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Guest Boo_Bradley

10 Worst Cartoon Character's of all

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Captain Planet

That guy in the wheelchair from Ghostbusters: Extreme

The humans in Transformers Armada

The Transformers in Transformers Armada

Spongebob Square Pants

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Speaking of Captain N and worst cartoon characters, anyone else here want to throw a vote out for the horrific travesty of justice that was the thing on that show which they claimed was Simon Belmont?


I know. While at the time I didn't have Castlevania I did play it a few things and when I saw how was on the cartoon I was like "This is the guy that beats up vampires?". Simon acted like a damn pretty boy and a big pussy to boot.

But Motherbrain 0wned your faces

What they did to Megaman was far far worse, for fucks sake MEGAMAN IS BLUE! Why the fuck was he green and talked like he had throat cancer?

And why the fuck was Kid Icarus there. Did the 4 people that played that game do a massive write in or something?

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I'll try and stick to those who haven't been mentioned by everyone else so far...


Simon Belmont- Yeah, a pussy vampire hunter. What the FUCK were they thinking? Even worse was his friggin' voice where he sounded like a complete flamer. That whole show was an abortion.


Bugs Bunny- Yeah, I'll catch some heat from this but fuck that noise. Bugs is pretty much the HHH of Looney Tunes. He never looks bad and *always* goes over everyone, which pissed me off so much as a kid that I became a Daffy fan overnight.


The entire cast of Gundam Wing(except Duo)- What a bunch of whiny brooders. This show wouldn't even have been half as popular if it wasn't chock full of pretty boy morons acting with the emotional range of Linda McMahon.


Robin from Superfriends- Man... his whole relationship with Batman back then practically screamed "fruitcake" and he ALWAYS STATED THE BLATANTLY OBVIOUS!


That Nuke 'Em guy from Captain Planet- What a fucking sissy. First off, he runs around dressed like a goddamn beach bum, then he has the ability to shoot friggin' NUCLEAR BLASTS from his hands, yet he ALWAYS got owned by Captain Planet. I mean, hell, most of the others at least have the excuse of being human as to why that Eco-Nazi kicked their asses, but not Duke.

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The entire cast of Gundam Wing(except Duo)- What a bunch of whiny brooders. This show wouldn't even have been half as popular if it wasn't chock full of pretty boy morons acting with the emotional range of Linda McMahon.

Too true.

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Hell yeah. What kind of element is "HEART"?


You don't remember that from the four basic elements of alchemy?!


I mean, they never actually wanted to do anything, like get money or conquer the earth.


I think quite a few of that rich guy villain's schemes were money-driven... you're right about the rest though.


Votes for Dil, Kimmy, and the characters 'All Growed Up'


What happened on AGU anyway? I remember hearing about it, but never watched it

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Tommy got grounded for stealing his dad's medal that got eaten by Spike, they found out it wasn't eaten, they gave the medal to him at their disco thing, the kids went to a concert. Nothing special aside from the fact that it was worse than anything else ever on the show

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What they did to Megaman was far far worse, for fucks sake MEGAMAN IS BLUE! Why the fuck was he green and talked like he had throat cancer?


And correct me if I'm wrong didn't he also always put the word Mega in front of words. LIke, "That's mega awesome. That's going to be mega hard. etc, etc."

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Guest NCJ

Bugs is more like the 80's version of Ric Flair. He was just more talented, or charismatic than everyone else around. And he would let you get one up on him, but he would always get it back.


And I guess I was the only one who liked the kangaroo vs sylvester eps. atleast it was better than him getting outsmarted by a damn bird.

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What was the name of the cartoon that had Bigfoot, the guy from Narc, a Basketball Player, and the guy from Iron Sword in it??


Not that it was a bad cartoon, but their choices for characters was odd.

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Don't forget Gizmo Duck. He ruined not one, but two series.


Why did you mention him huh? I finally got out of therapy again after my last outburst against this fucking waste of paint and celluloid.

