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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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Guest Askewniverse
Isn't there a cheap way where you can up everyone's morale?


How do you do that?


Keep in mind I'm computer illiterate so talk slowly

I posted this earlier before, but apparently, nobody tried it. It doesn't require the Arsenic editor or any other additional program.


As an example, let's say that you have Kurt Angle as a main eventer and his morale is at 24 (someone had this problem earlier, which is why I'm using this example).


If you're willing to cheat, you can easily raise his morale.


First, create a new folder. Cut the files in the data folder and paste them in the new folder. Next, cut and paste your current game (if it's saved in the first slot, it'll be in folder s1, second slot=s2, etc) into the data folder.


Now, start the game and go to file editor. Go into workers, and select Kurt Angle. Click on "edit employment details." Go to position, and change it to jobber, then exit the game.


Now, cut the files in the data folder, and paste it back into the save folder that it was originally in. Then, go to the new folder that you created earlier, and put the original data files back into the data folder. Delete the new folder, since it will be empty (this is optional). Now, go into your game, and Kurt should be at jobber, with his morale still at 24. Promote him back to main eventer, and his morale should shoot back up.


I realize that this is a cheap tactic, but it's the best thing to do if you're really desperate.


You might want to make a backup copy of your entire game and folders before you try this, just in case something gets screwed up.


Like I said earlier, I've had success with this technique, and I'm not exactly a computer whiz.

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Ok... Weirdest shit happened... I'm mean like SUPREMELY weird shit.


So I book a heel team to face team in a survivor series match. I need a hot opener for my show, so like why not?


Well, I book it totally accordingly with the final face subcoming to the final heel (as the final face was double teamed up to that point). So I go to click "done" when I get the face team's captain (basically just whoever was first picked) telling me they shouldn't lose.


...but was what was weird was I was going to override it, but then thought about the rest of my show and how I was booking it and realized they were right. They SHOULD win.


...it's just weird cause the game was right about how it should go down... Just weird...

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:o ...ok, scariest moment I've EVER had in a EWR game.


...I had a PI drop of 31 points.


That was with my new EWR fed I just created, it was really good, but ouchie... Need more good wrestlers apparently.

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THIRTY-ONE points.


Dory, me thinks you be doing something wrong.



Well one problem was the card averaged out to 65.


The second problem was probably I put all the titles up for grabs.


Thirdly, the titles ratings were 0. I mean, it IS a new company so it has no history or linege to back them up.


Fourthly, I forgot to have my advertisements up to at least standard par (65) as I had forgotten to change it to 50.


Pretty much where I fucked up. Oh and I had no MEs either, so that probably didn't help in that status either...



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Guest JacK
Main Eventers must be on at LEAST one show a week. A good idea to work this is job people out of ME status if you aren't planning to use them in ME.

Ohhh . . . this explains a HELL of a lot. Why all those Main eventers I use fairly frequently have low morale, while lower carders who get used something like once every month or 3 have 100 morale.


So, would just droppin their asses back to Upper Midcarders allow me to not use them as frequently?

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Main Eventers must be on at LEAST one show a week. A good idea to work this is job people out of ME status if you aren't planning to use them in ME.

Ohhh . . . this explains a HELL of a lot. Why all those Main eventers I use fairly frequently have low morale, while lower carders who get used something like once every month or 3 have 100 morale.


So, would just droppin their asses back to Upper Midcarders allow me to not use them as frequently?

:huh: *smotes self*




Ok. Listen up. Any MEs have to be on the show at least once a week, but preferably they want to be on the shows at least one segment per show. It all depends on their attitude and how many shows you've got. If you've got a two TV shows, more often than not, they'll want at least one slot devoted to them, preferably two (it depends on their attitude).


Lowercarders don't need to get used as much because they are lowercarders and aren't really that big of a deal for you (as they are trying to impress you to push them more). You can (again depending on attitude) get away with just using them, say once a month. It again depends on attitude.


As for dropping MEs down to Uppercard, it all depends. Personally, if I ain't going to be pushing a guy to ME, I ain't pushing the guy up there. ME is for anyone that will be contending for the title, be put in a title shot, or in a feud that will propel them into a title reign, etc. If you aren't doing that say within about six months time, NEVER raise an UC from UC. It's just a waste of effort and time.


If you do drop an ME, make sure that their overness is acceptable to drop it. Otherwise, the guys morale will crash to rock bottom and well... Your fucked.


