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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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I think I've got an idea for a WarGames match come Summerslam. I haven't really thought of the details, but it will involve Hass and Benjamin splitting and Hass going back with Angle while Benjamin wins the US title from London. I'll throw a couple of heels together with Shelton, and there you go.


And I'm also thinking of making a heel stable of all Asian wrestlers (Tajiri, Dragon, Funaki and TAKA), but I need a good name. I kind of like the Triad, but I think I can find something better.

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OH this is GOLD.


My roster for Extreme Spirit Wrestling (name stolen from RaveX that did a sim diary, and yes, I really am getting lazy nowadays).


Please note that I am currently on hard mode, cult status, with 35 PI and using RaveX 17 Update. I do have a single TV show, but I seriously wasn't expecting this for my roster:


Adam Windsor

Aidan Nathans

Air Paris (developmental)

AJ Styles

Aki Mann

Austin Lee (developmental)

B-Boy (developmental)

Chance Beckett

Chris Hero (developmental)

Christopher Idol

CM Punk

Cody Hawk

Colt Cabana

Cruz (Chi Chi Cruz PCW)

Danny Rose

Devon Storm

Edward James (developmental - me, I don't have that great of stats though)

Frankie Kazarian


J.R. Ryder

Johnny Kashmere

Jonny C

Justice Pain (developmental)

Juventud Guerrera

Mike Sanders

Ricky Banderas


Sonjay Dutt

Teddy Hart (I buffed his stats)

The Messiah

Tommy Suede

Trent Acid


For under 2 million, that's my roster for TWO YEARS WRITTEN. Baring injuries, my match qualities are going to be like fucking SPECTACULAR~! Shit, I'm just like so fired up. I mean, DAMN, do I have a good roster.


I'm a little suspect on my tag divison though as I only have:


Backseat Boyz (Johnny Kashmere and Trent Acid)

Bleeding Souls (Aidan Nathans and Jonny C)

Brothers In Pain (Ricky Banderas and Shane)

Second City Saints (CM Punk and Colt Cabana)

The Last Hard Men (Aki Mann and Christopher Idol)

Xtreme Overdose (Adam Windsor and Teddy Hart)


What does everyone think of this lineup?

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Guest JacK

Doh'eth! I just downloaded the 17 update . . . nutz.



And I think I should upgrade the difficulty now, I think of learned how to play and all.


And Flik, I don't think there are that many good Australians, I mean I even think Ashley Hudson has been over-stated by what I've seen of him, and it's not as if his stats are anything to write home about.


But at Cricket, well, all those other countries just suck compared to us . . . I mean the Canadians used an Australian bowler as their opening bat at the world cup . . . that's how damn good we are at cricket!

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Doh'eth! I just downloaded the 17 update . . . nutz.



And I think I should upgrade the difficulty now, I think of learned how to play and all.


And Flik, I don't think there are that many good Australians, I mean I even think Ashley Hudson has been over-stated by what I've seen of him, and it's not as if his stats are anything to write home about.


But at Cricket, well, all those other countries just suck compared to us . . . I mean the Canadians used an Australian bowler as their opening bat at the world cup . . . that's how damn good we are at cricket!

Meh, I just went to work on a new fed that'll be replaced by an UPDATED version of it.


I feel your pain.


And I was just trying to be nice about it. I mean, I understand that Australia isn't exactly the wrestling country of well... Australia, but I was really trying hard not to be you know, petty or that.


...you tread on fine lines when you talk about Canadians in such a manner...


:P Kidding. At a sport like Cricket, we aren't that good ourselves. We aren't really good at many sports except hockey, baseball, football (american), and basketball. ...and I'm talking player wise people, not team wise.

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Guest JacK

Wow . . . that update is majorly messed-up. Why on earth is Julio's gimmick 'Prima Donna?'

And wow, everyones stats have been boosted so far it ain't funny! I mean, wow; Kazarian goes absolutly thru the roof!


And YES! I got Daniels and Super Crazy WRITTEN! Yahoo! Only problem is I'll have to think of a new name for their tag team; because I was teaming them together so much, and I kept seeing in Dames' match backgrounds about how they know each other so well from NJPW . . . so I decided to make them a tag team, called 'New Japan Pro's.'


Also, why the hell did the TNA title drop 10 image points (was 99)from a match between Christian (champ) and AJ Styles; who were both 100 over from their last feuds?