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Tommy got grounded for stealing his dad's medal that got eaten by Spike, they found out it wasn't eaten, they gave the medal to him at their disco thing, the kids went to a concert. Nothing special aside from the fact that it was worse than anything else ever on the show

But did they have flying cars?

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Remember that fat moronic genie from the later Scooby Doo series? I can handle Scrappy, but I found that piece of shit almost unwatchable. I agree about the Heart kid(wasn't his name Mati or something?) on Captain Planet. You'd think the writers could've given an Australian kid the power of Lightning or something. The Snorks were shitty too. They were second-rate underwater Smurfs. Also, that kid Spike had in a few T&J cartoons has a large protion of my hatred. Transformers Armada is pure crap, except for Jet Fire and Star Scream.

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All the characters from King of the Hill deserve to be on that list. What was the appeal to that show? I never found one episode funny. And making fun of redneck southerners is nothing original.


Here are my nominations:


-That "Heart" kid from Captain Planet

-All the characters from Pokemon, Digimon, and all the other Japaneese anime shows

-Spongebob Squarepants

-Dil and Kimmy from the Rugrats

Edited by Michael Joel Benoit

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Wait, wait, 'Gazoo' was a cartoon character? I can't say he was bad, since from him came the movie version in Flinstones. Of course, the movie sucked, but at least Mick Jagged and Gazoo were okay ;)


Someone pointed in my science class that, if oil was a natural resource, how come it'd hurt Captain Planet? [We have a very goofy 'Enviromental Science' class]...


I also nominate Dill and Kimmy. Not that I watch the show or anything. My sister watches it sometimes and I'm in the same room. Ugh...some of those shows are just awful. I always root for Angelica. She's a bitch. She knows it...and enjoys it. And yet, she gets punked out all the time by some snot-nosed brats and a black kid? What's the point in that?!


EDIT: From the Evo roster, I nominate Spyke.

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Guest Razor Roman
Petunia Pig


Did this "chick" really exist? I mean, I have no recollection of her in any cartoon, ever.

She existed. Think Porky with.... well, Pig-Tails.




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She existed. Think Porky with.... well, Pig-Tails.



The hell?


When was she around? And did she have any discernable personality, or was she just a female Porky?

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I think everyone on here used to watch Captain Planet because it was on before WCW Main Event on Sundays. That's how I ended up watching it sometimes. And yes that show was horrible, abysmal. It was such PC bullshit. Heh, my dad used to call him "Captain Faggot." It combined all the bad things about the early 90s and distilled it into one huge pile of crap.

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Also, re: Rugrats, since I haven't watched that show in about 8 years (and even then I wasn't a devoted fan), who is this Kimmy girl everyone hates?


I know who Dil is though (from movie commercials), and what's the reason for hating him?

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I think everyone on here used to watch Captain Planet because it was on before WCW Main Event on Sundays. That's how I ended up watching it sometimes. And yes that show was horrible, abysmal. It was such PC bullshit. Heh, my dad used to call him "Captain Faggot." It combined all the bad things about the early 90s and distilled it into one huge pile of crap.

I actually caught it during its first run on NBC in 1990 (NBC Sat morning lineup of that, Camp Candy and Captain N+Super Mario 3 sticks in my head for some reason... anytime I hear about one, I associate them all together)


But yes, it was teh suck, although for some reason I would still watch it when it aired before WCWME (except during football season)

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Camp Candy was the SHIT though. I forgot all about that.



And who was that smart kid they added to Ducktales. the one with the big glasses that was always being all smart and shit and making Launchpad look even dumber? And then they added that fucking Genie after that Ducktales movie(which admittedly kicked ass). Then Gizmo Duck. Its like they did everything possible to kill that show.


Fucking Winky on Popeye. I hated that hamburger eating bastard.


Duke on GI Joe. I just always felt he was holding Snake Eyes back.