Global Dropping:

ME dropping to UC should be around 90-95 overness, you can get away with dropping that person to UC. If they are below the minimum overness of 90, drop them as they are no where NEAR that level.


National Dropping:

ME dropping to UC should be around 75-80. Again, below 75 (or even 75) overness and just drop them. As they are not supposed to be in ME then.


Cult Dropping:

ME dropping to UC should be around 60-65. Again, below 60 drop them.


After Cult, it becomes a little redundant as at Regional or lower as it's doubtful you'll have more than a monthly event.

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AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels.


Match Background: Daniels and Styles have been feuding for quite some time now. This match is for the ROH World title. Christopher Daniels has been ROH World champion since 23 October 2004.


The Match: A Gut buster connects on Styles and hits hard. Flying reverse elbow by Christopher Daniels. Hooks the leg for a two count. Styles flips out of a Christopher Daniels bodyslam attempt. Standing leg lariat by AJ Styles on Daniels. Second rope flying axe handle, Daniels goes down. One day, Styles might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Covers for a quick two count. Back heel kick off the second rope, Daniels goes down. Pin, but Daniels is out just before the three count. Second rope flying axe handle, Daniels goes down. One day, Styles might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. AJ Styles misses a clothesline. Gutwrench into a powerbomb, aka the Doctor Bomb and Styles hits hard. Covers for a quick two count. Tiger suplex on Styles. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, dammit. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Second rope flying axe handle, Styles goes down. One day, Daniels might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Big forearm by Christopher Daniels makes me want to go to the mirror and check MY teeth. AJ Styles once again takes the advantage after blocking a few punches and connecting with some forearms. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. DDT from the top rope by AJ Styles. That looked KILLER. Christopher Daniels gets whipped into the corner by Styles, and flips all the way over to the outside! Daniels stays down on the outside, hurt. The referee reaches a ten count, and this one is over. AJ Styles slides to the outside and grabs a chair, then climbs back into the ring. Daniels turns around...and gets planted with a huge chair shot to the head! He is left down and out on the canvas.


My Opinion: Absolutely mind blowing match! This is probably up there with my favorite match of all time, Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart from Wrestlemania X and is worthy of ALL its praise. *****

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Guest Frank The Tank

I'm having a problem with this game, I want to do a ladder match, but it's not in the match selection thing and neither is War Games. I had them before, but they seemed to disappear somehow. Can someone help me?

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Christopher Daniels vs AJ Styles.


Match Background: Daniels and Styles have been feuding for quite some time now. This match is for the ROH World title. Christopher Daniels has been ROH World champion since 23 October 2004.


The Match: THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Lightning kick by Styles on Daniels. Covers for a quick two count. Christopher Daniels fights out of a grapple. Christopher Daniels kicks the leg, knocks Styles down, and goes to work on it. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Hooks the leg for a two count. Springboard dropkick from Christopher Daniels. Nicely done. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! Christopher Daniels snap suplexes Styles HARD to the canvas! And again! A pair of clotheslines follow and...yep, Daniels is a HOUSE...EN...FUEGO~! Styles blocks the suplex attempt and is able to hit the suplex instead! Styles crushes Daniels with a running senton. There's a two count on the pin. Back heel kick off the second rope, Daniels goes down. Hooks the leg! ONE...TWO...NO! AJ Styles hits a rolling kick on Daniels. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. AJ Styles kicks the leg, knocks Daniels down, and goes to work on it. Christopher Daniels elbows AJ Styles in the face to break a hammerlock. Implant DDT by Christopher Daniels! I will always and forever mark out for that move. DDT from the top rope by Christopher Daniels. That looked KILLER. Styles reverses an irish whip...and Christopher Daniels runs into the referee! AJ Styles slams Daniels, who rolls onto his stomach. What is Christopher Daniels doing? AJ Styles picks him up and signals for a powerbomb. He raises Daniels up...but then throws him off. AJ Styles saw that Daniels had a chain and was ready to hit him with it. A kick to the gut stuns Daniels, and the chain gets taken by Styles, who wraps it around his fist. Knock-out punch! Christopher Daniels is out cold, KOed by his own weapon! The referee gets up to see the pinfall - 1....2....3! Another referee comes running down the aisle, and points out to the first official that AJ Styles used a steel chain to get this victory. The referee reverses the decision! AJ Styles has been disqualified! The fight has started up again! Christopher Daniels attacks Styles, and they brawl all around ringside, then into the crowd! They eventually disappear backstage, still fighting.


