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Good Evening boys and girls!


Your friendly neighborhood cartman here to set the record straight on the Red Sox situations.


I'm sure all of you are fully aware by now of the constant "rumors" of many trades involving the Red Sox. Namingly Manny Ramirez to Texas in exchange for Alex Rodriguez. Well i'm here to tell you that no matter what the media would like to tell you...




Here's what will happen however:


Nomar doesn't agree to the Sox' terms and plays out this season only to walk away just like Clemens(I don't mention Vaughn because there was obvious, now seen, reasons for letting him go bye bye). People may scoff at this idea saying "There's NO WAY they would let that happen again!" or "Theo isnt THAT stupid to not get anything in return for Nomar."


Well folks, it makes perfect sense to let the man walk. Why? you ask.


Well you see they have these other players that i'm very sure they deem more valuable for the buck that they CAN re-sign using that money thet Nomar would cost Boston after this year. Guys like, Trot Nixon, Derek Lowe, Jason Varitek, and David Ortiz.


Not to mention the fact that Boston will recieve high draft picks for Nomar leaving as well, which Theo and Co. Covet greatly.


Pedro Martines WILL re-sign and finish his career in Boston.


Manny Ramirez will play in Boston for at least 2 more years before finally being dealt.


I say all this because this is my tru feeling after all I have read and seen and heard. As of right now Boston has arguably the best, most balanced, team, in Baseball. With one year of this complete team there is a good shot that they won't have the manager cut their seson shoer in mid October.



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And, since there are other teams out there, here's the Expos San Juan schedule for 2004:

-New York Mets (April 9-11)

-Florida (April 13-15)

-Milwaukee (May 18-20)

-San Francisco (May 21-23)

-Toronto (July 2-4)

-Atlanta (July 5-7)

-Pittsburgh (July 8-11)


I'm somewhat pissed that they have the Jays playing down there, since that's supposed to be their attendance boosting 'natural rivaly' series. I understand that the promoter down there wants Delgado to play in Puerto Rico, but Toronto is one of the bigger draws that the Expos have at home, so you're taking that away from the home fans. Looks like Delgado and Bonds will have 3 games each to pad their home run totals, though.


Yet another reason to hate Bud Selig.

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...which is exactly why i know they won't trade for A-Rod then trade Nomar like the Media says. It would make NO sense to depend on Ortiz to hit behind A-Rod(and he would).

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The Yankees NEED, NO HAVE TO  rebuild. Their time has come and gone and it's starting to show that the team's dynamics can't keep up. Better to junk the whole thing and rebuild with certain surviving members of the roster as the lynchpen for a 2-4 seasons worth of rebuilding and come out stronger and economically slimmer than

Four years of hell.


I fucking HATE the rebuilding process.


I HATE when a team says "we're not even going to try for the next x number of years, we'll 'rebuild' (suck major ass) for a couple of years and hope that what we've done while we "rebuilt" is enough to make us a contender again."


Yeah, it has to happen, but why the hell should I look forward to four, five, six 61-101 type years?

Could you live with four years of rebuilding to win three or four world titles? Or would you prefer six straight years of trading young players for veterans and signing high priced free agents to just simply miss the playoffs (1983-1988) and then four years of forced rebuilding (1989-1992) all mushed in a 17 year period where they don't win a World Series (1979-1995)?


Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

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Anyone else think David Ortiz is hugely overrated? He destroys right handers, but against lefties he hit .216/.260/.414.

Don't trust Ortiz Red Sox fans. He was hurt for large number of games for the Twins, and honestly I think last had alot too with wanting to get a long term deal.

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Guest Bottled Black
Well, I don't buy that players can turn performance on and off like a faucet. I think that last year was the result of management that knew his strengths and played to them.

I agree with this statement whole-heartedly. If they could turn it on and off, Then Alomar would've hot .320 with 30 HR's for the Mets last year. Instead of getting dumped for a bunch of prospects.

