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The 3rd Annual SWF Awards Nominations

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Ladies and gentlemen...children of all ages...I, the Hville Thugg, and the entire Creative Control present to you...





Before we get to the ballot, let us first review the rules for voting and the process itself.


To Vote:


1. Copy and paste the blank ballot, in the post following this one, into a Private Message addressed to hvillethugg.


2. Fill out the ballot for each category you wish to place a vote for by tying their name under the category for which you are voting.


3. (optional) Add a comment as to why you think the person (or match or promo) you are voting for should win the award. Comments will be tabulated and included in the Awards Show itself. You do not have to include a comment, but it would certainly be of great assistance if we had some nice things to say about the winners.


4. Enter the subject of the private message as "{insert your name}'s Ballot". For example, my ballot would be, "HVT's Ballot". PLEASE DO THIS!! It just makes it harder for me to weed through the crap to get to your ballot. Please label your PM correctly!


See, the process is very simple. Please pay close attention to the process...even though I know some of you will not follow anyway.


The Rules:

1. You can only vote once in each category. No "honorable mention". No "this person or that person". No half votes. One vote per category, period.


2. You may "write-in" a vote for a person, match, or promo that is not on the ballot. However, please do not write in stupid shit, like "Memphis Eel" unless it is for the Comedic Moment category. If you do, you will get a very public flaming from me. Only REAL WRITE-INS.


3. Your ballot must be in my "Inbox" by 12pm EASTERN ON FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27TH. No later! In the event that I still do not have power at home, I need to compile the ballots on Friday afternoon, which means I'm giving up my time at work and risking getting fired to do this. So please have your ballot in by then. Noon on Friday, no later.


4. Only send one ballot. I don't want ballot from Annie and Beezel. I know who everyone is. I also can see IP addresses...so don't do it.



Once I've received all the ballots, or noon Friday comes around, I will tally up the votes, and I will post the results Sunday by 7pm. That should give everyone who has finished their Genesis matches something to read and comment on before Genesis is posted. If for some reason I do not have power by then (which is a distinct possibility), Z will post the show by 7pm Sunday.




If I don't have power, I will get Z everything he needs, so send everything to me.


Just to note, I'm not trying to be mean, but I have to be very clear about what I want because every year, someone fucks it up.


Now I will say good luck to all the nominees, and get those ballots in.



The Smartmarks Wrestling Federation Presents...





The nominees for the Smartmarks Junior League Awards are...


The Cyclone Comet Memoial Trophy - For Wrestler Of The Year


Mike Van Siclen

Ejiro Fasaki

Charlie Matthews


The Chris Storm Memorial Trophy - For Match Of The Year

Va'aiga vs Crow (Singles Match, SJL World Title, SJL Wrath, 03-06-01)

Dace Night vs Spike Jenkins (D@mnation In A Box, SJL Malice in Wonderland, 03-01-26)

Ejiro Fasaki vs Fugue (Caged Ladder Match, SJL World Title, SJL Wrath, 02-12-22)

Wildchild & Johnny Dangerous vs Judge Mental (Five Wounds Match, SJL Wrath, 02-11-24)


The El Luchadore Magnifico Mexican Pride Award - For Feud Of The Year Award

Va'aiga vs. Crow

Wildchild vs. Ejiro Fasaki

Mike Van Siclen vs. Janus

Charlie "Grappler" Matthews vs. Urban Decay


The Ash Ketchum Pokeball Award - For Most Improved Wrestler

Mike Van Siclen

John Duran

Johnny "Barracuda" Dangerous

Viktor Tarakanov


The Grimedogg Memorial Trophy - For Booker of the Year

Alex ZenonThe Boston Strangler

Longdogger Pete

Suicide King


The HVT Thugg Passion Award - For Best World Champion

Judge Mental


Dace Night

Ejiro Fasaki


The Frost Memorial Early Winter Trophy - For the European Champion of the Year

Sean Atlas

English Dragon


Ejiro Fasaki


The TV Champion of the Year Award

John Duran

Charlie "Grappler" Matthews

Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix

Shawn Tybalt


The Clan Memorial Stable of the Year Award

Magnificent Seven (JL Division)

