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Guest Redhawk

Biggest disappointment

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Jamie Noble and what has happened to him is the biggest crime in the WWF.

Gotta lump Kanyon in there, too. He's got size, cool moves, goofy charisma, and is comfortable on the mic. But he's a WCW buy-out guy, and therefore inferior :angry:

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Raven has the ability to do a 20 minute promo without getting me bored. Raven could of been a main event heel or tweener during the time period of which HHH held Raw hostage as champion.


Raven has few sig moves such as the droptoe hold to chair, DDT, and knee strikes. Raven could also throw punches and kicks for 10 minutes then use a sig move to fit the ever so exciting WWE Style.


Raven stable by any name > HHH stable of 3rd rate horsemen. A stable of the regulars such as Stevie, Tommy, Saturn, Kanyon and maybe add Victoria could of been more entertaining than the lame ass nWo or teh whoresmen.

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Chris Jericho should be the #1 superstar in the WWE right now (and he should've been for the past year), but he's never been pushed to the highest degree like an Austin, Rock, or Triple H would be.


Ditto on the Brock/Angle feud. It sucks/ed.

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Eddy Guerrero is much better than Chris Jericho.

All around, or purely as a wrestler?

As a wrestler I'd agree.


All around, Jericho is much better as of right now.

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Eddy Guerrero is much better than Chris Jericho.

All around, or purely as a wrestler?

Both. The slight advantage that Jericho has on the mic doesn't make up for the huge gap in ability.

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Ditto on the Brock/Angle feud. It sucks/ed.

That's very true.


I do say that the reason so many dog it, is because of the "God-Like" expectations so many people put on the feud.

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Well maybe I should've rephrased the statement to "Chris Jericho should be the #1 superstar on Raw". I don't disagree that Eddy is a better wrestler and I think Eddy is awesome for Smackdown right now, but Jericho is the perfect superstar for what the WWE needs right now. He has good abilities and a lot of charisma, but Raw also has Triple H and Goldberg.

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Guest T0rrent

At least Raven made it on a couple of PPV's. Ultimo will be lucky to get a pre PPV Velocity shot now. Especially with how many McMahon's on TV now. Other disapointments for me include Golddust, Storm, RVD, and Booker.

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Both Raw & Smackdown tag team divisions.

I think this is a bit unfair. The Smackdown tag team division has (in patches, admittedly) made for some of the best TV that WWE have produced over the last year or so, and the titles have been made to really look like they mean something. Obviously the Raw tag team division sucks though.


I have to agree with Downhome, I reckon Y2J is a potential goldmine for WWE and they just refuse to push him correctly with any real conviction. I don't recall any other World Champ being made to look like such a bitch, and the build up to WMX8 was just laughable.


Also, whilst Eddy obviously has better in-ring abilities than Jericho and is on a roll right now, though I'm currently finding Eddy more entertaining I just don't see him being a major draw for the WWE, whereas I do with Jericho - he just has that look and feel about him.

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I'd have to go with Kanyon. The "Innovator Of Offence" has been used as a joke throughout his WWE tenure. Even when he was given the US title, he was jobbed out. Since his return from injury (the one he nearly died from, for Pete's sake) he has appeared twice- once as Boy George and once in a 2-minute Rey Misterio match. Even Orlando Jordan has had more TV time this year.

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While the feud lacked something I don't think the Lesnar/Angle matches have been bad at all. You expect too much at the moment. A year or two from now those series of matches will be appreciated more. Hell, when the Angle/Benoit matches/series were going on people on this board were complaining about them as well. Some still do.


Of all time: Hennig and Owen Hart were two guys who were never given a real chance at the top.

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WWE has been the biggest dissapointment of them all, here we had a billion dollar company that was hot and breaking into the mainstream, finally wrestling was being accepted by the media and the rest of the world, but Vince's ego and locker room politics killed the goose that lay golden eggs by not pushing the people we want to see in the ME.

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Chuck Palumbo: A potential breakout star whose career has been all but destroyed by very bad stereotype gimmicks. I liked him FAR better in WCW than I do in WWE.

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Palumbo a break-out star? Hey, I've liked Chuck going back to WCW. I liked B&C, I like FBI Chuck (FBI needs more TV time), but I've never thought of him as a break-out star.

No, i agree that Palumbo could have been big, could still be, but depends if he keeps his present company.

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As far as this Jericho/Eddie debate, I will go so far as to say Eddie is better on the mic than Jericho in addition to better in the ring. Jericho has basically his one wiseass schtick he can do on the mic. He rarely can do an intense promo without sounding whiny. Eddie can do comedy promos (such as his great grandma coming to America), intense "pissed off Mexican" promos (when Cena stole and/or vandalized his car), or sleazy insincere promos (his justification for turning on Tajiri).


Jericho can occasionally do a good intense promo (such as his rant at the Rock that he isn't a joke), but for the most part the mic work I've always liked from him is his smart ass stuff.

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Guest jm29195

Vader- after his initial push to Summerslam 96, he was reated like shit by wwf despite being a solid and reliable worker throughout 97- don't say Sid was a better champion than him in Nov-Jan 96/97?



DDP- This guy loved wrestling so much that he took a massive paycut and buyout of his warner contract to come to WWF and he was jobbed out to Takers wife in less than 2 months!!


Goldust was massively over right at the beginning of the year but it's been down hill all year since he electrocuted by Batista and Orton

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Guest NCJ

Currently the ones everyone has mentioned plus: Kidman(has no charisma but can wrestle his ass off), Test(if you look back Test was way over during his fued with the mean street posse and Shane. When him and Shane became friends it was way over. If HHH would have beaten him up he could have recovered, but instead fucking X-pac and Road Dog break his nose about fifty times in two months.), and Steiner(past his prime, but should be a top heel just because he is so bad assed. Steiner > than HHH as a heel.)


All Time;


Rick Rude: Had the looks, talent, and mic skills to be the number one heel in the 80's.


Owen Hart: If they would have made him Mcmahon's chosen one to face Austin instead of jobbing him out to the lesser member of D-X he would have been the most over heel in history.


Mr. Perfect: Deserved a world title run.


D-Lo Brown: Was the most over mid carder in the WWF and looked like the next Rock. Signed big time five year deal along with Hardcor Holly(aka the Big Shot) when Russo was there. When Russo leaves his push disappears.


Taz: Most over 5'8 guy ever. Could have been great as a legit bad ass. Debuted beating Kurt Angle. Instead jobbed out to the Big Bossman and Albert.

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I'm gonna go w/ Brock vs Angle. The storyline was BUILT IN and the WWE literally had to do nothing other then play up the amateur background. But they didn't. The feud sucked. And so did the matches (well, not really, but they weren't what they could have been.)

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Going back to Chuck Palumbo, Johnny Stamboli looked to have so much potential back in WCW. He was agile, had some nice power moves and I always loved it when he leapt straight to the top rope. I suppose his injuries made him resort to a dull power-based offence, but in 2000, Stamboli looked great.


Actually, Sean O'Haire seems to have gone the same way (high-flying big man to slower power-based wrestler). What happened to his push??

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