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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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Guest JacK

I got jezebel and savvy to do it in my backyard fed I created just to pull off the extreme stuff; the funnest part was having constant sick bumps, like big Show rapping himself in barbed wire and squashing Spike Dudley (so What? I edited it a bit . . . )



And also, the main point of this . . . YESSSSS!!!!! My TNA are FINALLY bringing the WWE DOWN! Oh it's true! It's DAMN true! Their PI dropped to 90, while mines up over 80, after a long struggle, the tide is turning! Now, if only the rest of the touring roster could hang around, Low-Ki, Daniels and SUPER Crazy; I'd be set, and when I finish putting over my recent signings, I won't even need them . . . it's GOLD! And all with the unconventional strategy of weekly PPV's, and a weekly TV show on a average to mediocre network.

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Guest JacK

Oh My god! That picture is really what he looks like when he performs! I don't want someone who looks that messed up on my roster; he looks like Ronald McDonald or some such persona . . . bah, who am I kidding, I'll just get a picture of Bryan Fury from the 'Tekken' series and use it, that way I'll be able to justify his overness of 90.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Actually, If you have a problem with Ebessan, do what i did and put everyone over him in feuds (he works really well with Low-Ki)

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Guest wwF1587



Chris Jericho gets injured on the Friday before the Survivor Series where I had him fighting Van Dam and Kane For the World Title... FUCK!!! Broken Leg = 7 MONTHS without jerich = SUCK

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Guest Dids

YAY- just stole Sheldon Benjamin away from the WWE.


Their PI is dropping hard- I think I can pass them. Now I just need to get that 3rd TV show back...

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Guest El Satanico

Another 5 star match from Chavo and Eddie


Chavo Guerrero Jr. vs Eddie Guerrero.


Match Background: This will be a hell in a cell bout. Eddie and Chavo have been feuding for quite some time now. So far, Eddie hasn't managed to get a pin or submission over Chavo since the feud started. This match is for the WWE United States title. Chavo Guerrero Jr. has been WWE United States champion since 31 October 2003.


The Match: Eddie just WAFFLES Chavo with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Hard back suplex on Chavo. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Chavo powers out of a headlock. Eddie takes a NICE hurrancarana from Chavo Guerrero Jr.. Eddie reverses a Chavo Guerrero Jr. hammerlock. Flying cross body off the top rope! Diamond Dust from Eddie Guerrero and Chavo is out! Eddie charges into the corner but EATS BOOT. Chavo Guerrero Jr. kicks the leg, knocks Eddie down, and goes to work on it. Eddie Guerrero reverses a hip toss. Eddie uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Both competitors climb out and start brawling around the cell structure. Finally, both of them climb up to the top!!! Eddie Guerrero grabs Chavo...and hits a choke slam! The roof buckles, and Chavo falls all the way to the canvas, which breaks, forming a hole in the ring! Eddie Guerrero drops down, then drags Chavo out of the hole, onto the canvas. Cover gets three for Eddie Guerrero, Chavo got pinned. Eddie Guerrero remains in the ring, celebrating the victory.


My Opinion: I don't do it often, but this match was EVERYTHING and a bag of chips... ***** baby!!


This was to end the feud and was nearly a perfect match. Chavo and Eddy both gained alot in overness from the end of the feud.

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Guest Dids

HA- WWE PI=29 Mine=30. I win.


And somebody needs to tell Ryland that no- we're NOT talking to Goldberg- and we WON'T sit down to negotiate. Silly Ryland.


Funaki's morale is plumetting for no good reason. I'm thinking he might have to make a heel turn. Evil Funaki... yeah.

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Guest El Satanico

I know some of you have turned Jericho face. I'm getting ready to do it, but I have no clue what gimmick to give face Jericho.


What gimmicks have you guys given face Jericho? I need a succesful face turn to salvage Jericho, because his morale is teetering on dropping below 40. So I need to know a good gimmick for him.

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I know some of you have turned Jericho face. I'm getting ready to do it, but I have no clue what gimmick to give face Jericho.


What gimmicks have you guys given face Jericho? I need a succesful face turn to salvage Jericho, because his morale is teetering on dropping below 40. So I need to know a good gimmick for him.

Cool, Comedian, Whole Damn Show (worked only TWICE, so be warned), and of course, Hero.


Or Man On A Mission. But only due that to give him the title.

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Guest El Satanico

Funaki is at 91 overness.


