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Hugh...the Giants aren't getting him. :P


As for Pudge he's going to get the same deal he got last year 1-year, $10 million from maybe someone like the Cubs because he's doing the exact same thing he did last year. No one is going to give a catcher in their 30s, even in his early 30s (he's 32), a four year deal. Before last year he had three straight years where he spent time on the DL.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

about Pudge/Vlad


A. Both players want a long, expensive contract


B. Pudge is old


C. Vlad is young


D. Vlad is better


so there ya go.



The thing about Vlad is he's not always playing with a full deck. You can't get him with just money. That's why the Yanks ended up signing Sheff (or will once they sufficiently cheat their way through Rule 5)



And Daru here's the basic story for next year. Red Sox finally look like they will beat the Yanks and then lose to an extra inning HR. Sox go insane. Yankees lose World Series to the freaking Marlins. Yankees go insane. So now you have two nutbars in the same division who play eachother like 30 times a year, spending roughly twice as much as any other team, for the sole purpose of beating eachother. And then maybe winning a championship. But mainly beating eachother.


Look for a cage match in September.



PS - The Cubs are dumb enough to meet Pudge's demands, but sadly are too cheap. I say the Orioles sign him when they miss out on all the players people actually want.

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They announced a press conference for 4 today, so it appears something has been done.


Also, they mentioned today, that Millwood has said he will likely take the arbitration.


I can't believe, if Millwood accepts, the Phils payroll could touch 120 mil. Never thought I would see the day.

Edited by the pinjockey

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I guess Scott Boras was lying about that five year offer. Still, good to see Millwood back.


Worrell is 35, but he's been quite good for 5 years running, so he looks like a fine addition to the bullpen. 3.03 ERA on the road the last three years, so leaving Pac Bell shouldn't hurt him much.

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So this offseason the Phils, essentially traded:


Nick Punto

Carlos Silva

Jose Mesa

Terry Adams

Brandon Duckworth

Taylor Buchholz




Billy Wagner

Tim Worrell

Eric Milton


That ranks as a pretty good offseason in my book. Just need to see if they pick up a left handed bat for the bench (unless that is now Utley's spot, but I think he is too valuable in trade to do that). I would still do Kim-Utley. To hell with payroll at this point, they already blew it up.

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You have to remember that the Phillies cleared $14 million in payroll by losing Mesa, Mike Williams, Turk Wendell, and Terry Adams. With Milton, Wagner, and Worrell, they add about $8 million. Millwood got $9.9 million last year, and I don't think that will increase significantly.

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It has also been reported by ESPN that at the winter owners meetings, the Marlins are not only after Vlad, but Javy Lopez as well. They can not afford both, but are looking to leave the meetings with one of them.


They made it sound like the deal for Vlad they are going to lay out is a stadium clause deal like Lowells.

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You have to remember that the Phillies cleared $14 million in payroll by losing Mesa, Mike Williams, Turk Wendell, and Terry Adams. With Milton, Wagner, and Worrell, they add about $8 million. Millwood got $9.9 million last year, and I don't think that will increase significantly.

Huh? Worrell's signing for 3 mill per, Wagner's making $9 mill this year, and Eric Milton made $6 mill last year (not sure about this year's salary). Plus they resigned Todd Pratt for $875k. Totalling all that up comes too...hmmm..*pulls out his calculator*..almost $19 million. Unless Billy deferred or renegotiated Philly's added quite a bit of salary this year.

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Credit to ESPN & CBS Sportsline


Signings for Dec. 9th!

Boston signs Luis Soto to a minor league contract.


Kansas City signs OF Matt Stairs to a 1 year contract at $1 M w/ a $100,000 bonus if he gets 375 plate appearances. Stairs had a solid season last year but only played in 121 games. .292 BA, .389 OBP w/20 HR's.


December 8th signings

Boston claims pitcher Mark Malaska off waivers from Tampa Bay. Decent in his 22 appearances. 17 K's in 16 IP, also had 12 BB's which isn't good. 2.81 ERA though, not bad but not great either.


Cleveland claims pitcher Cliff Bartosh off waivers from Detroit.


Yankees re-signed Ruben Sierra to a 1 year contract. Was helpful to the Yankees coming off the bench and DHing.


