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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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Uh, wwF, I'm still looking for my first ***** as well. So no bitchy.


I almost got it at my last PPV blowing off feuds (which I had done like eons ago).


I can't believe though that my two most over superstars (Marcus Chavayada and Leo Branford) couldn't get the job fucking done.


It stuns me, it really does.

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flik...If you're looking for a tag team hire Jay and Mark Briscoe.

Well, no not really. I'm just asking if I should. If not, I'll just go out of my way to hire some more people for singles competition.

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I finally got my first ***** match. After a number of ****3/4 matches with Eddy and Chavo, I built one up and got the full monty on it.


High-rated matches:


Angle vs Jericho - ****1/2

Angle vs. Jericho - ****1/2

AJ Styles vs Tajiri - ****3/4

AJ Styles vs Tajiri - ****3/4

Chavo vs. Eddy - ****3/4

AJ Styles vs Tajiri - ****3/4

Eddy vs. Chavo - ****3/4

Angle vs. Jericho - ****3/4

Eddy vs. Chavo - *****



Now if only I could clear some high-priced deadwood like Austin, Bisch, and HBK (fucking non-wrestlers...), I could be making the big money.

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Huh....Hass and Benjamin HATE each other now, even after a lengthy tag title reign. Odd.


And I'm setting up a Jericho/Flair program for Mania. Just letting Flair and Jericho duke it out on the mic with Jericho having to face Evolution (who now is Flair, Orton, Bautista, and Simon Diamond, who is actually pretty good). I've also got Christopher Daniels all set to debut the RAW after Mania and start something with new World Champion RVD. I might even give him the belt if RVD isn't good with it.

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Guest El Satanico

A good way to get rid of Austin and HBK is by hiring and firing Bret Hart. The firing will drop Austin's morale because he's friends with Bret. The hiring will drop HBK's morale because he hates Bret.


However, doing that once may not be enough and Bret may not let you hire him to do it again. Also HHH's morale will drop with HBK's if you hire Bret, so don't do this until youre finished with HHH.

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Guest El Satanico
Huh....Hass and Benjamin HATE each other now, even after a lengthy tag title reign. Odd.

You're the second person to report this. Must be another random surprise built into the game.


Now you must do a break up and feud them.

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It's happened more with me now, too, with other tag teams I made up. TJ Wilson and Harry Smith dislike each other, while Ron Killings and Jamie Noble hate each other. The Wilson/Smith one makes no sense to me, especially since they have such great chemistry as a team, after every show my road agents tell me how great of a tag team they are.

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Guest Dids
Jimmy Rave

Lash LeRoux

Mark Briscoe

Matt Stryker

Michael Shane

Pepper Parks


Silver King

You can't go wrong with the Briscoe Boys. IIRC you've got Austin Lee- right? He's on a streak of 6 5* matches (I'm playing on medium) most of which were with Jay Briscoe. I have Silver King and Shane and neither have blown me away.

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Yup. Austin Lee is with me, although I haven't pushed him yet as my uppercard scene is ghastly.


I mean, I need to keep my lowercarders down on the rosters as I've got too many over people and too many unover people.


*sighs* Why can't I get some middle road people that aren't in tag teams? It's like I'm forever cursed.

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Guest JacK
Neither of those teams need to go to development. It won't even help anything as all four won't show a stat increase and they will just tell you they want to be promoted to the active roster.

Well, I sent them to the development, (accidentally Sanders at first, but then all four, before bringing them back to finish off the feud) and there were no 'I think *insert person* is ready to the roster' on the development territory screen, unlike the other people who were not gaining stats, so I think it is natural to assume that they need to go to development.

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Neither of those teams need to go to development. It won't even help anything as all four won't show a stat increase and they will just tell you they want to be promoted to the active roster.

Well, I sent them to the development, (accidentally Sanders at first, but then all four, before bringing them back to finish off the feud) and there were no 'I think *insert person* is ready to the roster' on the development territory screen, unlike the other people who were not gaining stats, so I think it is natural to assume that they need to go to development.

Developmental Territories only help a person grow in charisma and overness (which is fucking stupid, but that's a different subject all together).


Hence, they'll whine and moan.


Really, all I do is sign people to written contracts leave them in developmental if I'm not using them and be done with it.


If I need someone, I bring them in. If they leave, then good. Good for them.


Really DT doesn't do anything special besides Charisma boosting.

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Guest JacK

Overness Gaining? That's GOLD! They have all been dropping overness like flies for no good reason which I can discern, I haven't been jobbing them out, the feud has 80 something heat, and there all in the 60's overness! Maybe some development will do them some good!


