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Rock to fight HHH at wm20

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Many believe that the Rock's sudden urge to return to wrestling is sparked by the fact that his last movie, The Rundown, did not do as well at the box office. With his confidence in his drawing power down, as well as the fact that Hollywood is no longer abuzz with Rock talk, he may feel as if he needs to maintain a strong following with wrestling fans so that they go to watch his movies.


The Rock has confirmed that he will return to WWE TV in January, leave in February, then return in March again and work WrestleMania XX.


Just a few months ago, he told David Letterman on The Late Show that he did not envision a situation that would bring him back to wrestling anytime soon.


It should be noted that while Rock will return in 2004, his appearance on RAW this past Monday was put together only because he was in the area and had time. He won't be back on WWE TV regularly in 2003.


Despite a slight drop in his Hollywood stock, the Rock still is set to have major or starring roles in the following soon to hit production movies:


- Be Cool

- Spy Hunter

- Walking Tall


Meanwhile, the latest rumored opponent for the Rock at WrestleMania XX is Triple H. The Rock has already recently had high profile matches with Steve Austin, Hulk Hogan, and Goldberg. He has not faced Triple H in awhile and WWE may be able to market it as a "history making match." The Rock has made it clear that he wants his WMXX role to be "special."


If WWE wants the Rock to work something where he can put a young star over, something he has been known to do, they have many other options. The top candidates on RAW to get the big rub from the Rock would be Randy Orton or Batista. If WWE switches him to Smackdown, the obvious candidate is John Cena, who he could exchange electric promos with. Of course, if WWE moves Rock to Smackdown, a match with Kurt Angle would also likely be considered.


Another option is to have him work a tag match with Mick Foley as his partner, possibly against Randy Orton and Batista. They also may make it into a 6 man, with Rock, Foley, and Steve Austin facing Orton, Batista, and Ric Flair.


Credit: Pro Wrestling Torch Newsletter


If that's true then i'd go for the 6 man tag option,It gets a lot of the stars on the show which frees up time for some other guys and Orton or Batista could get a major rub.

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Guest Mindless_Aggression

Have Rock go full heel and stick his ass on Smackdown. Then have Eddy or Cena just wipe him out at the biggest show on planet earth.


He'll probably end up eating RKO though.

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Rock, Foley and Austin vs. Evolution?


Am I the only person that thinks that idea sucks major ass?


Come on, lets weigh up the options here:


Option 1:

Rock vs. John Cena/Triple H

Austin vs. Hogan

Foley vs. McMahon

Flair vs. Steamboat



Six Man Tag.



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Guest wrestlingbs

I do not want another Rock vs. HHH match. That's all they focused on in 1999 and 2000, and dammit I want to see someone new in the main event picture besides HHH!

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Guest Fook

The problem is that there's only so much room on the card.


If you stick Austin, Rock, HHH, HBK, Flair, Foley, etc. in a bunch of singles matches, it leaves less for the up-and-coming stars.


I'd rather have something like Austin, Foley, Rock, and HBK vs Evolution match so that guys like Benoit, Cena, Brock, Eddie, Jericho, Booker, RVD, and Angle have high profile matches.

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Rock and Sock Connection reuniting for Wrestlemania 20 would be awesome, but a Six-Man Tag with Austin against Evolution is dumb. I say Rock and Sock vs Flair and Orton. Flair/Rock was done on RAW once but they never really hyped it. And Orton/Foley has been rumoured for a while, so why not.

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The Rock SHOULD have won at Wrestlemania 2000 anyways. The time was right. Instead, he got it a month later at Backlash.




For XX, I hope to see Rock in a high-profile match against someone fresh and new, or someone he hasn't faced on a big PPV before. So, I'm all for a match with Batista, Orton, Cena, Eddy or whoever.

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The Rock SHOULD have won at Wrestlemania 2000 anyways. The time was right. Instead, he got it a month later at Backlash.



Well, you know what they say, better late than never.




Besides, like someone else said on this board a while back, Vince McMahon caters to The Rock now moreso than Triple H.




Rock makes Vince more money than HHH does. Plus, I'd love to see HHH get a dose of his own medicine at the biggest show of the year.

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Rock/Cena would be the best and only feud that would benefit both participants, and the company. Two very charismatic guys, one with great selling skills, and one rising star. The promos and buildup would be excellent and Rock would make Cena look like gold, which would ultimately make both look great. That would be the one program that I would definitely pay to see.

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Guest ravman77

They need to keep Rock and Cena a MILE apart. As much as Cenas promos amuse me, the Rock would eat him alive.

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Guest Max Peter David

Rock should put Orton over a Wrestlemania. Yeah, I hate him too, but it would get Orton bigger crowd reactions and all that jazz.

