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Spicy McHaggis

The One And Only 24 Season 3 Thread

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I am SO against Tony right now

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Seriously if I was Keeler, I'd stay as far away from Sherry, remmember she's talking about bringing down her ex-husband, father of her child. Imagine what she'd do to someone she knows only sporadically made her cross.

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You are a pussy Tony, if Michelle lives and finds out what you did I hope she breaks your balls and moves in with Jack F'N Bauer

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Good filler ep setting up for the final 3 with Jack just pretty much on the sidelines in this one. Damn, they gave away too much in the previews. Oh well. In season 4, I dunno if Tony could come back for it seeing as how he screwed up big time. Maybe he'll die or something.

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I don't watch the previews. Haven't since the middle of last season, when they very obviously revealed that Evil Sister was going to shoot Reza.


Tonight's episode was Tony's real fall into the darkside. He fucked up once letting Saunders go, but now he's crossed the line. Michelle will get out of this okay; Tony will not. He's cruising towards nothing but death now, or a horrid resignation and jail for treason. There was no mole in CTU this year, but there didn't need to be: Saunders created one on the spot.


It's so weird - every season of 24 has changed a lot throughout, especially from the first half into the second (Teri and Kim hostage/assassination --> Drazens, Nuclear bomb --> Strangely dull conspiracy for war) but I think Day 3 takes the cake. Who would believe that Jack was still undercover with the Salazars just 10 hours ago?

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I like how they are doing the same thing with Tony now that they did with Jack in the first season by having Tony defy authority to save his wife. With everyone being unsure what will happen to him as he goes off the edge and does whatever he can to save Michelle's life while trying to stop Saunders at the same time.

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Who would believe that Jack was still undercover with the Salazars just 10 hours ago?

I think you can pretty much sum it up by saying: The who?


There's been so much happening on this day it's even hard to believe anything anymore. I barely remember that Nina's dead...

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How many hours ago was Tony dying on the surgery table and Michelle had too keep calling to check on his status? Since then he went through miracle rehab, resumed his job, turned heel and is now evading everyone.

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Nina's dead?


Oh yea....so long ago...


Maybe next time the terrorists should be located like across the country so Jack won't get to them. Unless of course he flies on a special made government aircraft that travels thousands of miles in seconds.

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Is Jack still a heroin addict?

That's the biggest drop I can recall. Did he take anything for it and I've just forgotten, or has he just been toughing it out? I hope they just let it slide and don't try to do an even lamer version of last year's "omg Jack's heart attack bet u forgot!!!1" in the last couple episodes.


Also, man, where the hell has Chase been? I know he's been there, but he doesn't seem to do anything but run around silently these days, after being such a huge part of the season's first half. That's what happens when you step it up for Michelle and Tony, I guess.

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Is Jack still a heroin addict?

That's the biggest drop I can recall. Did he take anything for it and I've just forgotten, or has he just been toughing it out?


Salazar gave him something for it

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Guest Evolution

These 24 writers are playing games with us. Tony was one of the most solid characters throughout the three years of 24, and now they've totally turned him tweener.


Man's dead.


Palmer's going to have to do some shit to get out of his situation, too.


It's a shame.


They're totally changing the landscape of 24 in these last few hours, but the Tony thing is a real hang-up. Looks like they're pushing Chase to main event.

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Guest drdrainoscott

Everyone seems to forget about Palmer's decaying hand. I still can not believe that they entirely dropped the best cliff hanger of all time

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Everyone seems to forget about Palmer's decaying hand. I still can not believe that they entirely dropped the best cliff hanger of all time

That's the price you pay when your show has a really unique quirk, like 24's "real time" format.

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Guest Fook

Bumping the official thread.


The big question this week is will Tony redeem himself or continue down his path to pussydom?

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I'm sick of hearing this "Tony is a pussy" shit!


Tony is doing the EXACT same thing that Jack did in the first two seasons. Jack broke ALL the rules to save his family and last season, he broke out Kate Warner out of CTU just like Tony is doing with Jane Saunders now.


Jack with Gaines in his ear = Tony with Saunders' demands.


Same shit.


I support you Tony!



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Dames is all over it. And I'm not just saying that because of his position.


It's for all the reasons that he stated. Jack has broken rules. Tony has too. In the previews, it seems like he and Jack start working together again, but I don't know for sure.

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There's a big difference, Tony is selfishly putting millions of people at risk to save his wife. Season 1, yeah Jack broke alot of rules to keep his family safe...but he still did his job! He did everything he could to keep Palmer safe...Everything Gaines had him do Jack found a way to not do it but make it look like he did...killing Nina, the assassination attempt on Palmer, etc..

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You think if it were Jack in Tony's position, he wouldn't have done the same thing? He wouldn't have allowed Teri to be stabbed in the eye, or Kim, especially after losing Teri.



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Gosh I wish Chloe was a mole, then someone could shoot her.

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