New York Mets re-signed catcher Vance Wilson to a 1 year contract. Quite solid in 96 games(except the subpar .243 BA). 8 HR's but struck out a ton, 56 K's to only 12 BB's.

Edited by HarleyQuinn

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from cbs sportsline:


Eddie Guardado apparently won't be returning to Minnesota, as he will reportedly sign a three-year, $14 million contract with the Seattle Mariners.



And Gary Sheffield apparently pissed off the Yankees by calling Steinbrenner and asking for an additional $3 million. The deal may be off.

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And Gary Sheffield apparently pissed off the Yankees by calling Steinbrenner and asking for an additional $3 million. The deal may be off.



Yeah, it's not as if Steinbrenner can't afford him.


The deal isn't off. Sheffield is most definitely going to the Yankees. And the baseball world will respond with apathy, until Boston trades for A-Rod and Steinbrenner has three consecutive strokes.

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Credit CBS Sportsline(Mostly rumors)


A rumored trade should the A-Rod/Manny one go through is Nomar going to Anaheim for Jarrod Washburn and possibly Troy Glaus.


Cardinals are interested in Roberto Alomar.


Tampa signs UTI Eduardo Perez for 2 years, $1.7 MIL and are looking at FA's Juan Gonzalez, Carl Everett and Jose Cruz.


Arizona has expressed interest in SP's Shawn Estes and Darren Oliver.


Cleveland is possibly close to signing Tanyon Sturtze and Bobby Howry to minor league deals.


Colorado will likely sign 3B Vinny Castilla this week.


Detroit has offered 2B Fernando Vina a 2 year contract.

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Sheffield is never happy, ever. He and Manny Ramirez should form their clubhouse for apathetic, power hitting outfielders.


The Guardado deal is a one-year deal with two options years. Apparantly they've signed him to be the set-up man but see how long that lasts before Kaz Sasaki's first trip to the DL.

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Milton 9mil

Wagner 8 mil

Worrell 3 mil

Total 20 mil


minus 12-14 mil cleared


Thus they added about 6-8 mil in payroll.

Yeah I got to thinking that's what he meant after I posted it. Didn't feel like going back and deleting it though since it actually involved research and stuff. I hate feeling that 5 minutes of looking on sportsline was for nothing.

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Also, Royals signed Matt Stairs for a cool million. Nice signing there. Stairs crushes right handed pitching. Platoon him with Ken Harvey, and suddenly your DH slot is producing David Ortiz numbers.

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I've always been a fan of Matt Stairs, believe it or not. While certainly not the best hitter or fielder, he puts up consistent numbers and is at least fairly reliable with the glove, yet he's more or less lost in the shuffle the majority of the time and people rarely give him his props.

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Houston sports radio (KILT 610 AM) just said this morning that "sources close to Andy Pettitte" indicate that the Astros are leading in the race to sign him, though the Yankees' offer is expected to be much higher than Houston's. Supposedly, the Hendricks brothers (Pettitte's agents) want to get a deal done with either team by the end of the winter meetings.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

The Cubs have confirmed that they are quite not interested in Pudge. Being the Cubs, I'm assuming it was the $40 million part that scared them off more than the 4 year part.


Am I the only one who thinks Houston has no shot at Pettite?

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The Cubs have confirmed that they are quite not interested in Pudge. Being the Cubs, I'm assuming it was the $40 million part that scared them off more than the 4 year part.

Whatever the reason, I'm glad they're passing on him. Catcher was a problem area for the Cubs in 2003, but Pudge's ridiculous demands are laughable. Four years (at $10 mil per) for a 32-year-old catcher who's gone exactly one season out of the last four without spending some time on the DL? No thanks.


Am I the only one who thinks Houston has no shot at Pettite?

I wouldn't say they have no shot. Given today's news, it seems they have a pretty decent shot at him. The real question is what would the fallout be if they sign Pettitte? The Astros are already at their "budget" figure ($70-75 mil) Drayton McLane claims they have to be at, so who will they cut to free up some money? Last year, it was Shane Reynolds...who would it be this year (barring a Hidalgo trade or some other salary dump)?


And in the "Who Cares?" column, the Tigers have signed Fernando Vina for 2 years, $6 million.

Yikes. $3 mil per for a guy whose production has slipped and has become a relative fixture on the DL? Seems pricey to me, but at least the Tigers are trying.

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