My Opinion: Absolutely mind blowing match! This is probably up there with my favorite match of all time, Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart from Wrestlemania X and is worthy of ALL its praise. *****

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
Main Eventers must be on at LEAST one show a week. A good idea to work this is job people out of ME status if you aren't planning to use them in ME.

Ohhh . . . this explains a HELL of a lot. Why all those Main eventers I use fairly frequently have low morale, while lower carders who get used something like once every month or 3 have 100 morale.


So, would just droppin their asses back to Upper Midcarders allow me to not use them as frequently?

:huh: *smotes self*



Ok. Listen up. Any MEs have to be on the show at least once a week, but preferably they want to be on the shows at least one segment per show. It all depends on their attitude and how many shows you've got. If you've got a two TV shows, more often than not, they'll want at least one slot devoted to them, preferably two (it depends on their attitude).


Lowercarders don't need to get used as much because they are lowercarders and aren't really that big of a deal for you (as they are trying to impress you to push them more). You can (again depending on attitude) get away with just using them, say once a month. It again depends on attitude.


As for dropping MEs down to Uppercard, it all depends. Personally, if I ain't going to be pushing a guy to ME, I ain't pushing the guy up there. ME is for anyone that will be contending for the title, be put in a title shot, or in a feud that will propel them into a title reign, etc. If you aren't doing that say within about six months time, NEVER raise an UC from UC. It's just a waste of effort and time.


If you do drop an ME, make sure that their overness is acceptable to drop it. Otherwise, the guys morale will crash to rock bottom and well... Your fucked.


Global Dropping:

ME dropping to UC should be around 90-95 overness, you can get away with dropping that person to UC. If they are below the minimum overness of 90, drop them as they are no where NEAR that level.


National Dropping:

ME dropping to UC should be around 75-80. Again, below 75 (or even 75) overness and just drop them. As they are not supposed to be in ME then.


Cult Dropping:

ME dropping to UC should be around 60-65. Again, below 60 drop them.


After Cult, it becomes a little redundant as at Regional or lower as it's doubtful you'll have more than a monthly event.

What if your'e running a roster split.


That would explain my recent morale problems

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What if your'e running a roster split.


That would explain my recent morale problems

Roster Split is NOT a brand extension.


If you are doing a brand extension, you then need to use Arsenic's Editor to keep everyone's morale up.


Roster Split is in case you have like 60 people in your company you can then use the four roster splits to divid them up into Main Event Belt, Upper Card Belt, Worthless Belt, and Tag Team (or at least how I do it).


That's what roster split is for. Making life easier.


Hence, if everyone isn't on at least a show a week, they'll be pissed with you. Also the rule still applies that all MEs want to be involved in at least ONE segment on EACH show. Hence why you really, really, really, don't want to have like 40 MEs.

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Guest Frank The Tank

Dames just shat all over an awesome looking ROH card I made. Here are his ratings


Colt Cabana vs B.J. Whitmer vs Tom Carter vs Donovan Morgan - 1 3/4*

Briscoe Boys vs Backseat Boyz - 4 1/4*

Xavier vs Justin Credible - 3/4*

Jerry Lynn vs Chris Sabin - 1 3/4* (That's harsh)

Steve Corino vs John Walters - 1*

Raven vs CM Punk - 2*

AJ/Red vs Spanky/London - 2 1/4* (That's even more harsh)

Low Ki vs Doug Williams - 2 3/4*

Samoa Joe vs Homicide - 1 3/4*



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Christopher Daniels vs Low Ki.


Match Background: This match is for the ROH World title. Christopher Daniels has been ROH World champion since 23 October 2004.


