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Johnny Depp Dislikes U.S.

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Yes, it would. But that's not what he did. He mocked the U.S., called it a dumb puppy, called the whole Freedom-Fries thing stupid(which it was), and said it was a broken toy his children could play with and then leave. He trash-talked the U.S. and degraded it the best way he could. But never once did he say he won't make another American movie. And you can be damn sure he'll be back to start plugging Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory soon.

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Guest Anglesault

If Depp vowed never to make another American film and gave away every red cent he made off us, there'd be no issue.


As is, he's gonna be Willy Wonka

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That's none of your business.

Afraid some of us could provide similar examples? Well, so be it then.

Still doesn't give me reason enough to provide where I was born(and live)

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That's none of your business.

Afraid some of us could provide similar examples? Well, so be it then.

Still doesn't give me reason enough to provide where I was born(and live)

I never said it did. I only suggested that's the reason you didn't give it to me. Anyways, it's a moot topic if you don't want half of us to rattle off how one country has done stupid shit in it's past anyways. Every country has. It doesn't necessarily reflect ones population, though.

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Guest Anglesault
The leaders of said country (U.S.) reflect the image that everybody is a complete and total fool, years of bad choices(and presidents) Things like, sending the Armed Forces intoa  conflect from which they don't belong. (Korea and the Vietnam) and completely overreaction to the simple things (Bill and his affair) reflect(again) the image that the U.S. are very anal and retarded.

To ask, where are you from?

Ohio. :)


Still doesn't give me reason enough to provide where I was born(and live)


Because if he reveals his nationality, we will track him down out of the milions of people residing in his country and kill him in his sleep. Then we will rebuild him with a computer chip that makes him Pro-American.

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Wuken, you're not making any contribution to this thread, and you're losing my respect with every new, inane, uninteresting post. Why don't you just quit now ?

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Guest MikeSC
Just because someone's an actor doesn't mean he has no right giving his opinions. Just because the media will cover his opinion doesn't make him wrong to share it.


Just because you strongly disagree with a differing opinion you have no right to tell them "you can't have that opinion", regardless of who is giving them.

Why doesn't he show a touch of balls and say that crap on, say, Leno or Letterman when they interview him?


Easy to toss daggers from about a thousand miles away.


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Because if he reveals his nationality, we will track him down out of the milions of people residing in his country and kill him in his sleep. Then we will rebuild him with a computer chip that makes him Pro-American.

We can rebuild him. We have the technology. Make him better than he was before. Stronger, faster, more patriotic.

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Guest JMA

Maybe Depp likes the fact that he can make money off a country he doesn't like. It's a possibility.

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Guest MikeSC
I wasn't born outside the U.S, that should be enough.

This is called trolling.


Give it up.




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Guest Anglesault
Because if he reveals his nationality, we will track him down out of the milions of people residing in his country and kill him in his sleep. Then we will rebuild him with a computer chip that makes him Pro-American.

We can rebuild him. We have the technology. Make him better than he was before. Stronger, faster, more patriotic.

I was considering using that exact line, but I did say it the other day, and the guy I said it to looked at me like I had six heads

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Guest El Satanico

Yes, because as we all know Leno and Letterman makes it a habit of asking guests about their political views.

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Er.....should we bring up the whole "Arnold Schwartzenegger announces on Jay Leno that he'll run for Governor" thing, or does that not count ? Pretty big politics, no ?

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Guest MikeSC
Yes, because as we all know Leno and Letterman makes it a habit of asking guests about their political views.

And the German interviewer asked him specifically what he thought of America?


I get the impression that his opinion was not sought after, but instead, was freely and cheerfully offered.


If America is so dumb, he should stand by his convictions and say so. To not do so is cowardly.

-=Mike --- just checking, he was in "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", right? And he says ANYTHING in the world is stupid after THAT?

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Guest JMA
Er.....should we bring up the whole "Arnold Schwartzenegger announces on Jay Leno that he'll run for Governor" thing, or does that not count ? Pretty big politics, no ?

For some odd reason that's never brought up.

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Guest Retro Rob

If this news does hit the mainstream media, we can see how dumb Americans are based on the box office numbers for his next film. If people here are stupid enough to support a film that stars someone who said what he said about their country, then maybe Johnny Depp isn't all that off. Then again, we will have to wait and see. On the other hand, maybe the majority is like me and really doesn't give a damn what he thinks of America or anything else for that matter.

Edited by Retro Rob

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
-=Mike --- just checking, he was in "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas", right? And he says ANYTHING in the world is stupid after THAT?

"You people work for Herbert Humphrey, and you killed Jesus!"



I think FALILV is overrated but that line was GOLD.

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I won't get into it, (the Depp thing) but I'll at least say I hate, and have always hated the "If you don't like it, get the fuck out" attitude. It seems to me that it only encourages people to go along with things, if just because everyone else is doing it.

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Guest Goodear

So does this mean when the administration changes and Tyler's dream of government takes hold (not bloody likely) that some of you will be leaving the country?

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*clap* *clap* Nice one, Death Angel. I'm just going to skip over your whole "Take it to NHB" followed by calling me an idiot. It's best just to avoid all the hypocrisy because we're getting away from the point.