He was alitte over 80 overness for awhile as tag partner with Spanky. When I turned Funaki heel on Spanky he shot up to 91 over. Funaki and Spanky have now started a hot feud that's primed to set WWE on fire. When it's over Funaki will be high 90's in overness.


Funaki could become a main eventer...amazing I tells ya.


EDIT: Spanky is currently a fun babyface, but his overness is stuck on 80. Anyone have a suggestion for a gimmick I can give Spanky that will set him on fire like Funaki is?

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Funaki is at 91 overness.


He was alitte over 80 overness for awhile as tag partner with Spanky. When I turned Funaki heel on Spanky he shot up to 91 over. Funaki and Spanky have now started a hot feud that's primed to set WWE on fire. When it's over Funaki will be high 90's in overness.


Funaki could become a main eventer...amazing I tells ya.


EDIT: Spanky is currently a fun babyface, but his overness is stuck on 80. Anyone have a suggestion for a gimmick I can give Spanky that will set him on fire like Funaki is?

I'd give him the "Dude" gimmick, personally.

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This fucking game...


I had an "easy way to get them over" feud going with the Briscoes and the Backseat Boyz in my NWA:TNA game. Sure enough, Jay Briscoe gets knocked out for seven months, and you can't end the feud without all four people, so I had to end it off camera. Luckily I was able to salvage everyone's overness, and Mark Briscoe in particular has benefitted, as I had him beat the Backseats in a handicap match in an "unofficial" blowoff, and he shot up to 84 over.


Now, in my lowercard feud of New Church (Alter Boy Luke and Slash) vs. Mad Mikey and Shark Boy, Luke gets injured, albeit for 2 months. So I can at least salvage the feud and not have to worry about a lengthy injury, etc.


Other TNA notes:


Turned Jeff Jarrett heel (had NO CLUE what to do with him as a face) and he shot up to 99 over.


Signed Chris Kanyon away from WWE, and am programming him with Raven.


Paul London and Kid Kash are getting WAY over on workrate alone, as their X Title feud is stealing the show.


Highest rated match was a Mark Briscoe/Johnny Kashmere affair that netted 4 3/4 stars.


Current Champions:


AJ Styles is the NWA:TNA World Champion. The title has a value of 84, while Styles is at 83 overness.


NWA World Tag Team Champions are CM Punk and Julio Dinero, fresh off a hot feud with Diamond and Swinger. Punk is at 82, while Dinero is at 83 overness. The titles are at 65.


NWA X Title is held by Kid Kash, who is at 80 overness. The title is at 76.

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First Ever Five Star Match~!


A non-title match, just to continue the feud with London vs. Kash...


Paul London vs Kid Kash.


Match Background: This is a continuation of the London vs Kash feud. Kid Kash is the reigning NWA X champion, and has been since 22 October 2003.


The Match: Kash uses a basement dropkick to the knee and it looks like it might be TIME TO GO TO SCHOOL~! Spinning bulldog in the corner and London is down! Covers for a quick two count. Paul London elbows Kid Kash in the face to break a hammerlock. Paul London kicks the leg, knocks Kash down, and goes to work on it. THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. There's a two count on the pin. Vicious kick to the teeth from Paul London. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Kash reverses a Paul London hammerlock. Spinning bulldog in the corner and London is down! Hooks the leg for a two count. Springboard dropkick from Kid Kash. Nicely done. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! THERE IT IS! A legdrop to the BACK OF THE HEAD! I swear, that makes any match just a little bit better. I don't mind telling you that every time I see it, that's for sure. Spinning back kick from Kid Kash. Paul London fights out of a grapple. Paul London hits a rolling kick on Kash. Konnan has ruined any chance for me ever enjoying this maneuver again with his shitty execution of it. Back heel kick off the second rope, Kash goes down. Sonny Siaki comes running down the aisle and into the ring! Clothesline...but London ducks! Kid Kash gets hit! Paul London knocks Siaki out of the ring. Paul London has Kid Kash down on the canvas and is ascending the corner. Through the air, London Calling! 1....2....3. Kash is pounding the canvas with punches, shouting about how unfair everything is.


My Opinion: *****! What can I say! It earned EVERY star. You, my friend, know what you're doing!

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Guest Nanks

Right, I've got two managers retiring at the end of this month in Ric Flair and Roddy Piper, they're each managing Johnny Kashmere and Ace Steel respectively at present. How do I best use their retirement to put over their clients?? Last retirement I had was Sabu who I brought into the company to feud with RVD for a month in the hope of doing a torch pass between them seeing as they're friends, but it bombed horrifically. I have Mania coming up next week, would it help the two kids to do it there or shall I wait until Piper and Flair's last shows??