The Match: Dropkick connects to the BUTT of the jaw and Low Ki goes down. STIFF high kick on Low Ki by Christopher Daniels. Daniels uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Daniels walks into a drop toe hold. Flying shoulder tackle by Low Ki sends Daniels CRASHING to the mat. Vicious snap suplex! Christopher Daniels got whipped over hard. There's a two count on the pin. Low Ki walks into a drop toe hold. Lightning kick by Daniels on Low Ki. There's a two count on the pin. Back heel kick off the second rope, Low Ki goes down. Pin, but Low Ki is out just before the three count. Low Ki blocks a punch. Daniels gets slammed down hard and winces in pain. Daniels flips out of a Low Ki bodyslam attempt. A Gut buster connects on Low Ki and hits hard. AJ Styles comes running down the aisle and onto the apron! Daniels turns...and is dropped throat-first onto the top rope by Styles! AJ Styles has left Daniels in big trouble. Low Ki moves in for the kill. Ki Krusher!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!! A second referee has come down...and is explaining to the first referee about the interference that just happened. The referee nods, then reverses the decision - he is disqualifying Low Ki due to the run in!


My Opinion: *****! What can I say! It earned EVERY star. You, my friend, know what you're doing!

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Guest Frank The Tank

Kurt Angle vs Chris Jericho : Belly to belly suplex by Angle. Kurt Angle misses a clothesline. Chris Jericho strikes Angle. Chris Jericho misses a clothesline...and takes out the referee by mistake. Wicked suplex out of the corner from Chris Jericho, executed well. Pinfall attempt, but the ref is conveniently laid out. Angle counters an avalanche with a raised foot to the face. Big clothesline on Jericho. Doctor Bomb, Jericho is hurt. Hooks the leg for a two count. Angle pulls a jumping piledriver out! Hooks the leg for a close fall. Chris Jericho avoids a Kurt Angle avalanche. Jericho crushes Angle with a big legdrop. Cover, but there's a last second kick-out. Angle reverses a waistlock. D'Lo Brown comes running down the aisle with a chair! Angle goes to irish whip Chris Jericho into the ropes. D'Lo hits Jericho with a chair to the back! Kurt Angle floors Chris Jericho. Chris Jericho gets locked in the Angle Lock! Submission victory! Angle and D'Lo are putting the boots to Chris Jericho! AJ Styles comes running down the aisle with a chair! He slides in, sending Angle \ D'Lo running for cover. AJ Styles saved Jericho from a major beating. Awesome, Match Of All Time Candidate, this gets a ***** rating AND the ultimate compliment - it was as entertaining as Flair vs Steamboat.

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Guest Frank The Tank

AJ Styles vs Rob Van Dam (For The WWE World Title) : RVD hits a dropkick on AJ Styles. Vicious lightning kick by RVD on Styles. There's a two count on the pin. Styles counters a sleeper hold by turning it into a jaw breaker. Styles hits a massive spinning kick to the jaw. Legsweep out of Nowhere. Where is Nowhere, and why do moves keep coming out of there? Does it have a factory? There's a two count on the pin. Vicious kick to the teeth from AJ Styles. Hooks the leg for a close fall. Spin kick by AJ Styles to the face. RVD counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face. Springboard reverse elbow by Rob Van Dam. Excellent move. Cover for a two count. Springboard dropkick from Rob Van Dam. Nicely done. Pin, but Styles is out just before the three count. RVD uses a basement dropkick to the knee. Standing leg lariat by Rob Van Dam on Styles. AJ Styles fights out of a grapple. AJ Styles hits a rolling kick on RVD. Power drive elbow by AJ Styles. The Rock comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Rob Van Dam turns around. The Rock spins RVD around. The Rock hits the Rock Bottom! Rock leaves the ring, the damage done! Pin : 1 - 2- 3. Styles defeats RVD. Styles and Rock are putting the boots to Rob Van Dam! Kurt Angle comes running down the aisle with a chair! He slides in, sending Styles \ Rock running for cover. Kurt Angle saved RVD from a major beating. Excellent match, a ***** rating!

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AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels.


Match Background: This will be a hell in a cell bout. Daniels and Styles have been feuding for quite some time now. Styles has yet to get an in-ring victory in this feud. This match is for the ROH World title. Christopher Daniels has been ROH World champion since 23 October 2004.


The Match: Flying cross body off the top rope! Styles backdrops Christopher Daniels out of a piledriver attempt. That took a lot out of AJ Styles. Styles just WAFFLES Daniels with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Hard back suplex on Daniels. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Styles uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Styles charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Gutwrench into a powerbomb, aka the Doctor Bomb and Styles hits hard. Christopher Daniels brings out a jumping powerbomb to nearly murder Styles in the ring! Styles takes a flying neckbreaker from Christopher Daniels. Christopher Daniels gets taken down out of nowhere! Second rope flying axe handle, Daniels goes down. One day, Styles might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. Springboard dropkick from AJ Styles. Nicely done. Both competitors climb out and start brawling around the cell structure. Finally, both of them climb up to the top!!! AJ Styles grabs Daniels...and hits a body slam! The roof buckles, and Daniels falls all the way to the canvas! AJ Styles looks through the hole, then drops a massive elbow through the roof onto Daniels!!! The ref gets into position, administers the three count, and it's over. AJ Styles pins Daniels. AJ Styles remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.