And Sanders/Siaki could do with some more charisma, that way they can break out some even better interview segments.

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Overness Gaining? That's GOLD! They have all been dropping overness like flies for no good reason which I can discern, I haven't been jobbing them out, the feud has 80 something heat, and there all in the 60's overness! Maybe some development will do them some good!


And Sanders/Siaki could do with some more charisma, that way they can break out some even better interview segments.

Most of the guys I sign are 60+ in the charisma department.


And most of the most are 70+.

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Huh....Hass and Benjamin HATE each other now, even after a lengthy tag title reign.  Odd.

You're the second person to report this. Must be another random surprise built into the game.


Now you must do a break up and feud them.

Make that three...well almost. Low Ki and Daniels have started disliking each other, but I don't want to break them up. Does it have to be a hate relationship before I break them, because they're one of the best tag teams in the game.

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Hrm...started doing a TNA game for the hell of it (just to see how the warrring promotions feature, etc. worked for me before starting a more "serious" game) and figured I'd put AMW vs. Diamond and Swinger on the show, since you know, they feud in real life and all. Well...


America's Most Wanted vs Swinger and Diamond.


Match Background: This will be a hardcore bout. This match is for the NWA Tag Team titles.


The Match: High Angle DDT by Chris Harris just SPIKES Simon Diamond down! James Storm with a spinning neckbreaker on Swinger. America's Most Wanted whip Swinger into the ropes and hit a double backdrop. Simon Diamond is in big trouble...Death Sentence!! 1....2....3!


My Opinion: Nothing special...nothing special at all. *1/4


Guess reality doesn't translate well to EWR, eh?

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The match that raised the feud 10 points...


Trent Acid vs Mark Briscoe.


Match Background: Backseat Boyz and Briscoe Boys have been feuding recently. Briscoe Boys have yet to beat their rivals in the ring since the feud began.


The Match: Dropkick connects to the BUTT of the jaw and Acid goes down. M.Briscoe just WAFFLES Acid with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! M.Briscoe hits a dropkick on Trent Acid and gets right back up. Acid takes a flying neckbreaker from Mark Briscoe. Trent Acid powers out of a Mark Briscoe headlock. Implant DDT by Trent Acid! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Flying reverse elbow by Trent Acid. Hooks the leg for a two count. M.Briscoe pushes out of a Trent Acid hold. Super kick by Mark Briscoe. There's a two count on the pin. Back heel kick off the second rope, Acid goes down. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Acid ducks a wild right hand. Acid just WAFFLES M.Briscoe with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Trent Acid misses a clothesline. Hard back suplex on Acid. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Trent Acid can barely stand. Cut-Throat Suplex! 1....2....3. Johnny Kashmere comes running down the aisle with a chair! Mark Briscoe is just leaving the ring...and Kashmere scores with a brutal chair shot! Mark Briscoe falls to the floor holding his head.


My Opinion: This was such a good match, it caused star ratings to magically appear... ****1\4


Jumped the feud from 55 to 65 heat. And of course, I get an email the next day asking that Trent Acid be moved higher up the card.

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Guest Askewniverse
Guess reality doesn't translate well to EWR, eh?

I'd say so, since I just got ***3/4 for Undertaker vs. A-Train.

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Guest wwF1587

anyone use a womens division in their game? I still have all the women in wwe but i never use them so i was thinking maybe gettin rid of them and keeping one or two for a love angle or something..

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Guest El Satanico

If the women came with better stats, I'd use them. Since only a few of them have decent wrestling stats I purge my roster of them.


However, I keep Ivory and Trish as managers. I tried to keep Molly as a manager, but she wouldn't go to development long enough to improve her charisma.



Speaking of charisma, does anyone know the minimum amount of charisma a person needs to do good promos?

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If the women came with better stats, I'd use them. Since only a few of them have decent wrestling stats I purge my roster of them.


However, I keep Ivory and Trish as managers. I tried to keep Molly as a manager, but she wouldn't go to development long enough to improve her charisma.



Speaking of charisma, does anyone know the minimum amount of charisma a person needs to do good promos?

I'd say anything past 70 is usually good. 60-69 are average, but nothing special. Those are the only people I use for promo's. Anyone lower than 60 gets a manager or doesn't talk.

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The match that raised the feud 10 points...


Trent Acid vs Mark Briscoe.


Match Background: Backseat Boyz and Briscoe Boys have been feuding recently. Briscoe Boys have yet to beat their rivals in the ring since the feud began.


