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Names In The X Tournament

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--NWA TNA will start its X division tournament this coming Wednesday. Several of the matches will be taped this week, and several more on the 27th. The show itself will air on PPV on 9/3. The eight men in the tournament are Juventud Guerrera, Nosawa, Teddy Hart, Jonny Storm, Chris Sabin, Frankie Kazarian, Michael Shane and Jerry Lynn as things stand right now.




I was pretty sure the 9/3 show was a taped one because of the fair.

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Probably the first round will be used as dark matches at the Aug. 20 taping and the semifinals/finals as dark matches on the 27th, if I had to guess.


How will they justify different people in the front row during the "same show" though? :D

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Guest Dynamite Kido

this tapes??!?! WOW, they fucked up seriously by doing that.......

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I thought this was for an X division title or title shot...guess not since Sabin, Frankie K, and Michaels are in it. I don't mind if it's taped, but they better not clip or edit it badly.

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Looks like a shitty lineup. They should've brought some better new guys in.


Nosawa? Bleh.


Juvi? Working for ecstasy.


Teddy Hart? Who?




Michael Shane? Sullies the name of Shawn Michaels' wrestling with his King Chinlock action.


Jerry Lynn? Will he ever get out of the X-Div?


Sabin/Kazarian? Seen it.


C'mon, I wanna see guys like Jimmy Rave, Homicide, CM Punk, Jimmy F'n Jacobs! HUSS!

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood
Looks like a shitty lineup. They should've brought some better new guys in.


Nosawa? Bleh.


Juvi? Working for ecstasy.


Teddy Hart? Who?




Michael Shane? Sullies the name of Shawn Michaels' wrestling with his King Chinlock action.


Jerry Lynn? Will he ever get out of the X-Div?


Sabin/Kazarian? Seen it.


C'mon, I wanna see guys like Jimmy Rave, Homicide, CM Punk, Jimmy F'n Jacobs! HUSS!

Nosawa: More of a submission/mat guy with a hardcore background than X.


Juvi- yeah I hate him and he's barely at 50% of his prime.


Teddy Hart: One of the Hart nephews-infamous for bragging about popping pills at a WWE tryout camp.Way to go TNA.


Jonny Storm: The fucking man, so I'm happy he's in.


Shane: I like Shane from his work with London, and he's done well so far in TNA, so it's all good.


Lynn: I wish they'd cut him loose already. He's outlived his usefulness and there's a bunch of other guys who could use the exposure.


Sabin/Kazarian: As long as this doesn't end witha final between these two guys, it's all good.

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So we get the tournament instead of DEAD AIR that week and people are comlaining?


The last time Juvi had a singles match in TNA it rocked.


The only two I don't know are Nosawa and Teddy Hart...but I have no problem with everyone else at all.

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Yeah,I forgot about Mad Mikey....Plus I HATE him because of the whole Shawn Michales thing..but thats what TNA wants so im playing there games now.Why can't Red walk and HAH, they could have put Skipper in it, but NO! they need him to interfere costing Lynn a victory...WHY?Because after all its still Russo's show. And in my oppinion, since you said that, he will do it....hes gonna start HEADLOCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yes....I can't wait..im ordering just to see some Michael Shane headlocks......

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Guest Moses The Monkey
Red can't even walk right now.


What happened? I haven't heard anything about him since his match with Skipper.

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Red can't even walk right now.


What happened? I haven't heard anything about him since his match with Skipper.

Red got hurt in his Japan tour.


He worked one match v. Elix and did ROH on 7.19 and I guess he realised his knee wasn't ready. So he's just letting it recover

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Guest JacK

An upside to it is that he won't get groped by rather large women like the last time I saw him on TNA; it looked like child abuse to me . . .


But that sucks, red rocks! And the X-Division tourny sounds pretty cool, although my favourites won't be in it, but then that's probably the point, to establish some new X-Division superstars to replace Styles-Daniels-Low-Ki.

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Guest bort

teddy hart- the only place i have seen him was on that HBO exposea, i cant remeber if it was him or anther one of the hart wrestlers?, ill have to look over the show

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An upside to it is that he won't get groped by rather large women like the last time I saw him on TNA; it looked like child abuse to me . . .

You mean Kid Kash and Trinity? With the way Kid Kash's hair is, you would think he's a woman from behind.

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Guest JacK

No . . . I mean the fat chicks in the crowd.

The time when he beat up Raven after the 'Clockwork Orange House of Pancakes' match between Siaki and Sandman was the last time I saw him, when he was draggin raven through the crowd a rather large woman groped him something severe.


Edit: and yeah Kid Kash looks very affeminate; it seemed odd to me he was in those misogynist angles.

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If TNA had put in Low-ki, Red Skipper etc. you'd all be complaining that they need 2 get new X-Division talent which they are obviously doing here.


I'm hoping Johnny Storm wins it, he's the man.

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Pity they couldn't get Fleisch as well. Storm versus Fleisch...ratings.



Could be worse, but I still have no clue on Teddy Hart or any desire to watch him. NOSAWA I only know from EWR...


Which reminds me to cheap plug my NWA:TNA EWR diary in the fantasy booking section...thank you...


Anyway, my prediction is it'll probably end up Shane/Sabin. Give them a reason for putting Shane against Sabin.

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Lynn should put someone else over in the tourney. The guy has done amazing in his first year in TNA, but now he's suffering from "Truth Syndrome" where they have no clue what to do with him.


I'm still trying to figure out why Elix (who was hyped up and in line for a solo push) has jobbed to him in consecutive weeks.


It looks like they might be resurrecting the Callis/Lynn duo from ECW (when Jerry ultimately turned heel and agreed to be the "whore to Callis' pimp), but then what? Kazarian/Lynn? Bleh.


Bring in some Wildside Jr.'s, bring back Rave and/or Cross, maybe Sonjay Dutt too. Right now I'm not really sold on the tourney, but I get TNA every week so who knows, I could wind up eating my words.

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Taping the tournament is genius and a GREAT move by TNA.


This way the guys can go total balls out because any fuck-ups they make can be washed away by the magic of editing

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