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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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Why do feuds randomnly drom 100 to 99 for no reason?

If it doesn't carry the same heat or if someone drops in overness, or if the so called - it's been done for too long fued (or been there, done that).


Or like with matches: It's just the random factor.

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So close, so far away...


Paul London vs Chavo Guerrero.


Match Background: London and Chavo have been feuding recently. Neither has managed to get an in-ring victory in this feud.


The Match: STIFF high kick on London by Chavo Guerrero. Paul London avoids a Chavo Guerrero avalanche by getting out of the damn way! London hits a HARD spinning kick to the jaw. Chavo reverses an irish whip...and Paul London runs into the referee! Chavo walks into a face crusher variation. Has anyone's face ever really been crushed by one though? Pinfall attempt, but the ref is out and can't count to three! London drops an elbow...but Chavo Guerrero moves out of the way. London takes a flying neckbreaker from Chavo Guerrero. London takes a NICE hurrancarana from Chavo Guerrero. There's a two count on the pin. Tor-NADO DDT from Chavo Guerrero, London got planted! Pin, but London is out just before the three count. London flips out of a Chavo Guerrero bodyslam attempt. Spinning bulldog in the corner and Chavo is down! Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Chavo counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Paul London slugs Chavo Guerrero, sending him down into the corner. While London fires up the crowd, Chavo is removing the turnbuckle pad! Paul London comes over...but Chavo grabs him by the tights and uses the leverage to slingshot Paul London face first into the exposed steel turnbuckle! Chavo Guerrero rolls up the stunned Paul London: 1....2...3! How did the referee not see that? The fight has started up again! Paul London attacks Chavo, and they brawl all around ringside, then into the crowd! They eventually disappear backstage, still fighting.


My Opinion: Great match. Most people would give it ****3/4 or more, but I guess I'm a harsh grader. ****1\2 for you.

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Well, I just got a useless surprise. I hired Kevin Nash only for one feud with Devin Nash, jobbing him out and firing him. The week before the blow-off match I get a message saying an unknown daughter of my boss just married Kevin Nash. So now I'm stuck with a now totally unover, costly as all hell, creative control using, mother fucker that then refused to job in the PPV match, which killed Devin Nash's heat from about 75 to just under 50 after all was done.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist



Sorry, just had to gt that one out of my system

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

5 v5 or 4v 4, and your risk setting has to be high, etc, etc

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Guest hhheld_down

Smarks! I have a little dilemma. I have no idea what to put in the ME of WMXX. I know what my RAW ME will me.. (UT/Kane, just cause it is logical) but for SD! (wwe title being the most important) I have no idead. I was initially thinking, Brock/Beniot.. the match would be right up there but I am not sure if it will draw as I really want a good, no no a GREAT buyrate for the biggest WM of them all (until 30 ya know).. Right now i am in november, hesitating to go any further till I know for sure what the ME of WMXX will be. Kurt is WWE champ, I plan for him to loose it in a EC match at the Survivor Series to brock but then again do I really want the only two wwe champs of 2003 to be lesner and angle? I thought perhaps maybe having brock job to edge (since they are fueding and edge will not be in the EC match) two weeks after the ppv, then get it back in february but that seems unfair to edge.. God damnit I am confused an really unsure..

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Anyone know where to get .jpg files of wrestlers such as Hulk Hogan?


I'm looking for a recent one, where he doesn't have the 'Hollwood' black beard.


Thanks in advance




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Using my spin off fed from my NWATNA game, I was able to quickly rise up using Corky and Special Ed, my two unsackable pet projects, to buy out XPW, MLW, and AAA. I'm in debt to my ass right now but not worried. Of the beginning promotions, only NwaTna, WWE, and Roh survive, and with industry at 5% and rising, I should be able to conquer everybody by the time TEW comes out.

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Good luck trying to take Vince down.


I single handed crafted the most technically sound and charismatic roster one could possibly assemble through developmental territories and stealing big named wrestlers, such as Chris Jericho and The Rock, and after THREE FUCKING YEARS of big highs and heavy slumps, Vince still won't die.