The Match: Dropkick connects to the BUTT of the jaw and Acid goes down. M.Briscoe just WAFFLES Acid with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! M.Briscoe hits a dropkick on Trent Acid and gets right back up. Acid takes a flying neckbreaker from Mark Briscoe. Trent Acid powers out of a Mark Briscoe headlock. Implant DDT by Trent Acid! I will always and forever mark out for that move. Flying reverse elbow by Trent Acid. Hooks the leg for a two count. M.Briscoe pushes out of a Trent Acid hold. Super kick by Mark Briscoe. There's a two count on the pin. Back heel kick off the second rope, Acid goes down. Pinfall attempt: ONE...TWO...NO! I would have bought that as the finish! Acid ducks a wild right hand. Acid just WAFFLES M.Briscoe with a STIFF chop that hurt ME to watch! Trent Acid misses a clothesline. Hard back suplex on Acid. Come to think of it, that move had WAY too much power in No Mercy for N64. Trent Acid can barely stand. Cut-Throat Suplex! 1....2....3. Johnny Kashmere comes running down the aisle with a chair! Mark Briscoe is just leaving the ring...and Kashmere scores with a brutal chair shot! Mark Briscoe falls to the floor holding his head.


My Opinion: This was such a good match, it caused star ratings to magically appear... ****1\4


Jumped the feud from 55 to 65 heat. And of course, I get an email the next day asking that Trent Acid be moved higher up the card.

Oh, I always sign those two teams to whatever promotion I'm running.


They put together good matches with virtually everyone, and I've feuded them twice in two separate promotions and each feud has burnt the house down.

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Guest The Last Free Voice

for some reason my uppercard feuds always start way high then drop in heat. Why?

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What the fuck...


OK, so I'm doing that TNA game, and I've got a developmental territory. End of the month comes, and the only e-mail I get is that Paul London wishes to leave the developmental territory. Not ONE person gained in overness or charisma!??!


How is that possible!? Is this a bug, or did I screw something up, or what?

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Guest El Satanico

I think they lessened the impact of the developmental in 4.0. I've also never had consistent developmental progress from month to month. Some months I get progress and some months I don't.

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Eh, I'll give it another month to see if anyone improves, if not I'll call up my "definites" (Colt Cabana, Ace Steel, etc.) and release some of the guys I had for the hell of it (Sonjay Dutt, Shaolin Punk, etc.).


Raven's morale is low (from the firing of Glen Gilberti, and then I fired Watts as an active wreslter but rehired him as a non-wrestler), and he won't negotiate with me. Luckily, I managed to snag Stevie Richards from WWE, and he'll be joining me in two months. So hopefully that feud will go over well and I can lock Raven into a deal.

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I think they lessened the impact of the developmental in 4.0. I've also never had consistent developmental progress from month to month. Some months I get progress and some months I don't.

That's the problem with developmental now. There IS no purpose for it.


If it actually increased a few stats besides charisma, then I would be fine with it.


Now it's just to stuff people in there when you've got nothing better to do with them.

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Another question for the EWR God, Slik Flik...


Does signing just anybody from WWE hurt their PI, or only the big names like Rock, Angle, etc.? Will it drop even a point since I signed Richards? Or does something like the PI drop only happen if we are at war?

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Another question for the EWR God, Slik Flik...


Does signing just anybody from WWE hurt their PI, or only the big names like Rock, Angle, etc.? Will it drop even a point since I signed Richards? Or does something like the PI drop only happen if we are at war?

Signing some of their normal talent away does help to drop them slightly if you aren't at war with them.


But to really slam the WWE, you do need to be at war, and you need to steal away some of their top stars like Jericho, Angle, Benoit, Rock, HHH, etc. to make a substanial PI decrease. It's even better if you are at war with them, because one star can drop them a good 5PI (as when I stole Benoit in trial game of TNA).

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Well, we'll never know how the TNAized Raven/Richards feud works out for several reasons:


1)WWE went on an indy hiring binge, taking Sandman, Barry Windham, and of course...Raven into the fed on written contracts. Raven was the only one in my fed that they stole though.


2)I had the weekly PPV's going, but sent out a promo tape to MTV. I got airtime on MTV. I forgot to change the PPV settings to a monthly model. So my TV show just sat there, while I stayed the same PI level, though I was having pretty good shows.


Ah well, nothing a little redo can't fix. Hopefully this time it's just as interesting for me to do, even though it's a "trial game". And I've gotta update that damn XPW diary...

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