My Opinion: Absolutely mind blowing match! This is probably up there with my favorite match of all time, Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart from Wrestlemania X and is worthy of ALL its praise. *****

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Guest Frank The Tank

Talk about Bullshit, Haas and Benjamin were my tag champs and then all of a sudden they started hating each other and both their morale go down to 1%, so I have them lose the tag titles to Kaientai and then split them up and now their morale only went to 3%.


I thought this was pretty funny, Taka Michinoku can't be fired now, because he married somebody from the McMahon family.

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Talk about Bullshit, Haas and Benjamin were my tag champs and then all of a sudden they started hating each other and both their morale go down to 1%, so I have them lose the tag titles to Kaientai and then split them up and now their morale only went to 3%.


I thought this was pretty funny, Taka Michinoku can't be fired now, because he married somebody from the McMahon family.

Shelton is the star of that team anyway, so I don't blame him for getting sick of Haas preventing his singles run.


Push him to the top with a really awesome manager, such as Paul Heyman, while jobbing Haas out to Eric Bischoff.



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Guest Frank The Tank

Thank you I will start as soon as I can find room with my amazing main event line up. I got Jericho, AJ, RVD, Angle, Cena, Rock and Truth, Dlo, Eddie, Benoit, and Brock as my uppercarders. Right now Benoit's out with an injury and if I can get him more over I'll push him in the main event.


Also This is a true what the hell thing I read written by Ryland




Watch TAKA Michinoku closely. I see real superstar potential in this hoss, it's only a matter of time before the main event beckons.

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I have that problem also.


Most of the time, I can't help but push stars that show potential to the very top, and eventually I end up with a good TWENTY main eventers (in one of my games, I had more main eventers than any other type of wrestler).


It's a trap, though. As you'll find that you only have room for main event stars, which blows your whole roster to shit.


*tears hair out*

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Guest Frank The Tank
I have that problem also.


Most of the time, I can't help but push stars that show potential to the very top, and eventually I end up with a good TWENTY main eventers (in one of my games, I had more main eventers than any other type of wrestler).


It's a trap, though. As you'll find that you only have room for main event stars, which blows your whole roster to shit.


*tears hair out*

True, I want to use guys like Rhyno, but can't because their is no room for Rhyno.

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Guest JacK

Whoa, I copied my game, quit and formed my own promotion, and it RULES all kinds of ASS! I mean the promotion itself sucks ass, but it's so much fun! I love it! Although I'm cut none of my wrestlers wanted to come with me, I practically MADE half the damn roster, I mean I made Jimmy Rave into a main eventer after he got dropped by 3 other feds!


But, I did manage to fire a coupla peeps and transfer them, and my pet projects on development deals ALL got cut, which shocked me.


So now, my main event/ Upper Mid Card scene is WEIRD! I mean:




Trinity (of all peeps)

Scoot Andrews (I don't even know who he is)

Amazing Red

Johnny Stamboli



Shannon Moore

Cade Sydal

Matrix (Don't know who either of those two are, though Matrix gained massive overness for some reason, no matter how badly I book him he shoots up)

Chris Harris

Alexis Laree

Quiet Storm

And Jericho, who got cut by the WWE because I made his price ridiculous in a bidding war which I lost by miles


On the plus side, TNA has dropped 60 PA in 3 months since I left, and is draggin the WWE down with it. That'll teach them for not respecting me more.


And yes! I ended up with something like 30 main eventers, but now that I quit, I have a BRILLIANT solution!!! I have 50 guys on my roster, 20-25 of which are active, the rest are in development, all getting better. Now, when one of them stops, I'll either cut his/her ass if they still suck,or bring them up and cut some active guys/girls ass. Then, I bring in MORE cheap developmental labour! It's Brilliant!