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Guest El Satanico

Don't do it at Mania. Mania is too big to try something that could blow up in your face.


If you want them to retire with a last match you could have them both turn on their clients at Mania. Then change both to wrestlers and have their ex cleint go over them in seperate matches. It retires them in the ring like they should be and puts over someone young.


But only do that if Flair and Piper have higher overness than their client.

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Guest Nanks

Do I do a passing the torch angle with either of them or shall I just have them both lose to their ex-clients?? Flair is 100 over, Kashmere is about to get a super boost!!

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Guest El Satanico

Is Kashmere a heel or a face? If he's a heel have Flair turn and let Kashmere pin him and give him a beat down as a retirement present or do the retirement beatdown angle. If he's a face do the retirement passing the torch angle or have a face vs. face final match for Flair ending in a handshake.


If Kashmere is a face and you want to turn him heel have him beat Flair in a face vs. face match then have kashmere cheapshot him on handshake.


The same goes for Piper and his client.

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Guest El Satanico

I've recently bought out three feds and had to make some tough choices on releasing high over guys.


This is the message I got from D'lo after releasing him.


Dropped down the card? Is this because of the Droz thing? IT WAS YEARS AGO! GET OVER IT!



EDIT: Does anyone have a suggestion for a gimmick that will get Paul London over? An unofficial feud with Kid Kash got him up to 80 over, but despite winning the IC he hasn't gained any overness. His current gimmick is blue chipper. I need something because thus far he's having bad matches with good talent(Daniels and Jericho) and may bomb as IC champ.

Edited by El Satanico

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Guest Bobby Cox is God

I've got London at 95 over doing a "Rich snob" gimmick.


Current WWE champions going into Wrestlemania 20.


WWE- Steve Corino

WWE IC- Christian (97 over)

WWE Tag- The Backseat Boyz

MLW Champ- Doug Basham


WWE World- Kurt Angle

WWE US- Paul London

WWE Tag- Beniot/Jericho

WWE Cruiser- Nova, held it since Summerslam 2003. Managed by Roddy Piper.

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Guest wwF1587
Does anyone actually use the women? I fired them all at the outset.

i did the same thing and business has only gone up... women just drug my quality of shows down so...

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I'm trying to use them. I figure, I'm already at 100 global, have destroyed WWE, and still have 6 months or so before I can start my own promotion, so why not try and get something else over? I signed Victoria, and even though her morale's kind of low, she's relatively over (79-80), so I gave her my women's title. I've got Jazz, Molly, and Trinity under contract now and Lita's coming in soon, and as soon as I can sign Trish and Ivory away from WWE, I will. I also signed a bunch of women with decent skills cheap and stuck them in my developmental territory.

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Guest TheArchiteck

I did in my old games (used women).

I got Jazz and Victoria (face) to like 89 over, from a pretty intense feud.

Both of them were also in development for several months before that also.

In that game, I had like a dozen women in training and development.

I got bored with the game before I got them all out.

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Guest Bobby Cox is God

Backseat Boyz vs. Briscoe Boys man, I've done countless matches with these two teams and they always get 100%.

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Guest JacK

Yo, El Sanitco, I got London over with a 'Fun Babyface' gimmick, I LOVE that gimmick, I've got like 4 of them (Spanky, B-Jizzle and Konnan as well).


On a side note, I copied the game file, and majorly edited the file a heap, so that there was a global promotion 25PI owned by me, with myself also on the roster in development. Now, I made myself as bad as I would be in real life (terrible! I fell down a staircase on saturday and now I'm struggling to move normally. NOT fun.) Now, also, I made a cruddy backyard fed; with three cruddy wrestlers, which I started with


I KNEW I'd be fired as a wrestler from the other fed, what I DIDN'T know was that I'd somehow get fired as an OWNER first, with my *extremly* modest talent of 100! I lasted a WEEK! Damn Kevin Sullivan took my company!


What annoyed me was, when I switced jobs from the backyard fed to a 'small' fed, my two main backyard workers wouldn't come and work for me, reckoning my promotion was too "small" for them. Damn ingrates.


Oh, and in my serious game, I use woman, I use Alexis, Trinity and Lita (despite the exorbedent price, she seems to keep matt and jeff happy). They are all massively over, which covers up for any quality deficiancies.

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Guest El Satanico
Yo, El Sanitco, I got London over with a 'Fun Babyface' gimmick

How high did you get his overness with that gimmick?

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