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Guest The Old Me

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Guest The Old Me

Dear Diary,


I start my new job next week, so I am enjoying my last week of beinbg totally lazy.



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Dear Diary,


I helped my pseudo-niece move into my house today. Her uncle that she has been living with has become kind of an alcoholic, and she had to get away from that environment. So, I got an attractive, eighteen year old, who I'm not really related to, and has previously expressed interest in dating, living with me possibly for the next 6 months.


I'm going to Hell,

Mr. Piss

Edited by frozenblockofpiss

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Guest stardust

Dr Diary


Also please inform Chave that Mr. Piss also has a girlfriend.




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Dear Diary,


I haven't posted here for a while, this is my first entry under my new name (thanks Zack). I hope everyone likes my new name, I know I do.




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Dear diary,


Remember to ask chave how he can think polarbears are cuter than these cats.







Going to Hell, Who's Coming With Me,

Mr. Piss


P.S. Remember to give DownHome back his cat.

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Dear Diary,


Tonight is gonna be a big test. I'm going out drinking with some friends for my birthday and I think they're gonna try to drag me to a stripclub. My girlfriend is stuck working tonight which sucks and my pseudo-niece is going to studying at my house after she gets back from a part-time job I got for her. She pretty much said to me earlier that if I wanted to have a relationship with her, that she would be willing. So tonight is gonna be a huge test of will.


Soon to be drunk and I never thought I'd say this, hopefully unfulfilled,


Mr. Piss

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Dear Diary,


Remind me to say thanks to chave (and Hoff)for his(their) support. I feel as blessed as I can be for being an atheist, having these two wonderful women in my life. I just wish that it would have been one at a time. :( And on a side note, the last two freaky cat pictures I'll probably make are close to half done.


Soon to be swimming in a sea of Long Islands,


Mr. Piss

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Dear Diary,


Remind me to say thanks to chave (and Hoff)for his(their) support. I feel as blessed as I can be for being an atheist, having these two wonderful women in my life. I just wish that it would have been one at a time. :( And on a side note, the last two freaky cat pictures I'll probably make are close to half done.


Soon to be swimming in a sea of Long Islands,


Mr. Piss

Dear Diary,


Please remind me to inform Sir Piss that he should start a memorial thread containing all his cat pictures once he's finished the last one.


It'd be an instant classic!




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Guest The Old Me

Dear Diary,


I just saw many cats and a polar bear. What has happened to you, diary?? I took a couple of days away from the net, or these Message Boards anyway, it's always good. Especially on weekends. I start the new job tomorrow, but only go in for 3 hours for orientation.



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Dear Diary,


Can you let me know if UGS is still supporting socialism for absolutely no reason? I'd really like to stop my boycott. And before anyone sasses off to either of us, I just figured this would be the best place to ask.


Perplexed (and wanting snow),



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Guest The Old Me

Dear Diary,


With a little yellow on the UGS board, it will look like a VIKINGS board! Go MOSS!!


Not even a Vikings fan,




EDIT:It's changed to red again, in mere minutes.

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Xanta Claus owns. Also, I will TEMPORARILY break my UGS boycott because I miss the place, but if it's still communist, POW, right back on the boycott wagon.





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Guest Plushy Al Logan

Dear Diary,


I had a wierd weekend.


As I was leaving my friends' house, some pissed off Hispanics wanted to fight me. actually it's not called fighting, it's called "Beat up the skinny white kid who snitched on Sarah (the prostitute)! I actually didn't fight them, I just ran, because even I'm not stupid enough to fight five guys at once, who are all carrying baseball bats. Guess what, these guys are so out of shape I actually out ran them, and had a laugh about it later. I wont be going into that part of the neighborhood for a while.


I also got a job interview later today. Wish me luck, mortals! Just in case you wondering, I applied for some sit on my ass job at a cemetery.



Plushy Al Logan

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Guest The Old Me
Dear Diary,


My name is Craig Staunton, and my penis is 11 inches long...AROUND.



Dear Diary,


If this were UGS, I'd wish death on the fag.

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