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I'm somewhat pissed that they have the Jays playing down there, since that's supposed to be their attendance boosting 'natural rivaly' series. I understand that the promoter down there wants Delgado to play in Puerto Rico, but Toronto is one of the bigger draws that the Expos have at home, so you're taking that away from the home fans. Looks like Delgado and Bonds will have 3 games each to pad their home run totals, though.


Yet another reason to hate Bud Selig.

That SUCKS. My one chance to see the Jays, ruined.


Piss on you, Bud Selig.

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Well, I don't buy that players can turn performance on and off like a faucet. I think that last year was the result of management that knew his strengths and played to them.

Sure it was. They knew Ortiz ate right-handers for lunch, so they got him into as many games as they could. IIRC, he didn't really start playing against lefties until the second half of the season, but he was so absurdly good in the second half that they couldn't take him out of the lineup.


Lefties who can't hit lefties sometimes get branded as such because of one bad season, then never get many at-bats againt LHPs to try and reverse the trend. The Sox should have Ortiz hit against LHPs as much as possible in the offseason (I'm sure there's a college team near where he lives, and they'd probably love to work out with a major leaguer) and the preseason. If he really can't hit LHPs, the Red Sox have platoon answers, so it shouldn't be a big concern.

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HOUSTON -- A radio stunt could nudge future Hall of Famer Roger Clemens out of retirement.



Clemens is taking the weekend to decide whether he'd like to pitch for the Astros, where he would join friend Andy Pettitte, he told local talk show hosts from KKRW-FM Radio.



Rumors have been circulating since Clemens announced his retirement that he would unretire and pitch near home for the Astros. Clemens is technically a free agent, and can sign with any major league team.



When Pettitte decided on the Astros Thursday, that likely added to Clemens' motivation. Clemens and Pettitte were best friends on the Yankees.



However, Clemens was concerned that his Yankees' farewell gift -- a Hummer -- would be taken away if he decided to resume his career.



That's where the radio station comes in. KKRW's "Dean and Rog" came up with a plan: They made a plea on the air Friday morning for a Hummer they could offer to Clemens. Moments later, Hummer dealer and regular Dean and Rog listener Lee DeMontrond called in live with an offer.



An hour later the three hit the road in the Hummer, driving straight to the front door of Clemens' house, where they were greeted by Roger and his wife, Debbie.



When presented with the keys, a surprised Clemens said, "This is getting very interesting. ... I didn't know making a comment like that, you guys would show up in my front driveway with a burnt-orange H2."



Clemens added, "I am happy for Andy [Pettitte]. I think he is going to make a big difference." When asked if he would be in an Astros uniform come April, Clemens responded "maybe," and that the Hummer offer made things interesting. The radio show's deal is good only until Monday morning.



When they signed Pettitte, the Astros said they certainly would be receptive to the idea of Clemens pitching in Houston. However, the Astros have not reacted to the radio station's attempts to lure the Rocket back into active duty.

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I love these "Hot rumors every 10 minutes" segments. All this buildup with an onscreen clock and everything and when they finally throw to Gammons, he says "Well, there really isn't much to report."

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HOUSTON -- A radio stunt could nudge future Hall of Famer Roger Clemens out of retirement.



Clemens is taking the weekend to decide whether he'd like to pitch for the Astros, where he would join friend Andy Pettitte, he told local talk show hosts from KKRW-FM Radio.



Rumors have been circulating since Clemens announced his retirement that he would unretire and pitch near home for the Astros. Clemens is technically a free agent, and can sign with any major league team.



When Pettitte decided on the Astros Thursday, that likely added to Clemens' motivation. Clemens and Pettitte were best friends on the Yankees.



However, Clemens was concerned that his Yankees' farewell gift -- a Hummer -- would be taken away if he decided to resume his career.