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RaveX Updates are shite in every sense of the word.


The stats are ridiculous and completely take the fun and challenge out of the game, I mean, who the fuck wants to win ALL the time? Losing and fucking up federations is what makes success appealing in the first place. Hard to fail when even KEVIN NASH can rake in **** matches.


Rylands stats are the best available, and they came with the game. Stick with them.




P.S Very admirable roster you have there Mister Flik.

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Guest Askewniverse
And wow, everyones stats have been boosted so far it ain't funny!

In many cases, they're boosted way too much.


With the update, I'm able to get a ***** match at least once per show. Imagine my surprise when Dames gave ***** to the following two matches:


The Undertaker vs. Batista

Goldberg vs. Rhyno


I think that I'll go back to the original stats. Like UYI said, the RaveX update completely takes the challenge out of the game. When Goldberg gets a ***** match, you know that something's wrong.

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My pet projects Corky and Special Ed keep tearing through my Nwatna game. At 94 and 96 over repectively they are probably my two MVPs having matches that are way to good for their stats even after going to my developmental league. They are fueding with Chris Harris and Joey Mathews who started teaming after the magical broken neck fairy came to visit Nashville destroying Christian York, James Storm, Raven :( , and AJ Styles. Feud heat is rising up to 93 now and seeing my track record, will end with a drug rehab or another spine fuseing batch of good luck.

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Guest Fook

It finally happened: (and it's not even on ppv!)


Eddie Guerrero vs Ultimo Dragon.


Match Background: Tajiri \ Ultimo and Eddie \ Cena are currently feuding. Neither team holds an in-ring victory since the feud started.


The Match: Eddie Guerrero kicks the leg, knocks Ultimo down, and goes to work on it. STIFF high kick on Ultimo by Eddie Guerrero. Hard back suplex on Ultimo. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Ultimo powers out of a headlock. Ultimo uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! SUPER frankensteiner on Eddie, who hit hard and is loopy as a result. Covers for a quick two count. Eddie flips out of a Ultimo Dragon bodyslam attempt. Flying cross body off the top rope! Covers for a quick two count. DDT from the top rope by Eddie Guerrero. That looked KILLER. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Ultimo counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! STIFF high kick on Eddie by Ultimo Dragon. Ultimo Dragon misses a big legdrop after stalling too long. Flying elbow from Eddie Guerrero connects. Ultimo Dragon gets knocked to the ground by Eddie, who is already climbing the turnbuckle. Frog Splash!!! 1....2....3!! It's all over.


My Opinion: I don't do it often, but this match was EVERYTHING and a bag of chips... ***** baby!!




He's right - he doesn't do it often. This is my first ***** match and it's about 6 months into the game.

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:( Ok... I think it might've been a bit hasty to proclaim my roster as Godliness. My first TV show's final rating is in and it's a 66. Ouchie...


Oh well. Tournies have tendancy of having a lack luster match here or there.

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Guest El Satanico

My first Raw got a 70.


Alot of guys got pushed out of town for that. 90% of the Raw roster you see on TV often were gone within four months. HHH and Dudleys lasted the longest.

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Guest El Satanico

My first 5 star tag match.


Briscoe Boys vs Second City Saints.


Match Background: Briscoe Boys are one of the most experienced teams in the promotion. Briscoe Boys and Second City Saints have been feuding recently. Neither team holds an in-ring victory since the feud started. This match is for the World Tag Team titles. Briscoe Boys have been World Tag Team champions since 31 October 2003.


