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Guest Boo_Bradley

Infant Rape on the Rise

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Guest Boo_Bradley

Baby And Child Rape

Increasing Rapidly In S Africa




CAPE TOWN (SAPA) -- The increasing rape and abuse of babies and young girls in South Africa is a dangerous symptom of a very sick society, says an expert.


According to forensic criminologist Irma Labuschagne, it is difficult to sketch a profile of a "typical" child rapist, but there are some common denominators in many of the cases reported.


"Alcohol seems to play the biggest part. Also, where mothers do not know how to take care of their babies. Unemployment is also a problem."


Labuschagne, whose expertise is often called on by the courts in child abuse cases, says overcrowding at home is another common factor in such crimes.


Speaking to Sapa from Johannesburg, she said the myth that sleeping with a virgin could cure Aids was also causing an increase in child rape cases.


"We would be very stupid to think it does not. It is not the first time that kind of myth has existed."


Labuschagne's remarks follow the rape of a nine-month-old baby at her home in Cape Town on Saturday, while her parents and others lay sleeping after a party.


Police in the Mother City on Sunday arrested a 35-year-old man in connection with the rape.


In a second incident at the weekend, a two-year-old girl was lured away from friends outside her home in the Du Noon informal settlement and raped. Her mother was out shopping at the time.


According to media reports, a total of 38 girls have been raped or assaulted in the Western Cape so far this month.


According to the latest South African Police Service annual report, the number of cases of child abuse increased nationally by 81.2% in the 2002/03 reporting year.


Cases doubled


From April 1, 2002 to March 31 this year, 4,798 cases of child abuse were reported, compared to 2,648 the previous year.


The report shows the highest incidence of child abuse to be in the Western Cape, followed by Gauteng and then the Eastern Cape.


Labuschagne says crimes against children are a symptom of a very sick society.


"It is a very dangerous symptom of a very sick society. A society that is so violent that it is becoming desensitised to this kind of thing.


"The Baby Tshepang case was front page news all over the country. This latest incident is just a little square in the middle of the page."


Labuschagne says there is a need for South Africans to return to old-fashioned morals and values.


"The community has to take this in hand. Everyone has some responsibility, and must see exactly how abhorrent this kind of behaviour is. It cannot be accepted."


However, she says the morale of some people is so low they do not care what is happening next door to them.


"It is easy to say there should be a return to old fashioned values, but some people are in places where they feel their lives are almost over."


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Something needs to be done about this though. Something drastic to stop the spread.


This would be one instance when I would support seperating the infected persons from the uninfected.


It is obvious these people aren't taking proper precautions and why throw away a little kids life on a baseless belief? People have tried to educate them but it continues to happen. If these people had SARS they would quarantine them and I consider this to be somewhat the same since they have the knowledge of what they are doing.


Build a really large 4 sided fence and keep them all in it and let them fuck each other until their dicks bleed.

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Something needs to be done about this though. Something drastic to stop the spread.

They need to get smart about doling out strong sentences for these people. The age of consent there is already lowered to 16, which is plenty enough thanks.


Weird tangent about SARS and shit


What the...

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Are you saying lowering the age of consent is enough to stop the spread of AIDS and infant rape? And that is enough?


Can you explain yourself more fully?

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That's why I suggest seperation. Let the kids have a chance at a full live and let the ones with AIDs fuck each other all they want until a cure is found or they die.


Whichever comes first.

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Are you saying lowering the age of consent is enough to stop the spread of AIDS and infant rape? And that is enough?


Can you explain yourself more fully?

No. I said that the age of consent is as low as it should ethically go.



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And cynicalprofit wins the prize for the most disgusting comment yet. "Safer to be raping babies?" It's so fucking lovely to see that you have your fucking priorities in order, you sick piece of shit.

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Ignoring CP statment, what was the stats for child rapes here in the US. i know that it was about 91,000 rapes in all(reported) but how many were child rapes.


Not to sound like I am trying to have a game of "anything you can do" but our child rape cases could very well be comparable and be as much of a problem here.

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I've my hopes up high that one of these years, at the rate everyone in Africa is contracting AIDS, one of those people will have some mutant gene or other factor to resist all strains of the HIV. If it'll ever happen anywhere, where else besides Africa?

That gene in all probability exist now. But how exactly would you know?

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And cynicalprofit wins the prize for the most disgusting comment yet. "Safer to be raping babies?" It's so fucking lovely to see that you have your fucking priorities in order, you sick piece of shit.

One of these days, I would like to cease being stunned at the incredible stupidity of some members of the general population, but I don't know if I'll ever reach that goal.

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Again Africa wins the award for most fucked up continent on the planet.


Sometime it feels like all the aid in the world won't help out, half of it will be embezzled and the other half wasted and misspent.


Its sooooo violent and war torn, it's almost frightening that people can degenerate like that. They mine resources, sell them for guns, and kill each other. It's no wonder they're so easily manipulated. Africa could easily be a super power with all the resources on that continent, but they're still everyone's bitch when it comes to import/export. I had an international studies teacher who said that there haven't been any good African leaders since the 60's. He admits that when he goes back home to Africa to visit friends and family he brings $50,000 for bribes and has a good ol time.

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Keep in mind South Africa isn't all baby rapists, AIDS, and huts of towns with people covered in flys.


Someone I know from that country says that a lot of people get bad impressions that 60% of the news stories coming from that region deals with those two subjects, plus everyone's mind-picture of almost any African region.

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Would you preferred if I said it while wearing a tiny yellow hat?


And simply put, its safer due to the rate of aids in the country, it had NOHTING to do with morality, so FUCK OFF CANCER. ( I dont approve of baby rape)

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its safer due to the rate of aids in the country, it had NOHTING to do with morality, so FUCK OFF CANCER.

Silly me. I thought the central issue was raping babies, and you sort of have to take a moral stance against that. Unless, I suppose, your name's cynicalprofit.


( I dont approve of baby rape)

I'd never have guessed.



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You dont have to take a moral stance on it, atleast those people that do it dont take one, since, its a-ok to them.


We've been raping babies for centuires and it STILL goes on. I really don't care about it, I find other things way more disurbing anyways.


Would it make you happy if I said, I aprrove of baby raping?

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Guest FrigidSoul
I have to know what on earth is more disturbing than raping babies. Please enlighten us.

The fact that Vince McMahon believes his family, Paul Levesque, Paul Wight, Gorilla Train, and Big Poppa Imobile actually draw is up there

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You dont have to take a moral stance on it, atleast those people that do it dont take one, since, its a-ok to them.


We've been raping babies for centuires and it STILL goes on. I really don't care about it, I find other things way more disurbing anyways.


Would it make you happy if I said, I aprrove of baby raping?




and you guys thought I was fucked up...

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I have to know what on earth is more disturbing than raping babies.  Please enlighten us.

The fact that Vince McMahon believes his family, Paul Levesque, Paul Wight, Gorilla Train, and Big Poppa Imobile actually draw is up there

nice try, but you only come in at a solid number two for dumbest comments in this thread.


And seriously, what is worse that baby rape? CP...seriously. What?

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Perhaps the ritual slaughter and sacrifice of infants in occult rituals?


Hell, I can't think of anything else. And what I thought of probably almost never happens.

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