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Guest Frank The Tank

Right now, Angle's my champion and Mania's coming up. I don't really know who to have him face. He's fought Jericho and AJ too many times. Benoit or Eddie is not over enough. I think I'll go with RVD or Cena, but RVD beat Jericho to win the title at my last Mania. I think I'm going to have RVD beat Cena to win the US Title, then The Truth will feud with RVD and Angle feuds with Cena.

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Low Ki vs Christopher Daniels.


Match Background: None.


The Match: Christopher Daniels connects with a back heel kick on Low Ki and gets back up quickly. Christopher Daniels connects with a back heel kick on Low Ki and gets back up quickly. Hard back suplex on Low Ki. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Low Ki takes a butterfly suplex from Daniels. Low Ki blocks a kick from Christopher Daniels. Low Ki snap suplexes Daniels HARD to the canvas! And again! A pair of clotheslines follow and...yep, Low Ki is a HOUSE...EN...FUEGO~! Ring-shaking body slam on Daniels. There's a two count on the pin. Christopher Daniels pulls a mule kick out of nowhere. Low Ki walks into a jaw breaker. Covers for a quick two count. Springboard dropkick from Christopher Daniels. Nicely done. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Low Ki reverses a waistlock. Low Ki connects with rights and lefts and Christopher Daniels is down! Low Ki misses a clothesline. Flying elbow from Christopher Daniels connects. Jerry Lynn comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Low Ki turns around. Jerry Lynn spins Low Ki around. Jerry Lynn hits the Cradle To Grave! Lynn leaves the ring, the damage done! Cover gets three for Christopher Daniels, Low Ki got pinned. Daniels \ Lynn are beating down on Low Ki! The music of Chris Benoit hits, and he comes running down the aisle into the ring. Daniels and Lynn bail out of the ring, leaving Low Ki down in the ring. Chris Benoit may have saved Low Ki from a brutal beating.


My Opinion: *****! What can I say! It earned EVERY star. You, my friend, know what you're doing!

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Jerry Lynn vs Low Ki.


Match Background: Lynn and Low Ki have been feuding for quite some time now.


The Match: Spin kick by Jerry Lynn to the face sends the opponent FLYING across the ring. Lynn crushes Low Ki with a running senton. There's a two count on the pin. Low Ki powers out of a Jerry Lynn headlock. STIFF~! chop lights up Lynn who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Low Ki slams Jerry Lynn down and motions to the crowd. Hooks the leg for a two count. Delayed BRAINBUSTAH~! Low Ki really drove that one down big time. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! BAAACK Body drop by Lynn gets a bit of a pop from the crowd. Lynn kicks Low Ki in the gut to reverse the momentum. Low Ki takes a NICE hurrancarana from Jerry Lynn. Hooks the leg for a two count. Vicious kick to the teeth from Jerry Lynn. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Low Ki takes a flying neckbreaker from Jerry Lynn. Dropkick connects to the BUTT of the jaw and Low Ki goes down. Jerry Lynn misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Jerry Lynn takes a butterfly suplex from Low Ki. Brutal spinning powerbomb on Lynn! Jerry Lynn gets knocked to the ground by Low Ki. Dragon Clutch!!! Jerry Lynn taps out!


My Opinion: *****! What can I say! It earned EVERY star. You, my friend, know what you're doing!

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The Match: The Rock throws Rhyno into a shopping trolley. Rhyno walks into a side slam. Think about how much talent it takes to side slam someone. Nash can do it. Covers for a quick two count. Rhyno blocks a punch. STIFF~! chop lights up Rock who covers up to try and stop the agonizing PAIN! Running knee lift from Rhyno. Hooks the leg for a two count. Rock gets slammed onto a trash can, squashing it. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Bodyslam by Rhyno. They brawl to the outside and into the crowd. Rhyno uses a headbutt on the outside. Covers for a quick two count. Hard right hand connects and Rock falls to the concrete floor! They wind up back in the squared circle. Rock reverses a waistlock. Big piledriver on Rhyno. There's a two count on the pin. Powerbomb on Rhyno. Cover, ONE...TWO...NO! I honestly thought that match was going to end right then and there. Fallaway slam by The Rock puts down Rhyno. Rock slams Rhyno onto the table. Rock goes for a splash but Rhyno puts the knees up. BIG clothesline on Rock. Powerbomb on Rock. The Rock is in trouble. Gore!!! That shook the ring. 1....2....3!!


My Opinion: *****! What can I say! It earned EVERY star. You, my friend, know what you're doing!

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