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The Rock..........................................

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The Rock seems to be presenting himself to the media as if he is done with wrestling. When asked if he would return to wrestling by the Chicago media, he did not answer. On the FOX Morning Show, host Tamron Hall stated that the Rock had to give up wrestling due to a back injury.



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Guest Retro Rob

I've had enough of the Rock anyway. The fact that he comes back for two months every year to take on another main eventer in a high profile feud leading up to WrestleMania pisses me off. In 2002 it was Hogan and this year it was Austin. Plus, even when he does try to give someone the rub, they end up jobbing to Triple H within a month's time thus making the whole thing pointless.

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Guest Fook

From Meltzer:


Rock was all over the Chicago media this morning promoting his movie. When asked if he would return to wrestling, he never answered the question. On the FOX morning show, anchor Tamron Hall talked about how he had to give up wrestling because of a back injury. He noted that was what ended his football career. On WGN, reporter Dean richards was a lot better prepared and sad the movie would be a big hit.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Trust me, Rock will be a part of WMXX and WWE for some time yet.

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If he is done with it, I can't say I blame him. He makes more money, without the threat of injury..and half the politics. Let Vince, Hunter, and his yes-men tear the company apart..without any risk to himself, or his popularity Smart, if you think about it.

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Rock's done? So how long until we're blaming Goldberg for putting him out of wrestling...


/anti smark


I kid. I dunno about the back injury or anything, but you had to expect it sooner or later if it's true. He'd probably be better off splitting from the WWE.

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That was explained better in someone's post. The interviewer got confused with how Rock's football career came to a close. Rock had to quit football because of his back not wrestling and the interviewer was just getting mixed up.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

I hope he's done. Wrestling fans take him for granted, myself included. But even till this day, people blast him for going to make movies...and why? Jeepers, what an ass, lets forgo 5 million per movie to make 2 million to be on the road 200+ days a year. Riiight.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Raw needs Rock in the worst way, who else is going to put HHH over?

Man, wrestling needs the Rock. Don't pigeonhole it to RAW, everyone needs the Rock back.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
Bring back Rock as a manager. He speaks better than 3/4th the roster anyways, so make use of it!

A Mananger? Holy Steve Austin, that would be such an embarrassing downgrade.

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I'd rather stay away then come back for a yearly appearance or two--and I like the Rock.


Make movies, collect your money, retire while young, Rock. You earned it.

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Guest thrall585

This already happened last year when the Rock told Hollywood that he's done with wrestling.

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Guest Ghettoman

I don't see his movie career flopping any time soon.


I still want him to come back just so he can give Benoit the biggest rub ever. Who else would make Benoit look so good? Shane McMahon?

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Bottom line, when Rock came back ealier this year in heel mode, it was the most entertaining thing we had seen in a lonnnng time. His first heel promo in Toronto was better than anything anybody in the WWE has done in a lonngggg time. His promos with the Hurricane, GOLD, his promos with Hogan, GOLD. Him putting over Booker T and Goldberg, literally GOLD. The WWE needs the Rock in the worst way, even when you just have him speak he's more entertaining than the whole roster.



It would be a sad day indeed if Rock leaves wrestling, but you REALLLLLLY can't blame him. On the other hand, if this new movie bombs, maybe he'll grace us with his presence on Raw again.

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Guest thrall585
It would be a sad day indeed if Rock leaves wrestling, but you REALLLLLLY can't blame him. On the other hand, if this new movie bombs, maybe he'll grace us with his presence on Raw again.


After he makes a movie he has an off period. He should spend time in WWE and not with his family the whole time because it maximizes society's satisfaction much more.

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Raw needs Rock in the worst way, who else is going to put HHH over?

Man, wrestling needs the Rock. Don't pigeonhole it to RAW, everyone needs the Rock back.

I disagree. They just need to move on. Take the Nestea plunge and go with different guys.

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Guest Choken One

The Rock is wrestling's only active credible name right now...


Hogan is a 50+ year old washed up punchline but is still big on name value alone...


Austin is a "Cripple" with that Wife beater stigma attached to him...


Savage is insane and is bound to kill someone...


HHH is a roided Freak with limited appeal...


Brock Is a Monster with a cool tatoo and califlower Ears...


Angle isn't mainstream enough dispite the legit aura of him...


But THE ROCK is HOLLYWOOD. He will host his 3rd SNL...which according to Bob is the most for ANY athelete...


I bet you dollars to doughnuts...he makes ZERO references to wrestling...


He's smart...He knows he is the best and could come back if he HAD to but he doesn't because unlike Hogan, Rock knows the business...He doesn't have that Roid look that depletes his aura...he has "IT" that seldom few have ANYWHERE.


Rock doesn't need Wrestling anymore...move on people.

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While The Rock is one of the most entertaining personailities ever in wrestling, he has moved beyond it. Trying to futilely grasp at him, keeping him around is an excercise of unwillingness to change which is what is needed now more than anything.

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The Rock has probably realizes what I imagine is the dream of many wrestlers: Becoming hugely rich and popular, and being able to retire on top free of injury, incredibly wealthy and very very over. In other words, on a high note.The fact is, he doesn't need WWE; the WWE needs the Rock and they don't deserve him.

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Guest thrall585

I think the Rock is forced to work in WWE when he is not making movies since he is under contract. After his contract expires in 2005 he will move on.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Rock doesn't need WWE in the slightest. It amazed me seeing him get trashed *here* because he 'sold out' (thought about naming names but decided not to). Sorry, but taking the option that ensures more safety and with more money is smart, not 'loyal'. So he got booed at SummerSlam against Brock Lesnar, who was supposedly the next "People's Champion". Brock was not in Rock's league during his title chase and big face title run nor will he ever be.


Look at the two 'hottest' face acts today - Austin and Goldberg. Yet if Rock came back next Monday he'd easily outshine them. How am I so sure? He did it last March and April respectively. Watching him pull out all the stops at Mania 19 to outclass a chunky, lethargic Austin and then deservedly get a clean win out of it was a thing of beauty.

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