Urban Decay

Wild & Dangerous Nights


The Tom Flesher Heel of the Year Award

Ejiro Fasaki

Sean Atlas




The Joy of X Trophy - For Face of the Year




Mike Van Siclen


The Eddy Mac Award - For Best Promo Writer

Mike Van Siclen

Ejiro Fasaki

Judge Mental



The Promo of the Year Award

Painting the White To Gray - Crow

Preset and Past - Judge Mental

An Open Letter to Tom Flesher - Ejiro Fasaki

Who is Your God? - Sean Atlas



And the nominees for the Smartmarks Wrestling Federation Awards are...


The Jayson Grant Memorial Trophy - For Wrestler of the Year

Tom Flesher

"TNT" Taylor Nicholas Thompson

The Boston Strangler

El Luchadore Magnifico


The Divefire Memorial Trophy - For Comeback Wrestler of the Year

Beezel/Annie Eclectic

"TNT" Taylor Nicholas Thompson

The Boston Strangler

Sean Atlas/Spike


The Pay Per View Match of the Year Award

Edwin MacPhisto vs Chris Raynor (Last Man Standing Match, Genesis III, 02-09-30)

Tom Flesher vs Frost (Window Pain Match, SWF Ground Zero, 03-10-08)

"TNT" Taylor Nicholas Thompson vs El Luchadore Magnifico (Two Falls Match, World Title, SWF From the Fire 2003, 03-03-16)

Justice & Rule vs Deja Vu vs Wild and Dangerous (TLC Match, Tag Team Titles, SWF Battleground 2003, 03-05-04)

Tom Flesher vs El Luchadore Magnifico (Ladder/Submissions Match, SWF Clusterfuck, 03-01-02)


The Non-PPV Match of the Year Award

Sacred vs El Luchadore Magnifico (World Title Match, SWF Storm, 02-10-11)

Thoth vs Tom Flesher (World Title Match, SWF Lockdown, 03-02-07)

Magnificent Seven (Tom Flesher, Judge Mental and Ejiro Fasaki) vs The Unholy Trinity (Danny Williams, Dace Night and Va'aiga) (Six Man Tag, SWF Lockdown, 03-07-16)

Dace & Va'aiga vs Justice & Rule (Tag Team Titles, SWF Storm, 03-11-07)


The Feud of the Year Award

El Luchadore Magnifico vs. Tom Flesher

Frost vs. Tom Flesher

Crow vs. Janus

Ejiro Fasaki vs. Wildchild


The Jay Dawg Improvement Award - For Most Improved Wrestler

Michael Craven

Mak Francis

Annie Eclectic/Beezel

The Boston Strangler


The Axis Memorial Trophy - For Most Under-appreciated Wrestler

Michael Craven



Dace Night


The Stubby P. McWeed Trophy - For Booker of the Year

The Boston Strangler

Suicide King

"Grand Slam" Mark Stevens

Edwin MacPhisto


The Rane Memorial Trophy - For Most Impressive Career


"TNT" Taylor Nicholas Thompson

El Luchadore Magnifico



The Hville Thugg & Edwin MacPhisto Cup of Champions - For Best World Champion

The Boston Strangler

Tom Flesher

"TNT" Taylor Nicholas Thompson

El Luchadore Magnifico


The Fallout ICTV Champion of the Year Award

Mak Francis

Danny Williams


Tom Flesher


The US Champion of the Year Award

Michael Craven

Mak Francis

Danny Williams

Ejiro Fasaki


The Grimedogg Hardcore Champion of the Year Award

Judge Mental

Dace Night

Michael Craven

Annie Eclectic


The Light-Heavyweight Champion of the Year Award

Annie Eclectic

El Luchadore Magnifico


The Fallen Tag Team Trophy - For Tag Team of the Year

Frost & Tom Flesher

Justice & Rule ("The Judge" William Hearford & Ejiro Fasaki)

