doing here in Cincinnati. Everyone knows where Dames is, plus our in-flight move was Scarface.


El Cubano: You little ingrate, is it all buisness with you? I'm all about the pleasure, buisness is on the side. Let's head to a club, go have some fun, and then proceed with finding Dames.


Chave: No, we're getting on another plane right now...all four of us and heading to Dame's headquarters, we don't need this bullshit to clatter up our plans.


::AM and Caboose are studying their shoes, afraid to look up at either man. Cubano puffs on his cigar and blows the smoke in Chave's face.::


El Cubano: Fine Chave, I'll come with you guys. I'm not lowering myself and being another B-Team crony though. We'll take my private jet.


::Caboose finally glaces up and makes eye contact with El Cubano, irrate.::


Caboose: Why the hell does everyone else in this SAGA have a private jet but us?! This is bullshit!


El Cubano: Whatever Caboose, keep mine after we find Dames, I have three.


::The B-Team roll their eyes in unison and slip out of the car...onto another adventure.::

Edited by AM The Kid

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