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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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Guest Dids

I've had folks in development add lots to other skills. You sure you're camp is nice enough. Is your trainer skilled?


I've been getting pretty good results from the folks I've got down there- but then I also intentionally signed guys with some low skills (but 70+ in a least one area) because I just wanted to get to the number of wrestlers Sophie wanted me at.


Has anybody played a full year yet? What happens with the new kids that arrive in September?

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With TNA, what I find you should do is sign at least 14 people to written contracts so that you can be assured that they'll still be with you, and those 14 people can become the focus of your company.


This is with the RaveX 17 update.


My Personal 14 I usually sign: Raven, D'Lo Brown, Ron Killings, AJ Styles, Bret Hart, Jeff Jarrett, Devon Storm, and Juventud Guerrera who compete for the World Championship. CM Punk, Kid Kash, Frankie Kazarian, Matt Stryker, Austin Lee, Chance Beckett, J.R. Ryder and EZ Money compete for the X Title.


If I can manage to snag Christopher Daniels or Low-Ki or someone big, I usually go after them.

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Guest Askewniverse

I've also had people in development improve in areas other than charisma and overness. I just finished my second month as WWE, so here's a few of the e-mails that I got from Danny Davis:


Rob Conway in Ohio Valley Wrestling has improved in the following areas: Technique (1 point); Charisma (1 point); Over (2 points); Brawling (3 points); Speed (3 points);


Shark Boy in Ohio Valley Wrestling has improved in the following areas: Over (3 points); Brawling (2 points); Speed (2 points); Technique (3 points); Stiffness (1 point);


Nick Dinsmore in Ohio Valley Wrestling has improved in the following areas: Brawling (1 point); Speed (1 point); Charisma (1 point); Technique (2 points);


Alexis Laree in Ohio Valley Wrestling has improved in the following areas: Brawling (1 point); Speed (1 point); Technique (1 point); Over (4 points); Charisma (3 points);


CM Punk in Ohio Valley Wrestling has improved in the following areas: Brawling (1 point); Speed (1 point); Charisma (1 point); Over (3 points); Technique (2 points);


Michael Shane in Ohio Valley Wrestling has improved in the following areas: Technique (1 point); Charisma (1 point); Over (2 points); Brawling (2 points); Speed (3 points);

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I've also had people in development improve in areas other than charisma and overness. I just finished my second month as WWE, so here's a few of the e-mails that I got from Danny Davis:


Rob Conway in Ohio Valley Wrestling has improved in the following areas: Technique (1 point); Charisma (1 point); Over (2 points); Brawling (3 points); Speed (3 points);


Shark Boy in Ohio Valley Wrestling has improved in the following areas: Over (3 points); Brawling (2 points); Speed (2 points); Technique (3 points); Stiffness (1 point);


Nick Dinsmore in Ohio Valley Wrestling has improved in the following areas: Brawling (1 point); Speed (1 point); Charisma (1 point); Technique (2 points);


Alexis Laree in Ohio Valley Wrestling has improved in the following areas: Brawling (1 point); Speed (1 point); Technique (1 point); Over (4 points); Charisma (3 points);


CM Punk in Ohio Valley Wrestling has improved in the following areas: Brawling (1 point); Speed (1 point); Charisma (1 point); Over (3 points); Technique (2 points);


Michael Shane in Ohio Valley Wrestling has improved in the following areas: Technique (1 point); Charisma (1 point); Over (2 points); Brawling (2 points); Speed (3 points);

Cool. I haven't actually been in a company yet that used developmental camps, so I assumed it was the same as before.

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If anyone hasn't already suggested it, hire CM Punk and Colt Cabana as a face team and Trent Acid and Johnny Kashmere as a heel team. I'm having them do a Best of 9999 series like the Hardyz and Edge and Christian, which has taken them from nobodies to big stars in a short amount of time.

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Guest JacK

For the developmental camp to work, they have to be in there a full month or more, otherwise nothing happens.


And also, with PI increases, I stole Mattitude and Christian, who were both 90+ over and I got SQUAT PI increase, and they similarily got SQUAT (it's a cool word though!).


Well, only Only Four Months til I lose Low-Ki, and only 5 Til I lose Daniels and Super Crazy . . . is there a small chance they'll be dropped off their rosters? Because if there isn't, I'm going to increase the rate their putting people over tenfold!

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Chances of them being released from a Japanese roster is slim.