Unholy Trinity (Dace Night & Va'aiga)

Double Jeopardy (Quiz & Charlie "Show" Matthews)


The Pay Per View of the Year Award

From the Fire 2003

Ashes to Ashes 2002

Battleground 2003

13th Hour 2003


The Stable of the Year Award

Magnificent Seven

Unholy Trinity

Catch 22

The Midnight Carnival


The Ace of Clubs Trophy - For Heel of the Year

Tom Flesher

Michael Craven

Ejiro Fasaki

"The Judge" William Hearford


The Grand Slam Trophy - For Face of the Year


The Boston Strangler

Danny Williams

"TNT" Taylor Nicholas Thompson


The Cyclone Comet Trophy - For Best Promo Writer

Andrew "The Sacred One" Blackwell

Nathaniel "Silent" Kibagami

Tom Flesher



The Rookie Of The Year Award



Ejiro Fasaki

"The Judge" William Hearford


The Promo fo the Year Award

In the Fade - Edwin MacPhisto

The Luvin' Spoonful - Alex Zenon

Frost on Howard Stern - Frost

Blue - El Luchadore Magnifico






The Mayor McCheese Comedic Moment of the Year Award

Mall Brawl IV - Janus (SJL Malice in Wonderland, 03-01-26)

Calvinball Match - Jimmy "The Demon" Liston (Calvinball Match, SJL Crimson, 03-08-14)

Judge vs Ejiro - Judge Mental & Ejiro Fasaki (Ping Pong Challange, SWF Lockdown, 03-05-28)

Suicide King(L) vs Michelle(W) (SWF Battleground 2003, 03-05-04)


The Munich Jackass Trophy - For ”Tool” of the Year


"Hollywood" Spike Jenkins

Tokyo X

Mark Kinxx



Special Thanks to Z for finding all the links to the matches and promos, to all of Creative Control for providing input for the ballots, and to everyone to made suggestions for nominations

Edited by HVilleThugg

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The JL


The Cyclone Comet Memoial Trophy - For Wrestler Of The Year



The Chris Storm Memorial Trophy - For Match Of The Year



The Feud Of The Year Award



The Ash Ketchum Pokeball Award - For Most Improved Wrestler



The Grimedogg Memorial Trophy - For Booker of the Year



The HVT Thugg Passion Award - For Best World Champion



The European Champion of the Year Award



The TV Champion of the Year Award



The Clan Memorial Stable of the Year Award



The Tom Flesher Heel of the Year Award



The Joy of X Trophy - For Face of the Year



The Eddy Mac Award - For Best Promo Writer



The Promo of the Year Award







The Jayson Grant Memorial Trophy - For Wrestler of the Year



The Divefire Memorial Trophy - For Comeback Wrestler of the Year



The Pay Per View Match of the Year Award



The Non-PPV Match of the Year Award



The Feud of the Year Award



The Jay Dawg Improvement Award - For Most Improved Wrestler



The Axis Memorial Trophy - For Most Under-appreciated Wrestler



The Stubby P. McWeed Trophy - For Booker of the Year



The Rane Memorial Trophy - For Most Impressive Career



The Hville Thugg & Edwin MacPhisto Cup of Champions - For Best World Champion



The Fallout ICTV Champion of the Year Award



The US Champion of the Year Award



The Grimedogg Hardcore Champion of the Year Award



The Light-Heavyweight Champion of the Year Award



The Fallen Tag Team Trophy - For Tag Team of the Year



The Pay Per View of the Year Award



The Stable of the Year Award



The Ace of Clubs Trophy - For Heel of the Year



The Grand Slam Trophy - For Face of the Year



The Cyclone Comet Trophy - For Best Promo Writer



The Rookie Of The Year Award



The Promo fo the Year Award







The Mayor McCheese Comedic Moment of the Year Award



The Munich Jackass Trophy - For ”Tool” of the Year





Da "hold dat bitches" H

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Let me also say that everyone can vote. Actives, retirees, lurkers, JLers...even CC! I don't know if CC will vote, but everyone including is allowed to vote. THe only person that will not be allowed to vote is me, since I will be tallying the ballots. That would be shady if I voted.


