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The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

RAW 2 apparantly had a very cool Season Mode, so I expect nothing less from HCTP. After the greatness that was SYM's Season, I'm confident YUKE'S has something good.

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Guest Choken One

I still can't decide what match to do first...


Benoit and Angle Vs W.G.T.T or Mysterio Vs Tajiri

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Anybody know how the season mode will go?

I heard that it would be similar to SYM's, with brand-new storylines written by WWE writers.

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Anybody know how the season mode will go?

I heard that it would be similar to SYM's, with brand-new storylines written by WWE writers.


Yeah, my thoughts exactly.


On the bright side, maybe I can play a season as Flair or HBK this time around....

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I found a pretty cool video that shows some clips from Smackdown: HCTP. It's not the best video in the world, but it's worth a look just to see the videos of RVD, Rey Misterio, and Shawn Michaels jumping off the Elimination Chamber. Here:




The Elimination Chamber REALLY looks like it's going to be an extremely fun match. Can't wait.

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I found a pretty cool video that shows some clips from Smackdown: HCTP. It's not the best video in the world, but it's worth a look just to see the videos of RVD, Rey Misterio, and Shawn Michaels jumping off the Elimination Chamber. Here:




The Elimination Chamber REALLY looks like it's going to be an extremely fun match. Can't wait.

If you can do stuff like in the video (ie Rey grabbing the top of the cage, RVD jumping from wall to wall), then the elimination chamber will fucking rule, but I have a sneaking suspicion those shots will only be used in cutscenes or in the opening.

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If you can do stuff like in the video (ie Rey grabbing the top of the cage, RVD jumping from wall to wall), then the elimination chamber will fucking rule, but I have a sneaking suspicion those shots will only be used in cutscenes or in the opening.

You're probably right about that. It's just like with SYM, where they released videos of ladder matches with moves that weren't possible in the final game, like dropkicking the ladder into someone's face.

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If you can do stuff like in the video (ie Rey grabbing the top of the cage, RVD jumping from wall to wall), then the elimination chamber will fucking rule, but I have a sneaking suspicion those shots will only be used in cutscenes or in the opening.

You're probably right about that. It's just like with SYM, where they released videos of ladder matches with moves that weren't possible in the final game, like dropkicking the ladder into someone's face.

Wait....couldn't you dropkick the ladder into somebody's face in SYM ? You prop the ladder into the corner, irish whip the opponent into it, and press Right-and-O (I think) Then, they grab the ladder and walk a little with it, you climb to the top rope, and dropkick it into their face. Unless you aren't talking about this particular move.

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I found a pretty cool video that shows some clips from Smackdown: HCTP. It's not the best video in the world, but it's worth a look just to see the videos of RVD, Rey Misterio, and Shawn Michaels jumping off the Elimination Chamber. Here:




The Elimination Chamber REALLY looks like it's going to be an extremely fun match. Can't wait.

Man, that video is AWESOME.


I can not WAIT until this game comes out. I'm definately having an Elimination Chamber match first!

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That video is SWANK. And you know, if the actual Elimination Chamber matches had moves as cool as that wall-to-wall thing by RVD and the swing-from-the-roof rana by Rey Mysterio, they'd have been SO much better. I hope you can actually do that in the game.

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Though Rey's move in that video looked cool, It was very unrealistic. They should drop all the improssible moves and keep it firmly based in reality.

Actually upon a second watching, It was just somesorta backflip into a headscissors. It's possible I suppose.


I just don't want these games to turn into something like the old "In Your House" game or Def Jam with all sorts of wacky unrealistic moves.

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I just don't want these games to turn into something like the old "In Your House" game or Def Jam with all sorts of wacky unrealistic moves.

Yeah, but at least Def Jam's gameplay was off tha hizzle my nizzle! Doggy fizzle televizzle... or something.

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Guest Memphis
I just don't want these games to turn into something like the old "In Your House" game





Ah, I needed my McMahon commentary hit.

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I think they have to pay for Flair's music, so any excuse to not use it (ie. Evolution theme) might keep it out. But here's hoping it's in.

I think 'Also sprach Zarathustra' is public domain, they don't have to pay for it.

Well up until Judgment Day 03, all commercial PPV releases by WWE (post WMX8) had to dub Ric Flair's 1992 theme over top of his current one. The WMX8 video game did the same thing.

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