Those fucking Twins from GI joe. They were the biggest pussies in Cobra. I mean, you could kick the shit out of one and the other felt it, thus negating the entire 2 on one advantage.




And here is the list of cartoons that got the best of bugs:


The Tortuse: In any of the Tortuse and Hair cartoons, he always got the better of bugs.


Those Golphers: Owned his ass...although I hated them too.


The Gremlin: I only saw him the once with Bugs, but he kicked bugs's ass while tearing apart that plane.


Elmer Fudd: The one time in the Bugs vs. The artist cartoon(my favorite cartoon EVER) If it had been daffy, I would rob WB for the reel that cartoon is on.

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Camp Candy was the SHIT though.  I forgot all about that.


The evil camp counselor owned. It jumped the shark though when they added that stupid assistant counselor to help out John, so I guess you could add him to the list here.


And who was that smart kid they added to Ducktales.  the one with the big glasses that was always being all smart and shit and making Launchpad look even dumber?


You sure you don't mean the kid from Darkwing Duck (which also had Launchpad in it)? That's who I immediately thought of


And then they added that fucking Genie after that Ducktales movie(which admittedly kicked ass).


He became a regular character after the movie? I remember this not.


Then Gizmo Duck.


Where's all the Gizmo hate from (not just you, but others)? I marked out for Gizmo, personally.


Those fucking Twins from GI joe.  They were the biggest pussies in Cobra.  I mean, you could kick the shit out of one and the other felt it, thus negating the entire 2 on one advantage.


But... but... they were twins... and they were EVIL and talked all menacingly! And one had a scar on his cheek, and...


Okay I can't justify it, they didn't add anything of note.


And here is the list of cartoons that got the best of bugs:


The Tortuse: In any of the Tortuse and Hair cartoons, he always got the better of bugs.


Those Golphers: Owned his ass...although I hated them too.


The Gremlin:  I only saw him the once with Bugs, but he kicked bugs's ass while tearing apart that plane.


Elmer Fudd: The one time in the Bugs vs. The artist cartoon(my favorite cartoon EVER)  If it had been daffy, I would rob WB for the reel that cartoon is on.


Strange how they had minor characters get the better of bugs (save for the lone Elmer incident), while his big nemeses like Daffy and Sam never got a moment of glory.

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Strange how they had minor characters get the better of bugs (save for the lone Elmer incident), while his big nemeses like Daffy and Sam never got a moment of glory.

Found this on some website:


He is noted for his feuds with Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, Daffy Duck, and even Wile E. Coyote, who usually takes on the Road Runner. Almost invariably, Bugs comes out the winner in these conflicts, because that is in his nature. This is especially obvious in films directed by Chuck Jones, who likes to pit "winners" against "losers". Worrying that audiences would lose sympathy for an aggressor who always won, Jones found the perfect way to make Bugs sympathetic in the films by having the antagonist repeatedly bully, cheat or threaten Bugs in some way. Thus offended, (usually 3 times) Bugs would often state "Of course, you realize this means war" (a line which Jones noted was taken from Groucho Marx) and the audience gives Bugs silent permission to inflict his havoc. When Bugs meets other characters who are also "winners", however, like Cecil the Turtle in Tortoise Beats Hare, or, in WWII, the Gremlin of Falling Hare, his record is rather dismal; his overconfidence tends to work against him.

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Guest NCJ

Daffy also beat Bugs in the cartoon where there is a game show where you race for a million bucks, but when the host told Daffy after he won that the winner actually got a big box with a miilion small boxes in it he gave up the prize to Bugs. However, it was a mistake because the boxes had a one dollar bill in each one. :angry: :angry: :angry:

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Once again I must say, WHAT ABOUT FUCKING ORKO FROM FUCKING HE-MAN!!! I know for a fact I wasn't the only person to hate that fucker, in fact I think I signed a petition not to have his sucky ass in the new series.

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