Da "dammit...I never get to do anything" H

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The Promo fo the Year Award

In the Fade - Edwin MacPhisto

The Luvin' Spoonful - Alex Zenon

Frost on Howard Stern - Frost

Blue - El Luchadore Magnifico


Wow. Color me extremely surprised.


Thanks very much for all the nomnations...hopefully, I can keep up the award-winning streak this year. :D


*waves tiny Mexican flags while wearing giant hat that says *VOTE FOR MAG!*

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Yeah Mags...I forgot to do something, but I've fixed it. If you check the ballot again, I think you'll find a nice surprise in the JL Section.


Da "aims to please" H

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Yes, Crowe....you can vote for yourself. I'm not even going to know cause I copy the votes out and mark you off a list....then I tally later.


Da "tries to let people be as anonymous as possible" H

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I think the SJL Best European Champion of the year award should be named after me. You got awards named after everybody else and nobody loved that belt more than me. I jobbed the World to a girl just so I could keep the Euro. That's dedication.

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Sorry Frosty...I didn't mean to leave you out of the award name fun...there you go big man.


Da "feels bad he forgot Frost...especially since he was thinking that the Icelandic freak needed an award earlier today" H

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Thank you, Thugg, I am honored. Even though I asked for it. But I'm retired, I get to bitch about not being respected. Ah, the perks.


*Goes back to eating sushi off of the small of the back of an Asian hooker*

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Not really...if you only get one vote, you won't win. I figure, if you deserve to win, you deserve to win. GW Bush was allowed to vote for himself. Also, there's really no way for me to check it and maintain the anominity of the ballots like I want to. Also, I believe I have a Genesis match to write, so I don't have time to go reading through everyone's ballot closely to make sure they didn't vote for themselves.


Da "appreciates the feedback though" H

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Ejiro: Sorry...I fixed it to give you credit for your cowrite.


Quiz: Yes! You can always forfeit if you win. You can't have award names without the Ash Ketchum Pokeball Award. I mean...come on....it's the Pokeball award...one of the most historic...prestigious...highly contested awards in the world. The cash and prizes alone will make sure you are financially secure forever, and the prestige of the award will get you so many bitches...it'll be like a slightly lesser version of me.


Da "always gets the bitches" H

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Guest Goodear

No sweat Thugg, I just wanted my cred for GIANT ROBOT COMMMMMBAT.


If MVS doesn't want the Pokeball believe you me, Ejiro Fasaki will be more than happy to jam it on his mantel. Of course, I once seriously considered a Yu-Gi-Oh gimmick to attack Ash with ... mostly so I could do a Blue Eyes White Dragon suplex and the Millenium Puzzle submission.


King of Nerds INdeeeeeeeeeed.

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Guest Evolution

Since MVS is probably going to win that award, I'd be more than giddy to take it off his hands.

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I just wonder about TNT for best face... he was a heel against Mags, and even when he went up against Flesher and Frost... he was a tweener, wasn't he? But I guess it makes more sense to have him in as a face.


Other than that, everything looks wonderful.

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Of course, I once seriously considered a Yu-Gi-Oh gimmick to attack Ash with ... mostly so I could do a Blue Eyes White Dragon suplex and the Millenium Puzzle submission.


King of Nerds INdeeeeeeeeeed.

*hits Ejiro with Exodia, then realises he really shouldn't admit he watches the show and runs away*

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Everything is jumpin' and out of sight.


But, if Frost can complain, then so can I -- I was the longest reigning TV Champ of all time, and no award named after me? To that I say boo! And hiss! AND jeer! AT THE SAME TIME!

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