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Guest godofdeadlydeath


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Main event was horrible....first one blew it away by miles.


As for the finish? Let's just say the whole room was unbelivably pissed off.


Maybe it builds up too HHH vs. Goldberg @ Unforgiven?


Where I'm sure HHH will go over from there.

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Face it, everyone on here wanted Jericho to win, and if the match ended any other way everyone would have still been pissed off in some way..


Nash - too old, slow, etc.

HBK - the only guy HHH is willing to lose to, just a clique passing deal..

Orton - WWE is pushing him down our thoats and he sucks, not over as a heel, etc.

Goldberg - Fuck Goldberg..



Seriously, it sucks that HHH wont give up the title, and he's been the ruining of RAW for quite some time now, but you cant really say that this was the WBDE.  HHH will eventually lose the belt (probably next month when I am forced to put $1000 on him in the Gambling thread)..I could almost see it seting up HHH to lose to Goldberg next month in a 1 on 1 match, unless of course HHH pulls something (either politcal or on his body).  There might be a reason to bitch if the 1 on 1 happens and HHH wins again though..

DID YOU SEE THE MATCH? If Goldberg had won, everyone would have marked out a) because he was MADE to win that match, hands down, and b) because HHH would have finally lost the fucking title. If you didn't see it, your opinion really cannot matter.

When did the majority of the FUCK GOLDBERG people that post here convert..?

I must have missed it. I don't really care that the crowd was going nuts for Goldberg, I was saying that people who post here would be pissed off with any other finish than Jericho winning.

I guess I was wrong.

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Guest CronoT
HHH can seriously die and I would not care. This is just pure greed on his behalf, and the crowd popped the loudest they have EVER popped for Goldberg at a WWE event, and passing the torch here would have been the smartest thing they could do at such a shitty time for business, but of course, HHH sneaks away with a win.


I am praying for a Raw rematch squash, but let's be serious, this is 2003 and those don't happen anymore.



Damn, now I'm glad I couldn't order the PPV. I would have called Time-Warner and tried to convince them the reception went out.

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If anything it was obvious that Goldberg WASN'T going to win after he mauled Orton, Michaels and Jericho consecutively in a matter of less than 5 minutes.

Because HHH is a manly man that beat the guy that killed 2 of RAW's main eventers and 1 of it's upper midcarders being primed for the main event.

Yup that HHH is a god....

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Guest CronoT
Goldberg is the last credible guy that could go over HHH...


and he already got beaten.

...and now the HHHate will never end.

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It's weird really.


In the same night I, for the first time in a long time, felt as if I was witnessing the true WCW Goldberg, the version of his self which will get over like a mother rover, as well as being reminded LOUD AND CLEAR that HHH still rules WWE with an iron fist.


I just can't see why they would do this, it just "felt" so perfect, it was the best chance for HHH to loose the title that they've had so far.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Woooo HHH! Goldberg sucks.


My only argument for that: He sued the spear at LEAST 5 times in a span of two minutes and did two jack hammers...and thats it. He has nothing else to do in the offense department.


Now, I'm NOT an HHH fan, but once Jericho was out, HHH was my last hope of someone not named goldberg of winning. And Ric Flair made me mark out trying to keep the door closed.

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Guest godofdeadlydeath
Face it, everyone on here wanted Jericho to win, and if the match ended any other way everyone would have still been pissed off in some way..


Nash - too old, slow, etc.

HBK - the only guy HHH is willing to lose to, just a clique passing deal..

Orton - WWE is pushing him down our thoats and he sucks, not over as a heel, etc.

Goldberg - Fuck Goldberg..



Seriously, it sucks that HHH wont give up the title, and he's been the ruining of RAW for quite some time now, but you cant really say that this was the WBDE.  HHH will eventually lose the belt (probably next month when I am forced to put $1000 on him in the Gambling thread)..I could almost see it seting up HHH to lose to Goldberg next month in a 1 on 1 match, unless of course HHH pulls something (either politcal or on his body).  There might be a reason to bitch if the 1 on 1 happens and HHH wins again though..

DID YOU SEE THE MATCH? If Goldberg had won, everyone would have marked out a) because he was MADE to win that match, hands down, and b) because HHH would have finally lost the fucking title. If you didn't see it, your opinion really cannot matter.

When did the majority of the FUCK GOLDBERG people that post here convert..?

I must have missed it. I don't really care that the crowd was going nuts for Goldberg, I was saying that people who post here would be pissed off with any other finish than Jericho winning.

I guess I was wrong.

BECAUSE THEY SAW THE MATCH. It did not matter what your previous opinion was, if you saw the match, Goldberg should have won, simple as that.


But my opinion doesn't matter because I don't post on this place 24/7 and haven't "paid my dues" on the smart marks board yet.

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Brock didn't loose any credibility at all. No...


...instead, Kurt Angle GAINED a hell of a lot of cred, that's the entire point with that happening.

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My thoughts exactly. Goldberg looked as good as he has in WWE and it was like a throwback to WCW in 1998. That spear where he just FORCED Jericho through the glass was brutal. And I thought he broke Orton in half with the jackhammer. The most important thing is though, the FANS, FINALLY getting behind Goldberg chanting his name louder and louder for each slaughter, only to be outsmarted by a cowarding and crippled HHH. It just deflated everything. I could have sworn HHH would drop the belt to him, Goldberg would have a 1 month reign to give HHH time to recover and then HHH would get his win back 1 on 1 at Unforgiven. I have no idea where they're going now. They had the best chance they ever had to run with Goldberg and make him a winning investment and blew it. Even if the finish was planned, Vince should have called for an audible once he heard the fan reaction so in favor of Goldberg.