That's where the radio station comes in. KKRW's "Dean and Rog" came up with a plan: They made a plea on the air Friday morning for a Hummer they could offer to Clemens. Moments later, Hummer dealer and regular Dean and Rog listener Lee DeMontrond called in live with an offer.



An hour later the three hit the road in the Hummer, driving straight to the front door of Clemens' house, where they were greeted by Roger and his wife, Debbie.



When presented with the keys, a surprised Clemens said, "This is getting very interesting. ... I didn't know making a comment like that, you guys would show up in my front driveway with a burnt-orange H2."



Clemens added, "I am happy for Andy [Pettitte]. I think he is going to make a big difference." When asked if he would be in an Astros uniform come April, Clemens responded "maybe," and that the Hummer offer made things interesting. The radio show's deal is good only until Monday morning.



When they signed Pettitte, the Astros said they certainly would be receptive to the idea of Clemens pitching in Houston. However, the Astros have not reacted to the radio station's attempts to lure the Rocket back into active duty.

1. Hasn't Clemmens always vowed never to play in the National League, do to outright fear that he would no longer be able to purposely hit batters without risking the other team's pitchers hitting him in his fat face with a baseball in retaliation?


2. Hasn't the whole "I want to play in Texas" thing been exposed to be a negotiation ploy by Clemmens to get teams to give him big bucks? I know he used that ploy to get the Blue Jays to splurge on him awhile back...

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Boy, that winter meeting show was great.


Hot rumor #1:

Jacque Jones might be traded


Hot rumor #2:

Mike Cameron may go somewhere


I should have known better than to think they actually had something big going on.


I did enjoy the Phillies love, however.

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Ok, now alkeiper is going to throw things from cbssportsline.


Philadelphia exercised its 2005 option on Bowa and added team options for 2006 and 2007.


Bowa, the 2001 NL Manager of the Year, has led the Phillies to a 252-233 record in three seasons, twice finishing second.


Philadelphia led the NL wild-card race late last season but faded in September, finishing third behind Florida, which went on to win the World Series.


Bowa's 252 wins in his first three seasons are the most by a Phillies manager since Pat Moran had 278 from 1915-17.

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Guest Anglesault


The Yankees NEED, NO HAVE TO  rebuild. Their time has come and gone and it's starting to show that the team's dynamics can't keep up. Better to junk the whole thing and rebuild with certain surviving members of the roster as the lynchpen for a 2-4 seasons worth of rebuilding and come out stronger and economically slimmer than

Four years of hell.


I fucking HATE the rebuilding process.


I HATE when a team says "we're not even going to try for the next x number of years, we'll 'rebuild' (suck major ass) for a couple of years and hope that what we've done while we "rebuilt" is enough to make us a contender again."


Yeah, it has to happen, but why the hell should I look forward to four, five, six 61-101 type years?

Could you live with four years of rebuilding to win three or four world titles? it.

Can you guarantee that that will happen?


Because four years of the Yankees being an embrassment again certainly won't be worth it if they come back mediocre.

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It's being said that the Yanks are quite close to signing Kenny Lofton to a one-year deal, which would give them an everyday centerfielder and allow them to move Bernie Williams into the DH spot. So I guess this means they're banking on Giambi actually being able to play first every day.

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Guest Anglesault

I'm starting to get a headache.


I can only say with total certainty who our catcher, 3rd baseman and shortstop are right now.

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Guest Anglesault

Well, I guess there is some logic to all of this.


The team failed us this year, so really why not just purge the whole thing and try again.


I think I need an alka-seltzer.

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Guest Anglesault
Well, just thank your lucky stars you don't cheer for the Braves.

I've done that everyday for years now.


Even when the Yankees do something stupid (Like getting Weaver) I remember that I could be a fan of the Braves, or the Red Sox, or the Indians (back when they were good) who were basically consitantly good for years and pretty much had nothing to show for it.


::Watches maniac Braves fans scream "1995!"::


Yeah. No one cares. They've flat out blown two other world series and close to ten playoffs.

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