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Guest Memphis

EWR 4.0 Has Officially Been Set Free!

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Guest Lightning Flik
WWE is at 6% PI and dropping.....

Right now i'm at 19%PI.


A couple fed upgraded to National....so only us top companies are really getting hit hard.


But I got Angle now....and Booker T is on his way!

...gr, I hate you. :angry:


I haven't even gotten my above my starting PI yet. DAMN YOU TO HELL~!



Good work on stealing Angle and Booker T though.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Yeah, WWE didn't give as much as a fight over Booker T than Hurricane.


So far I nabbed, Angle, Booker, O Haire and Hurricane.


Hurricane isn't doing as well I wanted...but O Haire is actually putting up great matches.


Man I can't wait till WWE drops to National....that means they have to bag a lot of wrestlers.


On the other hand...I'll be dropping right along with them.



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Guest Lightning Flik
Yeah, WWE didn't give as much as a fight over Booker T than Hurricane.


So far I nabbed, Angle, Booker, O Haire and Hurricane.


Hurricane isn't doing as well I wanted...but O Haire is actually putting up great matches.


Man I can't wait till WWE drops to National....that means they have to bag a lot of wrestlers.


On the other hand...I'll be dropping right along with them.



Boost your advertising to 100 if you haven't. That'll go a long way to helping you gain back your image.




Oh and if you aren't using a RaveX patched game, Chris Stylez and Shocker work well together. As does Air Paris and Nova.

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Guest TheArchiteck

Yeah, after I got a revenue and boosted advertising.

It caused my drop in PI to not be as drastic as WWE's.


But like every Monday, my PI drops like 4 points.


And nope, no patched game.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Yeah, after I got a revenue and boosted advertising.

It caused my drop in PI to not be as drastic as WWE's.


But like every Monday, my PI drops like 4 points.


And nope, no patched game.

Weird. That's like my problem right now. I've can't seem to get over 50PI in Cult and I've done just about EVERYTHING to do so.

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Guest Kingpk

Anyone know what exactly the new update fixes? I'd just like to know since it doesn't tell you on the site.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Anyone know what exactly the new update fixes?  I'd just like to know since it doesn't tell you on the site.

The Update?


Edit: Dammit. Hit the send button.


Basically, it's supposed to fix the bugs that were released in the original version. I'll find out more, hang on.

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Guest Lightning Flik

The following errors have so far been fixed:


-- Workers not debuting correctly

-- House show income not showing up

-- Events screen freezing

-- Being able to change the date of the weekly event after each show

-- Long picture file names causing crashes

-- Date on load game screen being wrong

-- Ending TV contracts mutually causing financial loss

-- Adding new team to empty database causing freeze

-- Clicking "competitive status" causing crash

-- Increased the rarity of marriages to bosses daughter and owners ventures

-- Being able to click the "shooter" stat fixed (although it was purely a cosmetic error, it didn't actually do anything)

-- Owners with preference for mixed martial arts causing all workers to get fired


A lot of the other errors are due to language settings. I thought i'd managed to get EWR to work successfully with German, French, etc, but apparently some errors have crept through. Therefore the update will require English language settings to work, as all the previous EWR games did.


Almost everything else i believe to be caused by people pressing ctrl-alt-del and corrupting their data, incorrect installation of the game, or the person's PC (i.e. things i can't fix). There's a few other genuine bugs that i'm looking into at the moment.


The updated EWR 4.0 will be out sometime later this week. Save games will work, although it will not fix errors that have already occured (i.e. - if you lost money when ending a TV contract, you won't get the money back).





So people, I guess no one was getting house show money. Damn. Oh well, I'll fix my thing up and I'll be making money from house shows.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Dammit. Don't tell me I'm going to have to restart my diary AGAIN now.


::hopes house show income shows up::


EDIT:Nevermind, just saw the part where he says saved games will work. I'm an idiot.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Dammit. Don't tell me I'm going to have to restart my diary AGAIN now.


::hopes house show income shows up::


EDIT:Nevermind, just saw the part where he says saved games will work. I'm an idiot.

All it is, is the .exe file.


So no one panic like shit. It's all ok.

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Guest Zack Malibu

Hey Flik, why not change your custom title to "Zack's XPW owns me". You know, since it does :P.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Hey Flik, why not change your custom title to "Zack's XPW owns me". You know, since it does :P.

:huh: ...huh...


*realizes what you mean*


:angry: Fuck you Zack.


*changes title*


...sigh, I bet somewhere in my game's XPW you are running it as it's the only way to explain XPW going from 10PI to 50 some odd PI and steam rolling by me.

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Guest Zack Malibu
Hey Flik, why not change your custom title to "Zack's XPW owns me".  You know, since it does  :P.

:huh: ...huh...


*realizes what you mean*


:angry: Fuck you Zack.


*changes title*


...sigh, I bet somewhere in my game's XPW you are running it as it's the only way to explain XPW going from 10PI to 50 some odd PI and steam rolling by me.

LOL, I was just bustin' your chops, but hey, thanks for the free advertising ;).