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Woooo HHH! Goldberg sucks.


My only argument for that: He sued the spear at LEAST 5 times in a span of two minutes and did two jack hammers...and thats it. He has nothing else to do in the offense department.


Now, I'm NOT an HHH fan, but once Jericho was out, HHH was my last hope of someone not named goldberg of winning. And Ric Flair made me mark out trying to keep the door closed.

That's ludicrous. Goldberg busts out new power moves all the time. What else would you have wanted to finish off 3 GUYS IN A ROW with? Un-over moves that people don't buy as finishers? It is all in the way that match was booked. He was in there MAYBE 5 minutes and went through 3 guys. What SHOULD he have done? Again, that is all because of how it was booked.

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Brock didn't loose any credibility at all. No...


...instead, Kurt Angle GAINED a hell of a lot of cred, that's the entire point with that happening.

Oh GOD Kurt finally got a HELL of a lot of credibility, and I am all for it. But seriously, Brock got OWNED.

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When you have to start looking for faults (i.e. movelist, Mic skills, size, whatever) in someone that the fans get behind, thats when you start pissing away customer goodwill and with that money.

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Goldberg may get a singles match next month. But does anyone really believe he will win it? The company sours on him more with each passing day and you can bet there will be some major backstage politics going down. HHH doesn't like him, Nash and HBK don't think he's a "team player". The fact that he doesn't work many house shows doesn't bode well for him either.

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I mean me and my friends hate Goldberg but even we were rooting for him after he killed 3 guys and then fucking broke the glass to go after HHH. That was badass.

My Summerslam party was the exact opposite. We hate Goldberg and the hate grew more and more as he eliminated three guys in a row. Him breaking the glass to go after HHH was lame. Plexiglass my ass. Goldberg gets injured when he punches regular glass, imagine what plexiglass would have done to him. It came to a point where everyone was marking for HHH hardcore, and we all cheered and jumped up and down when Fuck Goldberg jobbed.

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Like Kurt gained it for Tapping out Hogan???



At the time it did. They fucked up with that however by not making more of a big deal over it.


For now Kurt looks very credible, it just depends on if WWE decides to make a big deal about it and to put him over that much more.

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No problem with the Brock/Angle finish. I was just waiting for the Vince run in and DQ but loved Brock reaching for all 4 ropes and getting pulled back in and finally forced to tap. It will just make him more pissed off and insane in his chase. Plus Kurt got himself over big time.

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Guest CronoT
When you have to start looking for faults (i.e. movelist, Mic skills, size, whatever) in someone that the fans get behind, thats when you start pissing away customer goodwill and with that money.

So, how many pages of HHHate do you think this thread will generate?

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I told you it wouldn't be hard at all to get the fans either totally behind Goldberg overall, or at least behind him durring his matches. He just needs to be the total, take no shit, badass that we really haven't seen in WWE. Well, that is, untill tonight.


If tomorrow night on RAW he doesn't totally go fucking ape shit over everyone in Evolution however, tonight meant nothing. They need to continue this, and make it clear as day that Goldberg wants to kill HHH, just to win that damn title.

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I mean me and my friends hate Goldberg but even we were rooting for him after he killed 3 guys and then fucking broke the glass to go after HHH. That was badass.

My Summerslam party was the exact opposite. We hate Goldberg and the hate grew more and more as he eliminated three guys in a row. Him breaking the glass to go after HHH was lame. Plexiglass my ass. Goldberg gets injured when he punches regular glass, imagine what plexiglass would have done to him. It came to a point where everyone was marking for HHH hardcore, and we all cheered and jumped up and down when Fuck Goldberg jobbed.

He broke it with a hard kick and knocked a big chunk out of it. There were no real jagged edges everywhere and it didn't shatter into a million peices. It was pretty cool, IMO.


Hate the guy or not, you have to be able to get into the emootion of things from time to time, and if you couldn't put aside your bias for one second, why even watch? I watch for moments like what that could have been.

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Boy, I bet HHH will get alot of heel heat now. The man is a genius. This Goldberg program has been a literal Godsend for the man. Before Goldberg, HHH was no more over than Jericho. Now he is getting champion worthy heel heat and it will only increase now that he has pinned Goldberg with knee shot to the gut and a sledgehammer. People literally hate the guy now and THAT is how you become a heel champion. The fact that so many people are riled up over this means that the belt does mean something and whenever HHH finally releases his death grip on the title, someone will get over HUGE. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, the guy is a GENIUS.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Aside from the "ending", this was a good PPV. Hell, I spend the $35 every year on Summerslam anyway (birthday PPV) so it's always enjoyable to me.


HHH winning = still rules.


Since WHEN does WWE care what the fans like anyway? I didn't see anyone hand Sean O'Haire the world title when he first came back and became everyones new Jesus...until he got depushed.


No Ones handing out titles to Ultimo Dragon or RVD (thank god for that).


Goldberg being cheered = another thing WWE will probably try to stop by making Goldberg a loser.

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