I managed to get Elix Skipper in one game, but I fluked out.


Most likely though, no. And if you go Global, you might as well job them out if you can.

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Guest JacK

Elix Skipper? He doesn't tour does he, unless he gets picked up?


I got screwed, those crazy old Japanese promotions picked up half of the Maximo brothers and half of the Briscoe boys, leaving me with the two lesser halves.


Oh well, It's a shame to lose them, apart from Styles; Daniels and Low Ki are the best people on my roster; oh well, I've already had them put over Punk, London and D'lo in mega fashion, I just better find some others.

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I'm with the FUCK JAPAN mentality.


I've found myself a way to keep the game interesting once you've accomplished the hardest feat in the game - overcoming WWE and Vince McMahon.


I recently decided that, since anything I touched turned to gold thanks to the huge boom period and mega-ultra stats of my developmental stars who were debuting, I would hire someone who it is, within all logic, impossible to book well.


So I hired:



Lex Luger


Wish me a whole lot of fucking luck.



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Elix Skipper? He doesn't tour does he, unless he gets picked up?


I got screwed, those crazy old Japanese promotions picked up half of the Maximo brothers and half of the Briscoe boys, leaving me with the two lesser halves.


Oh well, It's a shame to lose them, apart from Styles; Daniels and Low Ki are the best people on my roster; oh well, I've already had them put over Punk, London and D'lo in mega fashion, I just better find some others.


I'm speaking of the RaveX 17 update which has Elix Skipper in AJPW.


Oh and I've heard of your plight. Hence, if you are big enough to write some people you don't want stolen WRITE THEM BITCHES UP~! Seriously, if you like those people enough, you HAVE to. Otherwise you are screwed when it counts.


I'm with the FUCK JAPAN mentality.


I've found myself a way to keep the game interesting once you've accomplished the hardest feat in the game - overcoming WWE and Vince McMahon.


I recently decided that, since anything I touched turned to gold thanks to the huge boom period and mega-ultra stats of my developmental stars who were debuting, I would hire someone who it is, within all logic, impossible to book well.


So I hired:



Lex Luger


Wish me a whole lot of fucking luck.



Yes, Japan can become a bitch when it needs to. However, they improve quite a bit being on the roster every year. Problem is, you can really utilize that.


As for Lex Luger, shit. ANYONE can get over as long as you book them right and with the right person. It all takes those specific gimmicks, feuds and angles to get people over. All it takes.

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Guest Dids

I'm tempted to use the editor to free Daniels, Red and Low-Ki. I should be able to waive enough money at them to give up on Japan. I'm global now- I'm over, I'm their kinda wrestling- love me.


I wish you could at least just over pay folks to lure them away from Japan.


btw- is anybody bothered that you get first shot at anybody who gets fired. The WWE canned a lot of folks- and at the time there were 3 national feds- so you'd think there would be some kinda bidding war between the three for somebody like Billy Kidman- but I could just snap him up.

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Nevermind the right gimmicks, etc. in order to get someone over. On EWR 2.0, I had David Flair and Randy Orton BOTH at 100 over, as heel main eventers in a World Wrestling All-Stars game. I gave Orton the push from Hell before he got it in real life, and I took the bastard Flair and made him my top heel. I feel that those are my crowning EWR achievements.


As for the whole "trial game", I restarted a TNA game, only this time the industry is weakening. I snagged Kanyon from WWE (for $110,000, oy...) and plan on a Raven/Kanyon feud. Hopefully Raven doesn't get signed up off his open contract.

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Guest Dids

I had the same problem with Kanyon- he's my highest paid wrestler right now. But I just had to have him... too bad the game doesn't like him as much as I do.

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Guest wwF1587

so this has probably happend to other people before, but i found it rather amusing. today i got a incident involving tajiri, and at first i freaked out cause i thought he was going to be injured going in to his match with the WGTTT at no mercy with his partner Ultimo... but i only read his name and didnt read the whole thing... turns out he has married one of lindas unkown daughters (those damn mcmahons are everywhere) and now has creative control! tajiri is holding people down on SD! .. i put him in a match against edge and he refused to loose saying edge wasnt in his league.. its pretty great for now, however i guess it could be a pain in the ass in the future but till then I am going to be pushing Tajiri to the moon and beyond

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Guest wwF1587

oh btw is there an arsenic editor for 4.0 yet? The Rock is at 29 morale and I am using him in MEs but he wont be happy the mother Fucker

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Guest Dids

I thought I saw an editor on the Ravex site- but I'm pretty sure the in-game editor might help you- never tried though.