Besides, I know your it's biggest fan so far.

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Guest Lightning Flik
LOL, I was just bustin' your chops, but hey, thanks for the free advertising ;).


Besides, I know your it's biggest fan so far.

True, true. Besides, free advertising, I change that Title yet again. It'll get people to notice it more often as they go


"WTF did he change it to now?"


...uh, right. Must keep this on topic~!


Ah~! You must read this EXCELLENT EWR diary done by Zack Malibu. Simply goodness.


Zack Malibu's EWR XPW Diary

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Guest Lightning Flik
So if I just transfer my DATA file no more bugs will come up?

You don't have to do data transfer unless you are upgrading 3.0 to 4.0.


All you do is put the new .exe file into the proper place and away you go with your games on 4.0

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Guest Vyce
The following errors have so far been fixed:


-- House show income not showing up


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Guest Lightning Flik
The following errors have so far been fixed:


-- House show income not showing up


Yah, apparently you were correct and my math is sucking really bad to make a f'n mistake like that.


You were right all along. Kudos

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Guest Vyce

A ha.


Well, in one week of my cult sized fed? $90,000 of house show money.


And Filk, I'm not rubbing it in. I never faulted you - you tried to help - I was just upset because I had a suspicion that there was a glitch, and I'm glad now that it's been taken care of.

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Guest Lightning Flik
A ha.


Well, in one week of my cult sized fed? $90,000 of house show money.


And Filk, I'm not rubbing it in. I never faulted you - you tried to help - I was just upset because I had a suspicion that there was a glitch, and I'm glad now that it's been taken care of.

And I was meaning I fucked up. Thusly you SHOULD be doing that. As I said there wasn't, when my own math skills did me in.


I wonder how much money I'll pull in.

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Guest Kingpk

Dammit, Eddie's retirement fucked me up royally. I decided to make Eddie face, put I pulled the trigger WAY too soon and pretty much neglected a potential ultra-hot Angle/Eddie feud. I originally wanted to turn Eddie face after the SurSer match, a la Hogan/Rock at X-8 (Lesnar beats on Angle afterwards, Eddie saves him) and have Eddie's final match on the Smackdown afterwards, but I panicked.


Oh well, now Kane is back from injury, so watch the fuck out.

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Guest Lightning Flik
Dammit, Eddie's retirement fucked me up royally.  I decided to make Eddie face, put I pulled the trigger WAY too soon and pretty much neglected a potential ultra-hot Angle/Eddie feud.  I originally wanted to turn Eddie face after the SurSer match, a la Hogan/Rock at X-8 (Lesnar beats on Angle afterwards, Eddie saves him) and have Eddie's final match on the Smackdown afterwards, but I panicked.


Oh well, now Kane is back from injury, so watch the fuck out.

You know Kingpk, you should probably write up a diary of all of this. It would make for a good tale.


Edit: Especially if you are using the pre-RaveX update stuff.

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Guest Kingpk

Actually, I do have one in Fantasy Booking. I just don't put a lot of effort into it.


I'll update it with my SurSer card

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Guest Lightning Flik
Actually, I do have one in Fantasy Booking. I just don't put a lot of effort into it.


I'll update it with my SurSer card

Well, I meant this one. As it sounds entertaining.


Besides, there's not a whole hell of a lot of diaries in the Fantasy Booking thread, and I mean, everyone's gotta try a diary at least once.

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Guest Lightning Flik

Just so EVERYONE knows:


Without the RaveX update, Seth Knight and Paul London have fantastic chemistry.


That is all.

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Guest cartman

"Took ass kickings and paid my dues

I never quit, I stuck to the plan

Now Cena is down with the main event scene

And gives a shout out to the booker man"


-John Cena on being promoted to the Main event after a GREAT feud with Edge. (93 over)



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Fuck ! I need some suggestions.


I had an RVD/Triple H feud going (which I should have known wouldn't have led to anything good) that was set to blow off at Unforgiven with, of course, an RVD win. Now, come Unforgiven, Triple H refuses to job. At all. I've tried putting them in a whole bunch of matches, including Special Referee matches with the referees being Shawn Michaels and Vince McMahon, and HHH refuses to job in any of them. He will only job in a tag team match, which doesn't do me any good, since it won't end the feud.


His morale's at 1, and I really want to fucking release his ass but it will hurt RVD's overness (and Shawn Michaels' morale - my World Heavyweight Champ) if the feud is ended without a blow-off. Is there any way, AT ALL, that this feud can end with an RVD win ?

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I seriously doubt you built RVD up enough to make HHH feel it was worth it to job to him. You most likely just said, "Hey, I'll put my fave wrestler against HHH to take out some frustration." You should have put RVD in a few minor feuds first to build his overness and then have him go against HHH.

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Guest Lightning Flik
His morale's at 1

If it is, there is NO fucking way he'll job.


Sorry dude. Your screwed.

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Guest JacK

Hey, If you piss someone off by cutting their ass with low morale; and they then refuse to negotiate with you on a new contract, is there any way to get them back and negotiate? Or does it heal with time? *crosses fingers*

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