As for your comment, very ignorant. Piss on them if you can. Ah, you truly are one of the good ones in the world, aren't you ? Depp's comment shows what kind of person he is. Not only is he a person with no loyalty to a place that has given him a living, and millions of millions of dollars, and not only is he a man with a nasty attitude that can say negative things about a country without any care for its citizens that support him - he is also a man with no pride. He'll bitch and moan about American politics, and then greedily stuff American currency into his pockets. This makes his words even more disgusting, because he refuses to stand by them like he should.


You might think he deserves props for getting money from a country he dislikes. I think he should get spit in his eye. If I said it once, I'll say it a thousand times. There are people in this country that are desperately looking for jobs and can't find one. The unemployment rate continues to rise for these people that just want a few extra-thousand dollars. But little Johnny-Deep Shit makes a movie in a country he hates and gets millions of dollars. And what does he do ? Gets the hell out of here. If he would just stay out of a country he obviously doesn't respect, maybe these people could get a little more. Or, at the very least, the money goes to an actor that appreciates this country and won't throw daggers from 3000 miles away.


----And, as for my comment to Wuken, I didn't do it to feel "established." I don't need to get my self-esteem from a message board. I did it because he was making stupid comments with no backing, just to get a response from other people. He was adding nothing to the conversation, except meaningless "I hate America" crap. I made my opinion known, just like many many others do here. I don't do it for show. I say what's on my mind. But if the whole "Blah-blah- I'm an angry poster" bit makes you feel better, more power to you.

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He'll bitch and moan about American politics, and then greedily stuff American currency into his pockets.


The problem with this being, what, exactly?


I don't whole-heartedly agree with all Canadian politics - does this mean I should tell my employer to shove it?


I think everyone's over-reacting. The man essentially said "I don't approve of the way the American government operates, and I think they appear foolish at times." He didn't say "They're a war-mongering nation who likes to eat babies and molest young boys while practicing Satanic rituals".


He doesn't agree with American politics. He thinks that grown men and women should have better things to do then remove the word "French" from a common snack food. He'd perfer for his children to grow up in a different nation.


What? Do all Americans suddenly have to AGREE with EVERYTHING the US does? Are you not allowed to say "I'd like my kids to grow up in Europe - I think it's nicer then here" or something?


I mean, come on people. Not being able to express the opinion that you're not fond of the current government is just a bit too dictatorial for my tastes. I dunno about you, but if I'm not even allowed to say "This place isn't so great", then I think I'd be better off elsewhere anyway.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

Jesus Christ, insulting Depp from making a living off of a country he despises is like asking an Atheist if he/she celebrates Christmas.


All of you guys insult the WWE but you keep watching. You claim to hate Vince McMahon but you put money in his pocket. Johnny Depp stated an opinion, like it or not, he shouldn't be condemned for it. Personally, I couldn't see how anyone would NOT be embarrassed by their leader's for attempting to blacklist the name 'French' Fries. Its just about the pettiest thing I have seen in my life.


I'll give Johnny Depp credit. He doesn't play the Hollywood game. He doesn't go to all of the Hollywood parties and the award ceremonies. He makes his movies, not even always in America, promotes them, and heads back to France. While the movies he makes are usually backed by American film corporations, he certainly isn't aiming them only for Americans. Movies are released worldwide, and he is making just as much of an earning from every other non-American citizen that watches and supports them.


Its too bad that people can't state an opinion about American policies without being jumped by the American public, let a lone know-it-all internet punks.

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Oh no Johnny Depp hates the U.S. How will I ever get to sleep?


Oh no WukenBloodstar hates the U.S. How will I ever get to sleep?


Oh no, there's a sense of anti-Americanism going on in the Current Events folder, and it's hurting my feelings! I think I'll PM Dames and tell him what's going on.


Here's what I sent:


I'm possibly being an oversensitive American as usual, but the trend of anti-American sentiment in the CE folder has turned from something that started as a joke to incessant vibes to out and out racism. The main culprits are Johnny Depp and WukenBloodstar, and while I don't for a second think it warrants a ban or a warning or anything so severe, I do think you should be aware these forums are read by wrestling fans in America, and the fact this anti-American attitude has gone unreprimanded as the acceptable face of CE is, in my opinion, kind of disgraceful and promotes the site in a very bad light.



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This is almost a shame, I was contemplating watching the new Mariachi film with Depp, but fuck that.


I'll just wait till the vampire Matrix movie opens.


He's in the public eye. People's opinions here won't go further than this message board. His opinion is going to get spread in newspapers around Europe, just so they could laugh that even an actor supported by America hates the United States. If you're in the public eye, you should at least watch some comments you say.


Obviously, Depp has a right to say what he wishes about America.


But his remarks will likely be used as just more anti-America propaganda by the Europeans, and THAT is what annoys me about his idiotic ramblings.


As for young Wuken here - next time, when you want to make blanket statements criticizing this country (unfairly and incorrectly), please have the stones to just admit your country of origin (or failing that, at least the nation to which you now pledge allegiance - which I'm guess isn't the U.S. of A.) so that we know how to properly categorize you.

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