If somebody wants to have shitty morale I don't care- let 'em pout/leave anybody is replaceable.

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Guest Dids



I wasn't paying attention to the risk levels by WHEN the shows were on- and my sponsors- so I just lost 3 sponors and my best TV show. Pisses me off... I can get new sponsors- but now a month without a show. Crap.

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Does how good of a show you put on have anything to do with your PI? I just put on my best show ever. I was on rock hard at cult level and the show was 85% quality. It also gave me my best buyrate for a PPV at .36. So what happens the next day? My PI goes down 2%.


I just don't get it. None of my talent left that day; the only thing that happened is that one national fed went down to cult and one regional fed went up to cult, but since I'm not even supposed to be competing with other feds yet, I don't see why that would effect me.

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Guest wwF1587

can someone give me the site to ravex.. i thougt i found it but it was down (apparently) at the time.. thank you

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Guest JacK

About losing Mark Briscoe and Jose Maximo, the problem was they were picked up fairly quickly, before I had a chance to sign Jose, and before I knew who Briscoe was; know only the people I care not about and those Japan tourers on my roster are open.


On the plus side, December came, and Ebessan stayed, didn't get dropped by Osaka, just stayed with me, which is good, because Red and Awesome were forced to leave me.


What's up with his picture in the Picture pack though? He looks like a bucket! It's weird . . . just who is Ebessan anyway?

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

If you go through google image search , he looks.....weird, definitely.

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Does how good of a show you put on have anything to do with your PI? I just put on my best show ever. I was on rock hard at cult level and the show was 85% quality. It also gave me my best buyrate for a PPV at .36. So what happens the next day? My PI goes down 2%.


I just don't get it. None of my talent left that day; the only thing that happened is that one national fed went down to cult and one regional fed went up to cult, but since I'm not even supposed to be competing with other feds yet, I don't see why that would effect me.

Check your production and advertising rates. IF they both aren't at least at the level Sophie and finance say (respectively) you get screwed out of PI.


Yes, that bites ass.

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Try this one on.


Recreate WCW at about 16% Global PI. This puts you at war with WWE to start (their at 55% Global PI).


Have fun building up a roster. None of the Japanese touring guys will sign with you.


The problem then is that there is almost no one who is over and talented that is not touring Japan. You can pick up a lot of talented guys who aren't at all over. Or somewhat over guys who have little skills.


And the kicker, if you want the over guys like Savage, Sting, Piper and Bret Hart, then risk alienating all 4 of them if you also sign Hogan. Yet Hogan is the most over free agent.


You know how much it actually sucks when you're basically forced to sign Sandman?


Thank god for being able to ink the Second City Saints.



All in all, I've actually found this more difficult than starting at National or lower. At least with those levels you can acess the Japan touring wrestlers. Sometimes they will stick with you once you hit global. Also, by starting lower, you have time to build up your non-over talented workers that you have under written contract so that when you have hit global you have talented main eventers under written contract. Sure teams like the Backseat Boyz are great, but their original lack of overness really hurts on a Global stage.

Edited by Brush with Greatness

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Does how good of a show you put on have anything to do with your PI? I just put on my best show ever. I was on rock hard at cult level and the show was 85% quality. It also gave me my best buyrate for a PPV at .36. So what happens the next day? My PI goes down 2%.


I just don't get it. None of my talent left that day; the only thing that happened is that one national fed went down to cult and one regional fed went up to cult, but since I'm not even supposed to be competing with other feds yet, I don't see why that would effect me.

Check your production and advertising rates. IF they both aren't at least at the level Sophie and finance say (respectively) you get screwed out of PI.


Yes, that bites ass.

At 71%, my production values are higher than most of the national feds, and at 70%, my advertising is 15% above the suggested level of 55%. The thing is that my PI hasn't been dropping a lot lately. It was up the last two months, and it was even this month, but then I put on an 85% quality PPV with my best buyrate yet, and it goes down two points. It just doesn't make sense to me.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Missy Hyatt and Lizzy Borden.....maybe Sunny

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I think Jessica Darlin will as well. Adam has suggested trying to find women who weren't over and had no charisma if you wanted to try this match.

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