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Guest Choken One

I've been saying Take the title off HHH and stick him with Rock because Shit...If HHH is flair, Rock is his Steamboat.


This allows two other people to fight for the title *CoughJericho/RVDCough*

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Guest Choken One

I've been saying Take the title off HHH and stick him with Rock because Shit...If HHH is flair, Rock is his Steamboat.


This allows two other people to fight for the title *CoughJericho/RVDCough*

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They need to keep Rock and Cena a MILE apart. As much as Cenas promos amuse me, the Rock would eat him alive.


I think Cena can hold his own. I doubt this would be like the Goldberg feud. Now that was being eating alive and part of the reason it took Goldberg so long to get over.

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I've been saying Take the title off HHH and stick him with Rock because Shit...If HHH is flair, Rock is his Steamboat.


This allows two other people to fight for the title *CoughJericho/RVDCough*

Who in their right fucking mind would compare HHH to Flair?

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Guest emirpeti

Lesnar vs Goldberg, Austin vs Vince, Rock vs HBK, Kane vs Undertaker, Foley vs HHH, Flair vs Steamboat, Cena vs Angle, Benoit vs Big Show, Eddy vs Chavo, Dudley Boys vs WGTT would be a good card

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Rock says no to match with Cena



Word is that the Rock has already vetoed the idea of working with John Cena at WrestleMania XX. Many had been hoping for a feud between the two since Cena is pretty much WWE's top young star right now and could be helped greatly by the Rock giving him "the rub." No reason is known as to why the Rock does not want to work with Cena.


Credit: 1wrestling.com



I actually had a feeling the Rock would say no to such an idea because I actually believe Cena would own The Rock on the mic and the fans would be behind Cena if they did cross paths.

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Haha! Cena can take on Spanky instead!

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Rock says no to match with Cena



Word is that the Rock has already vetoed the idea of working with John Cena at WrestleMania XX. Many had been hoping for a feud between the two since Cena is pretty much WWE's top young star right now and could be helped greatly by the Rock giving him "the rub." No reason is known as to why the Rock does not want to work with Cena.


Credit: 1wrestling.com

Uh-oh. Hear that? That's the stampede of anti-Rock comments.


"Fucking selfish Rock."


"He should stay in Hollywood."


"He brings in Goldberg, but won't help Cena. Fuck Rock."


with, of course, the obligatory comment:


"Maybe Rock will fight Benoit and put him over."


Brace yourself!

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Rock says no to match with Cena



Word is that the Rock has already vetoed the idea of working with John Cena at WrestleMania XX. Many had been hoping for a feud between the two since Cena is pretty much WWE's top young star right now and could be helped greatly by the Rock giving him "the rub." No reason is known as to why the Rock does not want to work with Cena.


Credit: 1wrestling.com



I actually had a feeling the Rock would say no to such an idea because I actually believe Cena would own The Rock on the mic and the fans would be behind Cena if they did cross paths.

"Word is"? Let me guess a "backstage source" "told" "them" "this"? I swear most of the news sites just put rumors out there for the hell of it.


If this is true, big whoop. It would be just another WCW-like fuck up.

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Guest OSIcon

The six man option sounds the best.


The one thing I really don't like about recent Wrestlemanias and this years in particular, is the empahisize on "one time" matches. Having one special attraction match between two non-full time wrestlers is fine. However, stacking the whole top of the card with them is silly and helps nobody. All it does is send out the message that the guys who headline Pay Per Views the other eleven months of the year aren't good enough to headline the big show. Also, once Wrestlemania is done, all of those guys go and then you are left with the regular wrestlers who are no better off then they were before.


The six man puts four non-full time wrestlers in one match which is a big positive. It also allows one or two of the full timers to get a big win and a rub. Foley vs. McMahon, Austin vs. Hogan, Rock vs. Triple H, and Flair vs. Steamboat doesn't sound appealing at all. In that scenario, you have 4 "main event" matches with only one out of the eight wrestlers being a full time wrestler. That means that all the full time guys have to be shoved into 5 or 6 reamaining matches. That would probably end up with a lot of guys not being on the show at all (or in some real small role). I'd much rather see the six man, Goldberg vs. Lesnar, a title match from each brand (meaning don't waste the titles in the Goldberg/Lesnar match...that match doesn't need the titles to be a draw), and then some good undercard matches with maybe a Vince match thrown in (since that is probably a given).

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
I actually had a feeling the Rock would say no to such an idea because I actually believe Cena would own The Rock on the mic and the fans would be behind Cena if they did cross paths.



Try to convince yourself of that.


No one has owned Rock on the mic yet, and Cena certainly won't be able to. Cena's lines are all pre-determined backstage, but I'd love to see him improvise with Rock, Austin, or even '97 Michaels. It takes a special talent to be able to go out there and shoot the shit without scripting every single word. I don't think Cena has that yet.

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