He has nothing, a shitty, washed up roster, yet still he has managed to avoid the humiliation of a once Cult level federation buying his sorry ass out.





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Good luck trying to take Vince down.


I single handed crafted the most technically sound and charismatic roster one could possibly assemble through developmental territories and stealing big named wrestlers, such as Chris Jericho and The Rock, and after THREE FUCKING YEARS of big highs and heavy slumps, Vince still won't die.


He has nothing, a shitty, washed up roster, yet still he has managed to avoid the humiliation of a once Cult level federation buying his sorry ass out.





Sadly, the bastard is playing the "charisma" bullshit angles.


He doesn't have any high quality matches and hence why he's being a pain in the ass and won't die.

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I did have some fun before leaving NwaTna, firing a third of my main eventers, most of which went to Roh, which is neck and neck with WWE right now. I could have bought out WWE before I left because the industry had dropped below 25% and WWE only was about 10-15% national. But where's the fun in having no competition if you want to keep building up the jobbers to destroy the previous generation. Its difficult enough to keep a challenge even on hard with my MAD SKILLZ~!! ;)

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Guest JacK

Hey, does making someone a non-wrestler reduce the amount their morale drops? Because if it does, I may have to think long and hard about making peeps like Konnan non-wrestlers. It won't make too much difference, with my weekly PPV's, and weekly TV shows, he'll just do interviews on one and NOT wrestle on the other.


Also, wow, do development territories always turn nobodies into superstars? Because Seth Knight has 3 out of 4 stats well into the 90's, with brawling in the 80's; Black Dragon has 98 Speed and 96 Tech; and I have 5 of the 8 speediest wrestlers, including the top 4. Plus the top 4 brawlers (3 of both are in development).

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Holee shit.


I just got a "View Incident" report on my TNA game (that I'm almost a year into), and clicked on it, fearing the worst. Instead, I see that "CM Punk has married a previously unknown daughter of Jerry Jarrett after a whirlwind romance".



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Holee shit.


I just got a "View Incident" report on my TNA game (that I'm almost a year into), and clicked on it, fearing the worst. Instead, I see that "CM Punk has married a previously unknown daughter of Jerry Jarrett after a whirlwind romance".



It's funny. Punk ends up in a lot of those.

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Guest Frank The Tank

I just almost had the perfect match between Jericho and Angle. It got 5 stars and the stats were:


Match Quality: 100%

Crowd Reaction: 99%

Overall: 99%

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Guest JacK
Uh, Jack. Once you change someone into a non-wrestler, often times, it's hard as hell to get him back to being a normal wrestler again.

Well, I don't mind. Non wrestlers still can wrestle on PPV's and other large shows, so it's fine with me. The only problem is if he's happy with his stupid current contract.


Also, are training camp talent always so bad? Mine were terrible! I sacked the lot of them bar some chick with 95 charisma, and some guy with 84 tech. All the rest were everything below fifty. And I've got six trainers, all of which are above 80 skill(with Steamboat at 100), and the facilities are Superb.

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Hey Jack,


The legendary Dungeon of the Hart Family - Superb facilities, world-class trainers. Test.


Yes, Test.


The moral of that rather short story? Even the best can train EVERYONE to be the next Kurt Angle.



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Also, are training camp talent always so bad? Mine were terrible! I sacked the lot of them bar some chick with 95 charisma, and some guy with 84 tech. All the rest were everything below fifty. And I've got six trainers, all of which are above 80 skill(with Steamboat at 100), and the facilities are Superb.

Sometimes you are going to come up with scrubs from your training camp it happens and not much you do about it.


However, that's what Developmental Camp is for. To improve on their latent skills. I mean, after all, training camp only teaches them the basics.


Yet, I did manage to get a guy from the Training Camp who was an 80+ across the board. Stiff though was 3. So there will be times when you get some FANTASTIC talent as well.


Also those people who come from a superb training camp also have better "potential" stat. You can't see that stat, but it basically means how great they can become. So it's always a good idea to keep whatever is the best of the crop and work with it.

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