The Match: J.Briscoe takes a flying neckbreaker from CM Punk. Super kick by CM Punk. Hooks the leg for a two count. Tag between CM Punk and Colt Cabana. Colt Cabana scoops up J.Briscoe. Punk bounces off the ropes and hits a flying Hart Attack clothesline. Colt Cabana snap suplexes J.Briscoe HARD to the canvas! And again! A pair of clotheslines follow and...yep, Colt is a HOUSE...EN...FUEGO~! Hooks the leg for a two count. Colt Cabana strikes J.Briscoe. J.Briscoe counters a backdrop attempt with a kick to the face and hit a clothesline! Diamond Dust from Jay Briscoe and Colt is out! J.Briscoe tags out to Mark Briscoe. Second rope flying axe handle, Colt goes down. One day, M.Briscoe might even consider coming off the top with that. You know...for more impact and stuff. M.Briscoe crushes Colt with a running senton. Colt kicks Mark Briscoe in the gut to reverse the momentum. Colt tags out to CM Punk. CM Punk hits a bulldog off the ropes. Vicious kick to the teeth from CM Punk. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! Spinning back kick from CM Punk. Mark Briscoe powers out of a CM Punk headlock. Super kick by Mark Briscoe. Don Callis has climbed up onto the apron! M.Briscoe turns...and falls for the distraction! CM Punk runs at M.Briscoe from behind...but misses! CM Punk collides with Don Callis! Mark Briscoe moves in for the kill. Cut-Throat Suplex! 1....2....3. Don Callis is still in the ring. He signals for the DDT! Running down the aisle comes Trish Stratus! She slides in the ring...right into an attack by Callis! Trish slid right into an attack! Don Callis beats away at Trish and leaves her down and hurt. Callis has laid everyone out!


My Opinion: This match had it all! Big bumps, incredible, crisp moves, sound psychology. Simply one of the best matches of the year. *****!

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My first Raw got a 70.


Alot of guys got pushed out of town for that. 90% of the Raw roster you see on TV often were gone within four months. HHH and Dudleys lasted the longest.

You got rid of Jericho? How quick and why?

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Guest El Satanico
My first Raw got a 70.


Alot of guys got pushed out of town for that. 90% of the Raw roster you see on TV often were gone within four months. HHH and Dudleys lasted the longest.

You got rid of Jericho? How quick and why?

I said 90%


I kept Jericho, Rock, RVD, Christian, Hurricane, Lance Storm and Randy Orton

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Guest Fook

This feud is gold. First match and it's this:



Spanky vs Paul London.


Match Background: London and Spanky are currently feuding. Neither has managed to get an in-ring victory in this feud. This match is for the WWE Cruiserweight title. Paul London has been WWE Cruiserweight champion since 23 November 2003.


The Match: Dropkick connects to the BUTT of the jaw and London goes down. Dropkick connects to the BUTT of the jaw and London goes down. Spanky hits a rolling kick on London. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Hard back suplex on London. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. London counters a sleeper with a jaw breaker and is able to get free! Hard back suplex on Spanky. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Lightning kick by London on Spanky. There's a two count on the pin. London walks into a drop toe hold. Flying reverse elbow by Spanky. Covers for a quick two count. Tiger suplex on London. No Misawa references from me, I swear. Oh, Bloody Hell! Pin, but London is out just before the three count. London kicks Spanky in the gut to reverse the momentum. STIFF high kick on Spanky by Paul London. London charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Hard back suplex on London. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. The time limit expires, and the referee declares the match a draw.


My Opinion: *****! What can I say! It earned EVERY star. You, my friend, know what you're doing!



That's the good news.


The bad news is that it's three weeks before WM where RVD is supposed to have his big blowoff match with AJ Styles and he just checked himself into rehab for a cocaine addiction. Also, Flair finally came back from his four month stay in rehab...only to injure his neck within two days of returning and go on the shelf for eight months. :angry:

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Guest Nanks

I just did the Spanky v London feud myself as a #1 Contender feud for the CW title. ***** matches galore and they're 83 & 84 over now. Just kicked off Psychosis v Spanky feud over the CW belt. Still not sure who to give the nod to yet.

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Chance Beckett (face) and Ace Steel (heel) are feuding in the lowercard of my TNA game, and are putting on TREMENDOUS matches. One got 99% match quality, making it a ****3/4 match, and these guys are only LOWER MIDCARDERS!

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Guest El Satanico

I got 3 stars for a Jericho vs. Heyman match.



Heyman's retiring and it was part of his retirement angle.

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Guest JacK

Are the stats going to be uber retarded? Maybe they'll fix it, *maybe*


And also, what the hell do you do when your in a small fed, and you get your workers so over they get stolen? Because I'm about to lose Feltcher and Christopher Idol because I got them so damn over thru a feud or two, which cost me 1 million of my 1.2 million in funds in a month, basically I'm going to have to Revert to monthly events again to avoid losing money. But then the PI and overness gains will be minimal at best.

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Because that's the nature of the business sadly. Small companies can only create stars for bigger companies. It sucks ass, but that's the way of things.


Personally, I think that sucks, but whatever.



As for RaveX Updates not being stat high, well, I'm not sure about that. Probably not, but what can you do?

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